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Announcement: CMBO Invitational PBEM Tourney of "Stars"!!

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Ok. Results for the Berli-Claymore game are in.

Claymore: 99

Berli: 1

True to Berli's predictions there was quite a bit of "die a lot now". Unfortunately his troopers misunderstood the orders and casualties to his side were a bit grim.

German casualties:

101 killed 64 captured

1 PzV and 9 251/1 knocked out

1 PzV abandoned upon surrender


American Casualties:



3 fellows stubbed their toes on the corpses


Any hopes of winning the sportsmanship award are dimming fast I guess. :D




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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Claymore:

Claymore: 99

Berli: 1

German casualties:

101 killed 64 captured

1 PzV and 9 251/1 knocked out

1 PzV abandoned upon surrender

American Casualties:


And all that by turn 3. A most impressive smack down. Congradulations Claymore

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There is NO way that I will (if I were you) report THAT score back to the cesspool! :D

All this happened on move 3?????? You're kidding me! Did you offer surrender, as that could explain the lop-sided result?

Congrats Claymore!

Kind regards,

Charl Theron

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by WineCape:


There is NO way that I will (if I were you) report THAT score back to the cesspool! :D

All this happened on move 3?????? You're kidding me! Did you offer surrender, as that could explain the lop-sided result?

Congrats Claymore!

Kind regards,

Charl Theron<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Its already made it back to the Pool smile.gif

Yes, I surrendered... the battle was really over by the end of turn 2

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A bit of a dry old AAR and short but that was because...ah..well..um..you know. ;)

Berli and I decided on a no-rules game. Map was an undulating plain with a big old hill in the center. Two VLs on top of the hill at either end. Clear conditions gave good LOS from any high ground you might occupy and the slightly damp ground was too iffy for me to purchase bogable giant tanks. Being partially brain dead and not a small amount overworked I had a mixup over who was going to be the Germans. I had thought I was going to be the forces of darkness originally and it wasn't until Berli reached back into his email archives for our original conversations that things got put on straight.

Looking at the map I decided that I could use the undulations with fast Hellkitties to work my way into Berli rear. (shut up Bauhaus!) I really didn't trust Berli not to bring the wrath of hell down upon any infantry I might purchase with a rocket barrage, so I put my faith into a pure armoured force. The charge up the hill would be performed by a platoon of M24s. Just to make sure any gamey bastage SMG charge was nipped I purchased som vanilla 155mm spotters and some TRPs.

I purchased

4 x Vet Hellcats (right flanking hook)

4 x Vet Chaffees (straight up hill)

2 x Green 155 spotters (hidden way back)

4 x TRP (dotted on Berli's reverse slope)

3 x VET Sharpshooters (riding on M24s)

Round 1: Send the Hellkitties on a charge down my right flank using the dips for cover. Pull into positions that give LOS to Berli's reverse slope. M24s charge up hill. Spotters target two TRPs...indicated 42sec to impact but since out of LOS will take about 90sec to impact.

Round 2: M24s drop off their sharpshooter riders who run for cover on the top of the hill. I can see a bunch of generic vehicle markers racing up the hill. At the 20sec mark my Hellkitties take a PzV under fire and immobilize him and knock out 2 251/1s. Then the artillery starts falling, taking out another HT and killing all the dismounted infantry. German HTs which start cresting the hill away from this carnage are ambushed by my M24s who are just below the crest, two die immediately. I give the 155 spotter a targetting nudge towards the german infantry which are trying to become gophers and escape the DF 75mm HE from the Chaffees. I request the two of Hellkitties to continue their way around Berli's rear (...Bauhaus!...never mind)

Round 3: Hellkitties knock out the immobilized Panther (three penetrating hits from three different M18s within 1 sec of each other!) M24s knock out another 3 HTs on the hilltop. Artillery slams into the dispirited infantry. One lone german takes an "over the shoulder" pop at one of my sharpshooters and lay him low.

