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Comp CO's wwhat they good for?

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Buying a company will save u a few points, but that is usually offset by the price of the included company commander. End result? you get a company command squad for free. Is it worth it? yes. They actually have resonable firepower as a standing unit and hardly ever break. But their real use comes in as either secondary command units (able to take over command of a platoon if the HQ unit gets killed), or to command AT guns, mortors, mgs and they like.

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I'm not the the greatest yet in managing anything larger than platoon sized infantry units yet. But in practicing with a company and in the manual, Company level CO's(typically a Captain/Hauptman) generally have larger command radii than your platoon leaders. Platoon leaders (Lieutenant/Leutnant) usually have smaller command radii than their CO's but have abilities to increase combat effectiveness i.e. that little lightning bolt on the status screen for more efficient firing or the question mark for stealth. That'd be real nice to set ambushes or movement through dense terrain for surprise.

Also, if you notice you have units just sitting out of command of their platoon leader, if the Company CO is near enough that unit will fall under his command.

For me I play as the Germans alot and I don't see platoon level hvy.weaps. organizations like the US. If I requisition a infantry company for example it'll have organic hvy.weaps. units like HeavyMG42's, Mortars, etc. Typically I keep these back just enough not to be easily engaged by enemy frontline units who should be engaged with my own grunts. Keep the Company CO back with them to keep them under command and control and to instill any bonus. I'm ecstatic if I get a Hauptmann with a combat ability to boost my MG42 and ATG fire.

Hope it helps. But I'm sure there's alot better ideas than mine out there.


"Uncommon valor was a common virtue"-Adm.Chester Nimitz of the Marines on Iwo Jima

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Kiwi is right. Use them to spot for on-board mortars or to help prevent your AT gun and MG crews from breaking. Or as replacements for wiped out platoon HQs.


You've never heard music until you've heard the bleating of a gut-shot cesspooler. -Mark IV

[This message has been edited by Vanir (edited 01-07-2001).]

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Vanir and Kiwi both mention in passing a great tactic -- the Company CO can be hidden at a point with a wide LOS. In front of the CO the AT teams and AT guns defending a line get the advantage of leadership, while the hidden Company command unit can direct 60 and 80/81mm mortars hidden out of LOS.

I found this out when I got a US Infantry Battalion during a random hotseat and cringed at all those useless 60mm mortars, or useless in my previous experience (and indeed they can be hard to get into action during at attack.) Turned out they broke an entire SS SMG company before they ran out of ammo, with no loss to themselves, all because the Company CO spotted for them.

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So you group the 60mm mortars behind the Company HQ unity and use him to spot for them, why didn't I think of that, if you have 4 or 5 60mm mortars on 1 target it must wipe it out in no time. Cool, I have to use this next game.



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Thank for the replys.One question.Does the CO have any value in the fact that he cordinates the efforts of of the LTs in the game,i.e. giving them some sort of bonus to there skills?


Every one want go to heaven.Nobody want dead!

Screwface in "Marked for Death"

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Guest Michael emrys

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pvt.Tom:

So you group the 60mm mortars behind the Company HQ unity and use him to spot for them, why didn't I think of that, if you have 4 or 5 60mm mortars on 1 target it must wipe it out in no time. Cool, I have to use this next game.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Even used in indirect fire mode with someone spotting for them, the 60mm mortars can be more effective than you might expect. I've gotten into the habit of using them one at a time against units in foxholes. After the second or third round, it's usually hitting pretty close, if not actually dropping into the foxhole. If you have any infantry units closing in on them, the enemy is liable to remember an urgent appointment elsewhere. They do not like being mortared.


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Another nice thing to do with the company CO is split off 2-3 squads from the platoons in the company and put them under his command, to get a 4th maneuver element out of the company. A simple thing, but it can really increase the flexibility of your force, especially when points are tight.



sometimes i'd like to kick your f-ing head

but i guess you're just a human too


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60mm Mortors and 2" mortors are great offensive and defensive weapons. They are relatively cheap, and can give a platoon/company some quick direct fire support. They work well in repelling an attack, and supporting an advance. Most have 2-3 Smoke charges and 3 of them can cover a field for a quick infantry charge.

Never underestimate the use of these small weapons!

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In addition to these nice features, do not forget they are very dangerous to medium tanks, assault guns and TDs! One instance my A1 wiped out 2 M18s within the first 5 turns!


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Major Tom:

60mm Mortors and 2" mortors are great offensive and defensive weapons. They are relatively cheap, and can give a platoon/company some quick direct fire support. They work well in repelling an attack, and supporting an advance. Most have 2-3 Smoke charges and 3 of them can cover a field for a quick infantry charge.

Never underestimate the use of these small weapons!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


"When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

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I recently played a QB with a regiment of British infantry. I hate using the mortars with each platoon beacuse they slow the group down and are usually knocked out before I can get them into a position to provide direct fire support. So, I grouped them all behind a hill that dominated the field and hid a CO at the crest of the hill. It gave me the ability to call in devastating fire with near pinpoint accuracy. All those falling rounds either destroyed or routed whatever the assigned target was. Those 2" mortars don't have much ammo, so when it ran out I used the smoke for a quick and effective smoke screen. I would imagine a dozen or so 81mm could really reak havoc when used this way.

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