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WineCape's Wine Tourney II

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Fangorn is most likely correct in his assessment. This is a very close race and this decision will undoubtedly affect the final rankings. IMO everyone who completes the tourney is a winner.

It’s regrettable when any player drops out. We’ve all put a lot into this event and it will be pleasant to see it come to a harmonious conclusion. Treeburst155, you’ve consistently made appropriate rulings and will undoubtedly do so here. I’m just pleased as punch to have played in this fine tournament with all the good folks that have participated.

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OK, I've got the solution. Mr Spkr and Tincan will have played one game less than everyone else. It is essential that all players play the same number of games so they have an equal number of opportunities to score points. So, I will throw out the low score from each player's column except for Mr Spkr and Tincan. That will give everyone five games that count and boost everyone's average too. Nobody has to have a nice win thrown out. ;)

To Mr Spkr and his three remaining opponents,

Continue your games and keep us posted. Since you are nearing the end of these games I'll not set a deadline. Just remember we are waiting on you.

Since only Mike8g and StuG III have finished all their games, they are the only one's I can remove the low score from at this point. I'll hold off on this until the end. It's anybody's guess who will win now.

Treeburst155 out.

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Sounds fair, but is irritating as Ihaven't gotten a return file from Tincan in weeks.

Anyway, Rob and I wrapped up last night - I will post the score this evening.

Sledge is kicking my rear hard - actually, he isn't hurting me too badly, but poor troop purchases and initial tactics hurt my war effort (I was distracted by the events of the last two months and have already challenged him to a rematch).

Fangorn and I continue to bash each other in the woods. He fires artillery, I run away. I charge with infantry, he dies. Its a brutal little war.


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Okay - some results and a question -

TankBuster - 56

MrSpkr - 44

Gamey bastiche managed to sneak control of one of the flags from me. A few more turns and I might have had it (then again, maybe not).

Next - as to Tincan - I would suggest that Tincan's games be removed from everyone rather than penalizing me for his tardiness. I sent him the last file waaayyy back on 9/11 - and have heard nothing since. I have resent it once or twice since then. It doesn't seem fair to nail me for his not responding.


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Mr Spkr,

Hmmmm....interesting. I heard the opposite from Tincan. He claims it is you who are holding things up. It is really impossible for me to know which is correct unless you both send me the last email you tried to send to each other. Copies of the last few exchanges would even be better. It is even possible you are both to blame.

One thing that is certain is that it is not Fangorn, Mike8g, Tankbuster, and Sledge59's fault. To throw out their games with Tincan is to throw out their highest scores. This fix also places the blame squarely on Tincan, which would be fine if I could be sure Tincan was at fault. If so, his games would definitely be thrown out so as not to punish you.

Now, if we suppose for a second that you are at least partially to blame for the unfinished game, it would not be right to punish the innocent four to your benefit by having their top scores removed.

The fix I came up with does not really punish anyone except you and Tincan who don't get the luxury of having your worst score removed. IOW, only the potentially guilty are punished. With your fix, the obvious innocents are punished to the benefit of the possibly guilty (you).

I would need to have some sort of proof (or admission) that Tincan was soley at fault in order to throw out all his games. If I had this proof I would not hesitate to throw his games out to be fair to you.

If you have the last few emails you sent to Tincan forward them to me. I will ask him to do the same.

The Mr Spkr/Tankbuster game has been recorded. I will update the standings within 24 hours.

Treeburst155 out.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Treeburst155:

It is really impossible for me to know which is correct unless you both send me the last email you tried to send to each other. Copies of the last few exchanges would even be better. It is even possible you are both to blame.

If you have the last few emails you sent to Tincan forward them to me. I will ask him to do the same.<hr></blockquote>

I tried to email you but my email keeps getting bounced back. Please advise whether your email address (as shown in your profile) is still valid.


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Mr Spkr and SuperTed,

Although my email appears to be working fine (no error messages and I can send), I guess no incoming mail is getting through. I've not received any email in several hours now that I think about it. Ah well....you'll just have to try again later. It will be working tomorrow I'm sure. I'll call them right now. I've got the number memorized. :(

EDIT: And yes, the address in my profile is current.

Treeburst155 out.

[ 11-03-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]</p>

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Tincan and I just completed our momentous struggle -

The result?

43-43 DRAW!

Tincan's opening moves were a little weak, allowing my ubertruppen to seize the victory locations early and enabling them to defend the victory flags from cover. His assault on them was a two pronged manuever that was competently executed (and led by Churchill VIII's). He and I both agree that, hd my two Tigers been able to enter the fray, things might have been very different. One Tiger had a gun hit and withdrew to cover. The other one bogged in damp ground on turn two with only 5% of the victory area in its line of sight. It helped channel his attack, but I frankly could have used the fire support more directly, and was not expecting the Tiger to bog.

In any event, his Churchill's proved invulnerable to my 88mm shells. I finally did one in with an incredibly long range 'schreck shot.

Good game, Tincan. Sorry for any confusion.

Sledge and I are about halfway through (and he is winning handily, taking severe advantage of my lackadaisical approach early in the game). Fangorn and I are battling towards the BER - should be any turn now.


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The wine is packed and ready to be freighted out! These Veritas Gold/Double Gold winners (as judged by our biggest annaul wine competition -- 105 wine judges in all -- deciding on these medal winners) are ready to find somebody's home/cellar.

Charl Theron



Drink wine, and you will sleep well. Sleep, and you will not sin. Avoid sin, and you will be saved. Ergo, drink wine and be saved.

-- Medieval German saying

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