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Kiev 1943

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My first sceanrio (operation) that i have ever made for the masses is now online at THE PROVING GROUNDS. I have made bunches of scenarios but never for the public. I hope it is a learning experience nonetheless. Hopefully, it may even be fun to play. Go check it out and let me know what you think.


Jeff :D

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Playing it now, just finished second battle, looks very good so far !


Just finished it, got major victory on 6-th battle. I'd suggest giving more armor reinforecements to Allied as it looked a bit too easy.

[ June 28, 2003, 03:13 PM: Message edited by: dima ]

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Thanks Dima, hopefully you won't even need that help from the 2nd SS! (if your playing as the Axis)

I hope it gets played a bit and then I can tweak it and send it out to the Scenario Depot also. I never find many Operations, and those are more fun to me then just a battle.

But it is all good.


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I totally agree, I've started playing operations lately and can't go back to battles. With ops you've got strategic elements which add another dimmension to overall experience.

One other thing I liked about your map is that it isn't very wide and makes it easier to keep in touch with all the troops.

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Jeff, I played the Germans against the AI on standard settings and default set up. I liked the subject you selected and enjoyed my go at it. However, there were a few problems, at least with the way my game played out.

First, the Soviet infantry reinforcements kept appearing in open ground. As a result, I tore them up. This is the single most important reason that I was able to achieve a Total Victory after only three battles.

Second, I agree with others who have found the Soviets to be armor deficient. In the first battle, they had me worried a bit, as their T-34s were often in excellent ambush positions. However, I was able to keep my distance for the most part, and my superior optics and larger numbers proved superior over the T-34s, which gnerally appeared in a piecemeal fashion.

Third, the map seems very short for an operation with this many battles.

Fourth, the Germans start in set positions, but their zones stretch far forward of their initial positions. This suggests a number of things you might consider changeing. Initially, it told me that I could speed to the front without much caution (to the edge of the bridge) because all of this area was in or near my zone. Next, I'm not sure why you selected to put the black force so far from the bridge. There was no river ford on the right flank. Indeed much of the sector contained cliffs over looking the river. There were also no Soviets in that area; at least none that I encountered. All this means that the entire black group had to be moved to the bridge before anything happened with regard to them. It was just a bit tedious. With regard to the green force, even they did not make contact with the Soviets very fast despite my rapid movement to the bridge. All of this made for a slow opening.

Keep up you efforts. I'm sure that this is excellant and hopefully fun learning experience for you. Your efforts and the fun and challenged they provide are most appreciated.

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Well, I MUST suck, because I got fed up after turn eight as the Germans, bagged the game and will retry it later. The major problem came with the rainy weather. So, NOT surprisingly my HQ tank in the black set up zone predictably bogged, then immobilized :mad: (No officer, I WASN'T SPEEDING), had a second slow moving MKIV bog, and stay bogged :rolleyes: (yeah right, the patch FIXED this :rolleyes: ). I took out the two scout cars quickly, and then laughed in disgust as my OTHER HQ tank receives that all too familiar "Gun Damage" result :rolleyes: . THEN my crew exposed Mark IV that is stationary and with good LOS keeps missing a T-34 which--ON THE MOVE knocks me out! :eek: In exchange I get one T-34. So, maybe I'm just cursed, but I'll obvious try SOME OTHER TACTIC. I agree that having the Germans with a fixed set up provides you with ZERO options. How in the hell am I suppose to get my black sector tanks to the road without bogging? I like the looks of the op, and am a bit envious of those who had a cakewalk. If the map is small, then by all means try to enlarge it, although I couldn't get past the first recon screen. Usually i don't suck as bad, but man, two bogs and one gun damage result had me heading for the beer. Now, i feel better (burp!). Let's see what the second playing brings.

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Second tyr much better. Still got the rain but this time by using less waypoints I only lost one SPW 251/9 who bogged then IMMEDIATELY immobilized. (patch, yeah right! :rolleyes: )

This guy didn't even smell an enemy unit. My problem is how to get enough concentration of forces across the one bridge in order to combat all of the enemy armor. Freedom to place units would help a lot in the set-up.

