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To the last Challenge I grapple with thee. From Peng's Heart I stab at thee. Twice.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Goanna:

Does the first movie go right up to where book one did? I think this was right up to where the G9 (thats' the good guys, you pillock not the ringwraiths) break up and go the two seperate directions (well technically three, but you know, Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas eventually catch up with the half of the halflings). Not to put too fine a point on it or anything.<hr></blockquote>

It takes 3 hours to get to the end of Book 2 you philistine (It is one novel made up of 6 books often published in 3 volumns). It ends with... er, I assume everyone here has read the Lord of the Rings... well, screw you if you haven't... Frodo & Sam heading off to Mordor, Pippin & Merry captured and Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli taking off after Merry & Pippin. I expect that anyone who hasn't read the books to think the ending sucks 'cus there isn't one

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stuka:

PS. Say what you like about 'Barnsey' but leave AC/DC alone or its gonna git personal.<hr></blockquote>

Yeh, there's a line that should never be crossed, and dissing AC/DC is one of those!!!!


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MrPeng:


This just in. It is my pleasure to bring to you the latest and greatest Kanigget's Title:

[rolling of drums]Ladies and Gentleworms[/rolling of drums]

Sir Hiram, Eeyore of the MBT! [cymbal crash]WOOT![/cymbal crash]<hr></blockquote>

WTF over. Say again over. What, praytell, alas and alack, great green globs, oh lordybagordy, is an eyeore? What brand of hashish have you been smoking with your poonomia? out

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Public Service Announcement!

Go see Fellowship Of The Rings you pillocks!

This is a story I did not believe they could do on film, but they sure as hell did. Abso-Feckin-Lutly amazing!<hr></blockquote>



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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Well no sh... (kinder & gentler cess). Of course I cheer for the Nazgul<hr></blockquote>

Oops, my bad. I misread the lizard’s post.

What can you do, it’s early and they don’t put bourbon in my coffee on Thursdays.

Were the Nazgul worth cheering for?

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Public Service Announcement!

Go see Fellowship Of The Rings you pillocks!

This is a story I did not believe they could do on film, but they sure as hell did. Abso-Feckin-Lutly amazing!<hr></blockquote>

Berli is seen leaving the theatre, accompanied by his mate Persephone, walking with the crowd, lost in thought...

Such a simple plan... those pillocks will never suspect a thing... the rings are simple enough for someone of my evil nature... have I not created some absolutely vile scenarios to abuse those Cesspoolers... Rings... why didn't I think of the ring thing first?

Persephone grabs his coat and pulls him to a stop. Glancing up, the Evil One realizes that he had almost walked out in front of speeding traffic.

"Whatever were you thinking about?" she asked.

"Oh nothing dearest," Berli replies.

'Honestly, I don't know what comes over you sometimes. You need to pay better attention."

"Yes dear," he says.

As the pedestrian signal turns to walk, and the masses begin their movement, he moves with the crowd, and is quickly plotting again.

I need some Ringwraiths... yes, some Riders to spread forth my evil... maybe the Aussies. Those outback types are supposed to be tough. Just look at Crocodile Dundee. Yes, some mounted riders to spread my Evil...

All of the sudden, an image flashes into his mind involving Mace, bauhaus and mounting, startling him out of his reverie.

As he rubs his temples to assuage the terrible pain caused by that image, placed there by his tormentor no doubt, Persephone glances over and sees his tortured expression.

"Are you all right Berli?" she asks in a concerned tone.

"Yes, it's just a headache, that's all," he replies gruffly.

"Well it is December you know, and you went out without your hat again. Tsk tsk. You know how you hate the cold. And I absolutely hate it when you are all grumpy like this. Luckily I am here to save you from yourself... again," she says chidingly.

She rummages in her purse for a moment, then produces a hat for the Evil One.

"Now put this on," she tells him.

Berli lets out a large sigh, then aquiesces.

"Yes dear," he mutters, placing the hat on his head.

"There now. Isn't that better?" she says brightly.

Berli merely glowers with no comment.


[ 12-20-2001: Message edited by: Herr Oberst ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

Berli is seen leaving the theatre, accompanied by his mate Persephone, walking with the crowd, lost in thought...

Such a simple plan... those pillocks will never suspect a thing... the rings are simple enough for someone of my evil nature... have I not created some absolutely vile scenarios to abuse those Cesspoolers... Rings... why didn't I think of the ring thing first?

I need some Ringwraiths... yes, some Riders to spread forth my evil... maybe the Aussies. Those outback types are supposed to be tough. Just look at Crocodile Dundee. Yes, some mounted riders to spread my Evil...

