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Guest Rommel22

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Originally posted by Kanonier Reichmann:

Yes I did and it was VERY CLEARLY intended as a joke. I suggest you treat this thread in the same vein & not get so worked up about it. Enjoy the day!


Jim R.

Kanonier Reichmann, I am not upset or worked up at all. I am just defending the Amercian pride.

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Originally posted by Shatter:

Kanonier Reichmann, I am not upset or worked up at all. I am just defending the Amercian pride.

Yeh, OK. I'm also proud of being an Australian but I try to avoid getting too jingoistic when someone pays us out. I just think "oh well, they're entitled to their uninformed opinion" and leave it at that. Perhaps it's a national psyche thing? Most Aussies (a generalisation, I know) have the attitude of- she'll be right- and move on but it seems to me alot harder for Americans to let sleeping dogs lie (OK, another generalisation, I know, but that is my opinion from what I've experienced).

Perhaps its the Australians downfall? I personally regard it as a positive however rather than a negative. This may or may not be hard for you to believe but the majority of adult Australians wouldn't be able to sing more than the first verse of their national anthem (and there are three of them... I think!). It's all in the attitude...


Jim R.

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Originally posted by Kanonier Reichmann:

Yeh, OK. I'm also proud of being an Australian but I try to avoid getting too jingoistic when someone pays us out. I just think "oh well, they're entitled to their uninformed opinion" and leave it at that. Perhaps it's a national psyche thing? Most Aussies (a generalisation, I know) have the attitude of- she'll be right- and move on but it seems to me alot harder for Americans to let sleeping dogs lie (OK, another generalisation, I know, but that is my opinion from what I've experienced).

Perhaps its the Australians downfall? I personally regard it as a positive however rather than a negative. This may or may not be hard for you to believe but the majority of adult Australians wouldn't be able to sing more than the first verse of their national anthem (and there are three of them... I think!). It's all in the attitude...


Jim R.

Sounds like a very mature attitude to nationhood to me.

It seems to me like people are saying "the biggest is the best".

The rest of the Allied countries had smaller populations and smaller means than the USA. But I believe they helped fellow Allies wherever and whenever they could, with no strings attached.

To "defend" your own country by denigrating the efforts of other populations of the world is disgusting.

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I think the last two posts are right... This topic is way out of hand now.. I was voicing a personal opinon about Patton in rommel22's picture and how it looked a bit right wing and that it looks a bit xenophobic ( hate using that word but it's the first to come to mind that explains the feeling I'm getting !)... I was not defending Monty or saying who was better( if I was going to say who's better I wouldn't saying either of them...) And I didn't say Patton was crap and the USA did nothing in WW2.. But suddenly some gentlemen get worried that I've tarnished the USA's marbled image and jump on the reactionary band wagon..And show their childish views....Is it time to close this topic ??? Sorry rommel22 !!

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Guest Germanboy

In case nobody noticed - Truscott, Mauldin and Phibbs are all Americans. Quite amusing how the main defense of Patton is always to slag off Monty.

For those interested to learn, as opposed to voice an opinion:

Truscott's biography:


Oh, before I forget.

Hallo Mutti.



Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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Originally posted by Shatter:

Kanonier Reichmann, I am not upset or worked up at all. I am just defending the Amercian pride.


Im sorry Shatter, I tried not to laugh in your face, I really did. However, your refusal to read what someone posts have made you look like quite the fool. Let's go over my post one more time:

I said:

"Bla bla bla, joke, bla bla bla...


Now, if something was unclear to you right there, smarty pants: I WAS JOKING!!!

*ahem* I dont know how you could have missed it or even have made the assumption that I seriously was comparing the USSR to someone else - seeing as how they broke up some 10 years back. I guess in your faithful patriotism, your mind wasnt working properly, now was it.

I think we need more smilies to help you out. Here ya go, buddy:



"...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..."

- Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"

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Originally posted by Shatter:

True I do not know the actual numbers for the Americans captured at Bataan, but weren't something like a 100,000 russians catured in the early invasion of Russia by the Germans.

