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PLease, please, please some one tell me how long it took to get to you all's houses. I got the e-mail, but need another oppinion.

I live in Tennessee, and ordered it around 9pm, so when could I expect to get it.

Thanks alot,


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Well I'm in Australia and it got here i under a week!!!.

As mentioned go and download some mods and read up on tactics. For when the CD arrives you won't have much time for stuff like that smile.gif

These are goos starts

Combat Mission HQ

This site is run by one of the game's designers Madmatt. It has just about everything you could possibly want to know about CM.

Combat Missions

This is an excellent site that is very well laid out. Also hosts a huge variety of scenarios and operations

These are good starts while you wait for the game.

Edited; Because i can't spell to save my life

[ 07-11-2001: Message edited by: Stixx ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gen-x87H:

panzerwerfer42: Where in minnesota are you from?


Roseville. There seems to be quite a few Minneappolis residents on this board in proportion to it's size.

[ 07-11-2001: Message edited by: panzerwerfer42 ]

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It took my copy 2 weeks... but that was a more than year ago just as the first batch ran out and they had to print more manuals. A problem that I suspect you will not run into.

Are you mac or PC? You'll want to start contemplating artwork mods (grass, snow, trees, houses, bridges,uniforms, vehicles, etc.) Forst stop, CMHQ.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lindan:

Welcome to slavery. Prepare to become a mod-slut soon, losing all interest in REAL-LIFE, say goodbye to your social life as well, order some pizza. ENJOY!


About 5 months after getting the CD, I find an interest in real life is beginning-- tentatively--to re-emerge. I think something must be wrong with me.

Mea culpa. Mea maxima culpa.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nutball:

PLease, please, please some one tell me how long it took to get to you all's houses. I got the e-mail, but need another oppinion.

I live in Tennessee, and ordered it around 9pm, so when could I expect to get it.

Thanks alot,


Also.. welcome to a life of dwindling time and less and less social contact with the "outside" world. Enjoy.


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Side Effects of CM usage:

We all have heard the tales of the upset Wife/Girlfriend (stock reply if this happens to you, is: Their are worse things I could be doing now, like chasing women or drinking with the boys).

I have noticed another happy side effect, I spend less money!

Before CM, buy games hoping to find "The Game".

After CM, ...well, I found "The Game".

Seriously, ever since buying CM when it forst came out, I have purchased 3 other games, PZC'41:Tobruk being the most recent.

My spent money has also gone down as I go out less. Sure, I spend time with the family, but I don't have to entertain myself near as much, and my son and I are converging on interests. Though he has played CM, he prefers the Army Men games and his occasional PS game (as non-thinking as they are, though I enjoy another non-thinking game once in awhile, Half Life).

Great, game, great fun, and unlike other products that offer to save you money, this one truly saves you money.

All I want for Christmas is my CM2.

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Here's how I got into CM...

Last Summer ,1 year ago, I was in Jordan visiting some of my relatives (grandma, aunts adn uncles galore), and my dad stayed behind cuz his work wouldn't give him a break. when the PC gamer's would come he would send to my grandma's house in Jordan, and I could read them whilest in Jordan! Unfortunately, two of the issues arrived at about the same time (close to the time I was leaving back for TN). When I got home, I took a big ole ****. Then I took a shower, and ate. Then I sat down and started reading my PC Gamer's. When I read the word's "3D World War 2 Startegy", I quickly flipped to that review read it, adn was convinced so I downloaded the demo. I thought it was OK, mostly cuz I was alittle dumber back then adn wasn't as patient as I am now. I thought about getting it, but decided not too, cuz I was too engrossed in Diablo 2. So after I got my new PC on the Monday before Spring Break, I remembered it for some reason. A few weeks later, I re-downloaded the demo, but still wasn't too excited to play it, cuz I sitll sucked at it adn couldn't get a hold of the gameplay. I was reading a preview a few days ago about Combat Mission 2, and I thought it looked cool. I debated for a moment whether I should go and re-download the demo... I finally decided to, since now we have cable internet and it took about 1 minute. THANK GOD I DID!!!!! This time I waited a little more, and issued orders that would last a few turns to complete. Before I beat "Valey of Trouble" on my 6th try, with a slight victory. This time I beat it on my 14th turn, with a decisive victory! I thought it was pure luck, and quit so I could go eat. I came back the next day and tried the other level "Chance Encounter". ON my first try I beat it on 13th turn, with a ddecisive victory! Thats about the time I wanted more, and ever since my hunger for this game has grown...MASSIVELY. I conjured up the guts to ask my dad for his credit card, then I remembered... I have a job now!

I can pay my dad for it, and just use his credit card. That day I helped my dad cut the grass, weedeat, etc. I was eating a watermelon when all of a sudden he smiled and said "I guess I have no choice but to give you my credit card."

And thats my story...

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Hey Nutball, I ordered my copy yesterday 6.00pm GMT.

A guy I work with ordered his a few months ago and he seems to remember that it took around 7 days.

In the meantime I have downloaded over 60meg of mods from the combatmission.com site.

I followed MadMatts suggestions as to what mods to begin with. You can find this in the "3rd Party Mods" section.

Good luck with your copy.

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