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I met Peng and challenged him and got him drunk and he didn't even has the decency to

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Since you now and forever will play CM on a Radio Shack Tandy demo machine from 1994, don't interfere with discussions among people who spend real money on new computers to get better results. XP incompatibility is an important issue for those of us who want to play the current CM game on a new machine, whatever happens with CM 2.<hr></blockquote>Well I hope they get it worked out so that EVERYONE can (a) play CMBO with whatever system they have (B) get CMBB without undue delay and © laugh at Lance Corporal Bunny ... which is the REALLY important thing.


{edited on account of how I was unduly nasty and not funny ... I may not always be funny, but I can always try}

[ 10-29-2001: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally spewed (and not in that good way having to do with alcohol)by Lawyer:



"Tried to save the trees

bought a plastic bag

the bottom fell out

It was a piece of crap."


"Saw it on the tube,

bought it on the phone,

now you're home alone

It's a piece of crap."


"I tried to plug it in

I tried to turn it on

When I got it home

It was a piece of crap."


"Got it from a friend

on him you can depend

I found out in the end

It was a piece of crap."


"I'm trying to save the trees

I saw it on TV

they cut the forest down

to build a piece of crap."


"I went back to the store

they gave me four more

the guy told me at the door

It was a piece of crap."


*as per Neil Young

Oh, and Lawyer?


Love and kisses,


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lawyer:

I don't want to lose the ability to play CM when I upgrade.<hr></blockquote> There is a fundamental flaw in your line of reasoning. In order to "lose" something one must first be in possession of it. Though I am sure the ability to claim "ownership" of that which doesn't belong to you figures strongly in your professional life.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

This thread title is enough to make even non-pods vomit. It also provides proff that outer bourdies are nitwits<hr></blockquote>

Jealous heart, oh jealous heart stop beating, don't you know, the trouble you have caused.

Hah! When was the last time YOU got a thread that told the whole CM world you were right?


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I am a mystery no longer. Berli has posted my picture. Mind, I look much worse in person.

I wish we had a photo of Lars, because Peng is right. He does look like Gary Shandling.

Oh, and Lars actually got some blonde's phone number while we were at the bar that featured a pregnant goat, some bearded freak done up like a pirate advertising the loathsome Capt. Morgan rum and having his picture taken with drunken 35 year old secretaries, a drunken nail hammering contest, a beautiful waitress in pigtails, a table full of drunken German tourists, and karaoke performed by Woody Allen.

On the strange side, Lars admitted to having his picture taken with the goat.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stixx:

Unbalanced! If you call 1 green infantry company with "Low" ammo up against full german squads, HT's and Flame throwers "Unbalanced" then, yeah your probably right!.<hr></blockquote>

Those were the guys you were supposed to SAVE with your REINFORCEMENTS! But since you just ran them all out into the open, the game didn't get that far. Hee hee.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by CMplayer:

Those were the guys you were supposed to SAVE with your REINFORCEMENTS<hr></blockquote>

Hey thnx for telling mate!

Nah really, thnx!. I really appreciate you telling me, the briefing was so full and in-depth i don't know how i could possibly of misunderstood you.


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How sad to see our Lawyer emoting for free, though hardly pro bono.

Several folks have mentioned the Win 98 Compatibility mode of XP. Perhaps the sky was really an acorn?

Normal humans, and Joe, objected to the shrill, unreasonable, demanding, whiney, cajoling, threatening, and trolly tone of the delicate young thing, who ended up flouncing out of the room in a huff anyway, after his/her/it's demands weren't met in 24 hours.

Now since MY machine can kick YOUR machine's butt, and HAS, and Kalifornia wants to harvest the thermal energy from the cooling fan on my 3 Googleherz CPU and I just moved the truck out of the garage to add more RAM and advanced alien civilizations in distant galaxies want to time-share my micro to run their month end payroll and my video "card" is cooled by liquid nitrogen to support its four-dimensional anti-aliasing, I think I am qualified to tell you that you are WAY off base here. Your whole argument smacks of Hitler, and sex.

It is sad that you chose to ride the blouse-tail of a cross-dressing trollette, and even sadder that you chose to ride that boardie crap in here, the Holy of Holies. It is saddest of all that it forces me to occupy the same end of a polemic as Joe Shaw. For the last I can neither forgive nor forget. I shall draw your likeness on the wall, and then gleefully roll it out with a nice latex (where is Bauhaus, anyway?) semi-gloss.