Another thing, we were supplying the British with supplies and weapons and also fighting the Pacific and West front.

Can the Russians say they were contributing this much to the war???

God All Mighty. So this - THIS is what public education does to youth these days, eh?

Unlike Shatter here, I wont degenerate into American bashing because

1) I live there

2) I feel myself better then some people who like to bash other countries without knowing jack s@it one way or the other.

Shatter, I think you need to understand one little aspect of why the US could not get overrun by just about anyone. That big blue thing. Yes, the Ocean. See, unlike any European country, the US is nice and protected from another Europeamn country (Germany is a European country, BTW).

Now, since invasion is made easy by this solid rocky mass covered with vegetation we call the earth or, simply, the ground, a country in depression suffering a totaliterian government and massive purges cant always have the time to train their troops.

Yes, I know it comes to you as a surprise that troops need to be trained in the ways of fighting. You can't just hand a farmer a rifle and tell him to kill stuff.

US - Plenty time to train

USSR - No time to train.

See the difference?

The USSR contributed to the war by not selling or giving stuff to other countries, but by taking brunt of the German attack. By destroying over 250 divisions. By being responcible for over 85% of all German casualties.

I wont get into US or UK bashing - Ive been to both places, currently reside in one of them, and happened to enjoy both. However, I really do NOT enjoy uneducated kids yelling this or that about someone other then them and how "sucky" they are.

Kindly do shut up. Or read a book first. Or both.


"...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..."

- Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"

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MantaRay wrote:

> oh yes, I stand corrected. You had them right where you wanted them. Sorry for my lack of respect for the great military might of the UK.

Why does it have to be black or white? No single country won the war. The US didn't win the war. Britain didn't win the war. Russia didn't win the war. These countries, and all the other Allies, won the war by working together. What is unwelcome is the suggestion, as you made earlier in the thread, that any one country was overwhelmingly responsible for victory.

Tanaka wrote:

> In the late 30's and early 40's most of the Germans were very "patriotic"... That way it was very easy to make them accomplice of systematic civilian mass murder.

Well said.

Shatter wrote:

> I do not remember thousands of Americans being catured at a single battle because they were surrounded.

Unless you are omniscient I think such comments are inadvisable.

> If you think your country is better than why are we Americans number 1 now.

> Ha can't beat that.

What makes the US number 1, aside from a huge national ego?

> I was just trying to defend the Americans

MantaRay wrote:

> I grow tired of people dismissing our large contribution

It amazes me that we get Americans first making brash claims about being responsible for winning the war, and inhabiting the best country in the world and such, and then when challenged, whining about being belittled. Maybe what the US has is not an ego but an inferiority complex – hence all the Hollywood movies trying to convince Americans that they're the saviours of the free world.

Rupert_2 wrote:

> I was voicing a personal opinon about Patton in rommel22's picture

Rupert, I think you can stop apologising. You haven't done anything wrong. =)

The Commissar wrote:

> The USSR contributed to the war by not selling or giving stuff to other countries, but by taking brunt of the German attack.

Was that before or after you invaded Poland? =)


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Originally posted by David Aitken:

Was that before or after you invaded Poland? =)


I guess Im missing a joke, since Im feeling pretty dim myself today (its all rainy and sleepy in NYC), but what has Poland got to do with it? Yeah it was divided, with half to the Soviets. Poland was a part of Russia through out a good part of its history, and with every new invader has tried to break free only to be taken again. Now I think it will remain free for a good long while.



"...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..."

- Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"

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Guest Rommel22

Yeah, I think Antartica contibuted the most to the war effort!!! Just look at the size of their country!!!!!

They lost so many people!!!


Rommel22's War Diarys site.


"I saw 5 Germans walking down the side of the road, so I followed them for a few yard to get closer. Then I shot them! Later that day I found out the war has been over for a few weeks." - someone

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I'm just going to reply with this:

I do think the general population of the US has an complex. I think that many US citizens have an unfounded feeling that the rest of the world hates them.

