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Announcement: CMBO Invitational PBEM Tourney of "Stars"!!

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I replied to your test message and also sent File 83. I'm getting your stuff just fine. I think your problem may be just incoming mail.

To All,

We have 21 battles in progress, 6 completed, and 10 awaiting purchases. That leaves 153 matchups uninitiated. It's gonna be a long war, but it will be glorious!

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Action at Hill 197 has become furious. Within minutes of the initial contact German and American elements clashed on the right slope of the hill while what appears to be a mix of

SS and Heer advanced right into a similar sized force driving hard in the opposite direction. This occurred downslope from the hill proper on the right, in undulating brush covered terrain. A UI German element has been taken under fire on the left slope of the hill

as well.

Will report again later.


John Kettler

[ 07-14-2001: Message edited by: John Kettler ]

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"This is Scott Howard of the BBC, substituting for my colleague Nigel Henley, who was badly wounded earlier this evening by a Luftwaffe

night bombing raid.

The intensity of combat in CENSORED has risen further. GHQ has confirmed that the center of town is in bitter dispute and that armour has been committed to first stabilize the situation, then eject the German forces from the town. GHQ confirms that casualties have been "substantial" on both sides.

This is Scott Howard of the BBC signing off."


John Kettler

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Game report so far:

Moon and I are dancing in the dark. It's amazing just how invisible sharpshooters are in night enshrounded forests! I've got at least two (that I'll admit to) in his backfield scoping out his forces. I purchased a whole passel of TRPs and it has been a fine investment. He has advanced at least one platoon and two SP guns into a nest of three TRPs and I'm about to introduce him to my friend Arthur in 11sec.

MrSpkr and I had completed the discovery phase of our contest and are now proceeding to try our case before the court of flying lead and things that go BOOM. We've decided on RECON rules for a fairly open map with long LOS. He shall not fair well against my trained ubermensch.

Anyone else care to start up with me?



P.S. I really think there should be an un-sportsmanship prize, don't you?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Claymore:

Anyone else care to start up with me?



P.S. I really think there should be an un-sportsmanship prize, don't you?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ya' have defamed, me, sir. You have mocked me, and held me at naught. You have come into my own house, and belitttled me, and you lesser than the least. You know that to which I refer.

You are a low fellow, devoid of wit, shorn of honour, and a sodding bloody bastard.

You defeat the Berli, you posture and strut amongst your Grog friends, but will ya' face me man tae man?

I would bet my last that you're not even named for that noble weapon, hidden amongst the thatch every time the English and their lackeys came a-calling on Highland warriours, but rather, you're named after a goddamn American remotely detonated mine. Ya' pillock.

A lesser man amongst eagles I might be, but I call you out in front of your own, you poodle. You yorkshire terrier. You bloody pekinese.

Send me a setup.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Claymore:

Anyone else care to start up with me?


Yes. Yes. You seem very evil to me...goooood.

I wish to play you now. Lets us play the map blind, you gamey, that is, smelly, bastard.


Send us e-mails with the date and the map we are to play.



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Treeburst155:


Claymore must agree to start a game with you before I can issue a map. If you want to play blind he must agree to that too before I can advise you of the month to choose your forces from.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I know that... I was hoping he would post here and agree... But I concure... I will acost him privately.


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A quick update on Hill 197.

Fionn has advanced at lightning speed strongly on my left, middle left and center, doing considerable damage in the process, but has tasted the whip of American defensive firepower to such an extent that he pulled back from the near edge of the hilltop after 4.2" mortar treebursts ripped up his men there. A hot fight for the small American VL on the right base of the hill continues, and an SS motorized platoon was not only stopped but shot up so badly to the right of the VL that the survivors fled. Another platoon has surfaced in the same wood to which the SS survivors fled. Fionn's support fires have also entered the fray.

In the anything's possible category his company HQ charged past one of my intact glider squads near the small VL at the left of the hill unscathed, survived multiple fires from several directions, destroyed a veteran platoon HQ and wrought havoc on some of my support elements. If the display's right, this is a regular unit that's done all this, and the unit has yet to take a casualty. Go figure. Must be some I.G. Farben produced uberpolymer!

The unsolved mystery of the game is what I'm fighting. Turn after turn has passed at tens of meters, yet I still don't know what I'm facing. Whatever it is must've been cheap, because he's got platoons where most have squads. It's like fighting a Red Chinese army made up of soldiers who can shoot accurately and move fast. Nasty.

