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OT - Worst games of all time

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I was going through my trash heap that is unreturnable crappy games the other night and started to try and figure out what was the most disappointing/frighteningly bad piece of trash I ever baught.

For me, the descision was easy: Descent to Undermountain

First, I baught the game from Best Buy... so I coulfdn't return it. Second, it was the clunkiest, ugliest, buggiest, lyingest, undocumentedest piece of crap I have ever had the unfortune enough to install on my PC.

I mean, the game was touted for having this great graphics engine that could draw 20,000 triagles on screen (a LOT for the time)... but with an interaction window that fills roughly 1/4 of the screen, even at 800x600 it couldn't manage 20,000 PIXELS of useable data, let alone triangles.

And it didn't support Sound Blaster out of the box... THIS WAS THREE YEARS AGO!!!! How the hell to you release a game in the last DECADE without having Sound Blaster support??? If you had a Roland Gimmel'a'dingus-whatever, I'm sure it sounded great!

So 99% of the people who baught it had to play without sound... except... IT CRASHED IF YOU DIDN'T CHOOSE A SOUND CARD!!!

You had to go to the website to get a day-of-release patch JUST SO YOU COULD PLAY WITHOUT SOUND!!!

Agh... get angry every time I think about it... mad.gif


[This message has been edited by Polar (edited 01-23-2001).]

[This message has been edited by Polar (edited 01-23-2001).]

[This message has been edited by Polar (edited 01-23-2001).]

[This message has been edited by Polar (edited 01-23-2001).]

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Originally posted by Polar:

I was going through my trash heap that is unreturnable crappy games the other night and started to try and figure out what was the most disappointing/frighteningly bad piece of trash I ever baught.

For me, the descision was easy: .

I have 2 worst games:

1). Across The Rhine

2).Descent to Undermountain

Both had promise, both ended up sucking & abandoned. & I used them both as coasters, except the ATR historical CD, which I kept biggrin.gif.

Regards, John Waters


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Originally posted by PzKpfw 1:

I have 2 worst games:

1). Across The Rhine

2).Descent to Undermountain

Both had promise, both ended up sucking & abandoned. & I used them both as coasters, except the ATR historical CD, which I kept biggrin.gif.

Regards, John Waters

Sorry to see that someone else was burned by DtU... did I some it up pretty well? biggrin.gif



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I've had bad games but the worst I've seen and gladly have not bought:

Extreme Paintball


... and some friggin SURFING game.

Browsing through gaming mags/sites acts as my kevlar from such trash thankfully. Hopefully you guys use appropriate protection!


"Uncommon valor was a common virtue"-Adm.Chester Nimitz of the Marines on Iwo Jima

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99% is an exaggeration. three years ago the Roland soundcards were still pretty common.

not sure which game to scold here, but IMO iM1A2 pretty much fell very short of it's high self-proclaimed sophistication; EasternFront too, with machine-gun - equipped armored cars killing Pz IVs etc. due to the "firepower" dice nature of attacks.

But surely there were worse games, just can't remember any right now.

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PzKpfw 1:

Oh, John, I am sorry to hear that you too were unfortunate enough to be burned by ACROSS THE RHINE. It really was a stinker. A game that I had such high hopes for too. At least we now have Combat Mission to fulfill our lost hopes.

Along with ATR, I'd have to give INTERSTATE 82 a big honking finger. INTERSTATE 76 was a hell of a lot of fun, if somewhat physics challenged. The sequel managed to remove the style, the strategy and the fun of the original, while making the game look ten times worse than the original. Simply a horrible horrible coaster.


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Heh, is this limited to games we've owned, or is it any game we've ever played?

Worst game I've ever played was "Athena," for the NES. Fair enough, these were the days when shooting glowing red balls at pixelated turtles was fun, but even for the time it was garbage.

Worst game to come out in the past 5 years? Probably Daikatana. Combine boring gameplay, ugly graphics, piss poor AI, and thinly veiled racism, and out comes Daikatana. "I can't reave without my buddy Supahfry!"

Worst game I've owned... hrm, tougher. Oh, actually, no it's not. Shadow Warrior, Daikatana's spiritual predecessor. Crap.


