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Kursk Operation - Playtesters wanted.

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This is a big one but not nearly as big as "To the Volga."

Time: 8-10 July 1943

Battles: 7

Turns: 15

Map: Large (long) steppe and wheatfields

Size: Battalion (+) on each side plus reinforcements.

Author: James "Sgtgoody" Goodman

Semi-historical based on 2 Panzer's attack towards Olkhovatka with elements of 505th schwere Panzerabteilung (Tigers). The map is made up but I would appreciate info on where I can get a real map of the area.

Recomended as Axis vs AI (the AI's trouble attacking really shows with this one) or two player if you have a lot of time. Use default settings vs the AI.

This is the first one I have been willing to release to the public. It's rough but I will polish it once the major kinks are ironed out.

Any takers?

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Send me your operation--I prefer operations to scenarios anyway. I have the time, and a wife that tolerates my mania.

You should be able to get a map from some of the Kursk websites, I don't have their address with me(I am currently working in China and there are many sites I cannot get via their ISPs. :confused: :mad: Maybe other gamers here on the forum can direct to these sites. There is also a good Osprey Battle Series book on Kirsk with maps that can help you.

Looking forward to seeing the operation.

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I have had to furl the Colors on your excellent senario. I'm afraid the challenge rating is beyond this relaive n00b. I got about 2/3rds the way thru the 3rd battle when my Germans copped such a beating from those well placed heavily entrenched Russkies , my morale dropped to near critical levels. Hunting forward up that one road with the big kitties seems like a good idea , with plenty of smoke and big caliber HE arty in support , but no joy. I did what I could with Pioneers trying to clear those darned minefields but the withering fire from the Russkies is intense! Oh well looks like they will have to sit out the war in a gulag!


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Hate to brag, but...I scored a tactical victory after four scenarios. tongue.gif :cool: I have the 1.02 version. Personally, I think this baby is one of the best I have played. I actually regretted winning after the fourth scenario--I wanted to play MORE! I never did get those promised Brumbars... :mad:

Suggestion: place your Tigers on both flanks, keep your softer vehicles back until the Russians reveal themselves. Your Tigers will start shaking a bit, and will get a splitting headache from all of those shots bouncing off the tank. Try walking in front of your slowly moving Tigers with infantry to detect the minefields. Don't sweat losing too many tanks to mines, they seem to get repaired in time for the next battle anyway. By placing your Tigers wide on the flank you only offer one side target to the Russian gunners. A "gamey" tactic? Maybe, sure worked though. ;)

Make full use of your TRP's, remember, even if you can't see the target hex with your spotters these barrages will hit the mark. These babies helped win the game for me. Artillery is your best weapon against all of those ATG's. You should have seen all of those Russian hulks after scenario four. Absolutely the coolest site I have ever seen. Now if I could only learn how to take a screenshot.

Great, GREAT game. This is now my favorite! Great job Sargent Goody! ;)

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tooz thanks for the kind words and all the work. I am doing a few tweaks and may have to turn this into a static op to make the AI defend a little better. As it is he tends to abaondon his post after first contact especially if you hit him hard with tanks.

I just played my new build using the default settings and blasting my way up the middle and it looks like the AI is about to surrender even though I try to ignore things I know are there.

So far a couple of issues that have been brought up are the mentioned tendency for the computer to withdraw from his prepared positions as well as some experience level adjustments. These are being addressed time now.

Again, thanks all of you for your efforts.

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Hello Sgt,

i've played your scenario. Its ass kicking. Won a major victory (okay the second battle i had to restart once because the ia wiped almost all of my inf with arty's)

I had some questions about the massive arty on the german side. When i start a battle with so much firepower i target all the bushes and then rush with my tanks forward. By the time my tanks are there my arty is empty and my tigers are blasting the ia guns away only my panzer4 are being destroyed.

I think that if you give the germans less arty this scenario is very difficult to win, also i wanted to have brummbears but they didnt come to me either.

I read that you where tweaking your scenario pls

if its finished can you send me the file

keep up doing the good work

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Hello Sgt,

i have played modellast hope.IS this the new version of the scenario i have played.

If so you made some changes got damn i lost in the first battle nearly all my tigers and panzer 4

because the ai thrown his arty at me at the start

(tried more starting positions but he always ****ed me up) So i went on with a lot less panzers but when i was about the first trees i saw

one by one my panzers go up in smoke.

Cõol i like that its very difficult to win now.

I'll keep on trying to end the scenario and i'll let you know what my progression is.

BTW did you put brummbears in this time???

thx alot again for many ours of fighting

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The Brummbars are there but they are set as Battalion Reserve. You should get them after taking fairly moderate losses. I did a test run and got them after losing some halftracks and a couple PIVs.

Thanks again.

Look for my next effort: Bullets, Blankets, and Beans. Coming soon to a server near you.

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Hello Sgt again,

correct i got 4 brummbears in my second battle i think your where right because i lost nearly all my panzers in the first battle. Now i thought that i was clear of the minefield because in the first battle i put all my panzer in the middle en my inf on both sides. my panzer got to the first trees but my inf went thru the minefield so my second battle started beyond the minefield. Thank god! #@%$damn mines. But now its just target practice for my tanks and the russian guns. So after the first round lost again about 20% of my force.But thnx to my tigers not all my panzers where destroyed but my brummbears where. ****!!

I'll let you know how the battle ends

and try your new one too

if you want mail it to me pls

thx in advance

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  • 2 weeks later...

good job on the game -- I have not played the version you have the S.D. but will -- oh my Tiger 1's and as usually the mess kit tins commonly known as Mk 4 got smacked- it was fun and now when i read book on Kursk I have a little feel of the trouble the Russians gave the Germans

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