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"Band of Brothers" Episode List

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At the risk of being OT, thought some of ya'll might find this interesting:

Episode 1 "Currahee":

The series begins with the men training in Georgia in '42 - '43.

Episode 2 "Day of Days":

The jump into Normandy.

Episode 3 "D-day Plus 3":

The 101st battle to hold on to Carentan against a counter-attack by the 6th Fallschirmjaeger Regiment.

Episode 4 "Holland":

The Market-Garden drop and the fight from Eindhoven to Arnhem.

Episode 5 "The Crossroads":

Set in Belgium, and while dealing with Bastogne, is mostly about the cost of command on Cpt Winters.

Episode 6 "Angels from Above":

More on the Battle of the Bulge --- deals primarily with a medic named Roe.

Episode 7 "A Question of Leadership":

More BoB: The relief of Bastogne, and subsequent counter-attack of the 101st into Foy.

Episode 8 "Unknown"

Also unknown.

Episode 9 "Why We Fight":

The liberation of the concentration camps.

Episode 10 "Unknown"

Taking Berchtesgarden, and VE-day.

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For a moment you had me fooled there biggrin.gif

My immediate impression was that you were talking about a series of CM scenarios, following the same unit through Europe. Then I thought: "How do you do a training scenario with all american troops?" - finally, i remembered reading something about a TV series.

The scenario series is a good idea, though. Perhaps someone will rise to the challenge?

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Originally posted by Robert Olesen:

Then I thought: "How do you do a training scenario with all american troops?" - finally, i remembered reading something about a TV series.

Yep that would be the ticket. It's the new HBO series coming out this fall done by Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks. They are kinda following in the lines of SPR. Same sort of budget too from what I understand. I'm sure Cpt. Dale Dye is part of the series too in some sort of fashion.

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Originally posted by Maximus:

Same sort of budget too from what I understand.

I think expensive actor David Schwimmer of Friends fame is playing Capt. Herbert Sobel, which should be rather interesting.

I've never seen him in anything that involves the same amout of bombast and hysteria that playing Sobel will require, but he certainly seems to match the description of Sobel that Ambrose gives in the book.

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If I remember correctly, the budget was something like 10 or 20 million for the entire series...

I totally agree that Schwimmer is a perfect pick for Sobel! (as long as he can get into the part...)

Personally, I'm looking forward to this mini-series far more than I'm looking forward to Enemy at the Gate, or Pearl Harbor.

The book was just fantastic.


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Originally posted by Mr. Clark:

If I remember correctly, the budget was something like 10 or 20 million for the entire series...

I totally agree that Schwimmer is a perfect pick for Sobel! (as long as he can get into the part...)

Personally, I'm looking forward to this mini-series far more than I'm looking forward to Enemy at the Gate, or Pearl Harbor.

The book was just fantastic.

But Raaaaacccccccccchhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeelllllllllll....(I dunno, I have my doubts).

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I know he's annoying, but that's actually EXACTLY how Sobel is described... Truthfully, the more annoying that Schwimmer is, the better. If I remember correctly, Sobel even had the same screechy voice.

Now that I'm thinking about it, I hope that the budget was MORE than the 10 to 20 million that I remember. I suppose that 20 million would stretch farther in Spielberg and Hanks hands though...

Also, instead of paying for stuff per episode, they are sort of paying for everything at once, like a movie, which helps.

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Originally posted by Mr. Clark:

The book was just fantastic.

I can't recall ever seeing a book with the same title, could you point me in the right direction? Would Chapters have it?(as near Heaven on earth as I could imagine smile.gif)



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Go to www.bn.com and type in "Band of Brothers"

It's the first book that comes up... by Stephen E. Ambrose. "Band of Brothers: E Company, 506th Regiment, 101st Airborne from Normandy to Hitler's Eagle Nest"

You really can't go wrong with it! One of the best books I've ever read.

(Check out the "customer reviews" while you are there... all 5 stars!)

[This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 02-15-2001).]

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Guest MantaRay

Ron Livingston is a good choice. He was the lead character is a film called Office Space, which is one of the best "you never heard of, it's on Showtime at 3am" movies.

Even has Jennifer Aniston (one of the best looking Greek women in the world)was in this film and I am looking forward to seeing BOB now.



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Sobel was so annoying that the original E-Company men "banded" together during training in mutual hatred of the guy. In this way, his ineptness and annoying character actually made the Company the close knit, fighting forced it was. Every member of the Company hated the guy, but looking back they all admit that he MADE the Company what it was.

He would do inept things like get lost during training missions, and give nonsense orders. He would hand out punishment out of spite. He would do annoying things like run along beside the exercising (jogging) troopers and flap his arms like a chicken and yell at them in his high pitched voice.

It's been awhile since I've read the book, but you get the idea.

David Schwimmer is a great choice! wink.gif

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How Annoying was Sobel? Well, on a night exercise in Georgia, while he was simulating a casualty, some company medics doped him up and made an actual incision in his gut. He woke up hours later bandaged with a fresh "appendectomy" scar.

Wish I coulda done that to a certain boot 2LT I served under in the Corps , I would have tried a tracheaonomy job though.

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Originally posted by mortarforker:

How Annoying was Sobel? Well, on a night exercise in Georgia, while he was simulating a casualty, some company medics doped him up and made an actual incision in his gut. He woke up hours later bandaged with a fresh "appendectomy" scar.

Wish I coulda done that to a certain boot 2LT I served under in the Corps , I would have tried a tracheaonomy job though.

heh...i like your handle ya mortarforker



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