Unfortunately, instead of intelligently analyzing why many foreign nations hold contempt (or at least a disrespect) for the US, they come up with all kinds of foolish ideas. "America's so great, everyone else is just envious"- this is a startlingly common thought for many Americans.

And it's thought like this that just perpetuates the problem.

Hey, wasn't this originally about some pictures posted my Rommel or something? biggrin.gif

[This message has been edited by Guy w/gun (edited 02-26-2001).]

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Originally posted by Forever Babra:

You are all quite silly.

Don't shoot with your eyes closed, you might hit someone you didn't want...

Do like this wink.gif


Ignorance plus patriotism is very dangerous business...

[This message has been edited by Tanaka (edited 02-26-2001).]

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Guest Rommel22

How am i ignorant?

And to which country I am patriotic, I forgot, please tell me!

It aint the U.S!


Rommel22's War Diarys site.


"I saw 5 Germans walking down the side of the road, so I followed them for a few yard to get closer. Then I shot them! Later that day I found out the war has been over for a few weeks." - someone

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Guest Rex_Bellator

ROFLMAO again! I'm away for a weekend and miss this hilarious thread. For the record Rommel_22 I thought your image was great, but all the idiocy which followed would have been avoided simply if the thread was called New AMERICAN Images. Still, some of the resultant opinions expressed in the ensuing fracas have made me chuckle (and a little worried at the same time) on a Monday morning at work smile.gif


In blossom today

then scattered,

life is so like a delicate flower,

how can one expect the fragrance

to last forever

Vice Admiral Takijiro Ohnishi - Commander Kamikaze Special Attack Force

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Wow, can't believe I missed this. Comedy gold.

I think Churchill said it best: "England provided the time, America provided the money, Russia provided the blood." Take away one of the three and the other two fall apart.

And since I have a feeling that Matt's gonna bust this up pretty soon, I'm going to Disneyworld!

Er, I mean, hi mom!


Soy super bien soy super super bien soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super

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Guest Rommel22

Thanx to all those people who take these images as IMAGES!!! Nothing more, thanx to some of you for the possitive feedback.


Rommel22's War Diarys site.


"I saw 5 Germans walking down the side of the road, so I followed them for a few yard to get closer. Then I shot them! Later that day I found out the war has been over for a few weeks." - someone

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As a resident of Alpha Centauri, I can finally tell you we have been observing your species for a quite considerable time...

We settled our primitive nationalistic differences some several millenia ago - they are now a subject of our prehistoric study and provide rich amusement to our youth who have annual 'nation' based theme parties in their educational establishments. We look at eachother and observe the same tripedal, exoskeletal configuration and wonder why why our distant ancestors decided it best to fly pieces of colored fabric and proclaim themselves somehow 'superior'. Hahahah. Believe me, you will grow out of it and soon form your own global and star-system federations.

Until then we must consider you far inferior species and and as such a regular feature of our dinner table. Ahhhh, you taste so similar to our QueJDSJFJeesjaqlIUIJ4!!!!! So agreeable with a tincture of jhakdjag!!

A few of you we put to good use as unpaid manual labor which is what you currently seem best suited for. Others we carry out vital scientific experiments on - such as refining an iridescent spectrate color scheme for the 3rd gender of our species...Your hides have become quite the fashion these days wink.gif

(If it wasn't for those nasty diseases our examples of your species keep catching we wouldn't have to carry out quite so many culls!)

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Yeh, OK. I'm also proud of being an Australian but I try to avoid getting too jingoistic when someone pays us out. I just think "oh well, they're entitled to their uninformed opinion" and leave it at that.

Look here Jimbo (hope you don't mind if I don't use your other unAustralian name biggrin.gif ), that attitude is a bit off the mark. The true blue approach would be to unmercfully take the piss out of them. Ken Oath!


Good to see some more of your fine work here, it is hard to see how someone could be making a joke and be completely misunderstood isn't it?

Hi Mum!


"Stand to your glasses steady,

This world is a world of lies,

Here's a toast to the dead already,

And here's to the next man to die."

-hymn of the "Double Reds"

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