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Anyone try "Combat Command 2"?

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I downloaded the demo some time ago, and tried out this company-level wargame. It was interested, but I didn't feel like it wasn't as immersive as CM or captured the feel of that scale. Has anyone tried the full game?

One idea for CM5 or 6 or 7 would be to change the scale to where units are platoons or companies (of course tile scale and time scale would have to change too). I think 3D is important for a company scale game because observation points were everything in WW2. One of the reasons the 28th ID suffered so badly in the Hurtgen was that the Germans had lots of artillery and good observation from nearby ridges. The 5th ID had a slightly tougher time crossing the Moselle than necessary because they didn't take the right hill during the river crossing (they had advanced so far that the militarily more important hill to the east was off the map). On the other hand, with US artillery assets, the Germans were careful to stay out of LOS (of course in good Piper weather the US artillery eyes everywhere). Anyway, with Combat Command 2's demo, I felt like the hill hexes didn't have the same effect.

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I have'nt tried the full game because I was dissappointed in the demos, 1 and 5. Most people who have played CM for any length of time are going to prefer it to CC.

CC greatest weakness is that you can't interact with the units once you start the game. In CM you can issue orders and change events. In CC events happen randomly and you can't change anything once you start the game. CC may have been good for it's time but I think it's outdated by more recent games, even Talonsoft's Campaign Series is better than CC.


Blessed be the Lord my strength who teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight.

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I think you are confused. Combat Command is an operational level wargame using an intertwined "YouGoIGo" system.

I am trying the demo now, it looks OK so far, except I don't know half of what is going on because of a lack of rules.

If anyone else is trying this out, or doing the full version, I'd like to to email with you about it.

I always preferred this scale in board wargaming, and so far CC2 (Combat Command 2) looks pretty good.

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I don't understand why game designers still use the IGOYOUGO system. The V for Victory series by 360 used a simultaneous resolution system (similar to CM) about 8-9 years ago. If you want any kind of realism you have to have simultaneous resolution. What gets me is when you read the descriptions of these games at the company websites they never say what kind of combat resolution system they use! If you don't use simlutaneous resolution, why use a computer, just make a board game. But I guess it's cheaper to make a computer game these days.

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DLed the demo and thought the graphics were appaling, for a game that costs >$40. Even 5 years ago they would have been inadequate IMO.

There probably is a good engine underneath, but why on earth can they come up with a good presentation...


My squads are regular, must be the fibre in the musli...

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Watch out, this demo leaves a lot of crap in windows registry and there is no uninstall program IIRC. It was really nice seeing "New CC2 game' in my right click contextual menu after I had deleted the demo. Not sure how I got rid of it, maybe regclean, I'm not sure though. I'm not qualified to talk about the game, (except for the atrocious graphics and sound) but if they are going to be sticking registry entries everywhere the least they could do is include an uninstall program.

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Originally posted by Wilhammer:


I think you are confused. Combat Command is an operational level wargame using an intertwined "YouGoIGo" system.

I am trying the demo now, it looks OK so far, except I don't know half of what is going on because of a lack of rules.

If anyone else is trying this out, or doing the full version, I'd like to to email with you about it.

I always preferred this scale in board wargaming, and so far CC2 (Combat Command 2) looks pretty good.

You're right, I was thinking of "Close Combat". Sorry for the mistake.

Could someone tell me the difference between "Combat Command" and "Operational Art of War"?


Blessed be the Lord my strength who teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight.

[This message has been edited by Wayne (edited 01-29-2001).]

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