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Oh man you gotta check this out.

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Man im sure many of you have already heard

of this its called World War 2 online. Now

i like playing Combat Mission just as much as

the next guy but im wondering what kind of

new approaches and depth will wargaming in

WW2online bring. I hope to see many of you there since many of you have excellent commanding abilities that new players to WW2online will need. Also i feel we should support these kind of new innovative "war" games. Please go check the site out.


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Thanks, but that's old news. If you would do a search, you'd find that WWII-Online has been discussed many times with varying levels of enthusiasm.

There's question as to if the massive on-line multi-player system would work for this genre. But it will be interesting to see if Cornered Rat Software can pull it off.


"Live by the sword, live a good LOOONG life!"--Minsc, BGII

"Boo points, I punch."--Minsc, BGII

"Buttkicking for goodness!"--Minsc, BGII

"Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot.

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Originally posted by fdevassy:

Man im sure many of you have already heard

of this its called World War 2 online. Now

i like playing Combat Mission just as much as

the next guy but im wondering what kind of

new approaches and depth will wargaming in

WW2online bring. I hope to see many of you there since many of you have excellent commanding abilities that new players to WW2online will need. Also i feel we should support these kind of new innovative "war" games. Please go check the site out.


Thanks very much for posting this; I haven't seen it discussed before.

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Thanks very much for posting this; I haven't seen it discussed before.

Seems like there are a lot of new faces here.

Which means, I guess, that some topics are just going to keep coming up, and that the game is bringing in new people. I'm happy enough about the second that I can certainly live with the first.

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I'm real glad that i could let even one person who didnt' know about this game. The reason im so supportive of this game is because its the most exciting advancement in a "war" gaming situation i've seen in a long time. I feel like a lot of support is needed to spread the news and get a lot of players for thsi game. I' know many of you watch History Channel and watch WW2 documentaries and this game even though nothing like a real thing can give some of us a slight simulation of what it might have been like.

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I still stand by my theory that the game will fall apart simply BECAUSE it's a massive multiplayer (only) game.

I honestly do not see how it COULD be possible for the casual gamer to log on and feel "integrated" into any sort of team, squad, or unit.

I'm not against the idea or game itself, it would be pretty sweet if it worked. I'm sure it WILL work on the level that TRIBES or Unreal Tournament work. However, with many hours of online FPS experience racked up, I cannot believe that the teamplay experience will be any more available (to the casual gamer) in this game than in any others so far.

Like I said, I think it will be fun. I'm just VERY skeptical about the whole team experience.

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Like all massively multiplayer games, WWII Online will be dominated by bug-eyed geeks who see nothing wrong with spending 22 hours a day playing it, exploiting any bugs they find and annoying the hell out of everyone else.

Imagine the worst PBEM opponent you've ever faced, or the most obnoxious poster you've ever seen in a forum. Multiple that by about 20,000, subtract about 30 points of IQ and you've got your basic wide-open multiplayer gaming community. The idea that something straight can be made from such crooked timber is absurd.

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I tried a few games of some WW II sim online at After 3am or something like that - can't even remember what it was called. Everybody got four man squads and you maneuvered around a gamey looking map with real time chat. I think the comment about geeks is sadly true; no one cared about realistic tactics, they just wanted to swear about their buddies and rack up kills for their own little fantasy characters while ignoring anyone who wanted to use real team work or test out historical tactics.

That said, I'll keep an open mind to what comes down the pike. No point trashing something you've never seen. Interesting discussion.

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While that may be a little harsh Monte, I have to agree with you on the basics.

I'm sure I would have fun playing it, but I would never go in looking for the real experience of organized warfare. There is going to be Teamkillers, solo deathmatchers, campers, and the hundred of other annoying types that turn up everywhere in every other online FPS.

Afterthought: UGH, a monthly fee will not only keep out the jerks, but also people like me who refuse to pay to play. If I pay for the game, plus I pay for my ISP, I am NOT also paying any company monthly to play.

[This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 01-26-2001).]

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I am as much into RPG's(Role Playing Games) as I am into war games. I was sooooo excited about EverQuest, a MASSIVE on line RPG, last I heard they had upwards of 100,000 subscribers, it was fun for a while but then the "Power Gamers" took over, I used to play upwards of 40 hours a week and only considered myself a casual gamer compared to so many of them. I then Moved over to MS Ashrons Call, I liked the game better but same problem with PG'ers

Guess what, they both charge a monthly fee, if anything it seems to attract the geeks and PG'ers even more. Don't ask me why but it does!

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I'll tell you why it attracted that crowd in Asheron's Call...E-Bay. People could powerlevel characters in a couple of weeks if that, and then turn around and sell them...some of the high level chars were going for thousands...couple of hundred dollars for just certain items. Really took a lot of fun out of the game for me.


It is nearly always better to be beaten and learn, rather than to win and take no new knowledge from that victory.

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Show me the money! I've seen nothing concrete from this game and this is after more than a year of saying they're the next big thing for wargaming. Lot's of promise but no product. For my money I'm playing the game I WANT to be playing...CM! And CM doesn't ask me for $29.95 each month!

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I flew with a German squadron in Warbirds for a year or so and it was a great experience. We had squadron practice two nights a week and flew combat missions on Sunday, usually against other organized squadrons. There could be dozens of individually piloted planes in a single melee.

I always flew with a wingman, we talked by radio, and synchronized our tactics with the squadron mission. Taking down a Flying Fortress with its gun turrets blazing is as satisfying as brewing a KT with 37mm.

How would CM be if many different players each had command of a platoon or a squad, and all fire and movement had to be cooperative? Kinda' like the real thing?

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Originally posted by Mr. Clark:

I still stand by my theory that the game will fall apart simply BECAUSE it's a massive multiplayer (only) game.

I honestly do not see how it COULD be possible for the casual gamer to log on and feel "integrated" into any sort of team, squad, or unit.

You'll have to join an organized team for that. In Diablo they called 'em guilds. I think there are various teams call "Battalions" or such on the net. Personally I don't have the time, but sounds like a lot of fun.



"Once a Diceman, Always a Diceman."

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And now for a special treat, gaze into my crystal ball to reveal the future of a promising, albeit multiplayer, WW2 game...

A typical day on WW2OL server:

$uPPa_nAzi666: wazap dood!


$uPPa_nAzi666: you kicked @$$?

gUnz_rUlE: naw we PK'ed the LOOZAZ who were actually trying to play da mission for pointz! IT WAS FUNEEE!!!

$uPPa_nAzi666: LOL! ya i do dat last week! i took my Me666 plane and kept crashing it into this air base! da doods dere were all like yelling at me and sh@t! i was like F@CK Y'ALL MOthA F#@!ERS! ROTFLMAO!!

gUnz_rUlE: dat b wack! i do sh@t betta den dat every day sonn! like yeserday i pretended to be part of a team and rode in a King Tiger and instead of playing i ride to our own base and blow up our own stuff!!LOL!!!

$uPPa_nAzi666: word up! i did dat sh#t a week ago and da admin mother f#^%@ banned me! so i was like f@ck dat and i got another hacked account

gUnz_rUlE: LOL! dat b yer 3rd dis month! wanna go kill sum newbiez?

$uPPa_nAzi666: i b down wid dat! lez go!


This concludes our featured presentation. Please continue to look forward to civilized online entertainment in the not-so-near future.


"...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..."

- Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"

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