All of the sudden, an image flashes into his mind involving Mace, bauhaus and mounting, startling him out of his reverie.

As he rubs his temples to assuage the terrible pain caused by that image, placed there by his tormentor no doubt, Persephone glances over and sees his tortured expression.


Very entertaining story Herr Oberst...you seem to know Berli's thoughts so well...it's kind of frightening.

Old Ones, what do you think of Sir Herr Oberst, Knight of the Court Jesters?


[ 12-20-2001: Message edited by: Patch ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Patch:

Very entertaining story Herr Oberst...you seem to know Berli's thoughts so well...it's kind of frightening.

Old Ones, what do you think of Sir Herr Oberst, Knight of the Court Jesters?

[ 12-20-2001: Message edited by: Patch ]<hr></blockquote>

Your beauty is only surpassed by your sagacity Fair Lady...

I live but to serve thee...

* bows *

To entertain you was more than I had hoped, and reason enough to continue my quest...

[ 12-20-2001: Message edited by: Herr Oberst ]</p>

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Berli is, astounding as the concept may be, totally and absolutely correct. I hoped that Jackson would create a film worthy of J.R.R., but you know how that goes. I've a feeling that, despite the squabblings in the family, he would be pleased with the outcome.

Now on to CessPool business but with an LOTR bent. I noted that in the mines scene, the scurrying appearance of all those Orcs issuing from cracks in the floor and ceiling was highly reminiscent of our current problems with SSNs. My question is this, why is there never a Balrog around when you need one? Yes, yes, nasty and vicious creatures Balrogs to be sure, but he DID clear up the Orcs infestation and one could do that for our SSNs ...


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Croda:


Croda, you are a Human Papillomavirus. You should be excised, studied and then disposed of. When the scientists gather around and try to figure out your origins, then maybe they would relieve us of the discomfort you provide. When we itch and walk funny, it is you who is to blame. When we blush because of a bad conversation topic, it is your name on our lips. Children are taught about you in High School. The teachers say that when you do bad things with your naughty bits, you may get a bad case of Croda. Pennslytucky prostitutes already know of you when there is no clinic to go to. The price drops because of your infestation. You are invasive and intrusive. We hope that a shot might make you go away, but we know better. You are waiting in the nearest club or den of iniquity. My mom warned me about you. She didn't mention your name exactly but I think that Croda does come after Crabs in the STD dictionary. You are not anonymous. Your picture is there in plain sight within medical journals.

I’m only grateful that I’m so repulsive that I don’t have to worry about contracting a case of raging crodas. I’ve had friends in the Army who suffered from your malevolent actions. Say you’re sorry for being such a veneral individual. Stop what you are doing to the innocent youth of America and France. (especially France) Years from now there will be a Bob Dole commercial selling a new medicine to get rid of you. He will mention how he caught a bad case of the crodas in WWI and has been suffering since. He was tempted so many times to stab himself repeatedly with his pencil because of the itching that you cause. An old crippled man wanting to hurt himself because of your evil machinations!! Have you no mercy in that cold, black, 3 sizes too small heart? Not even Cindy Lou Who can save you now. You probably infested her too!! Bastard!

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Croda:

Originally blathered by Eeyore:

Send me a setup.


Croda, you pustulous chancre sore. Your feeble existence would be better served by finding the nearest ocean and then walking into it. Don’t stop walking. You are a sad, sorry excuse for a sycophantic neophyte. Without Meeks you are nothing but a passing poot on the wind. Gather up your magazines and the petroleum jelly and find something more constructive to do than challenging me. Your base desire to consummate with your friends at the local animal shelter is disconcerting. I do hate you for making me converse with something left on the toilet seat at a truck stop. I also hate you for impregnating my cat. The scratches on your nether regions will heal but your guilt will hound you for years to come. Maybe Santa will be nice to you this year and your ointment wish list will be fulfilled.

My wish list would be complete if you were rendered mute and lipless. That would be a hoot!! Mister Smiley Creepy Croda would be your new nickname. You could wander around your neighborhood with the obligatory shopping cart while snatching lice from your body. Of course, the kids would feel obligated to hurl feces and invectives your way as we do here in the MBT.

[ 12-20-2001: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]</p>

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Originally posted by Titmouse:

...sex with animals

...sex with my cat

...various genital diseases

...I'm afraid to send Croda a setup


Hiram, if you're afraid to send a setup then just say so and I will send my detest towards some different genus of rodentia...namely that faux-Scot: Oh God Someone Farted.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Croda:

Hiram, if you're afraid to send a setup then just say so and I will send my detest towards some different genus of rodentia...namely that faux-Scot: Oh God Someone Farted.