That's the long and short of it...the story of the Great Berlianas Turkey Shoot comes to a close. Never has a wild charge worked so well...and probably never again. Take note! I will NOT attempt this again. ;)



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A request to Berli and Claymore:

Is it possible to send the movie files of the both of you to me with passwords to see this carnage? That is, if you have these files still on your harddrive?

My mailbox can handle a total of 10MB BTW.

Kind regards and thanks for the AAR Claymore -- Berli must have received some BIG flak back in the cesspool! ;)

Charl Theron


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Thanks for the AAR, Claymore! Three hits in one second. Wow!!

This just in from the front. Fionn has soundly defeated SuperTed 84-16. Congratulations Fionn!! This gives Fionn a two game average of 82.5. These are winning stats if he can keep it up.

SuperTed is not hurt too badly by the defeat because of his decisive victory over Michael Dorosh in his other completed game. SuperTed's average is 50.5 with his "Fionn Game" behind him.

Players who have completed more than one game so far are: Berlichtingen, Michael Dorosh, SuperTed, and Fionn. Thanks guys for getting a jump on things.

As always, tourney stats can be found at the link below, thanks to Michael Dorosh.


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Announcement for all:

Due to circumstances beyond my control (i.e., the prigs at bigfoot.com being so utterly incompetent that they appear to believe that a full 99.9857% of all servers used in the English speaking world are carriers for spam and must be blocked), I can no longer rely upon the address, mrspkr@bigfoot.com, to get turns or other emails. They are either getting bounced back to people, or they are being delayed several days (example: Claymore emailed me on Saturday last, begging me to cut him down a notch or two; I just got his email this morning, thus delaying his badly needed lesson in humility almost a full week).

Therefore, please use the following address until further notice:

stephen.hines@att.net .

That is all.

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"This is Nigel Henly of the BBC reporting from somewhere in France.

The night attack previously reported has apparently become a war in its own right. From where I stand, part of the town is burning, punctuated by what's becoming almost continuous incoming artillery and mortar fire, ours and Jerry's. A veritable vision from hell!

Contact seems to be general and is characterized by withering volumes of fire. Streams of differently colored tracer lance through the air, often ricocheting when they hit a heavy building. What reports are coming in are terse. One gets the impression those making them are rather occupied presently. We shall keep you posted.

This is Nigel Henley signing off.

This has been the BBC."

In other news, the setups are done; the war with Fionn has begun. This should prove most interesting. Am looking forward to administering some tough lessons as well as learning some.


John Kettler

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Whew, I've finally managed to finish enough games to start doing something here.

Anobody with room for a game, mail me your wishes at:


I dont much care what kind of rules we go with, or what side I play. I can lose just as well with or without tanks or SMG infantry.

Can do somewhat historic forces, or just try how it goes with 20 Hummels.

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Hello Berli + Claymore

Thanks for the PBEM movie files send of your match-up with Claymore, Berli.

After watching the above battle, I cannot help but feel the excruciatingly "bad luck" of Berli being poleaxed by a (simultaneous) 2 x 155mm barrage on his troops/HT's (in fact, his whole force!) on the reverse slope of a hill.

This "terror from hell" knocked the stuffing out of his HT's that were racing up the hill, Claymore cleverly placing 4 x TRP on that reverse slop. The very 1st arty shells landed bulls-eye on 2 HT's. Berli's piggybacking Pioneers (veterans) went from "OK" --> "Routed" status in 45 seconds flat! Any effort to direct these hapless troops off the map would have been negated by their shocked/routed state; plus the fact that Claymore skirted the hill with a pair of fast Hellcats and they were blasting Berli's unlucky troops from the back. Escape route shut!

Not that this was all due to just plain "good luck" from Claymore's side -- though Gary Player, the SA golfer's motto: "The harder I practice the luckier I get" springs to mind here.

Claymore *did* execute a risky, bold plan that came off handsomely. The Gods of War should've dealt any luck (that was due) to Claymore, I suppose.

Major Caveat: Never blindly charge all your forces (in narrow lanes) onto a reverse slope to seize a VL on top of a hill!

Apologies to Berli, as this is coarse salt in his wounds, again. ;)

Keep up the battles and thanks Berli for losing graciously!


