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A Thousand Points of Peng, A Kindler, More Gentler Cess

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Originally posted by David Aitken:

Gunny Bunny wrote:

> I can see there are allot of BTS party-soldiers which have infiltrated the ng. I shall have to set more anti-personnel mines around the perimeter.

> [...]

> Right now I wouldn't recommend buying CM2,unless they are willing to improve the program. Seems like they are just in it for the money !

David, while I understand and appreciate your intent, I would rather you came in here and threw up in great quantity, rather than re-post the puerile droolings of that lackwitted usenet poster-child. At one point some while ago, he actually sent me an email inviting me to start up a 'Peng' thread on his usenet site. As there is only one, true, and catholic Peng Challenge Thread, I passed. His postings there (which, having investigated once, I will not revisit) as well as here convince me that anyone can have children, whether it's a good idea or not, and that the practice of stoning to death miscreants, while barbarous, is not without some merit.


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

[This message has been edited by Seanachai (edited 01-28-2001).]

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Originally posted by YK2:

May I join you? \_/> \_/> * clinck clinck *

(((((((( Cheers))))))) oh yeah, I almost forgot Bang!

Sheesh...... what the hell was in that glass Sean? the room is spinning.

Dunno...got it from Meeks. After a couple or three, Mensch makes sense, Peng looks like Fred Astaire in 'Top Hat', and you want to give Bauhaus a hug. Fortunately, after a couple more, most of the side effects become even more disturbing and harder to sort out. Don't operate heavy equipment, though, unless you really feel like it.


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Would one of you lads nip out and find out why this rexford chap on the main Board keeps refering to himself as 'we'. See if he's a collective, or if thinks he's the Queen Mum. I find his long, apropos of nothing techno-babble posts somewhat disturbing, especially when puntuated by 'we have found', 'we have read', 'we want to know.'

Shame on you Sean....... The "we" he is referring to is of course his Inner Croda, which apparently has leaked from the pool and is now spreading across the Forum..... Lock up your daughters No-one is safe.

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Originally posted by YK2:

Shame on you Sean....... The "we" he is referring to is of course his Inner Croda, which apparently has leaked from the pool and is now spreading across the Forum..... Lock up your daughters No-one is safe.

Emma, you've made a very good point, however I think you are forgetting that no ausf. of the Grog line was capable of carrying an 'Inner Croda', not even with special equipment mounts. As it has been definitively established that the Queen Mum can have an Inner Croda (in fact, she feeds hers on melba toast and dried apricots; the latter she tells her IC are 'dalem ears'), then we can discount the idea that rexford might be Elizabeth II, especially given that even stoned to the gills on your hallucinogen of choice, the Queen would never post as he is doing. So, it seems unlikely that rexford's use of the royal 'we' stems from either being the Queen, or having an Inner Croda, as both conditions are unlikely given his postings, choice of topics, and cryptic commentary. It seems much more likely that rexford is, or at least perceives himself to be, some sort of 'Grog collective' or hive mentality. If such is the case, I advise against going out on to the main Board unless heavily armed with facts and a sense of humour (good advice in most situations), not to mention a thermos of extremely strong coffee, as what the average techno-Grog will do to you if you lapse into unconsciousness during one of their self-absorbed monologues doesn't bear thinking on.

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Originally posted by Lorak:

Oberst -win


No, no, no.

Wrong Stuka! Von shrad is the loser here, my game with herr oberst has never got beyond the setup, which eyeburst has never returned.

pls amend the cesspool results as 2/5/0 looks alot worse than 2/4/0.

The rest of you...BLEH! I'm too busy doing the wedding thingey to play at all....maybe tonight.

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First of all,

Happy belated birthday, Menschy-poo!

Obviously by your post, the celebrations were the stunning success they always are in the house of Mensch.

I did invite you around for the BBQ, but you never showed up. No probs! I drank the beer myself.

And Stuka? Still with us?? It's obvious that it was you who posted because you mentioned your "thingy" once again. You also get double points for mentioning "wedding" and "thingy" in the same sentence!

Well done, mate! biggrin.gif

Now excuse me, I'm off to ponder my alternative existance!


