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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Andreas:

Err, all this writing names in bold, is that not just some sort of mental Peng-Thread masturbation/ego-stroking for the witless wastes of space who are currently populating the wastelands of humour and inspiration that this thread has become? Something like 'uh, Joe mentioned my name in bold, I must be important...' Well, I guess it has some merit, because it allows you to discard 99.9% of the drivel written here.

No need to answer that question by the way, it was a rethorical question. If you don't understand what that is (make that 'since'), best look it up in a dictionary. You know, these books with words in them, explaining other words. You lot should try it one day, you might just learn something new.

The Anglophile Nick Chameleon<hr></blockquote>It's always good to let a man build himself up to giddy heights before bringing him low. Given your propensity for posturing and preening yourself over your grasp of the English language it wouldn't go astray if you took the time to look up the word "rethorical" in a dictionary to see if your suggestion is at all possible. Bleating on about editing or lack thereof is hardly credible if your sig cries out for the attention of a bit of editing.

By the way your license fees are due.

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I am using the correct German spelling. You should have caught me on that other mistake, before it was too late (as it now is).

No licence fee either. If you want any money, I am going to pay you between Christmas and New Year, in person, at the main exit of Waterloo Station.

Why don't you go and edit some of your posts? Would employ you more gainfully.

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Simon Fox you horrible little man. I have long hated you from afar and will continue to do so. Pointing out the (obvious) misspelling in The Unedited Ones sig just shows how anal you are. I fear it is now edited and rectified, if you will.

Why, if I knew better (I honestly don't) I would not challenge you to a game of CM where we would play The Unedited Ones latest abomination. If we did, I would not let you play the defenders but would send you a setup later this evening (which equals last heart of Saturday night in Oz).

So, what say you? Good. Setup will be whinging its way toward you later than it was now.

{edited due to the nagging feeling that some sentence somewhere made sense to someone somewhere. And to bring Mark IV out of hiding.}


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

If we are going to have a trial, then I should be an investigator. Look at this picture of Ethan I found.


Careful, Spanky, distributing senatorial pornography is a Class B Felony. And what is she doing to my poor cat?

Geier, a turn will come to ruin your day shortly.

And has anybody noticed this? Scroll to the end of the thread, as you wouldn't actually want to read it.

It's back?

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Slapdragon you idiot! Slapdragon you idiot,

Slapdragon you idiot, ... damn that looks GOOD ...

Slapdragon you idiot! <hr></blockquote>

Oo, Oo, I want to try.

<big>Slapdragon you idiot!</big>

You're right, Joe, it just sort of rolls right out, doesn't it? I knew that Slapdragon all by itself was incomplete. Missing something, you know? But jeesh, this is pure brilliance!

Slapdragon you idiot!

Slapdragon you idiot!

It's a bit like getting an annoying song stuck in your head.

Slapdragon you idiot!

Slapdragon you idiot!

Crap! Now you've done it Joe! I can't get it out of my head!

Slapdragon you idiot!

Slapdragon you idiot!

Slapdragon you idiot!

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Hey Andreas, can I play your game? Here's my resume:

1.) Gotta big brain (been called supra-genius)

2.)Able captain of men (compared to Napoleon AND Patton)

3.) Some say I helped INVENT Combat Mission, but I deny it.<hr></blockquote>

IX) a large head is no indication of a large brain. In your case I suspect an over abundence of hot air.

C) Napoléon... as in a cream filled donut, and that is BATTEN not PATTON.

54) Some? And what Outer Board nong thought that one up?

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>What Leeo thought he said:

Oo, Oo, I want to try.

<big>Slapdragon you idiot!</big>

You're right, Joe, it just sort of rolls right out, doesn't it? I knew that Slapdragon all by itself was incomplete. Missing something, you know? But jeesh, this is pure brilliance!

Slapdragon you idiot!

Slapdragon you idiot!

It's a bit like getting an annoying song stuck in your head.

Slapdragon you idiot!

Slapdragon you idiot!

Crap! Now you've done it Joe! I can't get it out of my head!

Slapdragon you idiot!

Slapdragon you idiot!

Slapdragon you idiot!<hr></blockquote>

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>What everyone read:

Oo, Oo, blah blah blah.<hr></blockquote>

Unfortunately, I never read the posts of complete idiots. Now Shaw will once in a while say something worth reading. And sometimes I will catch Gerbilboy saying something original, but the only use I can see for Leeo is to hook his various orifices up to the organ in my church (after unhooking them from his feet and thumbs, which I suspect remain in place to maintain internal pressure in his bloated carcass) and have the little old lady who pumps the organ jump up and down on his stomach, thus generating enough hot air to power the organ for an entire service from benediction to the Holy Holies, and hopefully all the way through communion.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

Unfortunately, I never read the posts of complete idiots.<hr></blockquote>

You've contradicted yourself (other than being the ongoing contradiction that the brainless can't live).