Am keeping my FDCs busy, but there seem to be so many Germans about that I could keep divisional artillery gainfully employed for quite some time. Too bad 155s are busy (were banned)! I've got some great targets in a bunch of places. The big stuff would stop this German advance and send it packing.

He has hurt me and knows it, but he knows already that he's been in a fight and will shortly have that lesson be further reinforced. Pain travels both ways in this battle.

That's all I have for now, since I'm waiting for a turn. The BBC broadcasts have been suspended for a week by order of the War Office. Rumor has it that Scott Howard said something deemed offensive by the authorities.


John Kettler

[ 07-17-2001: Message edited by: John Kettler ]

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Hello Madmatt,

Thanks for the timeous warning! Appreciated.

Does the server crash automatically when a certain number of posts have been reached?

I have seen one post (I think the one about the accuracy of some German gun, Joachim the initiater) that seems to float in and out of this forum, being very close to p20 by now!

Or does it become unstable to such an extent that you don't know when it will crash when it reaches the region of 300 posts?

Ayway, I'll start the "....continued" thread of the Invitational later today.

If memory serves correctly, this server does not like South Africans posting to it, as the "Wine Features Thread" had someting to do with the last major Battlefront Forum crash! ;)

Kind regards,

Charl Theron

PS: Madmatt, for one split second I scanned your above post too quickly and thought that I have reached my total of postings on this whole forum and cannot post anymore! :rolleyes: Just about to start an looong, pleading e-mail that I have seen gentleman here reaching 1200+ posts and this is just not on ... :D


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Kingfish, whom I'm to do a 5000pt Armour probe PBEM battle with, discovered my winemaking secret. Better post it here before rumour spreads too quickly with addedd tales ... <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>

I know now how you make your wine. You pour grape juice in jar, then place in

a dark cellar. Meanwhile you fire up a 5000pt QB on your P2-233, set it up,

plot the moves, then hit "Go". By the time the first turn finishes you have

wine. Your secret is safe with me.

Sergio (Kingfish)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Go figure!

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Hill 197 update.

Fionn may talk Soviet doctrine, but he's evidently read his Lidell Hart, too. The expanding torrent of what's now known to be

a slightly reduced battalion of SS Motorized Infantry is somewhat akin to being hit by a powerful wave which can be slowed down but not stopped. The luckless veteran platoon which bore the initial brunt of five (5) attacking platoons was eaten alive before it ever had a clue anything was even there. I had a crack sharpshooter ahead of it, and he saw and heard nothing, nor did the platoon which was hit from ahead, just off the front and at several points on the flank out of nowhere and in a seeming eyeblink. The devoured platoon was in mid bound when hit, with one squad in trees in front of the VL, one at the VL, and the HQ and reserve squad coming up closely behind the VL, trailed by 60mm mortars.

Crunch! Gobble! Urrrp!!!

On my extreme left certain elements are in dire trouble and have called down a curtain of steel danger close. My platoon on the left small VL was overrun and wiped out, with the handful of survivors being held by that unkillable Hauptmann and his doughty crew. The victors are in the left rear flank of the support elements of an already damaged platoon, but the survivors are in good order and fighting hard. This platoon is on the hill slope proper.

The 4.2s did more yeoman work by chopping up a platoon coming around the left side of Hill 197 and putting it to flight. It appears Fionn

has reoccupied Hill 197's crest with the remnants of the treeburst festival previously described.

The other American held VL fell after a nasty fight which cost Fionn a platoon HQ and several other casualties. I lost the use of a squad. A damaged German platoon owns the VL.

Fionn's fire support is now in FFE, and those 120mm mortars are tearing up whatever they hit. Personally, I'm hoping a stray round will fall right into the lap of his platoon in the woods to my far right. That I think would bring the present firefight there to a screeching halt. 120mm's potent stuff.

Overall, I'm in big trouble, and Fionn owns

all the VLs on my side. Those of you who haven't fought him need to put serious points into recon, push your troops very hard early on, and prepare to be assaulted with an "A."

He moves at what seems like warp speed, has a well developed intuitive sense, and will come at you like a berserk banshee on speed. Be further advised that he's a whiz at min/max analysis.

This is hard won advice. Ignore it at your peril!


John Kettler

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