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Seanachai said

Stingy bugger. So you dole out to Mr. Happy, without a thought to the rest of us. Sycophant.

I am sorry but this is a scheduled upkeep for Mr.Happy, or as we like to say at the 'Agency', Mr.Felony. You see his pleasant demeanor hides a jaded past of a career criminal who's crimes against humanity started with the Murder of his own mother shortly after birth. Mr.Felony's awkward childhood was replaced by a dysfunctional and perverse puberty that culminated in the raping of no less than 6 barnyard animals.

As you can see the traditional methods of punishment were too good for this abomination. So it was then decided to 'treat' Mr.Felony rather than punish him. Using the most modern equipment of the 60's and the tried and true method of Drug Induced Behavior Manipulation we set out to create a new MO for Mr.Felony. Weeks upon weeks of being tied down and forced to watch crappy Superbowl half-time shows and repeated LSD drops to his deep blue eyes produced a kinder, more outgoing lad. A Mr.Happy if you will.

So the priodic administering of hallucinogenics to Mr.Happy is for the benefit of us and not for the git who is now watching the walls bleed as marshmallow hillclimbers fall to the crashing sound of green triangles hitting water.

Party on Mr.Happy

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Emma, you've made a very good point, however I think you are forgetting that no ausf. of the Grog line was capable of carrying an 'Inner Croda', not even with special equipment mounts.

Well Senility, we might need to dig a little more about that.

Unless Rexford is in fact both Norman Bates & Mother or, God forbid, Meeks & Sis, there is no reason he should WEd us pagans.

First idea could be that we ought to extend that Inner Croda concept to Grogs naming it the Inner Fionn.

Or it might be that collective thinking, that Hive you mentioned.

A simple query after hacking the computers of the FBI yields that:

REXFORD, KS (city, FIPS 59125) Location: 39.47051 N, 100.74355 W Population (1990): 171 (102 housing units) Area: 0.7 sq km (land), 0.0 sq km (water) Rexford, MT (town, FIPS 62200) Location: 48.90101 N, 115.17034 W Population (1990): 132 (60 housing units) Area: 0.3 sq km (land), 0.0 sq km (water) Zip code(s): 59930 Rexford, NY Zip code(s): 12148

Now if THAT is not a single minded collective bend on explaining every facts, nooks and crannies behind penetration, then what else?!

And don't get me wrong, I got nothing against penetration.

Frogs are so notoriously against that they often end up inside.

But we keep all the numbers for ourselves!!!

REXFORD!! and YES I am speaking to ALL the 171 people in you, you've been discovered!


You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive.

Mark IV

[This message has been edited by PawBroon (edited 01-29-2001).]

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Originally posted by Mace:

We have prestine beaches and great swimming in close reach to the majority of the populace and Sharks.

Our weather is fantastic, cuz it rains half the year.

We still retain our native fuana and flora, and we have a national emergency every four months because a harmless butterfly or frog is introduced in our fickel system!

We have beautiful cities and towns with relatively low polution, because we still use horses.. some one please give us technology.. we need it bad!

The people are extremely friendly and everyone's your mate, because in reality they are picking your pocket when your not looking!

We have great beer, its made from Kangaroo piss!

We have great restaraunts, we eat those fecking kangaroos to complement our piss beer! yummy!

We have a relatively low crime rate, because we are all criminals we don't count it so its low.. easy!

And we know how to look after the disadvantaged, we kick them out of the country for using our damn social system those peckers!

Everyone wants to come here either to live permanantly (hiding from the law in their native country), or for a holiday (as stated.. wait for the heat to go away)!

Mace (this advertisement paid by the Australian tourist bureau - (AKA Prison Board of Australia)

wow.. makes me want to book a flight right now!... to another land aside from Australia.


www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

[This message has been edited by mensch (edited 01-29-2001).]