Or, in a word, feh.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Mark IV:

smack... Hitler... sex....<hr></blockquote>

FINALLY! A reasonable post!

The fact it's from a Californian (lat. 'land-of-hot-sex') is just amazing.

And, Pshaw, if you want anything from me -- much less some apology when even the Evil One knows I'm right -- then you'll have to tear it off me on the field of battle.

I await your setup, you cast-off cotton pony of a Mormon Wife.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Mace:


Besides Cricket season is now underway and once more the uber-cricket team, Australia, is again ready to take is place as the greatest cricket team in the world.

It's ...so... hard to be humble when Australia brings out so many winners!


Macey, Macey, Macey...

When will you learn that the rest of the world cares not a fart how big the insects grow in Australia, uber-crickets or unter-crickets or in between, they're all just bugs...

Around these parts, we spray those cricket-thingies to kill 'em all. 'Cause they make funny noises and keep us awake at night.

For those new to the sport, here's an explanation that shows just how advanced a sport it is...

You have two sides, one out in the field and one in. Each man that's in the side that's in goes out, and when he's out he comes in and the next man goes in until he's out. When they are all out, the side that's out comes in and the side thats been in goes out and tries to get those coming in, out. Sometimes you get men still in and not out.

When a man goes out to go in, the men who are out try to get him out, and when he is out he goes in and the next man in goes out and goes in. There are two men called umpires who stay all out all the time and they decide when the men who are in are out. When both sides have been in and all the men have out, and both sides have been out twice after all the men have been in, including those who are not out, that is the end of the game!

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Iskander, I would point out that the issue of my RIGHTNESS is quite clear cut and displayed for all to see ... much like Bauhaus' ... well, enough of THAT I think. I don't need to send a setup to know the right of the thing and your failure to apologize shows you for the poo-poo head we all know you to be. I won't play you, I won't, I won't, I won't.

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>You have two sides, <snip> that is the end of the game!<hr></blockquote> And the above requires, IIRC, an indeterminate but substantial portion of the day to accomplish. I must admit, however, that being a long time Flashman fan I DO wish I understood the game better so I could appreciate his skullduggery ... now THERE, by Gawd, was a GAMEY guy!


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

For those new to the sport, here's an explanation that shows just how advanced a sport it is...


But you forget two things:

67) Alcohol, &

3.141) Bay 13


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In order to preserve the interest of the great Berli, hows about we change the subject matter chaps?

Hamster Shaving.

Nows theres a subject from the past thats bound to bring a reminiscent tear to the eye.

Why, I remember Mace trying to shave his cat (in leiu of a hamster). Oh yes, those were the days, a can of shaving foam, a terminally enraged pussy and old Macey attempting to pacify the beast with a length of 4 X 2 while holding a razor to its throat.

You never did find that finger again did you Mace? It was your finger wasn't it?

Ah yes, Hamsters, Voles and Chinchillas. The heady days of an earlier, simpler, more medieval 'pool.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Ah yes, Hamsters, Voles and Chinchillas. The heady days of an earlier, simpler, more medieval 'pool.<hr></blockquote> Don't START on your damned Voles again Stuka, I'm warning you! As to simpler, yes you are and medieval is what the Justicariate is going to get on your ass if you keep up with the Vole crap.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Mark IV:

How sad to see our Lawyer emoting for free, though hardly pro bono.

Several folks have mentioned the Win 98 Compatibility mode of XP. Perhaps the sky was really an acorn?

Normal humans, and Joe, objected to the shrill, unreasonable, demanding, whiney, cajoling, threatening, and trolly tone of the delicate young thing, who ended up flouncing out of the room in a huff anyway, after his/her/it's demands weren't met in 24 hours.


Also, as a final note on the whole 'Linda Warchest' episode, that garnered Joe Shaw a public and rather showy triumph, it should be noted that the mythical 'Linda Warchest' was later confirmed by Madmatt and Kwazydog to be just another incarnation of the unbelievably assholish and repeatedly banned Gunny Bunny.

This lad, for anyone who never encountered his posts, was rather like a half-witted version of Lewis (a frightening concept to begin with), who went out of his way to post inflammatory, stupid, and inane things whenever he chose to inflict his presence on the Board, and who posted for the sole purpose of beginning arguments, denigrating BTS, or as an exercise in stirring the little puddle of piss that sat festering between his ears.

