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Originally posted by Elvis:

Mark47 and I are playing a bit of rune evilness that looks like he has no idea of what he is doing. Proving to me what I have believed all along that he is a waterhead with no skill or creativity.

I don't care to hear rune disparaged in this manner.

Meanwhile, in my dull, plodding, workmanlike fashion, I returned your last bit of foolishness within 2.5 hours of receipt exactly two days ago.

Courage, lad. Open the file, fill in the form, and e-mail to Lorak, cc:moi.

Berli: Haven't forgotten, just a mite busy, though obviously not with elvette. See ya soon.

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Originally posted by Hamsters:

Are you people daft?!?! Both of you limey gits owe US a turn. Yeegods, look what we have to work with!

Lorak, scribe it thusly:

Mensch: Total Topplement

Meeks: VicTORY!!

Mensch: Draw, due to his fear of my AVRE.

Meeks: Draw, due to Mensch's treachery.

[This message has been edited by Hamsters (edited 03-13-2001).]

meeks you coward!!!!! where you call all your victories and draws you FORGOT I WON A GAME!!!! TOTAL ALLIED VICTORY YOU GIT!!!!!! jeezus.. ya gamey bastard get it right!!

[This message has been edited by mensch (edited 03-14-2001).]

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Achtung! ÜberLizard Update

At long last the erroneously named Quick Battle between the forces of scalyness and the sing-song commandos is complete! And the outcome . . . was there ever any doubt?

Seanachai Loss(42pt): 263 casualties (85 KIA) 6 mortars, 11 vehicles knocked out

Goanna Minor Victory(58pt): 130 casualties (33 KIA) 3 guns, 15 vehicles knocked out

Now how this could have ever been scored as only a minor victory by anyone who viewed the map is beyond me. The lumberjacks held only one major VL with a partial platoon on the last turn even though they were being hosed down with mg fire from a Panther at spitting range. I, on the other hand, held 2 major and two minor VLs from the middle of the game onward and was able to thwart a VL rush 3 turns from the end with liberal application of small arms and recoilless rifle fire. Dispatches from the front include a citation for Unt. Lamers and his crew of a mighty MkIV Ausf. H (no association with a thought policeman of the same name) who sent 3 tanks (including a Firefly), a halftrack and 10 infantry to their snowy graves before having their gun damaged during a suicidal close assault by a seal club wielding company commander who was henceforth turned into a large and unsightly grease spot on the autumn terrain. Unt. Lamers is hereby recommended for a Blue Tongue with Gum Leaf Cluster for his actions on the day.

In what may have been the most porrly thought through idea since Meek'sdaddy decided not to pull out, I have suggested a rematch which, if accepted, will surely take us up to the next millenia.

Laugh away Elvis, you’re next.

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Well now.. I am shocked.. taken back! I threw up for hours! made appointments with better doctors to fix my mind.. or at least give me a labotomy!!!! after countless email corespondence with Croda!.. I finaly found out why he is so afraid... yes afraid... you know the quote "be afraid... be very afraid".. that came from Croda, he's had a fight with his woman yesterday and said his woman decided to wear less makeup. Which I think Croda likes.. (cue the Circus music)

but the git had the gall to send a photo asking me if she looks better without less make up now!!! Croda.. find a steel mask.. and weld that fecker to her... jeezus man! I could not sleep last night due to horrid nightmares!....

PS I'm sending you my Doctors Bill

for all those of you who have not seen Crodas Main Squeeze.. here you go..

++++++spoilier++++++ (take strong drugs now)


<h4>The HORROR.. THE HORROR!!</h4>

[This message has been edited by mensch (edited 03-14-2001).]

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Originally posted by armornut:

I cannot belive I am being chastised by a guy who assosiates him self with an animal that eats it's own feces. Go run a maze for cheese or something, before I get my Norwegian Forest cat and feed you to him for a snack. GO! GO on SHOOOOO! Lousy vermin.


I can't believe I'm being answered back from a late flowering, west coast hippy, lab fixture. You have respect for your elders, sonny, and not the type of 'respect' you give your cousins, but the type befitting your better in experience and panache.

Please, for your own sake, go back to which ever Springer show you crawled from and take Jerry's advice.


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Originally posted by bauhaus:

Sounds like you've finally come to your senses...


You stotty-nosed, malodorous, fleece-backed git.

You have not the slightest notion of the proper use of the double, triple and quadruple negative, do you, you undoubted result of American public (public, Bauhaus! sheesh!) education!

