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Eastern Front books??

Guest Rommel22

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Guest Rommel22

I have just finnished "Fighting for the Soviet Mother land" by Dimitri Loza.

Can anyone recommend another good book. I mean really good book about the Eastern front. I need another book to!

I have several already. But I would like to hear what you people think is good.

Thanx in advance!


Rommel22s Kampfgruppe site:


"I saw 5 Germans walking down the side of the road, so I followed them for a few yard to get closer. Then I shot them! Later that day I found out the war has been over for a few weeks." - someone

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In my view, your first port of call should be the Schiffer Publishing catalogue. Much of their stuff is written from a German perspective, but if you can live with that, try Paul Carell's two volumes that deal with the campaign from 1941 to the collapse of Army Group Centre in 1944; also look at the semi-autobiographical stuff by Alex Buchner. Perhaps the best single-volume work is Albert Seaton, The Eastern Front 1941–5, even if it's getting a bit long in the tooth.

Avoid Clark and Erickson; both write tendentious rubbish. Neither is capable of differentiating between the Nazis and the German armed forces, and therefore may be capable of writing impassioned political history, but not military history.

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SS Steel Storm by Tim Ripley.

This book is wonderful in that it contains a perfect balance of well written accounts of great battles (kursk) and stunning black and white photo's. This book is one of my favorites and is a WWII collectors must.

Amazon.com link is here:


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Guest Rommel22

Thanx, I'll check those books out!!!

What about a book called When Titans Clash. How about that one?

Anyone know of a WWII Rusian tank book maybe.

Any other good eatern front books any knows about?


Rommel22s Kampfgruppe site:


"I saw 5 Germans walking down the side of the road, so I followed them for a few yard to get closer. Then I shot them! Later that day I found out the war has been over for a few weeks." - someone

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Originally posted by Rommel22:

What about a book called When Titans Clash. How about that one?

Great book by David Glantz. Gives a good operational overview of the war from start to finish. Includes data from recently opened archives.


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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Stalingrad by Anthony Beevor

I'm about three-quarters through this one at the moment. It's pretty good. It does a great job of showing you how fantastically nasty both sides were. I gather it's one of the first to really take advantage of the newly opened-up Soviet archives.

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Guest Rommel22


All those books sound great I checked the out on amazon and on Barnes and Noble. The reviews those books got are great.

The only book not printed today is Paul Carell's "Hilter Moves east". SO I can't get that book. I saw someone was selling their copy for some 469 dollars. Yeha righ, I aint paying that!

That should give a few books to read for a while!



Rommel22s Kampfgruppe site:


"I saw 5 Germans walking down the side of the road, so I followed them for a few yard to get closer. Then I shot them! Later that day I found out the war has been over for a few weeks." - someone

[This message has been edited by Rommel22 (edited 04-04-2001).]

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Guest Michael emrys

I've never read Carell, so I won't attempt a critique of him, but I have heard other historians mention that he tends to make things up. Don't know if that's true, but you might want to read him with caution.


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Carell's a journalist, and his style (at least in translation) is pacy and tabloid. I don't know that I'd trust his research totally, but he was at least able to interview significant participants. Perhaps one day John Ellis will write one of his fastidious and critical books about the Eastern Front, or Robert Kershaw, or Michael Reynolds. Let's hope so.

Rommel22, both Carells ARE available. Start looking at www.alibris.com ... it's one of the best sources of out-of-print stuff there is.

Bon chance.

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Jeeze Micheal! Your being pretty harsh on a dead author.

Lemme help you out here. Carrell has written numerous works on WWII, including a book called “Invasion! They're Coming! The German Account of the D-Day Landings and the 80 Days Battle for France”. In the book Carrell discusses various aspects of the German and Allied OoB’s during the Normandy Campaign. Since the book was published back in the 1960’s a significant amount of new information on troop strengths and the like has surfaced as a results of various historians ala Zetterling digging into unit histories and archival information...stuff declassified since Carrell published "Invasion".

