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WIFE TAKES GAME! Man devastated. sniff.

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My solution was to get my wife to play CM. The first game she beat me .... and no, I didn't let her win frown.gif .... humiliating but she loved it. She chose the Germans because they "looked cool" and she shares the same birthday as Hitler! biggrin.gif

Well, the bright side is, now she is the one demanding a computer upgrade. BTW I managed to win the 2nd game to restore some pride.

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Golden Rules for CM/woman compatability

Rule No1. Woman is number 1>

Rule No.2 Hump woman before going off to play CM

Rule No.3 Repeat Rule No.2 as often as required.

Rule No4. If you require repeat rule no.2 more than 4 times a night, send woman to me and and go and play CM. ( Rule no.4 would keep all of us happy biggrin.gif

Rule No.5 If you carry out rule No.4 go see a psychiatrist. You have just given away a rare invaluable comodity.

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If this is true... don't be such a girl. Men are the house hold bosses. Here's what I would do... grab you wife by the hair. Say HEY BITCH give me my damn game back. If she doesnt answer or cry give her repeated slaps to the face. If this doesnt work and she starts try to be brave proceed to giving her hard punches in the face nose and chin area. By now she should say OK OK OK HONEY.

If not grab her by the throat and kill her. Take her purse take her money and order a new game while looking for the old. Not only will you help Big Time Software but while you wait for another copy you can clean the house and remove all evidence!

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Guest MantaRay

A new law was just passed in Congress making it a crime for a man to shotgun his wife for theft of CM. A loophole is if you are convicted, you can play it in jail.

My suggestion is .20 gauge


When asked, "How many moves do you see ahead?", CAPABLANCA replied: "One move - the best one."

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Man, this is just sad. It's sad for two reasons. 1, because your wife would feel the need to pull such a low tactic and 2, that someone would be so addicted to a game. Now I LIKE CM more than any other computer game. But I LOVE my wife more than any 'ol computer game. Games can be saved and games can be paused. They can be put on a shelf and ignored for days and not mind. But if you do the same thing to your wife then you deserve what you get. Be glad she only hid the game. When you show her the attention she deserves you'll get it back. Games are cool, but c'mon man, it is just a game. And remember this: if you don't pay attention to her somebody else will.


"To subdue the enemy without fighting is the supreme excellence." -Sun Tzu, The Art Of War

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After seeing some of these responses I am filled with the warm affirmation that hardcore gamers are in fact

a. 30 yr old virgins, who havn'e even seen Mr Wiggly in ten yrs cause their belly is in the way.

b. A serious psychopath, who is a ticking timebomb.

c. Desperate men trying to squeeze fun out of a dark world

d. All of the above.

PS MantaRay they have a word for your suggested technique..assault. And as someone has pointed out they don't allow PCs in jail.

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yeah, that was kinda in poor taste, Luftwaffe...

if you're trying to joke try to keep the assault, making women beg for mercy, and violence to a minimum...



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"They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

"They had mechanical pencils- they have not...lead?" - Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

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Originally posted by Gpig:


Sad day my friends. Last night, my wife had enough. She snapped. Took my combat mission disk away. Hid it. I'm greatly saddened.

Yeah, wives are funny that way...

Take up golf. It's more expensive and time consuming than CM. Gauranteed to work.

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Guest MantaRay

I cant speak for the other guy, but I did use smiley faces and even a grin there speed bump. I am sure most of the regulars here know a joke when they see one. Did you think .20 gauge was too much? Ok I officially reduce it to .12 gauge. Happy now? smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif <----just in case. Don't kill me Peng.


When asked, "How many moves do you see ahead?", CAPABLANCA replied: "One move - the best one."

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The Red Army Mirror

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Guest MantaRay

Nope, that all ended when I fell in the trap called "Lets move in together." smile.gif <-Smile for Speedbump.

Originally posted by The_Capt:

Whoops sorry Manta, that was Luftwaffe, you sound like a harmless type whom I am sure is quite the player with the ladies.


When asked, "How many moves do you see ahead?", CAPABLANCA replied: "One move - the best one."

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Next time, make multiple copies. Have one copy out in the open so she thinks she has you CM disk and leaves it at that. ha ha, little does she know about your many multiple, hidden copies. I have one beater copy that I use so I don't have to worry about damaging my precious master CD. That is probably protected should the next ice age creep on us.

If you're the more vicious bent, take something valuable of hers and hold it hostage until she realizes the error of her ways and is willing to act like an adult instead of a four year old. This is probably the poorer choice though. I'm not married so don't have to worry about counter-reactions

Or you can wait till she is out of the house and you can go looking for it (good luck though).

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How many of the so-called men in this thread would be willing to show their responses to their wives? Maybe Cybeq would be OK, but I suspect that his wife was looking over his shoulder when he wrote his response. Or even she could have been holding the CB disk hostage until he wrote the ransom note.

Everyone else would likely be denied the right to express their manhood for an indefinite (maybe permanent) period of time. Now of course that may be a small price to pay for a game of CM's caliber, considering that this may be just one more in a long line of excuses. Just be careful to not let your wife know your screen name if she happens to cruise the forum to monitor your behavior.

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As one with more years of marriage than anyone else here (36 years), my best advice is to ignore all the advice you get except the one who reminded you that you can't put your wife on a shelf while you do something else.

Doing some serious confrontation is the most certain way to reach a divorce, what you do need to do is to discuss the problem. There are a few questions that you need to ask yourself.

1) Is this hobby taking over your life like drugs or alcoholism? If so, you may have a problem. I gave up competition chess some 30 years ago when I realized that it was hurting my career (young professors need to work evenings to get ahead -forget about the movies where they get to sack up with the most beautiful girl in the class, one can get fired for that). But I digress...

2) Why does your wife object to your playing computer games? Is it for her or for you? (trust me, you'll never find out...). I convinced my wife that it was cheaper than golf, healthier than drinking, and less morally objectionable than chasing other women; when she saw that I considered all those things as potentially fun, she probably figured she was better off keeping me where she could keep an eye on me...Discuss with her how much time you should have for your hobbies, you should be able to come to some agreement. Convince here that if you play enough, you will get bored with the game and maybe stop playing (don't commit to any time frame).

Buy Soldier of Fortune and ask her to watch as you shoot off arms and legs, yelling "Wow, watch me shoot that legless bastard writhing and screaming on the ground -screaming destroys my concentration!"... -well no, I wouldn't try this unless she understands the difference between violence and strategy, cause she might burn your CM CD...

3) If the dialogue is too difficult, consult a marriage councelor who can see if the root of the problem may lie elsewhere than in CM.There IS an outside chance that your wife is being over-controlling and that some adjustment is needed.

In case nothing works, ask yourself which of the following is best for you:

a) playing Combat Mission;

B) getting a divorce;

c) having your wife get a lover;

d) having your grandchildren being told by your children (assuming you already have some) in 30 years how awful you were when you were addicted to computer games.


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Here is the correct way to earn your computer time.

My wife actually works longer hours than I do, so what I do is play when I get home and then when he calls to tell me that she'll be home in 30 min, I rush around and do all the house chores so she can just relax when she gets home with this:

1. I get my CM fix

2. House chrores are done

3. Wife Happy.

She actually tells me to play when she's at work so we can spend time together when she's home !!!

Ahhhhhh. Life is Grand

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