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Announcement: CMBO Invitational PBEM Tourney of "Stars"!!

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At this moment I am beating a nomination out of my fellow Poolers' hides. So bear with me...

I am, sans PNZer, I believe the "best" pooler in active duty. I believe I haven't lost a game since... I don't know.. last year. Anyway, enough braggin', all I know is all the time I have spent kickin' the snot out poolers is going to finally get me something.

Hell, if I get a shot at that saucey windbag of an Irishman I will take it! Stick that potato in you pipe and smoke it Fionn! Sunken-Lane this! Uh!


[ 06-12-2001: Message edited by: jshandorf ]

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Shoot! I knew I shouldn't have ignored all those PENG threads. I could never get past the "SOUND OFF AS THOUGH YOU GOT A PAIR!". Now I have an awful lot of reading to do to figure out how I can get a little bit closer to some of that yummie S. African wine.

Mmmmmmm..... wine.

(yea, yea, wine and beer will get me out of lurking)


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Ahhh... the Cesspool is having a nomination meeting I assume. It must be a bloody mess in there as they rip each other apart limb by limb. May the smelliest man win! This tourney shall surely put his CM skills to the test and I'm just pleased as punch we'll have a "Star" from the Pool in the tournament. Three cheers for the Pool!!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panty Liner:

I think i can speak for the pool when I say that Jizonhandoff will NOT be representing the Mutha Beautiful. Stay tuned, we have narrowed down our representatives. Our pool of skilled players makes a choice difficult.

[ 06-12-2001: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

When did we make you our spokesmen? As I said before, shut your pie hole you whiny little twit! Or am I gonn a have to hold you under the cess until you say Jefe? Don't push me Panty Leader.

[ 06-13-2001: Message edited by: Shandorf ]

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The final bottle, a Cape icon since the first 1994 vintage. Catapulted to fame after a panel of International judges placed that vintage ahead of the fabled Australian Grange: Hermitage 1991 in a SA-Oz taste-off competition, sponsored by South African Airways (SAA). This label hasn't looked back since.

Bottle #6: Stellenzicht Syrah 1998 -- Stellenbosch


Damn, this is such a *scarce* wine that I could only find a " Semillon Reserve" label. Just picture the words "Syrah" instead of "Semillon Reserve" above and you get the picture ;)

André van Rensburg, then winemaker at Stellenzicht -- he is now at Vergelegen, see page 1 of this post -- bespectacled, informal, is a man possessed. Compromises are fine on matters of marketing, labels, and imagery, even pricing. But NOT on wine quality. Not surprisingly Van Rensburg is among those (few) eager to pit their winemaking skills against New World wine competitors. André can be seen here with his some of his local/international wine trophies, with the Helderberg mountains and the town of Somerset West in the background…


In a *public retort* during the controversy in 1995 whether SAA should continue to sponsor international Wine Test Matches, he told fellow South African winemakers unwilling to compete against Chile:

"If a winemaker is scared of competing against Chile, he should stop making wine and grow vegetables. The objections of the better known [south African] estates are based on their unjust reputations earned from wine writers who have been to kind to them. Too many big names and not enough good wines" he said. Ouch! :rolleyes: As always, he's shooting from the hip.

Once, at a management meeting at Stellenzicht to consider the estates' new wine pricing policies, he was asked by his boss, Hans Schreiber (multi-millionaire owner of Neethlingshof, Stellenzicht and former CEO of Dresdner Bank, Germany) to suggest his figure.

"Raise the price by 4 cents… [a ridiculous small amount even in South African Rand terms, about US$0,005!] …a bottle" he said. "Hans Schreiber sent me out of the boardroom and told me to come back the next day after I'd thought about it. I did, but still said 4 cents."

Needless to say, he's not anymore at Stellenzicht! Anglo-American Corporation-owned Vergelegen has grabbed his talents where he is churning out some exquisite stuff.


Veritas Double Gold in 2000


John Platter 5/5 Stars, ("Superlative, A Cape classic/masterpiece"), one of only 15 wines out of 6000+ rated to receive this accolade, Gold Medal @ Michaelangelo Awards, Gold Medal @ Sélection Mondiales, SA WINE 4 out of 5 Stars rating.