In retrospect Carrell’s assessments of these aspects of the campaign are “dated”. The information contained in “Invasion, They are Coming!” is therefore inaccurate relative to what is now know about the campaign. “Making-up information” seems an overly dramatic assessment, especially coming from a critic that hasn’t even read Carell’s work wink.gif

Oh and tanks for the link WRG...I’ve been hunting for a copy of “Hitler Moves East” for some time now. I had one spotted on E-Bay but got out bid by somebody willing to pay a healthy chunk of change for a used paperback.

Just a side…who here thinks that folks who post things for sale on E-Bay enter the site under an alias and bid on their own goods to deliberately drive up the price? wink.gif

[This message has been edited by Jeff Duquette (edited 04-04-2001).]

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You're welcome, Jeff. As for Invasion, dated and suspect it might be, but I'd still like to send Steven Spielberg a copy before he fishes out his box of crayons and tries rewriting history again.

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Guest wwb_99

Some interesting newer stuff:

Stofi, Hitler's Panzers East. Kind of revisionist, but well researched and argued.

Bartov, Hitler's Army. Written from letters sent home by German soldiers. Quite enlightening on what they were thinking (or at least wanted the censors to think they were thinking).

I would also reccomend checking out the Osprey volumes dealing with major battles. Very well researched, with good maps and a rather neutral perspective.


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Two more recommendations:

"The Road to Stalingrad : Stalin's War With Germany (Erickson, John, Stalin's War With Germany, V. 1.)"


"The Road to Berlin : Stalin's War With Germany (Erickson, John, Stalin's War With Germany, V. 2.)"




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Originally posted by Rommel22:

The only book not printed today is Paul Carell's "Hilter Moves east". SO I can't get that book. I saw someone was selling their copy for some 469 dollars.

i've got a hardback copy of that here.

...didn't realize i had a phreaking collector's item! laugh

you might be able to find it at 'east front books' or some such. i believe they're located in virginia.

on carell, some will say he's not accurate, but the material seems accurate to me. he is admittedly partisan to the wermacht side; perhaps at times embarrassingly so, at least in this age of political correctness.


[This message has been edited by grunto2 (edited 04-05-2001).]

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Guest Rommel22

Thanx guys,

I ordered David Glant's When Titans Clashed and Paul Carell's Scroched Earth. I wish I could get that other book he wrote. Hitler moves East. I checked Amazon, Barnes a Nobles and alibris.com. Some of them have it, but around 500 bucks. I think I will hold of on that one. LOL

I think I also will get Panzertruppen by Thimas J. Lenz. It good good reviews.

Thanx again!!!


Rommel22s Kampfgruppe site:


"I saw 5 Germans walking down the side of the road, so I followed them for a few yard to get closer. Then I shot them! Later that day I found out the war has been over for a few weeks." - someone

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All of you people should jump on a plane and stay for a weekend at Hay-on-Wye which is in Eastern Wales if I remember correctly.

There are more 2nd hand bookshops there per square foot than anywhere else in the world. It's essentially a small Welsh town brimming full of some excellent book stores. There's a *huge* one which is like some public library you could get lost in.

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Good novels of some the German principles involved include Guederian, Manstein, and Melenthen. But these tend to be somewhat revisionist and blame Hitler for everything and gloss over German defeats. Also the authors tend to portray the Russians as faceless, primative masses and over inflate Russian numerical superiority. Paul Carrel makes for a good read and at least makes an effort to look at Russian sources.

John Erikson was the first Western author to present the EF from the perspective of the Russians using previously classified Russian source material from post-Stalinist Russia. Most authors prior to Erikson (Clarke, Seaton) pretty much relied exclusively on German war accounts and as such presented a very one side view. For example 4/5th of Seaton's book is devoted to 1941-1942, the years of German victorys.

David Glantz is definitely the best objective Russian military author who builds on Erikson's work and tries to corroborate it with German sources.

[This message has been edited by Keith (edited 04-05-2001).]

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