Allow me to pummel some knowledge into your deuterocanonical wit via the only effective means that we have... meet (meet! NOT MEAT!) me on the field of dishonor or I shall denounce you as anathema before the Holy Mother 'Pool!


"I send you a kaffis of mustard seed, that you may taste and acknowledge the bitterness of my victory."

"Legal advice is very often divorced from reality in my humble opinion" - BTS

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Originally posted by mensch:

meeks you coward!!!!! where you call all your victories and draws you FORGOT I WON A GAME!!!! TOTAL ALLIED VICTORY YOU GIT!!!!!! jeezus.. ya gamey bastard get it right!!

That was later! And Lorak, scribe a victory for me for the game Mensch bugged out on. We were kicking his bloody ass and he disappeared.

Mensch: Cowardly cheating loss

Meeks: Glorious Victory

[This message has been edited by Hamsters (edited 03-14-2001).]

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Originally posted by Hamsters:

Which Shandorf is Shandorf? Jefe?!?! Is this your cousin? JEFE?!?!?!


You have erased all doubt from my mind. You truly are stupid.




When nuclear weapons are frozen then only freezers will have nuclear weapons.

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Originally posted by DekeFentle:

Shandorf Are you listening? I find it hard to believe that a miscreant from the wrong side of the ’94 loop would pass up free drinks and grub. Then again it is undoubtedly difficult to decipher those bus schedules.

Excuse me Deke, did you invite me to something earlier?

I must have missed it since I usually (time strapped as I am) ignore posts from newbies such as yourself. That is until they have been around for a while.



When nuclear weapons are frozen then only freezers will have nuclear weapons.

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Posted by the plague spreading git rat boy;

I can't believe I'm being answered back from a late flowering, west coast hippy, lab fixture. You have respect for your elders, sonny, and not the type of 'respect' you give your cousins, but the type befitting your better in experience and panache.

Please, for your own sake, go back to which ever Springer show you crawled from and take Jerry's advice.

First, how many hippies you know play CM? Also, how many hippies do know that build scale tanks to run combat drills against the neigborhood cats?

Second, lab fixture? Hardly. I have no lab, dog or other wise.

Finally, who is Jerry Springer? Is that a TV talk show? If so I have no idea what you are talking about, since I watch very little TV. The TV I watch is most news of how you people cannot even take care of your cattle.

You are right to assume that I am hippie-like because I am in California, but you over looked the fact that I was born in Norway, and then imported here to to kick hippie ass in football. I hate this place. People here are odd. May haps that is the reason I have dedicated my life to studying them, in an effort to find out just what the hell is wrong.

You may be a smart rat, since you knew to assosiate hippes with California. Maybe you would like to see just how much of a pasive hippie I am? Send me a turn you rodent, and I will show you just how much you are wrong in your assertion.


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I demand that you remove the comment as to such that you own my sig from YOUR sig!

At no time did we agree upon a Blood Hamster match, you spooner!

And even if we did have a Blood Hamster, our game has yet to be finished! So, in all possible cases you a deceiving sack-o-****e!

You dirty my name when you type it!



When nuclear weapons are frozen then only freezers will have nuclear weapons.

[This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 03-14-2001).]

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Originally posted by Iskander:


You stotty-nosed, malodorous, fleece-backed git.

You have not the slightest notion of the proper use of the double, triple and quadruple negative, do you, you undoubted result of American public (public, Bauhaus! sheesh!) education!

Allow me to pummel some knowledge into your deuterocanonical wit via the only effective means that we have... meet (meet! NOT MEAT!) me on the field of dishonor or I shall denounce you as anathema before the Holy Mother 'Pool!

Send me the terms of battle and prepare to have your men run awayyyyyyy, like the sheep sodders they are. Now die you simple minded twit.

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Originally posted by Hamsters:

That was later! And Lorak, scribe a victory for me for the game Mensch bugged out on. We were kicking his bloody ass and he disappeared.

Mensch: Cowardly cheating loss

Meeks: Glorious Victory

[This message has been edited by Hamsters (edited 03-14-2001).]

excuse me herr Dipsheit but we are continuing that game tonight, if you are online, it happens that my computer as you know was having much problems after installing some new hires mods.. I will install the default mods so we can continue.. then T-Offline had the gall not to let me back in the internet.

.. there is such a thing as autosave files.. or you so yellow bellied to take this as a win... I'll save that sucker for you and send it as normal pbem... jeez.. this guy is trying real hard to get wins.... you, my sir are slurm.

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Originally posted by mensch:

Excuses excuses excuses

How were we to know this was the case, you festering gob of greasy grimey gopher guts, mutilated monkey meat? You disappeared and never came back right when we were in the middle of kicking your fanny.