(John Platter) - the 1998 already gorgeous, will grow in an absolute stunner. Opens its very dramatic act with concentrated wafts of dark cherries, ripe plums and -- part of all great syrah inimitable add-ons -- no sparing of the pepper grinder. Fills the mouth with flavour: dry herbs, some Karoo bush/shrub, smokey oak, dark chocolate. Nudging a whopping 15% alcohol, but this part of its beautiful weighted charms. Drink now, but will improve 8-10 years from now.

This then concludes the 6-bottle prize for the winner of the Invitational PBEM Tourney of "Stars"

Oops, didn't mention that I will give an extra prize with the wine, to wit: The John Platter: A South African Wine Guide 2001, some 450 pages of good reading!

I'll be away from home/work 'till 20 June (on international soccer referee duty), so please direct all questions/reports etc. to the Tourney Manager, Treeburst155.

Kind regards,

Charl Theron

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WineCape tells me that The Pool has chosen (allowed?)Jshandorf to represent them in this tournament. Welcome aboard Jshandorf if this is true! Post here if you really beat the nomination out of them (or if you sacrificed your firstborn to the gods of Peng to get the nomination).

We've also signed up a couple really big stars tonight. Martin "Moon" Turewicz and Bill Hardenberger have agreed to participate. For those of you unfamiliar with these two guys check your credits in the front of your CM manual. Nuff said.

Welcome aboard Bill and Moon!!

More invitations will be going out in the next couple days. I've got to hunt down some email addresses first.

Treeburst155 out.

[ 06-15-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Treeburst155:

WineCape tells me that The Pool has chosen (allowed?)Jshandorf to represent them in this tournament. Welcome aboard Jshandorf if this is true! Post here if you really beat the nomination out of them (or if you sacrificed your firstborn to the gods of Peng to get the nomination).

We've also signed up a couple really big stars tonight. Martin "Moon" Turewicz and Bill Hardenberger have agreed to participate. For those of you unfamiliar with these two guys check your credits in the front of your CM manual. Nuff said.

Welcome aboard Bill and Moon!!

More invitations will be going out in the next couple days. I've got to hunt down some email addresses first.

Treeburst155 out.

[ 06-15-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Here, point of order. Winecape actually waded into the Peng Challenge Thread and made us the offer of sending over two of our Knights. As we needed a counter-balance to Shandorf, we sent over Berlichtingen as well. He's not only a Knight of the Cesspool, he's one of the Old Ones.

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I just ventured into the Cesspool and discovered they have nominated TWO people to represent them in the tourney. I will let them get away with this since they have total disregard for rules, procedures, or any sort of orderly way to do anything.

The second Official Representative Of the Putrid Pool of Peng is no less than Berlichtingen, a longstanding and respected member of the community. Welcome aboard Berlichtingen!!

I'm not sure, but judging from the Pools' choice of players to represent them I think the Pool intends to win this tourney. My scouts tell me Shandorf is no pushover. I'm not sure about Berli but he's been playing the game a long time so I doubt he's gonna roll over and die for anybody. It will be interesting to see how things develop.

[ 06-15-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Treeburst155:

I just ventured into the Cesspool and discovered they have nominated TWO people to represent them in the tourney. I will let them get away with this since they have total disregard for rules, procedures, or any sort of orderly way to do anything.

The second Official Representative Of the Putrid Pool of Peng is no less than Berlichtingen, a long standing and respected member of the community. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

What a load of bloody propaganda.

We have a strict bi-cameral procedure, which prescribes a simple majority for simple things, and a muddled majority for more complex things. Therefore, we tend to bring the more complex things to a vote sooner, as the Muddled have gained a brief majority over the Simple, thanks to the defection of one of our/their members. We're not sure, because we're either simple, or muddled.

Anyhow, soon you will realize that the 'pool is BLOODY SERIOUS about everything it does. Shandof went royal nepalese on us for this nomination, and Berliwas sitting on a stoop in the Projects with a long 75 in his arm and the surgical tubing in his teeth, when the cab showed up to whisk him away.

