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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

And while there may be other games to mention, I'll only say that Berli is to be presented with one (1) free chit to kick my white naked ass...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

LOL. Who'd be silly enough to post somefink like that ?

edited cuz I felt like it.

[ 04-29-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Moriarty:

More to the point, can any gun that requires human intervention to fire be considered as firing "automatically?" Thus, can any such weapon be considered machine-guns?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I like it, Moriarity. Let's follow on with this line of thought, and see where it goes. There is so much wisdom and unappreciated exploration of this subject that needs to be done. There is a PhD waiting for someone who has the energy.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak:

...Oh and still trying to hunt down that Croda bastard in Tribes 2. Still haven't found him on-line yet... but I will....Oh yes... I will.


Ummm...no you won't. I brought it back. Got to love that EB 10 day return policy. The next game I play will be CM...unless I get sucked back in to EverCrack at which time I will have tons of time to play games, because I will be single again.

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Guest Babra


Nijis intends to subject me to a day of Atonement. Tsk tsk. Does he not know that history always repeats itself? Poor misguided fool that he is.

Moriarity is off to a wallowing start in the mud. In my gamiest move ever I raced a kangaroo clear through his lines in a suicide-recce of death. I spotted no one. Nada. Zip. His forces may have succumbed to the quicksand.

Shandorf is getting a 7.2 inch enema. The confusion is glorious.

Herr Oberst is even busier than I am, if that's possible. Game on hold. When last seen, the survivors of both sides had their white knuckles tightly clasped around their nearest opponents' throats...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by chrisl:

Lorak -- get some soft chalk or water soluble poster paint and mark lightly in the tome:

chrisl: tactical loss

scum sucking, beltway dwelling, hot air spewing, about the parameters lying, sherman dying lawyer: barest margin of tactical victory.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yes, Lorak, chrisl has learned the hard way why the US decided to win the war with LOTZ of Shermans.

Although he arrayed his considerable forces in a defense of the back line that can only be termed "gamey", young chrisl fought valiantly.

I, on the other hand, fought like a Lawyer. Guess who won?

Lawyer Brave and true WIN against impossible odds.

chrisl LOSS after loud whining, a quiet whimper of reality.

So it is written, so let it be done...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>armornut wrote:

... I haven't a clue what "psychic" means ... I can't spell ... I am a moron ...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Aren't you lucky, I actually wasted several seconds of my life looking up the dictionary to give you a taster of the education you never had.

psychic: 1a (of a person) considered to have occult powers, such as telepathy, clairvoyance, etc.

Now I've got a little task for you on behalf of BTS. They need to double-check the accuracy of the tank tracks they've modelled in the game, so you need to go to a historical tank demonstration and take a close look. The drivers will be expecting you, so you don't need to worry about them not seeing you and accidentally grinding you into a fine paste.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

Now I've got a little task for you on behalf of BTS. They need to double-check the accuracy of the tank tracks they've modelled in the game, so you need to go to a historical tank demonstration and take a close look. The drivers will be expecting you, so you don't need to worry about them not seeing you and accidentally grinding you into a fine paste.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Had no idea you were a BTS rep. I have most of the tracks of allied tanks in 1/6 scale or smaller, (taken from a few public and private collections here in california) so if they are interested I could send them a few tracks in a smaller scale so they could do what ever they want to them. I also have a few extra KV tank track links in a smaller scale. They are from a guy in Poland who got the specs from a museum there. They are all very nice.

As for me getting ground to a paste, your not that lucky. I have the presence of mind (that you lack) to get the hell out of the way of a moving tank. :eek:

If you have so much time to try to insult me, why don't you send me a game so you can flounder at making me look bad at it as well as here?

Edited to say that telepathy, clairvoyance, etc, is nothing short of seeing the future. So how do I not know what it means? To call me that is not much of an insult, so who is the moron now wanker? :confused:

[ 04-29-2001: Message edited by: armornut ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

Aren't you lucky, I actually wasted several seconds of my life looking up the dictionary to give you a taster of the education you never had.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

...and then Mr Aitken realised that he couldn't spell and thus that the whole exercise was pointless.

Mace (in support of his loyal squire)

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

Hmmm... I'm starting to notice a pattern here.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

If I could read minds, then I would know what you are going to do, therefore I would know your future. Now quit being a dumb-ass and send a turn so I can laugh at your lack of skills at CM as well!

Thank you for your support sir Mace!

Edited to say that I think the honorable Sir

Mace would be supporting me in saying you were a wanker because you tired to put me down by telling me I was psychic, which is pretty lame. I, as he (if I may assume), realize you were covering your butt with your lame responces on my spelling. But I could be wrong, with his keen sense of something-er-rather,Mace may see you erroring in other ways that I have not noticed.


