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WineCape's Wine Tourney II

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by chuckle:

MrSpkr - your mailbox is bouncing your turn back to me. Please fix or do somefink smile.gif.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I don't know why it would do that. Double check the address - all my other opponents' turns are coming in just fine.


Tincan appears to desire to open an Avis Rental Agency after the war. He has purchased a couple of tanks, one infantry squad, a bulldog, and about eleventy-three carriers and halftracks. My guys are jealously wishing they hadn't left their über-volkswagons at home.

Chuckles is hurting, and has been since abolut turn three or four. He walked right into an ambush that cut down about 1/4 of his men in one turn. 'Nuff said.

tankbuster and I have settled down to a surreal trench war. He is on one side of a deep ravine, and is cowering behind a slight rise that makes spotting him difficult (but not impossible). My guys are camped on the primary victory location and are currently playing canasta and bridge. This is most likely going to be a draw or a very narrow tactical victory for one of us.

StugIII has learned why heavy fog, night time, and flamethrowers all seem to go together so well.

Fangorn and I are nearing the conclusion of negotiations - we should start killing each other very soon.

Sledge - who's sledge? If I haven't played you yet (and I am pretty sure I haven't), please contact me.

mike8g has suffered heavy losses and is nowhere near the victory locations. For fun, I like to call the occasional artillery barrage down on his forces cowering in a nearby woods. Strangely, his men seem to be running about without any trousers -- something about having to dry them off after their first encounter with my paras. Go figure.

If I have left anyone out of this Tour O' Killing, e-mail me and I will be happy to post reports of your imminent demise.

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MrSpkr- I've double-checked, definitely the right address. I got this message:


This message was created automatically by mail delivery software (Exim).

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its

recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:


SMTP error from remote mailer after RCPT TO:<mrspkr@bigfoot.com>:

host mail.bigfoot.com []: 554 Access denied from See http://www.orbl.org for more information


that was last night, during the writing of this post i've just had another one bounced. I'm sending and recieving to/from others as well. If it helps you any there's a load of header stuff as well that i could post.

TankBuster: Let's see... just one Panther and an armoured car left on one flank. You may have the points now but if i can get the majority of my high-cost units off the map in these last two turns...


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Ok, here's the Make Everyone Else Feel Better update and the things I've learned.

Tankbuster: Game over. I lost 70-26. This looked promising in the begining but I lost my pumas as the Halftrack Legion showed up.

LESSON: Don't get the Pumas in too close and .50 cals do a hell of alot of damage.

Tincan: Almost at BER stage. I still have all my armor but he still holds a VL on the top of a hill. I think I've done most of the damage but that hill's still got to be taken.

LESSON: Snipers being commanded by a +2 Stealth/Combat leader can be Very effective in detering Tank Commanders and crews.

Marcus: This looked REAL promising at first. I knocked out 4 of his AFV's in the first couple of turns but then discovered the presence of a Flammhetzer...Flammhetzer??? Now the entire city is ablaze, except the buildings Marcus occupies of course.

LESSON: Read the setup agreements closely. I thought we were playing short 75 and found out the hard way that it was 76 rules I had agreed to. Burning Americans smell bad.

MrSpkr: Another city, this time in the fog. I tried to sneak a platoon into a victory location...26 men wiped out in about 20 seconds. This one doesn't look salvagable.

LESSON: In heavy fog you can run/catapult/beam your troops into far forward locations without anyone knowing it. Burning Poles smell bad.

Chuckles: Suprise!! Another city. At least I still have some troops and armor left. A Sherman who believed infantry was really important just learned that GUNS might have been more worthy of it's consideration.

LESSON: Them there new fangled flamethrowing things are pretty neat. Where can I get one of those? Sheesh. Burning Americans still smell bad.

Sledge: Out flanked me with 4 tanks, killed my 3 Stugs and is now having some kind of motor rally behind my lines. I still have quite a bit of infantry left intact so this could still work out ok.

LESSON: 2 German HMG's are no match for 4 tanks. Heck, they even tend to surrender rather than be ground under tank treads. At least they're not on fire.

Fangorn: Big battle for a hilltop at the edge of the map, not even a victory point. Puma's looked stong early but Fangorn's Arty/Guns/HT's exacted their revenge. Both of our infantry is holding up ok considering there was contact from turn 1. This one is still early but it looks good right now.

LESSON: Per Fangorn, Puma's are overkill vs. halftracks. He's converted me. I see the light and..ouch..it burns.

[ 07-06-2001: Message edited by: StugIII ]

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Heya there MrSpkr guess what just happened to me when I sent you an email just a second ago.

<UL TYPE=SQUARE>The original message was received at Sat, 7 Jul 2001 00:20:47 -0700 (PDT)

from pool0048.cvx1-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net []

----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----


----- Transcript of session follows -----

... while talking to mail.bigfoot.com.:

>>> RCPT To:<mrspkr@bigfoot.com>

<<< 554 Access denied from See http://www.orbl.org for more information

554 <mrspkr@bigfoot.com>... Service unavailable

Im gonna gripe at these people but it would help if you did too.


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Thanks for the report. One piece of advice that I learned...sort of, hehe:

Things always look good/nice/OK in Combat Mission before and during the initial stages of contact with the enemy, lulling me into believing that I and my tank gunners are quite charmed in life and skill. :cool:

Alas, I wish I could slip my gunners/footies some wine during my PBEM battles, as they sober up real fast when I lose 4 AFV's, all taken out by different enemy tanks, all with first shot kills while these enemy tanks were on the move and my hapless gunners and their AFV's were STATIONERY!