Tremble, ye mighty, and despair....

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I must take strenuous issue with everything Seanachai and MrIV have stated in previous posts! Well, I would take strenuous issue but I had a groin pull last week so I really have to rest up a bit. Be that as it may, I have met a lot of people in the 'pool and I'm convinced that the majority are neither simple nor muddled. In fact I am even more certain that there is not a majority of any kind in the 'pool.

However, we do seem to be able to muster a dictatorship of the minority at times, not that anyone cares or listens to us, but we certainly dictate nonetheless, and in the instant case, we the minority have made it our will that MrShandorf and Gotz von Berlichtinginginginenslne will represent our little haven from the daily grind in this tournament.

Berli will probably win the whole shootin match, and he has sworn that The Old Ones get to share to booty. He is the source of all evil in the universe, so the bottles are as good as his. However, stanger things have happened and it may just happen that Shandorf "urks" and "ooks" his neanderthal way into an upset victory.

We expect when the bottles are securely in the hands of Shandorf that Lawyer or jdmorse will have the property seized and held in evidence. At that time the Old Ones of the 'pool (Berli, Us and Seanachai) will be forced to determine if the prize was really worth all the effort. Should shandorf be the winner, he will certainly be given a "good boy" and a pat on his shaggy head when the wine bottles are removed from his tiny fists.

The Old Ones, may even inflict the dour duty of prize testing on the likes of Mr IV, who aside from his penchant for buggery, enjoys a nice drinky now and then we are told.

Have a loverly little game boys.


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Well, how are things sizing up here? I am kind of curious as to my competition. So far the only two opponents I have played, and i use that word liberally, is Berli and Fionn. While I think Berliy was caught off gaurd a little bit and thus my routing of his troops was merely a "rare" event, Fionn has proved to be made of stiffer material than a vibrator at a LPGA tournament.

As for the wine, yes, yes a few bottles are earmarked for the elders. If they want the rest, they will have to pry them from my "tiny fists".

BTW, if pressed, which I am sure this tournament will do, I can get out 2-3 turns per person, per night.


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Hello Jshandorf,

Your confirmed competition to date is as follows: Michael Dorosh, SuperTed, MickOZ, Fionn Kelly, Bill Hardenberger, Martin "Moon" Turewicz, Fuerte, Ari Maenpaa, and Berli.

I don't think you will have to spend half of every night taking your turns. There will be lots of summer vacations and other real life situations that will keep things down to a leisurely pace.

Treeburst155 out.

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It would, perhaps, be fitting for me to say that Shandorf and I come to uphold the honor of the Mutha Beatiful Thread, but that would be a lie... we have no honor to uphold. Therefore we will spread a little DIE-A-LOT-NOW™

And looking at the competition, that doesn't look too hard

[ 06-15-2001: Message edited by: Berlichtingen ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Treeburst155:

Hello Jshandorf,

Your confirmed competition to date is as follows: Michael Dorosh, SuperTed, MickOZ, Fionn Kelly, Bill Hardenberger, Martin "Moon" Turewicz, Fuerte, Ari Maenpaa, and Berli.

Treeburst155 out.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Goodness, that's a fairly impressive line-up. Except for all those non-'Poolers, of course. I suppose you have to fill in as best you can to keep the roster up.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Goodness, that's a fairly impressive line-up. Except for all those non-'Poolers, of course. I suppose you have to fill in as best you can to keep the roster up.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

What is so impressive about it? shandorf is in it. And Berli is mainly into it for the body count, the old soul-collector, he doesn´t care who wins as long as there are heavy casualties.

Well I believe Fuerte once filled 30 (almost. maybe) pages with nothing in some old cesspool incarnation. I think it was him anyway. He later claimed to be as drunk as Yeltsin at the time of posting.

I suggest we shoot him. But I always do, don't I? Oh well, the Finns (or Berli) will handle this one, I'll just do the old traditional Swedish thing.

Watch, and cheer for whoever is winning.

Off to see the wizard,

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