Do you type blind-folded?

You also reiterated all of those "Slappy you idiot!" phrases. Nothing like tooting your own horn.

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Stuka I must remind you that the custom of showing respect for the station of Knight or Squire of the CessPool by spelling and bolding their names is strictly voluntarily. I encourage it, of course, because it is the RIGHT thing to do. For examples of the LEFT thing to do, see virtually any post by Stalled in Oregon or Undress.

Speaking of Undress, I begin to find it more and more likely that it is indeed Germanboy, but the question of HOW he retained both his member status and number has yet to be clarified. Olde Ones ... SNAP OUT OF IT! GET WITH THE PROGRAM, ANSWER THE DAMNED QUESTIONS!

(segunda) Is Undress actually Germanboy and should he be granted his rights under his new name?

(primo dude, primo) Are we to have a trial WITH STENOGRAPHERS on the question of his member status and number?

Where Are The Olde Ones, the Whole World Wants to Know!


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I have returned.

Two days of driving through a typical Minnesota Blizzard. 29 inches of Snow, 50 mph Winds, and Thunder and Lightning to truly let you know you’re in the deep ****e now. To top it off, the State Patrol closed the highway BEHIND me. Thanks for letting me know guys, you’re the best. I kinda wondered why I didn’t see anyone those last two hours on Monday night. Damn civil servants.

Nothing but feckin’ Tourists and Truck Drivers on the highway. These idjits drove like AussieJeff posts. There must be over three hundred trucks in the ditch between here and Fargo. Except for the two numbnuts who managed to jacknife their rigs across the road. If you see a Semi in Minnesota in the winter with a Rebel flag on the grill, just get the hell out of the way. You can laugh later. About ten miles down the road, to be exact.

I lost count of the cars, probably because you couldn’t really see them anymore. Should slow down the newbie scum for awhile. They will be digging out for days. Then again, maybe they froze to death.

Turns will go out tonight, right after I reacquaint myself with my dearly missed bottle of Bourbon.

{edited cuz I'm damn tired}

[ 11-28-2001: Message edited by: Lars ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Speaking of Undress, I begin to find it more and more likely that it is indeed Germanboy, but the question of HOW he retained both his member status and number has yet to be clarified. Olde Ones ... SNAP OUT OF IT! GET WITH THE PROGRAM, ANSWER THE DAMNED QUESTIONS!<hr></blockquote>

Really hate to burst your bubble Joe (well actually, that isn't true... I do enjoy bursting your bubble), but Germanboy/Andreas has had both user names since the dim and distant past. Certainly longer than the existance of the Mutha Beautiful Thread

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Really hate to burst your bubble Joe (well actually, that isn't true... I do enjoy bursting your bubble), but Germanboy/Andreas has had both user names since the dim and distant past. Certainly longer than the existance of the Mutha Beautiful Thread<hr></blockquote> No, no, Berli no need for sorrow (or elation for that matter), all I wanted was some clarification on the issue. That being the case it's obvious that Andreas should be bolded and spelt properly as well as Germanboy. As to the trial, regrettably it appears that all is in order ... no stenographers lads ... blame it on Berli.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

Oh, and Goanna, when you get brave enough to come down here, I will arrange for you to ride in a real police car. Last week we broke up another fight at this bar, third time, and I am sure having you as back up would be an interesting experience. Talk about Deliverence, these guys miss that by about 18 teeth a shave and 12 baths. Spraying them with pepper spray just makes them think you hit them with cologne.

[ 11-27-2001: Message edited by: Slapdragon ]<hr></blockquote>

Spankdragon, You're a rental cop? When will the fun ever end.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by bauhaus:

Spankdragon, You're a rental cop? When will the fun ever end.<hr></blockquote>

Actually I am a dyed in the wool, registered, weapon toting, bagel and cream cheese eating, bond carrying, trained law enforcement officer 1 None of this renta cop crap. I work 12 hours a week part-time plus extra work on special assignments. It can be a bit weird leaving DOJ, teaching my research class, then going out on the street (where I have to wear my uniform and weapon to class to save time) but so far it has been a lot of fun.

However, since I know you could really care less, feck you.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:


1.) Gotta big brain (been called supra-genius)

... and perhaps your little creation can spark a real cock-fight.<hr></blockquote>

What the heck does knowing a lot about crappy, self rusting japanese sports cars have to do with CM ability??? And I will not even touch that other remark, it's waaay to easy, and why didn't Bauhaus jump on this one, he must be loosing his touch, or busy "initiating' SSNs

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Guys I gotta ask y'all a favor:

Sir Panzer 'defending against the assault' Leader hath returned after two long months to finish getting whacked into submission. After his caning is over there'll be no more of his lip for a while. But now Jo, Slaps, Lars, and Panzer Leader are all in my pocket or soon to be. Looks like a pukin' pool winnning streak. I'm looking for an opponent with some spunk, someone who actually puts up a fight, someone who PLAYS like they got a pair. And I'm starting to doubt such a one is to be found in here.