MarkIV: Bwahahahahahaha!

jd: Muhahahahahah!

Seanachai: Ahahahahaha!

Armornut: Tee hee hee!

Croda: Gaaaaaaaaaahhhh!

Goanna: Hmmmmmmmm.

Geier: ?!?

Priest: Wah ha, wah ha!

Jefe: Hmmmmmm.

Stuka: Eh?

Peng: Grrrrr!

Berli: Grrrrr!

Elvis: Grrrrr!

Lawyer: Grrrr-hehehhe-rrrr-haheehehe!

Did we leave anyone out?

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Grrrr? To what do I owe this? I do not seem to have a game going with you at present... or is this in reference to all the times I've kicked your yarbals up between your ears?

Grrrrr! is a challenge, Christ in a Corvair, don't you get it?

[This message has been edited by Hamsters (edited 03-14-2001).]

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Originally posted by jshandorf:

Excuse me Deke, did you invite me to something earlier?

I must have missed it since I usually (time strapped as I am) ignore posts from newbies such as yourself. That is until they have been around for a while.


Yes, Shandorf my little man, the St. Paul boy is inviting you and I for appetizers and drinks, perhaps at Kieran's Pub in Minneapolis. He apparently wishes to look upon the face of horror (that would be you) and ugliness (you again, I'm afraid), and his betters (me, this time), and, by means of this face to face, come to a better grasp of the place he occupies in the Peng Challenge Thread Universe. Currently that would be somewhat above Armornut (because he is Norwegian and living in California), but pretty much below everyone else. Oh, except Priest, who won't insult anyone properly, but keeps diving in here for hugs and warm chuckles with Lorak. Now, I'm all for this sort of 'bonding' amongst opponents, but some of the chaps say all the hand-shaking and bowing and bum-slapping and 'after you, my dear Alphonse' stuff is not appropriate to the Peng Challenge Thread, and are seriously afraid that come Christmas Eve Priest and Lorak are going to run into the damn Thread, sing 'Silent Night' together, and start up a game of footer right in the middle of the 'Pool.

So, Jefe, this would seem a good thing. After all, Peng, Elvis and Hiram periodically get together for a sing-song. I guess perhaps we should as well. I cannot do it this weekend, as I have committments because of St. Patrick's Day, but perhaps next weekend?


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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Originally posted by Hamsters:

Which Shandorf is Shandorf? Jefe?!?! Is this your cousin? JEFE?!?!?!

Shandorf is all but unique to the Board, in that he posts under two different identities, both of which are exactly the same. It's like dealing with an incredibly thick and unimaginative schizophrenic. He claims one as his postings from work, and the other from home. The man puts too many boxes around his existence.

Oh, Jefe, I'm...well, not 'sorry', but did not mean to ignore your repeated challenges. I hesitated to see if some games were going to wind down because I just have too many freaking games going right now. Let another couple finish up and we shall try again. This time I will do the setup in order to inject that oh so necessary level of intellect and mature guidance. Also, in reparation for the spiritual scars of our previous game, you will have nothing but conscript level support vehicles and fortifications (which I will place for you).


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Yes, Shandorf my little man, the St. Paul boy is inviting you and I for appetizers and drinks, perhaps at Kieran's Pub in Minneapolis.




So, Jefe, this would seem a good thing. After all, Peng, Elvis and Hiram periodically get together for a sing-song. I guess perhaps we should as well. I cannot do it this weekend, as I have committments because of St. Patrick's Day, but perhaps next weekend?

Well, if he wishes to bathe in the warm glow of my beauty and untamed manhood then so be it, for the better off he will be in the end.

Good thing I will be there, since your beaten and whipped hide could barely muster a glimmer of youth and pride in one's own stock, let alone the wash of Shandorf goodness that will encompass Deke, and thus make him fully aware of his own castrated manhood.

For I believe you both to be empty husks of loathing that at one time, maybe long ago, were called "men".

BTW Kieran's pub... Hmmm.. sounds familiar. Is that on the corner of 1st Avenue and 7th Str.?

Either way.. I am also occupied with St. Patrick's day festivities this weekend and thus can not attend any pool wallowing with lessers. But after this weekend I am free any day.



When nuclear weapons are frozen then only freezers will have nuclear weapons.

[This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 03-14-2001).]

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Hammie allow a simple update on my part.

Hamsters: Dying a rodent death

(of course in doing so he eviscirating my men too so all is not well!)


Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb

-Kryton of Red Dwarf

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