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I like to tank all the peoples for wishing me happy birthday and to fall off the face of the planet... thanks..

now.. where are my fecking gifts.. bunch of wankers! all fun and games saying "happy birtday" but I want those matiral things GIMMIEGIMMIEGIMMIEGIMMIE!

and no crap stuff, just top quaity porn or someting, maybe a BMW or someting.. do somefink!


www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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PawBroon wrote:

> REXFORD, KS (city, FIPS 59125) Location: 39.47051 N, 100.74355 W Population (1990): 171 (102 housing units) Area: 0.7 sq km (land), 0.0 sq km (water) Rexford, MT (town, FIPS 62200) Location: 48.90101 N, 115.17034 W Population (1990): 132 (60 housing units) Area: 0.3 sq km (land), 0.0 sq km (water) Zip code(s): 59930 Rexford, NY Zip code(s): 12148

Last time I checked I didn't drink or smoke, but I'm starting to wonder what I was doing last night...

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So afraid was Bastables of his coming topplement, he's gone and volunteered for a crisis zone or something, being the less painful option. Now, he says he'll be back in November, (which would make his file turnaround time about equal with Herr Oberst), but I expect he'll have some other sad excuse like, "Oh, my LAV hit a mine and I don't feel well," or "Oh, it's bloody wool shearing month," or some such lameness.

Lorak, please inscribe:

Babs: Draw

Bastables: Draw


When it's my turn to march up to Glory,

I'm gonna have one HELL of a story...

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Originally posted by Feelin'Guilty Aitken:

Last time I checked I didn't drink or smoke, but I'm starting to wonder what I was doing last night...

Well Mr Aitken, we've been monitoring your activities for quite some time now as you can see...


Mr Morse could you Mirandize this soon to be defendant?


You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive.

Mark IV

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Originally posted by Forever Babra:

"Oh, my LAV hit a mine and I don't feel well"


You're just being silly!

We know that NZ can't afford a Lav. Their defence budget doesn't even cover the cost of a box of tissues for recreational usage!


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What I would really like to know is if it's gamey to play CM? I would also like to know exactly what I can do and can't do because I've heard that there are things you can do that are gamey. I think doing gamey things is bad and you really shouldn't do them.

Because they are gamey. Is it gamey to drive jeeps, you know, like really really fast?

Is artillery gamey? I think it is sometimes but sometimes it is not gamey. And smoke. Smoke is not gamey except sometimes when someone is using more than they did in reality. Then smoke is gamey. Maybe German tanks are gamey too, you know the big ones? King Tigers are gamey. And really fast jeeps.

And the KIA numbers are random. And maybe gamey. And if someone does gamey things you shouldn't play against them. At least not again. But maybe you should say that they did a gamey thing and that they shouldn't do gamey things. Because sometimes they don't know that it was a gamey thing that they did.

I play wargames because I like them. And history.

There, a summary of the top hundred topics from Outside of the Pool during the last few months brought to you by someone who has had enough.

Sod (gently) off,


P.S FrenchPersooon. Whatever it is you're smoking, it is illegal and I want some of it.

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During previous research, we obtained a blood sample analysis of some Yank Hippies which suggested that the Hippies did not adequately soften or go mellow after 2.5 hours of Puffing the Magic Dragon, when they should lose all resistance.

We also analyzed the Kurdish NPL equation which summarized smoking test results as a function of Hippie coolness, open minded-ness, etc.

When Canadian and American Older Hippies were attacked by overmatching application of police force (T/D<1), the Hippies lost some resistance but were still useful. When British Colonial Hippies were overmatched, resistance dissolved to almost zero.

One of the analyses suggested that 152 Oz of Hippie Limey grass was equivalent to about 139 Oz of good quality American uncutted, non diluted one, based on comparison of pulmonary and prostatic exam data for 75L48/Rexford City KS/APCBC Martial Law.

Should stiff Hippie (after 2.5) be penalized a bit more in CM, with greater reductions in quality as the stiffness goes up? So actual quality reduction would be a function of stiffness and would vary over the different sections of a collective, instead of applying a single modifier for the entire tent?

We are looking for the source of blood sample and smoking tests, and will provide shortly.

A lot of the stuff is in my storage shed somewhere, or is in other people's backyard...

BTS never properly modelled the Flower Power.

Is there a conspiracy?

The Truth is out there.

Inquiring minds want to know.



You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive.

Mark IV

[This message has been edited by PawBroon (edited 01-29-2001).]

