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Airfix Soldiers

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Anyone remember collecting Airfix soldiers. They were plastic and came in 1/32 and 1/48 scale. Airfix, covered many wars; American Revolution,Napoleonic Era, American Civil War, WW1 and WW2, Romans vs Britons, Foreign Legion vs Arabs. My brother and I, had well over 1000 of them, from various wars. We spent hours "setting them up", for the grand battle. Best Christmas ever, my bro got German Infantry(1/32), and I got British Commandos. Played with them all Chistmas Day.

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I had picked up some in HO/OO scale (also known as 1/76) way back in the early 80's. Brit 8th Army, and German Afrika Corps. Another company made the exact same figs, same scale and everything about a decade later. Ertl or someone I think.


"Mo matter where you go, there you are"

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I started wargaming with Airfix minis back in the 60's. They were very cheap here in the UK. They also had a vast range covering everything from Romans through to WW2. The company went bust or at least had severe financial difficulties in the 80's and the range was picked up by another company.

Ah, this brings back memories, young people these days don't know how to have fun anymore.. grumble,grumble. Oh well it's time for my nap.

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Guest Captitalistdoginchina

I used to buy almost every type of airfix soldiers, all nations and units. As a 10 year old i would bring my armies to my friends house to meet his armies.

Now comes the bad part...

We would setup our armies across a large bedroom, then take turns to roll marbles and ball bearings into each others army. The one with the most units left standing wins!

Trouble is he always had some snipers/soldiers lying down in a prone position - i could never knock em over with the marbles!!!

Ahhh the memories! We also used to have the airfix models, tanks, airplanes and so on.



"Death solves all problems - no man no problem"

J.V.Stalin, 1918

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I recently found all my old 1/72 scale Airfix soldiers. Still have American, British, German, Japanese and Russian infantry. Africa Corps and 8th Army. I even have the German mountain troops with detachable skis. It's a good thing I live alone.

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Yes i use to have thousands of 1/72 scale as well.

We use to as kids make forts out of wodden blocks in my mates lounge and roll marbles and ball bearings at each others forces.We then progress to a dice with a ruler and string,we didnt know it at the time,but we were kinda playing it like S\L rules but a lot more simplistic.

I had a massive collection from memory you got about 48 to a box.I had japanese,german africa corp,and para's i think close to 800 in germans alone.I bout many boxes of the same type.Back then they were only 99 cents NZ a packet.I think my total would be close to 3,000 odd plus and array of arfix models all painted.I had panthers,a few churchill's and lee\grant tanks.It was fun.

Ive still got them in a huge box in the garage gathering dust.


"Some people don't see the light until they first feel the heat"

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Originally posted by Ellros:

I had picked up some in HO/OO scale (also known as 1/76) way back in the early 80's. Brit 8th Army, and German Afrika Corps.

I had the DAK and 8th army figures along with some other ones. Funny seeing this post, I was out and about and found some old 1/72 scale Airfix tank models (Tiger I and Pz Kw IVF) and couldn't resist and picked them up. Now the question is, who's mod should I use for a color scheme to paint them?

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Airfix !!! That was the predominant company of my figure collections/models of childhood.

Man I had a whole bunch of those 1/72nd scale figures myself ("had" being the operative word here). Napoleonics, ACW & WWII. Built a bunch of their models: aircraft, vehicles and armor. Most of my "battles" were using their stuff.

I was too ignorant to find/use any rulebooks for some accurate gaming. It came down to marbles, steel ball bearings or the "twip!" of a finger to induce casaulties. I made all the sound effects like I was in my own war movie.

Being the "war freak" I didn't have any friends to play with other than my oppressed, younger brother.

I finally moved on to SL/ASL afterwards. Still couldn't find anyone to play that either - so SOLO it was. Still fun (though you knew what was under that "?" counter).

I had those British Commandos too. I forgot all about the kayaks. I remember they had some ladders with them too in the set.

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Well yes, I still play with my little soldiers. Only now they'r made of metal (pewter?), are painstakingly painted and mounted on small metal bases.

I don't think I'll ever grow up.... at least my wife doesn't believe I will! biggrin.gif



Our's is not to reason why, our's is but to do and die!

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I remember the gerbiljägers had all those skiing, non-fighting soldiers. I also didn't like my british soldiers, they came with all those seperate machine gun and mortar pieces that of course got lost immediately, so I had a bunch of ex-Machine Gunners sitting there, and ex-Mortarmen holding a mortar grenade.

