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NSSB II Situation Reports Part Deux

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I guess since the old version may be lost in the netherworld of the blown server, it might be best to start up another thread.

Which brings me to the next point - do we know who has made it into the second round yet? I was hoping to see the answer when I came to the forum, but alas, was foiled by the crash of '01...

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Boru sent me an email some days ago, describing his (personal) problems. I won't quote it here, but he has sent it to 'Mensch' also.

I will contact Boru today to get our game running. If I get an answer from him, I will tell him about your request.


[ 05-24-2001: Message edited by: mike8g ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mike8g:


Boru sent me an email some days ago, describing his (personal) problems. I won't quote it here, but he has sent it to 'Mensch' also.

I will contact Boru today to get our game running. If I get an answer from him, I will tell him about your request.


[ 05-24-2001: Message edited by: mike8g ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Tell him about me too. I emailed him days ago and haven't heard back. If he's having problems, though, all is forgiven.

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DOH!!.. FOUL!!! FOUL!! where is that damn Ref!! oh sure looking for his cokebottle glasses!! jeez!!.. uh *cough* turn comming up.. it was a long weekend and the weather was fab!! 30ºC most of the time... ooh it was luverly luverly. *ouch*

please don't touch my tan... *ooch*

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vs. Arien: Not much happening. Its my fault too. Forgot he sent me one of the files.

vs. Boru: Nothing yet. No hurry, old bean. Take your time.

Vs. Cubes: Damp, Heavy Fog. A brisk little close range gunfight developing on my left, his right. Fog sucks.

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vs. Terence just started.. not much to report

vs. Mike8g.. ingaged in the woods by one of the vls.. one of my platoons has taken a beating. but so has one of his and then some.

vs. Wolfpak.. getting my butt handed on a gold plate the hell with the silver.. i get gold.. heheh

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vs. SuperSlug: The rain is coming down hard resulting in limited visibility. I have two vehicle kills so far - the only problem is one of them was my own... :( It was a case of trusting the LOS targetting line rather than getting down in behind the vehicle. Although I could see the building, apparently my 75mm HE shells couldn't make it over the ridge right in front of me. I sat in horror watching the my vehicle first button up, then get SHOCKED, and finally burst into flames... I just hope the rest of the game goes better than that...

vs. Mensch: Much better weather conditions with excellent visibility, but unfortunately the flags sit closer to his setup zone. It's been a while since we finished a turn, but I don't mind, since I have to concentrate on the above match...

vs. Jadayne: Negotiations have stalled, and we've called for an arbitrator to determine our battle conditions :rolleyes: With my luck I'll get a map covered in mud and no roads and be dealt a bunch of Stugs...

Ace out.

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vs. Wolfpack: Completed with a total victory. Two Allied Hellcats fell victim to my deadly 75mm short barrel halftrack. The third Hellcat managed to rush through my defenses but was caught in an ambush set by a wounded Panzerschreck team. One German platoon sneaked through his flank and caused much trouble there.

A Jeep MG was sent in to seal the leak in the defense, but drove right into the gunsights of my men and was toasted. A M3 halftrack and a M20 utility car tried the same, came under heavy fire, but managed to escape

with crew losses. That M20 bogged down later and was abandoned, the same happened to another halftrack in the center of the map. The Allied platoons tried to gain positions but were shelled out of their buildings by

concentrated 75mm HE fire and had to withdraw. After a last engineer platoon attack got caught in the open and was repelled, Allied forced surrendered immediately thereafter.

vs. Arien: Quite early in the game: The center village is uncontested, but his forces managed to throw my platoon out of the woods with a full company. My forces were able to inflict some losses to his company with

armored cars and artillery.

vs. Boru: Not started yet. Nothing heard from him so far.

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Vs. Mensch -battle in full swing. He rushed 60% of his ground forces, unsupported, to the group of buildings I was hiding in. I'm now mopping up the survivors as they scurry back to berlin. That is, I would be, if he ever SENDS BACK THE %@#$%^%& FILE!

Vs. Philistine -rematch of the century is about to get underway. I just received your set up. thanks

Vs. Ace -my bad here. Our email correspondance has all been to my office and I keep forgetting to do the setup while I'm there. Hopefully, I'll get it out today.

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mensch here, right here's the situation Boru who is in the next round has not showed up or is sick, on holidays or abducted by aliens. I'm giving him one more week to surface. Then I must list him as AWOL... so that means von shard will then be the next up since he placed fourth on the first round.

BORU you have one week to show up and start, heck a email to me like

"bugger off you git i have other problems right now" will do but in one week, I'm sorry but you will be retired and von shard will take your place.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch:

mensch here, right here's the situation Boru who is in the next round has not showed up or is sick, on holidays or abducted by aliens. I'm giving him one more week to surface. Then I must list him as AWOL... so that means von shard will then be the next up since he placed fourth on the first round.

BORU you have one week to show up and start, heck a email to me like

"bugger off you git i have other problems right now" will do but in one week, I'm sorry but you will be retired and von shard will take your place.


Hope Boru is doing ok, that's all.

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well as most of us know, Boru sadly can't make it for the second rounds due to some things he has to take care of. Wishing ya the best Boru and hope things turn out.

So what does that mean, von shard is now in his place (make boru proud v.s.) I've emailed him on his new status but so far no return emails accepting this or not, gack... =/ if HE can't take the position then it goes to.. uh.. *looking* Private Pike.

to you all who should be making the set up for boru, please make contact with von shard to iron out details.


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well little update

Jadayne: Battle is 2/3 done and we both agreed to Mech. Forces... GOD HOW I WANT A TANK NOW!...we both be sitting on two flags that would be suicide to rush so its a mexican stand off, the third flag hes rushed it and me too at the same time in horrific results to both sides, his arty suxs large.. mine was impressive as hell but did not hit a thing with it either, maybe scared him at most.

Ace: This guy.. i hate him, I hate his tons of troops I hate his "blowup every damn house I'm in" and I hate how the computer gave me crap.. and to top it off I suck.. major sucky game... I sence a horrible loss on my behalf.. *sob, cry*

von Lucke: Luverly, I fed me only tank "super weaties™" and hes kicking anything that sticks its nose out. muhahaha.. aside from that a MG unit of his with me finks some zooks are playing hide and seek on a hill far right to me, a lone zookman trying hoplessly to plink my Mark IV but he has more problems now that a Pz. Grenadier squad is plugging his position at 20m with grenades, rocks, bullets, letters from mom, etc.. still early to give any real results. New battle call when I play this one "Weaties GO!"

on the other side you guys who are now playing von shard get in contact with him?

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