Their is some MEAN PIECE OF RANDOM BAD LUCK build into this game!!!

Have fun..sort of!


Charl Theron

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Hey Chuckel I just experienced the same Issue that you experienced with MrSpkr regarding the email not going through. This would be due to www.orbl.org. They have blocked one of your providers mail relay servers. To get this taken care of you have to send a copy of the email to your service provider so they can gripe at the org or fix their server so people cant use it to spam other people. I am not sure if bigfoot.com is using their service or what but I am going to drop an email in thier lap too as well as chastise that org.

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Guess what I can't email nobody at bigfoot.com cause my mail server is blocked.

Maybee I will set up a free email account somewhere else so I can complain about them to bigfoot. Don't get me wrong I hate spam but I really hate being punished for what some other a%^$hole is doing. :mad:

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New results just in tonight! Tank Buster has defeated Chuckle 71-27. Congratulations, Tank Buster!! Updated standings below:

tank Buster.....205.....(4)....51.25




chuckle .........58......(2).....29

Stug III..........26.....(1).....26

Mr Spkr..........0


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Meesteer Speekeer:

It's hard to believe that you have not gotten any of my 3 e-mails since you replied to the first with a rather silly counter proposal. If you really want a small map in dry weather with unrestricted purchases so that you can fry the beautiful forests and buildings; you will need to persuasively state your reasons.

You will find my highly dependable e-mail address in the profile section. You will find yet another e-mail in your box. If this one arrives intact I will have to assume that you have carelessly deleted the others. In that case we will just have to play an infantry only game in the mud on the largest map available. *grin*

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sledge59:

Meesteer Speekeer:

It's hard to believe that you have not gotten any of my 3 e-mails since you replied to the first with a rather silly counter proposal. If you really want a small map in dry weather with unrestricted purchases so that you can fry the beautiful forests and buildings; you will need to persuasively state your reasons.

You will find my highly dependable e-mail address in the profile section. You will find yet another e-mail in your box. If this one arrives intact I will have to assume that you have carelessly deleted the others. In that case we will just have to play an infantry only game in the mud on the largest map available. *grin*<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I may have gotten it, and even replied (from my office) -- but I don't recall your screen name being in the email, making it difficult to determine who the heck you are.

If I remember correctly, my counterproposal was nearly the exact opposite of your proposal -- which was rather extreme and silly itself.

Persuasively state my reasons, hmmm. Explain to my opponent why I, in my oh-so-meek and humble way, beg his indulgence to grant me a small boon before he has his way with me?

Okay -- because. No other reason than just because, you insufferable worm. You sniff before you flush, you little goat.

And thus, negotiations begin.

And, just to note, Fire is your friend! Wet or dry does not matter -- say it with me again --

Fire is my FRIEND!

[ 07-09-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Just a bump disguised as thought but would anyone be interested, after both WineCape tourneys are over, in combining the participants of both tourneys into a single elimination *seeded* tourney? The person with the highest average score per game would face the lowest average score per game and so on much like the NCAA Basketball tournement or some of the big time tennis matches (I think).

If it's a dumb idea I'm sure you'll let me know. ;)

Tree- If everyone's for it would you mind organizing it?

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Chuckle has beaten Tincan by a score of 64-31. Congratulations Chuckle!! Here's the updated standings:

Tank Buster.... 205...4... 51.25

Fangorn ....... 127...2... 63.50

chuckle.........122...3... 40.67

Tincan.........113... 3... 37.67

Mike8g..........71...1... 71.00

StuG III........26...1... 26.00

Mr Spkr 0... 0

Sledge 0... 0

[ 07-10-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

[ 07-10-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

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All ye here, gather round and listen well.

In the darkness of the night, touched with the falling rain, did the valiant Allied soldiers advance, their Sten guns and Stuarts at the ready.

They encountered the evil forces of that Nazi fiend known as mike8g, and grappled mightily with them.

Amidst the screams of the fighting and the moans of the wounded came the cry:

"Nicht schiessen! Komeraden! Komeraden!"

Yes, the evil mike8g SURRENDERED his forces in the face of the valiant Allied onslaught.

The final tally revealed the skill of the Allied leadership:

MrSpkr (Victorious Allies) - 78

mike8g (Loser Axis) - 22

[ 07-11-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Given that latest result we can complete our negotiations. Shame on you for stretching the well intended set of rules far beyond said intent yet again!

I had honestly expected a much better response than "because" from a recently anointed "can-of-guts" of yonder Peng thread. I for one am grateful for the generous work done by the originators of the pool; for though clearly we are all already "cans-of-guts", some need a bit of hazing followed by peer acknowledgement in order to realize their true nature. At any rate "because" does not suffice as an answer even from a five year old.

Allow me a moment to explain the root of my purpose in playing CM:

Combat Mission has a certain feel of realism not to be found in any other game.

This is my opinion. It is also my opinion that you are making every effort to bend this realism in order to win our match. (Yes, Fire IS my friend on the same level as the Flak Truck Fleet.) Naughty naughty! I will make every effort to obtain what may well be your greatest fear:

A fair fight

You have far far more experience at force selection than I do. That being the case my request is quite simple:

Treeburst155 picks everything.

I haven't asked Mike if this is OK with him; hopefully it is. Negotiations are now closed. Do you accept?

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These games are suppose to be STRICT CAL rules... ie no force mixing. Naughty!

Oh and I'll pick your firce mixes if u like. I dont know either of u and will pick themthing that is fair and interesting for both sides.

[ 07-12-2001: Message edited by: KiwiJoe ]

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