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CM's bandwidth-hog reputation grows.

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While phoning the organization whose servers will host the DFDR site (and who shall remain unnamed), they were of course asking questions as to the content which would be displayed on said site.

Any pornography there fella? No.

Any subversive or hate-related material? Nope.

This is to be a gaming site then? Yep.

What, pray tell, will it encompass? Downloadable modifications for Big Time Software's Combat Mission:Beyond Overlord.

Oh... (with the requisite pregnant pause that always comes before "some additional charges"). I was informed at this point that although I had estimated X hard drive space required and X potential up- and downloads per week, I was to be billed at a higher rate than I requested.

Their contention was: Based on prior site experience with this and two other games (also to remain unnamed), they've determined that CM sites are great eaters of bandwidth. Typically more so than other gaming sites.

Now, I don't want to infer that CM isn't as popular as they say, but does this really sound plausible to the rest of you guys when there are umpteen Quake, Half-life, and other twitch of the day sites with gobs of downloadable dross?

Webmasters chime in please.


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No this doesn't surprise me!. Another thing to remember Clubfoot, is the fact that you will be hosting a complete modification of CM, rather than individual mods. I would hate to think of the size of d/l that it will take to get it.

btw - I have reached an agreement with the server hosts of COMBAT MISSIONS and normal service with be resumed shortly. smile.gif

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Its a shame that some ISP's dont have flashing add banners that you must have on your site.

All the site owner has to do is click on that banner everytime he/she goes into their site, thus creating income for the host ISP.

This is how people like NBCi (they used to be XOOM) allow you to have unlimited webspace. But NBCi consider mods to be warez. I have seen enough game sites removed and a 404 warez error page in its place with NBCi.

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Originally posted by allakeefek:

But NBCi consider mods to be warez. I have seen enough game sites removed and a 404 warez error page in its place with NBCi.

and there was great nashig of teeth.


www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

[This message has been edited by mensch (edited 03-01-2001).]

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Originally posted by Clubfoot:

Now, I don't want to infer that CM isn't as popular as they say, but does this really sound plausible to the rest of you guys when there are umpteen Quake, Half-life, and other twitch of the day sites with gobs of downloadable dross?

Webmasters chime in please.


Well, as someone who plays quite a bit of Counter_strike, I thik there is a difference.

I bet that I play CS about as often as I play CM. I like CM more, but CS is just such an effective way to waste a few hours...

Anyway, I imagine I have maybe downloaded a few megs total in CS mods and stuff. Basically, I found the stuff I like, and I stick to it.

CM? Are you kidding?!? I have probably downloaded something in the hundreds of megs worth of mods. Time spent online talking about it, or looking at sites is at least a couple of orders of magnitude greater. Every time Tiger cranks out another stunning mod, you jsut have to have it!

What, yet another MP5 or SG552 skin? Who cares...

Jeff Heidman

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I think Jeff's on to something here.

The mods in CM hasn't been "set" yet. There are still plenty more and better to be done. smile.gif

Personally I've already statred to slow down on my downloads, sticking with one snowy and one plain texture for each item.

Only if I think a new mod has potential to look better than what I already use will I download and evaluate it.

Hetzers seem to be almost overdone by now. There are plenty of StuG III mods, but few of them have the correct set of wheels for the StuG IV version. frown.gif (I've done a remake of that texture for one of Tiger's mods, to be published soon...)

Grass, how many sets can you have? Each set of hi-res grass textures is quite large to download...



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Jeff, very good insight as to why CM is a DL monster. Thanks for that.

I'm with Olle here. There's just TOOOO MUCH out there to DL it all. Reminds me of Total Annihilation. When I was active with that game I remember when the first 3rd party map came out. There was no editor, somebody just figured out how to do it. EVERYONE DL'ed that map cause it was the first one. It was a really bad map, no fun at all, but everyone got it cause it was the first one. Now there are like 10,000 maps for TA, and you need a site like TAMEC to review and classify so the player doesn't waste his time DLing a bunch of crappy maps.

Actually, I think the overall level of mod quality for CM is quite high, so this is not so much a question of downloading poor quality mods. It's more like, 'A full set of hi-res terrain graphics is 8 mega (or whatever) in size. So, before I download, I'd like to know, which one is best?'

This is a reasonable demand I think, and Kump's site was the first to address this problem by giving the potential downloader the chance to see it in the game compared to the stock BTS version. At the same time he raved about mods he liked, so you kind of got a review of the mod too.

I think in the future someone may try to do a site about mods like TAMEC, where you can get some serious skinny about the mod BEFORE you download. The mod situation is getting to the point where something like this is needed.



CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/

so many games...so little time

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I agree Deanco. When I started downloading mods, I was at a great loss as to which ones I wanted and which I could live without. Combat Missions did a good job of AT LEAST giving screenshots and sometimes even informative comments.

I dream of a consolidated site where all mods can be reviewed, previewed, and linkified to make the mod search more enjoyable and less of a gamble. Combat Missions came the closest to making that possible, especially with the infamous "list" of all mods, but many of them were not reviewed or shown with screenshots.

Incidentally, where should we go to get our mods now? It seems like just about EVERYWHERE has suddenly shut down. Is this a conspiracy?


And King Xerxes looked to King Leonidas and spoke. "Our Archers will rain arrows down upon you to blot out the sun."

And King Leonidas replied: "Then we will fight in the shade."

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Originally posted by Manx_CM:

COMBAT MISSIONS will be back sometime later today hopefully. I just need to sort a few things out, then i can start FTP'ing files over to the new server.

I really liked Combat Missions' all-inclusive listing of websites and breakdown of mods by type

I think a good website remains easy to navigate and should be judged by how well the info is presented, not how glitzy the site looks or how many bells and whistles it has. Screenshots are definitely a plus, and I personally don't download mods unless I can see what it looks like beforehand. I suspect many others are the same.

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Originally posted by deanco:

There's just TOOOO MUCH out there to DL it all.

Speaking of which: does anyone else collect all the mods they can find? I have most everything (except the largest gridded mods from CMHQ and Michael Dorosh's bitmaps; there are just too many individual files to D/L - sorry Michael). It would be nice if a couple of folks filled some HD space for just-in-case.

BTW, there's a Priest mod I've been hearing about now and again - does anyone know where it is? Thanks.

Manx_CM wrote:

COMBAT MISSIONS will be back sometime later today hopefully.

Is your email working again?

- Chris

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Wolfe - No...that's one of the things i still need to get set up. Basically the site name (commbat-missions.net) will stay the same but the site will now be hosted on a new server. I am still waiting to hear what my new e-mail settings are from the host.

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