Croda, your fat, slimy, white body slithers in the damp darkness as you feast on the droppings. Always the droppings. What ecstasy you realize as your maggot brain thinks only of ingesting what I leave behind. There is a faint echo in your puny brain of the days when Meeks first spawned you. He left many droppings for you then. Sweet, stinky, brown chunks of feces occupied your days. Oh, how you squirmed with delight as he would pinch a good one and you would scamper as only you can to get your treat. But he left and you had to go elsewhere for your unique diet. If you had eyes, you would see the pity we have for you. If you could hear, then you would know that we were discussing stomping on you. I didn’t volunteer because I didn’t want Croda guts on my nice new pair of sneakers.

Maybe I’ll offer 5 bucks to one of the SSN’s and they’ll do us the merciful service of ending your sad existence. Roaches fighting with a maggot. How can I find that interesting? I guess I’ve been a bit warped from being in here too long. Even when I’m not here, I’m still here. The omnipresent Cesspool. I met Elvis once and his ugly twin in here. They were nice in a Marque De Sade sort of way. Get you drunk and beat you repeatedly.

So, I claw at the wall and talk with my little white companion. He usually speaks in one word sentences that sound quite wet and squishy. He was named by someone else. I would have come up with something much more creative but his name is fitting though. Its like the sound of a toddler when he is about to upchuck. “Mommy? Croda!!” and the spewing commences.

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this thread is still going? and it's point is what again? it's ironic that alot of the people who post in this thread think of themselves as intelligent. i won't be wasting my time playing anyone here, i'd rather go to rugged defense where the people there are not socialy retarded.

now that i think about it, almost everyone on this thread sounds like the comic book store guy on the simpsons.....wurst epeisode ever

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Croda, your fat, slimy, white body slithers in the damp darkness as you feast on the droppings. Always the droppings. What ecstasy you realize as your maggot brain thinks only of ingesting what I leave behind. There is a faint echo in your puny brain of the days when Meeks first spawned you. He left many droppings for you then. Sweet, stinky, brown chunks of feces occupied your days. Oh, how you squirmed with delight as he would pinch a good one and you would scamper as only you can to get your treat. But he left and you had to go elsewhere for your unique diet. If you had eyes, you would see the pity we have for you. If you could hear, then you would know that we were discussing stomping on you. I didn’t volunteer because I didn’t want Croda guts on my nice new pair of sneakers.

Maybe I’ll offer 5 bucks to one of the SSN’s and they’ll do us the merciful service of ending your sad existence. Roaches fighting with a maggot. How can I find that interesting? I guess I’ve been a bit warped from being in here too long. Even when I’m not here, I’m still here. The omnipresent Cesspool. I met Elvis once and his ugly twin in here. They were nice in a Marque De Sade sort of way. Get you drunk and beat you repeatedly.

So, I claw at the wall and talk with my little white companion. He usually speaks in one word sentences that sound quite wet and squishy. He was named by someone else. I would have come up with something much more creative but his name is fitting though. Its like the sound of a toddler when he is about to upchuck. “Mommy? Croda!!” and the spewing commences.<hr></blockquote>

Pawbroon? No, the sentences actually flow.

Mensch? No, the English is too good.

Mayhaps Hiram's off his meds again.

I'm not sure if I'm being taunted or if Hiram's sharing the transcript from one of his anger management sessions.

Let me make it simple. If you send a setup, we can play CM.

If you can't send a setup reply to this post with the following:

I am a Titmouse and cannot send you a setup for the following reason: Hiram, please choose a reason.

a) I'm all out of stamps.

B) My mangina hurts.

c) I'm hungry.

d) I am a Titmouse and am afraid of my own shadow.

Please do not attempt to taunt me anymore as my attention can be better diverted to some SSN pillock who likes to pillock SSNs who've already been pillocked by an SSN-pillocking SSN pillock.

P.S. You are a Titmouse.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Iron Chef Sakai:

this thread is still going? and it's point is what again? it's ironic that alot of the people who post in this thread think of themselves as intelligent. i won't be wasting my time playing anyone here, i'd rather go to rugged defense where the people there are not socialy retarded.

now that i think about it, almost everyone on this thread sounds like the comic book store guy on the simpsons.....wurst epeisode ever<hr></blockquote>

Who are you and why are you posting? Are you nuts? When did mommy give you permission to use the computer? I respect your brand of autism but being a savant doesn't impress me that much. Go away. Far away. Then, keep going. What is really ironic is that you can stand upright and grunt considering what genetic dysfunction has done.

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