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WineCape's Wine Tourney II

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fangorn:

Just a *bump*

And I have yet to hear from MrSpkr...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


I gopt your proposed setup parameters. I countered with my own preferences. We need to negotiate this out.

Contact me at the address in my profile.


PS - Kaiser, come out and fight!

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Hey! I don't PLAY games at work - - - I just THINK about playing games WHILE at work.

Fangorn --- For some reason I did not get your message. Please send again.

Someone else sent me proposal for terms, but I didn't like them, so I sent a counteroffer.

Kaiser -- is learning the value of flamethrowers in urban combat.

mike8g -- has seen the last of the victory location for quite some time. He has lost at least 1 1/2 platoons, a couple of halftracks and a wirblewind. I lost a halftrack, a PIAT, one stuart and have two Yorkshire Terriers that were slightly singed.

chuckles -- launched his massive 1 1/2 platoon counterattack against what he thought was a weak flank -- unfortunately for him it had been reinforced the previous turn.

tankbuster -- he and I are locked in mortal combat. Still too close to call, neither of us have suffered sever damage -- this may be a lot like Verdun -- long, boring, bloody attrition.

Tincan -- and I just started firing at each other. I think I have an advantage in position; he has an advantage in gamey machine gun mounting carriers. I like my odds here.

Charl, go ahead and box up the wine. I'll forward you my address.


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To MrSpkr, I appoligize I said I would post last night, unfortunatly the toll OZZFEST put on me had me bed riddin last night. Anyway heres the breakdown.

MrSpkr - Offered to surrender but due to current logistic lack of food supply I had no choice but to refuse. :D Tough going for him on one flank took out 4 armored vehicles to one of mine. Then that damn tank showed up... The other flank is a bit tougher for me this can still go either way, very hard fighting.

Tincan - I just don't know, we are pounding the heck out of each other pretty good. Hes got a tank in my rear and I cant tell you how much that hurts redface.gif

Mike8g - This one is very simular to my fight with tincan however I got more armor support left in this fight and they are working his forces over real good.

StugIII - Im trying Atilla the Hun tactics on his troops, only one turn left in this game and it is a smashing sucsess for the allies. Audi Murphy in the building on the far flank is getting the medal of honor for his actions today. And its a safe gamble that I can admit now StugIII that there is only one soldier in that building. lol Of course it used to be a whole platoon there


Fangorn - We have met in the town and in the forest, heavy fog mechanized forces. I got him right where he wants me!

Sledge - The fight for the top of hill something or other continues, he has destroyed 3 perfecly good halftracks of mine and a gun that was being towed. I got one of his greyhounds I think. :eek:

Thats all for now.

" Whos the old guy drummin for Sabbath, looks like my grandpa.." Some kid before he got pommeled by someone who looked like my grandpa.-- OzzFest 2001

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New results are in! Tank Buster hammered StuG III 70-26. Congratulations Tank Buster!! Updated standings below:

1) Fangorn 127... 2 played... 63.5 per game

2) Tankbuster 99...2 played...49.5 per game

3) Mike8g 71

4) Chuckle 31

5) StuG III 26

6) Tincan 21

7) Sledge 0

8) Mr Spkr 0

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Here's another standings update as Tincan gained a Tactical Victory over Tank Buster, 61-35. Congratulations Tincan!!

Tank Buster 134...3 played....44.7 average

Fangorn 127...... 2 played....63.5 average

Tincan 82.........2 played....41.0 average

Mike8g 71

Chuckle 31

StuG III 26

Sledge 0

Mr Spkr 0

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Okay, some quick updates:

Tincan: After a drawn-out waiting game of 'no - you attack me first' we finally engaged. His Sherman's and Stuart's have gone the way of the burning ronson - but i am paying in blood for my advance into the town to finish off his grunts. We are well into the ber stage and it will end at any second, i've won it, but my men are cursing my flag fixation!

MrSpkr: Out-manouvered me early, and hit me hard. My Paratrooper's have orders to regroup and counterattack, but just seem to be wandering about in the dark crying for mummy. Cowards.

TankBuster: We are playing a scenario that requires me to exit my troops for points. I think i have just about smashed his force, but he has a couple of tanks left - one on each flank, and i have only a couple of turns left to exit... I'm not sure exactly how CM calculates victory points for exiting, but i've got bugger all points so far so i guess i had better get them exited pronto!

Marcus: We are playing on a small valley map. He's got the high hill and one burning Panther on his side, i've got a horde of HMC's scurrying about on my side of the valley. Our infantry are still playing hide and seek in the middle.

StugIII: Courtesy of his Afv's refusing to acknowledge the presence of my AT gun he has a toasted Priest and Sherman. I hold the VL's on the edge of town and still have my armour and a Flame HT - he has a Sherman and a shedload of grunts... there's a lot of fight left in this one i reckon.

Sledge: We haven't started yet but are getting closer... waiting for a reply from my proposal a few days ago.

If my turns are a little slow for the next few days it's because i'm watching Wimbledon... or the Ashes... and yes, watching England lose is more important than processing your turn!


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Howdy folks

Just a quick update:

Fangorn - Made contact but its way too early to tell. Have to wait till he gets his computer back up.

Tincan - Good win tincan you kicked my butt

Mike8g - Good win Mike8g you really kicked my butt

Chuckle - Judging from your last post I can tell you are way overconfident.. good very good. Yes he is decimating my forces however as it stands right now I am still the victor and he has very few turns not just to exit the map but to secure the VL's as well.

StuG III - Thanks for being my punching bag there StugIII you tried hard

Sledge - Sledge is kicking serious butt on top of the hill but still too early to tell the outcome of this one.

Mr Spkr - Still sluggin it out. We may have crews attacking each other near the end of this one.

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Just stumbled on this post. For those that are serious in getting the wine ( :D), study CM's point scoring method below to extract the max. points from your enemy.


Cp = total points of player casualties (units captured count double their casualty value)

Ce = total points of enemy casualties (units captured count double their casualty value)

F = total value of flags

Fp = point value of flags controlled by player

Fe = point value of flags controlled by enemy

A = player score

E = enemy score

Units are worth BPV except spotters which are 30

( Ce + Fp )

--------------- = A

( Cp + Ce + F )

or Player score =

(Enemy casualties + Player flags)


(Player casualties + Enemy casualties + Total flags)

Exit scenarios:

- exited like it should: player gets (cost * 2.7) points

- not exited like it should: opponent gets (cost * 2.7) points

- killed: opponent gets (cost * (2.7 + 1.0)) points

- captured: opponent gets (cost * (2.7 + 2.0)) points

For flamethrower teams and trucks insert 2.3 instead of 2.7.


It might mean the difference between drinking some good wine.. or just water! ;)

Kind regards,

Charl Theron

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