I also remember that the thin front barrels of the M1 carbines on my american soldiers broke off so they would be holding all those stump guns.

I didn't like the small airfix soldiers though.

I also remember you could buy soldiers in the same gestures but done really bad (copied molds) in italy reeeal cheap. The highlight of my holidays back then :o)


"Me tank is still alive me churchill's crew must be laughing there heads off." (GAZ_NZ)

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Airfix, my god! At my best I had over 7 thousands Napoleonic, 5 thousands ACW, No idea how many WW2 I made battle at 1 figure= 60 men 1 gun= 1 battery of four 1 tanks =one platoon up to the whole Leipzig Gettysburg and Stalingrad battle, with rules and dice. The floor of my room a big 5x4 meters was littered for weeks, with Lego structures for the ground features. What times they were!

Then came the computer.


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Ah,the memories.My favourite Airfix 1/72 scale soldiers were the ones which came with "special" items,The British commandos and their canoo's,the American Marines and their rubber dinghy,the British Paras and their weapons pod and Para making up his chute,the Russian infantry with the little Machine gun on wheels,etc etc etc.The Annual Airfix catalogue was also a must have item,as the box front illustrations which were reproduced in full colour were superb works of art in their own right.Thats it,Im going searching for any Airfix nostalgia sites,before mum calls me in for my tea!

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Hi all

another nostalgia thread are lot enjoying making me feel old ! smile.gif

Airfix I truly believe to be 'responsible' in large degree for the foray into realm of Wargames for vast majority of UK Miniatures gamers I cant think of any (at least of those 25yrs +) who did not start out with the little affordable plastic hordes smile.gif

My 7yr old now has his mitts on my collection of HO/OO (or 'midgies' as we knew them) & 1/32nd Airfix stuff.

Anyone remember the original British & German Infantry with really naff poses. The Krauts had a sort of little Pupchen included. I remember getting mine in one of the 'boxed' sets that Airfix produced 'The Gun Emplacment' which included plastic Patton Tanks and an M113 with the WWII figs !

Heres a nostalgia test for the 30+ somethings.........anyone own or remember

Johnny Seven ??



Sgt Steiner



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Hi Sgt Steiner,I inherited a slightly beat-up Johnny seven from an older cousin.Apart from its huge size(The gun,not my cousin!) the thing I remember best about it was the "ratchet"(bolt?)on the right hand side which I pulled back with some difficuilty, but the resulting noise when you pulled the trigger more than made up for the effort.Thanks for reminding me of the Pupchen thing from the 1/72 Airfix Germans.If memory serves me well there was a little guy to sit on a kind of seat attached to it.Other favourites were the "dead guys"you got with some sets,flat on one side to make them lie realistically on your dining table/battlefield!I remember having the gun emplacement with a revolving field gun in a turret,which could be used to fire lethal matchsticks at the enemy.I think most kits had an "officer" figure,the commandos had a guy with a dynamite detonator.Possibly the most reviled set was the "civilians"which came in a pale yellow colour.They were supposed to be used to add realism to model railways but to us bloodthirsty seven year olds they were worse than useless(except for the cool little guy on the Lambretta scooter!)There must be thousands of these little soldiers lying around in attics/cupboards.Now if you'll excuse me I'm off to finish reading my "Commando".

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My grandad gave me a load he had hundreds of these little chaps. I remember having a load of romans ( I think you could remove their shields) some Egyption types. Commandos with little canoes, some germans dont know what type and british Paras I think, as they came with a little base that you put them and their parachutes on to stand up

I bet no one here used to have the MatchBox Bridge assualt set that I had. It was wicked it was this large piece of cardboard and you folded one end up slightly to make the background sky. Then it cam with all these plastic houses ( with pock and shell marks on) and two landing craft and a big missile launcher and you pressed these buttons and they shot off. It also came with an excellent bridge, plastic bushes, tank traps, telegraph poles and a few old matchbox vechiles.

Me and my mate created an excellent game involving this and the airfix men and some dice. It wasnt too advanced you used to roll first to see how many bullets a chap fired and then how much chance it was to hit(which we both guessed and then agreed upon), dont know why we rolled for the number of bullets as it only needed one to kill someone. All rather good fun though when I was 8 or 9 though

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