Sadly, BTS will never, of course, make public his real name and the city that he litters with his 'life', or I'm sure some friendly Combat Missionaries would make a late night hospitality call and introduce his lips to his arse. I only wish they could persuade whatever porn-driven ISP that's willing to grant him an account to pull the plug on his access.

On the other hand, he did provide Lawyer with a stage on which to pose as Lear. Having foolishly given all his wealth to Microsoft and nVidia, he then rails against the cruelty of the world, that has left him bereft of fortune and security, and fears that he will be unable to play Combat Mission in his old age (next week).

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Oh, and Lars actually got some blonde's phone number while we were at the bar that featured a pregnant goat, some bearded freak done up like a pirate advertising the loathsome Capt. Morgan rum and having his picture taken with drunken 35 year old secretaries, a drunken nail hammering contest, a beautiful waitress in pigtails, a table full of drunken German tourists, and karaoke performed by Woody Allen.

On the strange side, Lars admitted to having his picture taken with the goat.<hr></blockquote>

So you ended up going to that S&M bar with Hannsafter all.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Mark IV:

Now since MY machine can kick YOUR machine's butt, and HAS, and Kalifornia wants to harvest the thermal energy from the cooling fan on my 3 Googleherz CPU and I just moved the truck out of the garage to add more RAM and advanced alien civilizations in distant galaxies want to time-share my micro to run their month end payroll and my video "card" is cooled by liquid nitrogen to support its four-dimensional anti-aliasing, I think I am qualified to tell you that you are WAY off base here. Your whole argument smacks of Hitler, and sex.

Or, in a word, feh.<hr></blockquote>

First, let me say how happy I am that you have moved to a place where they put nuclear plants on earthquake faults. Me, I'm putting my money and faith on the earthquake and SoCal to do to you what any decently careless doctor should have done about... what, 50 years ago?

Second, let me point out to the assembled crowd that you took me in my rookie days when I had never even experienced a hidden field gun. The AI map favored you that time, yet you still whined the whole way. Being an honorable man, I even let you "win" the Lawyer's Cup as a result of that turkey shoot. Had you been an honorable man, you would have refused to cheat The Lawyer with a cheap AI win, but then you are in marketing, so honor never came into it.

Of course, I beat the snot out of you in our second game, even after your AA crew killed my HT crew mercilessly. After we broke even on games, you pulled your tried and true "I've got to work for months and months and can't play again" routine to chicken out of Certain Defeat and Ultimate Justice at the Hands of the Law.

Third, a marketing maven such as you must be in pig heaven living next to the original Disneyprison where Michael Eisner forces teenagers to suffocate in huge Mickey Mouse heads in order to lure "America's Best" spandex persons inside the "park" to spend their cash lavishly on MM attire and trikets. Had you lived 350 years ago, you could have given those dumb Manhattan indians enough Disney kitsch to buy the whole damned hemisphere, and still have had enough left over to get a low alchohol fruit martini at Pirate's Cove.

Fourth, you will undoubtedly be thrilled to learn that Joe Blow and I settled our minor tiff offscreen at your expense. Joe has promised to come visit you in LaLaLand, just as soon as his scabs heal up.

Finally, my new computer will be so far advanced over your Micron Milasma that I will smoke through the Peng thread and CM games like a Mexican goose eating greasy burritos at your favorite joint in East LA. BTW, Say "hi" to Hector in Leather as he "sizes" you up for "arm wrestling" in the back room.

And finally again being finally, Peng looks like Jethro's Beverly Hillbillies drunken brother, and YOU LOOK LIKE THE UGLY OFFSPRING OF SEANACHAI'S FILTHY UNION WITH BERLI IN A TAWDRY MINNYAPPELIST FLOPHOUSE!

Now go back downtown and return Rock Hudson's Star to it's proper place on Hollywood Blvd.

[ 10-30-2001: Message edited by: Lawyer ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

I wish we had a photo of Lars, because Peng is right. He does look like Gary Shandling.<hr></blockquote>

I'm much better looking, and funnier too, not that that is very difficult.


Oh, and Lars actually got some blonde's phone number<hr></blockquote>

And it wasn't Shandorf's either.


On the strange side, Lars admitted to having his picture taken with the goat.<hr></blockquote>

Hey, the blonde roped me into that, and she was a blonde after all, and I did get her phone number.

Thank God Polaroid has gone bankrupt.

Did I mention she was a blonde?

[ 10-30-2001: Message edited by: Lars ]</p>

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