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KOREA ;- CM2 the next step.

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Given that CM2 will add not only soviet equipement but lend lease, much of the inventory for a korea version will be in place.

In addition the feedback on the terrain and climate additions for CM2 would seem to suggest that much of the unique nature of the Korean pennisula could also be done off

the shelf.

Is this something that peoplewould be interested in????


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Peter Cairns:

Is this something that peoplewould be interested in????<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh yes! Korea would be great, and IMO much more interesting than doing a Pacific Theatre CM (which won't be done anyway, but I just threw that in for confusion).

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

Oh yes! Korea would be great, and IMO much more interesting than doing a Pacific Theatre CM (which won't be done anyway, but I just threw that in for confusion).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>



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In all likelyhood you will not be able to create either one of these fine ideas as the game is designed to not allow friendly fire. Meaning of course that the lend lease equip in CMBB cannot fight the soviet equip. Now from a BTS standpoint this would be a relatively simple conversion aside from the work needed to create the unit structures and the new faces under the helmets and lambswool hats...

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PTO would not be boring, and Korea would be great.

If you make a scenario of the Falaise Gap massacre it will be boring, too. Omaha Beach might be exciting for one side, but the whole idea of blasting mostly helpless targets for 30-40 turns doesn't make for a great scenario.

If you focus on the more challenging aspects of the PTO, you will have a great game. It wasn't all digging out fanatical snipers after blowing up islands with naval fire. A company or two of jarheads moving in after the arty is over are going to have an exciting day, anyway. Philippines, Malaya, Burma, New Guinea, to name a few, would support large-scale scenarios, and rumor has it there was some shooting going on in China, too.

You would have Brit, Aussie, Kiwi, Dutch, Indian, Chinese, and others, besides Yanks.

I think Korea should be CM5, though.

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I would love to see Korea done, but BTS has already said thay have no plans for doing it, nor the Pacific (which they see more as a walk over for US forces).

Of course BTS could go public and hire 36 programmers, changing everything, but I think this was their last public word on the subject.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stacheldraht:

Tell that to the Marines.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

In the sense that the island's campaign was overwhelming force against a trapped enemy, not in the sense that their was not human cost associated with it. As it was explained to me, BTS was not as interested in doing a game that would have accurately simulated the fighting in the Pacific.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

Oh yes! Korea would be great, and IMO much more interesting than doing a Pacific Theatre CM (which won't be done anyway, but I just threw that in for confusion).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

LOL what an lil instigator :D;).....

Regards, John Waters

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I ageewiththe commentonthe koreaVets gettinga bad deal, over here in the Uk it is being refered to as "The forgotten War" which reallynsums itup. In British terms it is over shadowed by WW2 and I think Vietnam seems to have overtaken it in US eyes, although that's perhaps not a comment I should make from this side of the Atlantic.

At the end of the day they should be judged on the task they faced and the price they paid rather than what came before or after and on that score I for one think they deserve better than they've got.


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I've done a lot of research on the Korean War, and include Korean vets as personal friends, but I am not sure there is a marketable "game" in it. The majority of the war was either poorly equipped troops being overrun (South Koreans by North Koreans, then North Koreans by Americans, then Americans by Chinese) and eventually a war of small unit actions and patrols, with little armour.

I personally love company sized games with little or no armour, but I think I am in the minority.

Perhaps if CM ever covered the modern era, it could be lumped in as a game covering 1950-2000 ala Steel Panthers.

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Mike, personally I wish that BTS would simply modify one exe file with Russian armor/troops for one side and US armor/troops on the other. Let us gamer-modders do the rest. We can and would quickly modify existing bmps and wav files and make our own battles. It shouldn't, technically speaking, be difficult since nearly all the hardware does existing in CM1 and CM2.


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You know what would really be cool - the "Cold War". That would really be so ----wait a minute. Never mind. OK, on second thought Korea would be better but yeah not too much armor would be involved but man the infantry battles would be cool. But I do believe Korea was the forgotten war. That was one I'm glad I wasn't in. Too damn cold!!!!!!!! and wet. That had to be bad.

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I for one would love to see a Korean War mod to CM.

The new changes in CMBB would be needed to properly allow small numbers of defenders to hold off against massed attackers.

There were lots of gallant actions by non-US UN units in Korea, so all you Yankophobes would also get enjoyment of a Korean War CM version ;)

Plus, it's the only place to pit M26's against T34's!

And if you hate Jabos now, wait until you run across USMC Close Air Support. ;)


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Pacific Theatre CM, now there's a challange! oh come on guys! it would be great. I have 2000 Imperial troops sitting on an island and you bypass me, not bothering to fight cuz you know I fight to the last man, you cut off my supply lines, we end up eating every coconut, monkey and insects on the island and pbems would be fun to watch US ships pass by the island, wondering when they are going to attack so we could fight like honorable warriors, off and on you send messages to me to surrender cuz there is no hope since we are cut off, etc... I message back "never you American Dogs, come and fight like true warriors" this goes on till the war comes to an end and we still hold out a year longer before our commander does the harikari thing and we say "bollocks to this I'm hungry and Have not seen my rock garden for 3 years now, besides Private Huko is starting to look attractive to me and that's scaring me more so"

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch:

Pacific Theatre CM, now there's a challange! oh come on guys! it would be great. I have 2000 Imperial troops sitting on an island and you bypass me, not bothering to fight cuz you know I fight to the last man, you cut off my supply lines, we end up eating every coconut, monkey and insects on the island and pbems would be fun to watch US ships pass by the island, wondering when they are going to attack so we could fight like honorable warriors, off and on you send messages to me to surrender cuz there is no hope since we are cut off, etc... I message back "never you American Dogs, come and fight like true warriors" this goes on till the war comes to an end and we still hold out a year longer before our commander does the harikari thing and we say "bollocks to this I'm hungry and Have not seen my rock garden for 3 years now, besides Private Huko is starting to look attractive to me and that's scaring me more so"<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


Thx, Mensch, that was exactly what I needed now!

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Did not BTS say they were to have some captured vehicles?

If they made it possible for the Germans to run captured Easy 8s, Chaffees, and M3A1 HT. we could do most of the war. We would not of course have the M-42 Duster (A Whirblewind will do) nor the Pershings.

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