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NSSB II and you, no not you those other guys.

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Right since the last post has been eaten by the Forum, I make a new one.. *pulls out the toothpicks and white Elmers Glue*


that means all you lads in the second round sound off!

Update for me then.

vs. Ace: the guy gutted me, flayed me and stuck me on a pole out on the cornfield. This guy did not just beat me he walked over me with big spikey steel toed boots™.

vs. Jadayne: The guy made a rush to my flag managing to wack half a squad in the process but I fear he will lose more since he just walked into a nasty group of un touched Hamsters in the woods.

vs. von Lucke: I am his BANE, I am his worst nightmare I am anoying the hell out of him with feats of wonder and pazzaz.. he stopped sending files back for a time, I think his wife/girlfriend is stroking his back while he crys on her shoulder. PS don't tell him 81mm Mortars are useless as an offensive weapon, and don't mention Bazookas firing at 70m and missing 5 times. *cough*

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch:

[QB]Right since the last post has been eaten by the Forum, I make a new one.. *pulls out the toothpicks and white Elmers Glue*



1) The plural of guy is guys. The apostrophe is not necessary.


vs cubes: A draw. We battled eachother in the thick fog and all engagements were at close range. It was a real bloodletting.

vs von shrad (who also goes by stuka) the games is just starting.

vs. Arien. I hold the "Flags." Arien tries to take away from me these "Flags." His troops are everywhere and nowhere. I strike here only to find him there. He has committed the best part of a company to an attack. we shall see what happens next.

[ 07-05-2001: Message edited by: Terence ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Terence:

1) The plural of guy is guys. The apostrophe is not necessary.

vs von shrad (who also goes by stuka) the games is just starting.


Ok Mr. I think I spell better then you, The Game's just starting unless your doing a best 2 out of three with the guy? hehe... jk.

spelling is for those who care. And as you see.. I don't



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IIRC, he is(or was) in hospital for surgery.

He sent me this some days ago:

"I will prolly be absent for a few days or more (hopefully less) so you are not waiting for a file and it wasn't sent. I will however be home today and tonight if you wan't to try to get a couple out. If not I will talk to you in a few days.

von shrad"

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Oh, yah, sure! I just get out of my therapy session ("But Herr Doktor, Mk IV's aren't supposed to be able to do that! It's not natural, I tell ya!"), and what do I have to look at??? Don't worry mensch-o-lyptus --- revenge will be mine! Assuming I have anything left alive...

vs. Superslug: We're both hiding from each other --- and doing a damn fine job of it too! I don't think we've inflicted a casualty on each other yet, and the game is half over already.

vs. Philistine: I whacked all of his rolling stock early on, and now have a couple of my armored cars roaming freely in his backfield --- though his infantry seems relatively intact, and is bound to cause me problems later...

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vs. Mensch - Walked all over him with big spikey steel toed boots™...

vs. SuperSlug - lost a nail biter - it was a draw, but the score was slightly in his favour. If only the weather had been better. I had firmly entrenched myself within the hilltop town, but the weather limited the LOS, which limited the effectiveness of my many MG teams...

vs. Jadayne - we've caught each other in flanking maneuvers on both sides of the map - should be interesting...

Hey Mensch - what's the URL with all the scores, etc?

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My games with my opponents are all the same. I will lose early but not have the good sense to quit and will be disillusioned with a chance for a come-back victory. I want to have a CM chip on my shoulder for once, if only to have it to knocked off.

I just wish that I could offer more competition for my gracious opponents, except for you Cubes. You deserve only a swift digital defeat by me that would compare to a fifth-grader kicking your arse.

von shrad

Good show Menschy old boy.

Edited for gratitude and that spelling thingy.

[ 07-09-2001: Message edited by: von shrad ]

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well thanks v.S. =) I spent many years training my 81mm FO's to call in shot fer shot dead on SP Guns, and my Tank crews to remain unbuttoned even though fired upon by Zooks, MMG's and kids shooting paperclips with elasticbands.

I look forward to anymore "armour" you may have that wishes to test its Steel against my SuperdupperalliedasskickingimobilemarkIV smile.gif

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*sigh* you guys are damn talkative... as far as it sees, it seems we are all playing a cold war version.