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Originally posted by PawBroon:

When Canadian and American Older Hippies were attacked by overmatching application of police force (T/D<1)

Ah yes, what a great couple of guys he is. Easy to comprehend too. rexford? Shurely you mean Two Sheds? The great couple of guys from Latvia.

Where is the GrogPorn? We wants it and its not in the sheds, we have looked all, over.



"The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps."

Dashiell Hammett

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At long last its over!

The kniggetts challenge between my god-like self and that champion of all things limp and wet, Crowdarrrrrk, has concluded.

After 3 months of stumbling around in 28m of fog, response times of up to 90 seconds and green troops who routed every time Colin the dachshund farted, the force has been with me.

Mr Lorak sir! If you please...rack up an allied major victory to me. Not Von Schrad...but me. Score 79-21.

I would like to thank the team of evil gits who concoted this particular game and hope sincerely that Hirams cat takes a dump in each of your mouths as you sleep.

Other updates will have to wait as I am frecking tired beyond belief after my buck's night. A 12 hour orgy of Beer, Cigars and amply bosomed young 'entertainers' who shall remain anonymous in order to protect the guilty.

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Originally posted by Stuka:

At long last its over!

Well nice of you to tell me you whipped Aussie bastich! You may as well let me know how it happened. Can I assume that the schreck team (my last usable unit) finally came out of his whole and surrenered? I can assure you that I didn't offer it up to you. Ahh, well, I suppose poor Loark will have to beknight you at the same time that you are emasculated by your new wife. Funny the irony there. And alas, poor Croda, we all knew him well...I suppose he shall have to wait for another challenge. Let me here appologize to my sponsor, jdmorse, and his new incarnation of himself, jd, for the abyssmal loss I have subjected him(them) to. And I would like to echo my fine knight friend Stuka's sentiments that the designers of that map shot rot in the hell of choking on fresh, steaming dog feces.

On a good note, I shall celebrate Mensch's birthday not by accepting his cease-fire plea, but by slaughtering every last tank crew on the board. He has 2 Tigers (1 immobilized) and 1 routed infantry squad to protect them. I have a slightly battered company of Infantry + support, and have a bloodthirst like no other that has just come over me.





Damn Croda. That is one funny sig!!!

must suck to be you - Hiram Sedai

Croda, you rock! - Meeks

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"Alas poor Yorick; I knew him, Horatio ~"

At as mah pleasure tae announce a topplement, an' an mah favour too!

Lorak ye knuckle-dragging keeper o' tha Tome, mark at as follows:


Speedy - LOSS

At were a Major Victory, 82 - 18, an' which Ah played as tha German's in Rune's excellent scenario - "Monty Advances". Nae too far as at turned oot.

Aye, at's good tae be me!



You posture more than Marcia Brady with books on her head and you chatter like a dolphin near the fish bucket. - Dalem

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Despite, or possibly thanks to, his prodigious use of solvents and hallucinagenic weeds, I fear that Le Français is on to me. I can indeed be found at the bottom right-hand corner of the puddle in line with "Stirling" and the V in "River Forth" on the map provided. However, the map, being slightly out of date, fails to record the fact that I have covertly relocated the Maginot Line to Linlythgwoe Shyere (aka West Lothian), thus ensuring that any form of forcible advance upon my position will end in defeat and failure. (Whose is yet to be determined.)

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I have made a mod for US vehicles that paints a nice, broad yellow streak down the middle of them in honor of this game we are having. Meeks may have run away from me on turn two, seeing the inevitable defeat coming, but I never thought the pride of Kowloon would be quivering in fear from a few lousy half tracks and an infantry support armored car.

By the way, I can find no one to play a night game in the fog with me. All scared I assume. We can do this again, and I will play US this time (taking away the yellow streak mod of course) and you can take Germans. No flame throwers, and we fight to the death. Interested?

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Originally posted by Slapdragon:

By the way, I can find no one to play a night game in the fog with me.

I like to play at night in the fog (sit DOWN, Bauhaus!! not like that!) but you'll have to taunt me good if you want me to play. I'll play either side.


"If you can taste the difference between caviar on a cracker and ketchup on a Kit-Kat while blindfolded, you have not had enough aquavit to be ready for lutefisk." (stolen from some web page about lutefisk)

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