[ 04-30-2001: Message edited by: armornut ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>armornut wrote:

incoherent rambling<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I find it difficult to imagine that you could actually co-ordinate a military force, let alone decide how to use it against the enemy. Sounds like an easy win for me. I may condescend to kill you after all, but Abbott seems rather keen for a game, so I'll give him another chance to challenge me in new and interesting ways before I start any new games. You could help by sending him some balls.

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I have just sent off a surrender to Mace. It is the game I should have surrendered in a month and a half ago.

But good news guys!!!! I sent the final turn of a game with LEON that should come back as a major victory for me. So don't get too down about my loss to Mace. Everything will be just fine.

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Lorak please note:

Mace: total Axis Victory (87)

Elvis: humiliation (13)

Axis 69 casualties (18 KIA)

11 vehicles knocked out

Allies 232 casualties (48 KIA)

2 mortars destroyed

45 vehicles knocked out

I'd like to take the opportunity to thank Rune for this piece of evilness that he unleased on us two!


and on this high note, I'm going to bed...g'night all!

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Phan's Phun Game Updates

I'm up to 3 PBEM opponents now. I just added Mark IV to my list of PBEM comedies last night. His whining, cajoling, threatening, and overall personality was becoming annoying. He's still pissed about the draw. hehe

Elvis I'm a slacker, he's a slacker, she's a slacker. Wouldn't ya like to be a slacker too? The PBEM we are playing is Exit Stage Right. He is German and his tanks don't burn. I am Allies and my tanks do burn. The landscape is littered with Allied crews and I'm thinking about typing up a formletter for the digital families of my brave lads.

Dear Family of (Brave Lad or Lass),

(Brave Lad or Lass) fought with ferocity and courage for our country vs the evil King of South Philly and his inebriated hoardes. Please know that the remaining tanks and assorted metal things will no longer be crewed considering their status as targets. Your neighbor's kids won't suffer the same fate.

MRPeng Netware is Hell. The PBEM we are playing is Wolf's Lair. I am Allies again because I love the suffering. This time, I have so much more metal things to drive around. I could group them for him so they would be easier to shoot at. I'm thinking there should be special symbol for people who lose to me. What say you?

Mark IV Glad you got your computer working right. Now die, you pesky varmint. My disdain for you is still boundless and I'd like nothing more than to eviscerate you and play tug of war with your small intestine. I'll stomp the bejesus out of you and you will be me for the opportunity to fetch me a MGD. You are nothing more than a speck on a wing on a fly on a hair on a wart on a frog on a log in a hole in the bottom of the sea (singalong). Be happy I'm doing you a favor of playing you. Its called Pole's payback and you are German. Try not to die too quickly and when you do, don't make excuses (again).

[ 04-30-2001: Message edited by: Phillies Phan because cat thinks keyboard is fun place to sit]

[ 04-30-2001: Message edited by: Phillies Phan ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

I find it difficult to imagine that you could actually co-ordinate a military force, let alone decide how to use it against the enemy. Sounds like an easy win for me. I may condescend to kill you after all, but Abbott seems rather keen for a game, so I'll give him another chance to challenge me in new and interesting ways before I start any new games. You could help by sending him some balls.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I think that no matter the how big a set balls I send Abbot he would not have a clue as to what to do with them. Except mimic his mothers ideas of what to do with a set of fuzzy balls...say hi for me will you Abbot?

If you think I am such an easy win send a turn, it will do nothing but make your record better, or you could lose and have to face the shame of losing to me.

As for an update;

Meeks and the butt-sniffing liar Croda seem to have taken breaks from the slaughter that I am waging against them at the current time. Run laddies, but I will not forget you wankers!

Mace the honorable is teaching me the fine art of winning CM. I am having a hard time of it, but I may get the hang of it.

:eek: :rolleyes:tongue.gif:DPeng-e-poo eater this is for you lad, may your eyes explode, and the air that occupies your braincase leak out!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by armornut:

Peng-e-poo eater this is for you lad, may your eyes explode, and the air that occupies your braincase leak out!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Just one question: Peng-e-poo eater?

Have you had an aneurysm that has eliminated all mental function above the brain stem?

Now to more important things …

To all my un-esteemed opponents:

This message does hereby provide notice that I consider you all to be no-account, shifty-eyed, small-balled bastages. Except for you, Hiram. Instead you are fickle little slut that is trolloping around with the likes of Markey Mark IV but not sending a turn for that game that I have so carefully saved in your absence.

This message also provides notice that my corporate masters are sending me off to the CM-less hinterlands for the rest of the week and that I will not be able to maintain my heretofore rapid return rate on PBEM files.

I hate you all,

Go suck rocks.

[ 04-30-2001: Message edited by: Marlow ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Marlow:

...I will not be able to maintain my heretofore rapid return rate on PBEM files.


I would suspect a 3 day old corpse could send turns out more rapid than you.

You will not be missed.


[ 04-30-2001: Message edited by: jshandorf ]

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