Jadayne: The git has rushed me flags got shot up, shot me up good too.. it's a nail biter and there will only be one survior standing on a heap o bodies.

von Lucke: He is dazzeled by my new 21st century weapons, my laser targeting Mark IV and my powered armour troops be wacking anything of his that moves, my Cloaking devices work off and on but I am sure it has hidden 80% of my forces from him, right now I am watching Pvt. Henson write a letter to his sweetheart, I'll ask him if he wants to surrender now or end up as forest fertilizer.

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You want an update? Here's your update.

vs. Mensch: Yeah, I rushed the one flag on the map he was holding. I know he's scared because his description of me went from "guy" in his first post to "git" in the second. Of course, he's failed to notice the flanking maneuver going on on his left. (The guys on the camels, mensch)

vs. Ace: I forgot what was going on except that like the dumbass I am, I left all my mortars on a hill to the right with almost no cover. Who knew that's where he was going to make his first assault?

vs. Philistine: As far as I can tell, I am vengeance incarnate for all the guys I lost in our first round game. There's nothing but dead Jerries as far as the eye can see (I'm americans, BTW) and his Flanking Stug is now a flaming wreck on the battlefield. I'm sure he's got a trick up his sleeve somewhere, but I haven't seen it yet.

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Flag rushes are NOT gamey if:

A. you outnumber your opponent 3:1

B. there are still 10 turns left in the game

C. the flag being rushed is the last remaining hiding spot for your opponent's broken, shattered, or otherwise cowering troops

D. the rush causes said cowering troops to jump back in their halftracks and flee the map

E. you are playing against Mensch

Newbies take note!

[ 07-17-2001: Message edited by: Jadayne ]

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ya! ya think so Jadayne.. well mr. poopypants!! you may have beat me on the quickbattle map but just to let the lads know we (jadayne and I) are battling on the wonderful map PzGrenadier Country by The DesertFox, found naturaly at Der Kessel (small plug), we opted for TDF to pick our own 3000 pts each in forces and stuff. it's for a 100 turns so that means someone is going to die. And now were going to see who can realy play on a real map not made up by some computer! feh!

gamey flag rusher he is.. even if he was rushing a flag defended by a bunch of corpses and Knocked out SPW's heeh.. it was my flag! and there were 2 turns left feh. I'm just happy to know I shocked every one of his HT's in the begining with my super duper HMG.. and his mortar fire was more for "A-Team" effect. all booms and bangs but hit just the dirt infront of me.... still the git won. I guess I got to watch more A-Team reruns and higher Mr. T as my Coy Comander.

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only one game left to finish

vs. Terence about 8 turns left and i keep hearing "man your troops are everwhere and nowhere.." i have the major vl just about locked. he has one panther it looks like but is reluktant to show him now that i have a couple of AC to his rear. he had one light tank and 2 or 3 half-tracks. also his inf has open ground between where he is and where i am.. film at 11..


[ 07-18-2001: Message edited by: Arien ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Arien:

only one game left to finish

vs. Terence about 8 turns left and i keep hearing "man your troops are everwhere and nowhere.." i have the major vl just about locked. he has one panther it looks like but is reluktant to show him now that i have a couple of AC to his rear. he had one light tank and 2 or 3 half-tracks. also his inf has open ground between where he is and where i am.. film at 11..


[ 07-18-2001: Message edited by: Arien ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Talk is cheap.

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A little upsdatesy;

Mike8g is laying a brilliant attack and I fear the worst. He is a gamey bastard just for the fact that he is cleaning my clock and I only wish the worst for his little men.

Cubes has surrendered to me with the final score as;

von shrad 85

Cubes 15

I was lucky to turn this one around after a great start by him. Some lucky, big arty and a rear shot on his Tiger sealed his fate. I am happy while his troops are marched to the rear.....and shot behind the stone wall. Dead men tell no tales, and are a good way to releave some daily stress. It is even more fun to give them a headstart and come a huntin later. Here boogie,boogie,boogie.

Terence and my game is still in the early stages but I expect some hardcore contact very soon. Why, he was even nice enough to lay down some small arty as a little show for my boys. Bravo, best fireworks I have seen in a while, I am just glad they are not even coming close to me at the moment. May his troops die a horrible death soon and their wallets taken. The drinks are on the dead tomorrow boys.

von shrad

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