Charl Theron


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by WineCape:

Keep up the battles and thanks Berli for losing graciously!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Losing graciously? LOSING GRACIOUSLY!?!

What kind of namby pamby, skirt wearing mama's boy would emerge from The One True Thread only to be accused of LOSING GRACIOUSLY?!?

NO KIND! The denizens of the One True Cess would have crushed any such limp-wristed, effiminate imposter LONG ago and sent it running back to mommy crying!

Where is your PRIDE, Sir Berli (I must admit, I hesitated before even bolding your name)?

You disappoint, sirrah.

[ 07-13-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Sit down shandorf, I'm already bleeding your forces out in our other PBEM (and I notice you haven't returned a turn since I WAXED an entire platoon of your infantry at the cost of one toothless old geezer).


Well, maybe that is because I already sent out your turn to you days ago and I am now waiting for the turn back.

Mr.Smack, I will play you in our tourney game. As for the sissy ASL scenario you have me playing, with my disgust mind you, we can continue that silly little game.


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Announcer: "And today in the news . . .

The evil Axis troops commanded by that gracious buffoon, Berli, were quickly routed today in a sharp firefight with MrSpkr's gallant lads.

The battle . . .

(whispering heard)

Announcer: What do you mean I can't . . .

(more whispering)

Announcer: Are you sure?

(still more whispering)

Announcer: I'm just trying to be efficient, you know.

(and yet more whipsering)

Announcer: Oh, all right. I have just been informed that it is apropos to announce Sir Berli's stunning defeat prior to the actual battle, even if it is a foregone conclusion. So, while we are waiting, we go to our correspondent in Brisbane with a horrifying story involving a man and his sheep.

Reporter: Thank you, Steve. Mace. Around here, Mace isn't a defensive spray; it is a person. He is, however, just as effective at repelling people as his chemical namesake. How, you ask? Let's ask this witness, whom we shall call "Baaa-rbie" to protect her true identity. Baa-rbie, what happened?

to be continued

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First shots fired in the Battle of Wedding Cake Hill!

Fionn attempted to finesse the board edge on my extreme left only to get a bunch of .30 '06

right in the kisser for his pains. Seems his intended victim got to key ground first, much to Fionn's dismay.

I know! I know! I'm supposed to let him wipe the floor with me and treat the whole thing as

a "learning experience." Guess I'm just too green to let him. Win, lose, or draw, he'll know he's been in a fight.


John Kettler

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LOL!! Go get him, John! See if you can bring down his average a bit.

Wedding Cake Hill!? Turn your flags off and it won't look like that. It's supposed to be prime ground for observation of the surrounding area. That's why you're fighting over it. Geez, I should have written a briefing. Wedding Cake Hill....mumble...mumble...IT'S HILL 197!!

[ 07-13-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

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At least I didn't call it a ziggurat! There is more than a passing resemblance. I know, I'll call it the Battle of Ziggurat 197!

Seriously, I'm aware it's dominant terrain. That's why I brought my elite mining platoon. I figure I'll quickly tunnel through from the other side and give Fionn a real shock, while simultaneously avoiding his support fires.


You, sir, are obviously a multiply reincarnated provocateur, rabble rouser and a born gadfly! Otherwise, you'd know better than

to bait a Celt so blatantly.


John Kettler

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At least I didn't call it a ziggurat! There is more than a passing resemblance. I know, I'll call it the Battle of Ziggurat 197!

Seriously, I'm aware it's dominant terrain. That's why I brought my elite mining platoon. I figure I'll quickly tunnel through from the other side and give Fionn a real shock, while simultaneously avoiding his support fires.


You, sir, are obviously a multiply reincarnated provocateur, rabble rouser and a born gadfly! Otherwise, you'd know better than

to bait a Celt so blatantly.


John Kettler

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Just to advise my PBEM opponents...

My Australian ISP having connectivity woes affecting access to international sites.. and e-mail apparently also affected. They're hoping for a fix soon but if you haven't heard from me..that's why.

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