I'm now into the second scenario after losing four Mark IVs. I haven't got into the village yet. Combat losses I can take, but too much "fate" losses get old real quick. What i like about this game is the absence of ATGs for the defender. Lately it seems like I am always fighting through tanks, then get pelted with withering ATG fire in the majority of scenarios I have been playing as of yet. Easy? Not for me. Still, it IS proving entertaining. If this is your first op then it's not bad for your debut. I always prefer ops to battles. With ops you get a better "feel" of fighting in WWII IMHO. No "beating the clock" as occurs with some battles. Now that my tears have dried from my crying about the first playing the game's entertaining. Ah, that's better. :D

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Thanks alot for the feedback. I appreciate it. I had not taken into consideration the bogging problem, just that 25 Panzer (and all of 48 Korps, plus the 3rd Guards tank Army) was trying to beat the mud which was 2-4 weeks away. So I made the ground "wet" and the weather mixed.

The set ups are easily changed, and not a big deal. What was intended was a 2-pronged set up for the Germans. (There is a large ford on the south/right of the bridge) maybe i should allow that as recon in the scenario briefings.

Also, I figured 10 battles may be way to many, but I wanted them short and with punch. Obviously, the point about the bridge being too close and the start of action too slow in coming good point. Did anyone get to where they needed the SS Tigers from "Das Reich"?

Thanks Again. :D


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Originally posted by Jeff Devlin:

My first sceanrio (operation) that i have ever made for the masses is now online at THE PROVING GROUNDS. I have made bunches of scenarios but never for the public. I hope it is a learning experience nonetheless. Hopefully, it may even be fun to play. Go check it out and let me know what you think.


Jeff :D

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Originally posted by Jeff Devlin:

My first sceanrio (operation) that i have ever made for the masses is now online at THE PROVING GROUNDS. I have made bunches of scenarios but never for the public. I hope it is a learning experience nonetheless. Hopefully, it may even be fun to play. Go check it out and let me know what you think.


Jeff :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok folks, Kiev 1943 has been tweeked, with a larger map, and adjustments made to weather and re-inforcements. Hopefully even more play for your mid/late-war appetite!

During the attack/liberation of Kiev in late Fall 1943, the Germans couterattacked at various times with what they could throw together and re-inforce the line with. In early November, 48 Korps sent the newly arrived 25th Panzer Divison to occupy and hold the town of Fastov which was slighty southwest of Kiev and the main highway. Unfortunetly for this green divison freshly re-constituted in France, the crack &th Guard tank Korps had stormed the town the night before.

Please go enjoy, and as always any feedback is welcomed.


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I'm playing your op now and frankly getting my armor chewed up a bit. One question though, why in game 1 the river has no ford but then in game 2 it becomes fordable? I did move units to the rivers edge in game 1 to check for fordable areas but I didn't see any.

I concur on the setup for the right flank, it would make perfect sense to have those units there if the river was fordable in game 1. Since it was not, I've moved them all to the bridge where I'm taking turns racing across it securing the other side (which is pretty fun actually).

Pretty enjoyable so far, great job!

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There was a fordable area in the first version but it was small and only suitable for infantry due to cliffs. That wasn't my intention, so I reverted back and made it larger and more accessable. Now all you have to watch out for is bogging. Hopefully the armor will get chewed up ;) , but not too much so you get get a few rounds of re-inforcements.

Thanks for the input,


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Originally posted by tooz:

Jeff The Proving Grounds only has your latest verson in a cme (or is it cmf?) file and consequently I cannot DL it. Any chance of sending me this as a zip file? I am curious to see the end product.

Tooz, can you let me know what browser/OS platform you're using and what the problem is? You're the first to report that they couldn't download, but if it's an issue I want to correct it.



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I run Windows Xp Home Edition and my laptop has all of the new bells and whistles. However, I ALWAYS receive a "Windows cannot open this file. In order to open it, Windows must know what program..." message. This happens irrespective of website or even attachments from my email. Zip files work without any problems. Consequently, I am unable to Download ANY scenario from your very good site and this proves disappointing.

Any way to bundle everything and send them as zips? The problem lies with any file labelled as cme or cmf. My Dell computer refuses to open it. Pity, I sure would like to have those scenarios/ops. :(

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Originally posted by tooz:

I run Windows Xp Home Edition and my laptop has all of the new bells and whistles. However, I ALWAYS receive a "Windows cannot open this file. In order to open it, Windows must know what program..." message. This happens irrespective of website or even attachments from my email. Zip files work without any problems. Consequently, I am unable to Download ANY scenario from your very good site and this proves disappointing.

Any way to bundle everything and send them as zips? The problem lies with any file labelled as cme or cmf. My Dell computer refuses to open it. Pity, I sure would like to have those scenarios/ops. :(

[ July 31, 2003, 06:40 AM: Message edited by: gorakshep ]

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