So I ask you all, who is the CESSPOOL CHAMPION and will said entity deign to battle me in a fight, gamey or groggy, day or night, dawn dry dewy snow rugged hills flat dusty trees town or country, Axis or Allies tanks/dudes/tracks attack/defend enter/exit WHATEVER, WHOEVER! Just as long as he knows (unlike the abovementioned pushovers) you point the long skinny end at the bad guys and pull the lanyard, not the other way around.

Oh and by the way I'm a Libra.

thx and god bless,

Capt. America

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by CMplayer:

Guys I gotta ask y'all a favor:

Sir Panzer 'defending against the assault' Leader hath returned after two long months to finish getting whacked into submission. After his caning is over there'll be no more of his lip for a while. But now Jo, Slaps, Lars, and Panzer Leader are all in my pocket or soon to be. Looks like a pukin' pool winnning streak. I'm looking for an opponent with some spunk, someone who actually puts up a fight, someone who PLAYS like they got a pair. And I'm starting to doubt such a one is to be found in here.

So I ask you all, who is the CESSPOOL CHAMPION and will said entity deign to battle me in a fight, gamey or groggy, day or night, dawn dry dewy snow rugged hills flat dusty trees town or country, Axis or Allies tanks/dudes/tracks attack/defend enter/exit WHATEVER, WHOEVER! Just as long as he knows (unlike the abovementioned pushovers) you point the long skinny end at the bad guys and pull the lanyard, not the other way around.

Oh and by the way I'm a Libra.

thx and god bless,

Capt. America<hr></blockquote>You make me wanna puke, barf, chunder, flash my food, pray to the porcelin goddess and talk on the big white phone you ... you ... you FREAK! What the hell is this "Who's the BEST" and "I'm SUCH a CM GAWD" crap anyway! Winning means NOTHING in th CessPool, only the taunting and backbiting count and you SUCK AT THAT! Excuse me now, I have to chunder again.


{edited because I'm just ... so ... MAD ... and to think I actually played that scum}

[ 11-28-2001: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Andreas:

If you don't understand what that is (make that 'since'), best look it up in a dictionary. You know, these books with words in them, explaining other words. <hr></blockquote>

Hey, thanks Andy, I gots me one of them thar fancy fangdangle dikionarys and looked up 'poseur' and there was a picture of you.

You must be famous or sumfink.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Roborat:

What the heck does knowing a lot about crappy, self rusting japanese sports cars have to do with CM ability??? And I will not even touch that other remark, it's waaay to easy, and why didn't Bauhaus jump on this one, he must be loosing his touch, or busy "initiating' SSNs<hr></blockquote>

I prefer to call it a "sword fight." And Feck SSN's. They are all worthless gits that aren't worthy to sniff a pair of Berli's week old boxers. Though that could make for an interesting hazing ceremony for SSN's. Disgusting, but worth the price of a ticket to watch.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by CMplayer:

Right, but who's updating the ladder results now that Lorak is away?<hr></blockquote>My GAWD man ... have you no shame! Now here we have a Squire who is BADLY in need of the ***BOOT*** ... by Berli (I feel like I should give equal space, GAWD in one place, Berli in the next, if he were MY Squire ...


edited to acknowledge that Andreas is without flaw or error ... {snicker}

[ 11-28-2001: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Anyhow, last week a co-worker (real nut this guy) tells me that Costello was the short guy -- after all it IS an Italian name, and he sure looks Italian. I couldn't believe it, I mean I GREW UP with these two...


Costello is an Irish name, you nit, not 'Italian'.

And stop misrepresenting yourself. You did not "grow up".

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Grandsire Joe Shaw, since CMPanderer is making much noise and beating about the bushes for, well a good beating, can it be me? Since his liege is AWOL and it's apparent that he hasn't been booted in a long time and has forgotten his station and the traditions of the 'Cess. May I add a few extra boots in for my liege Sir Lars and yourself, or is this too presumptuous?

On to the taunting. CMPlayer if that is you real name, thou art a shaved baboon prancing about like a perfumed dandy poltroon. Your gangrenous proclamations of "I'm da bestus playyer of da game Comabat Mission" bespeaks your ignorance of the traditions and conduct of the Mutha Beautiful Thread and the entire Cesspool. Were your liege not absent I'd suspect that your errant ways would have been corrected by now with judicious application of the rod. Unfortunately without the careful guidance of a strict hand you have grown like a noxious weed and need to be pruned (beaten) back into line by the righteous hand (or boot as it were) of your peers. Engarde miscreant! The gauntlet has struck upon thine misbegotten visage! Defend yourself (oh, I'll need a setup from someone)


[ 11-28-2001: Message edited by: Hanns ]</p>

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