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I hate to point this out since it will reveal that I played the game, but "Ultima IX" is without a doubt the worst game I've ever actually bought. Worse even than some of the others mentioned because you could TELL those titles were pieces of crap just by looking at the box. I hated the game. Absolutely hated it.


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Worst ever, easily is BattleCruiser3000

no explanation required, but if you want details, it was completely unplayable and impossible to figure out the interface. I kept my copy only to show to other people the worst game ever (plus the fact that I wouldn't feel right even giving it to someone else, much less selling it). And the guy who wrote the game (I forget his name, on purpose I think) has got to be the most conceited, egotistical idiot ever. Go to oldmanmurray, they roast him pretty good.


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Guest aka PanzerLeader

You beat me to it Chupacabra!

Daikatana is the ultimate worst. I had a good laugh when I played the demo(have u heard the sound effect when your guy jumps or when he falls down? Comical!), and then when I read the review on PCGamer. I could just imagine John Romero tearing his beautiful hair out of his head wink.gif

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One of the worst games I've ever owned was Three Sixty's: Patriot. The graphics were a joke. The interface didn't work at all. This game came out in 1992. It would have been better if they used the V for Victory engine.


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Has anyone actually bought Hasbro's Squad Leader? That gets my vote.

More importantly, anyone want to buy a mint copy of Hasbro's Squad Leader? It's a ...um...classic that will be talked about for years and years to come. It has already generated much conversation. Yeah. That's it. Someone send me fifty dollars. And shipping.

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Not only was ATR the most disappointing computer game I ever purchased, but it also taught me a couple of valuable life lessons:

1) Never, ever, trust PC game magazines for honest previews.

2) My hot new 486-100 was actually a piece of crap.

3) If in doubt, buy it from EB, even if it is a few bucks more. The poor little computer store owner I bought it from (and returned it to after much begging), went bankrupt a month later (oh, the guilt!).

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The worst game I ever bought was NES Play Action Football for the original Nintendo. I think it came out after Techmo Bowl and it touted the fact that you had all these plays to choose from. I was pretty excited because as most of us remember, Techmo Bowl only had 4 per side.

So, I went and bought it but I hated it the moment I saw it. What bothered me the most about it was that it ran in like 1/4 time like it was being played in super slo mo. That was really annoying.

Another one that comes to mind is Section Z for Nintendo. I didn't buy that. Me and my bro got it for Xmas. It was some Sci-Fi shootem up game that royally sucked. It was so bad I can't even remember what it was about.


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Originally posted by M Hofbauer:

99% is an exaggeration. three years ago the Roland soundcards were still pretty common.

I had a SOundcanvas attached to my SB-16 until about then... But most people that used wavetable cards had daughter cards. I don't know anyone that still had MPU-401 stand alone card. Even more vexing, Descent to Undermountain was built off the Descent 1 engine... but without the Soundblaster support that was IN the original game. Was even a bigger pisser that it came out well after Descent 2 with GLide support was long stable!

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I remember buying Sierra's "Outpost", only to find that the game had been shipped missing features required for even basic play. I'm not talking about bugs or hardware conflicts. I'm talking about loading the game and realizing within 15 minutes that procedures necessary for colony survival had not been coded into the game. Procedures listed in the rule book no less.

Yeah, this is a common occurence. But I was new to comp games, and to me it was like Avalon Hill producing a board game and intentionally leaving out the counters. It was almost a year before I bothered to take a chance on another computer game.

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Guest MantaRay

Ok here goes....

BattleCruise3000AD was the absolute worst game in the history of games, bar none. No one has EVER done a worse game, not even Skydive or Deerhunter.

Patriot was a close second, and sadly to learn that hard fact was that I had to buy a new video card to play it on a 486/66 I had. I think it had great manuals, too bad the action was so fast, the battle was over before you could even play it.



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My worst game of all time...

I don't know if it was the worst of all time, but for sure, at least to me, was the baddest spent $ on a game of my life frown.gif

"Shogun Total War" from EA


-Repeating game play


-Clownish/Cheating AI

-No after sale support (the game doesn't work with det 3 NVid drivers)

-Online game only by USA servers

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