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CM stock options

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You know, nothing really ticks me off, like somebody who yips off like that. It intimidates newbies and just pisses off old-dogs like myself.

A) Time for search engine to locate stock options topic...4 mins 16 secs

B) # of hits = 3

C) Hits, two previous thread dating back to last year one not helpful the other 6 pages long and after a 45 sec search gave up and of course my thread.

D) Time to type my thread question approx 30 secs.

E) Time to read, well even though I could open up with a few insults here I won't so say 5 secs.

F) Time to type snarky response (again avoiding easy insults and reference to typos) 30 secs.

G) Grand total of my time wasted 30 secs

H) Grand total of Panzermans precious, sands thru the hourglass wasted 35 sec, 30 of that his own doing.

So in short, I apologize for wasting 35 secs of your life my friend because it is obviously worth more than 5 mins of mine...oh just a thought...PERHAPS BTS HAS HAD A CHANGE OF PLANS IN THE LAST SIX MONTHS!!! DO YOU MIND IF I ASK?!!! Or have I somehow missed you appointment as Supreme Watchdog of the CM forum?!

Now Admin can answer my question and lock this thing up.

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Its your own fault you brought it on you self and why do so many new people get pissed off when people ask them just to look things up before they post a question. It doesn't matter how old the topic you find is it still could have the answer so just cool down.I did not mean to offend you in any way. Sorry if I did.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzerman:

There not. Do a search before you ask a question that way you mite find the answer and not have to post it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


Its very clear that the search utility doesn't always work. When it does work, it is tremendously slow and a pain. Panzerman, if you had done a search, you would have discovered that and therefore, you wouldn't have had to post what you posted. This is a discussion board afterall.


You have a very good idea. It certainly makes sense. I was thinking the same thing just the other day. BTS would be a REAL cool place to invest.

A big down side would be a majority stock holder arguing forever with Steve and Charles for the tweaking of something like the laden flight characteristics of birds in CM. They probably wouldn't be able to get much done.

I'm still waiting to hear if they used one or two coconuts in their flight model! ;)

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Note to all BTS has said quite often even if the last few months that they will stay privately owned. Plus not I said you mite I didn't say you would so just back off. There is no rule and I did do a search so Scooter scoot off. No pun intended. BTS says in there manifesto they want to remaine privet. So why even ask? If they wanted to they would let the CM public know yes?

[ 06-22-2001: Message edited by: Panzerman ]

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I was refering to a search reagarding the search engine not working. I won't back off. You were plainly rude. With all of the effort you've spent trying to defend your rudeness, you could have used less than half the energy and said the same thing in a NICE way.

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Scooter or what ever your name is I didn't demand that he did it I suggested it. My goodness! And why would you do a search on how slow it is... that would take all day. :eek:

And as for energy I have lots to spare.

[ 06-22-2001: Message edited by: Panzerman ]

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Hey Panzerman,

My that was a heartfelt apology..I am shedding tears here. First of all 192 posts and playing since last Oct does not equal "new people". I am well aware of the search engine and as I pointed out there is little on this. If you are so "in the know" maybe you could post the link to your "inner crowd" information so that all us unwashed heathens can stop wasting your time..which I am sure you will spend in a contructive and wonderfully human justifying manner.

In short don't even try and back peddle here, if I was a newbie I would be seriously intimidated and made to feel small...that is bullying where I come from, unfortunately for you, you beaked off to someone who has been here for a while and now is calling you up on it.

Now I think I have my pound of flesh..although it was under done and gamey (pun intended) as hell.

I guess the answer is no...to bad good way to raise money for the warchest when Microsoft makes 20 clones and ups the bar. Oh well if they change their mind I am in.

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OK, I think I am starting to get this..Panzerman I think the last three letters of your handle are stretching reality. Judging by your listed occupation, I think I am conversing with a young person here. And being a youth of the modern age, Schools, society and life in general has left you without the gift of common courtesy. So for your benifit I offer the following:

The_Capt: "Hey guys when is BTS going to offer stocks publicly so I can get rich and start a serious alcohol slide into an early but fun grave?"

Panzerman answer #1: " Hey doood, I am wit you on dat one but I think they have said that that is a big no-go-show. I think I saw dat on a thread somewhere..why don;t you try the search engine."

or if we really want to impress..

Pazerman answer #2: "Rightious!!! But the downer is that BTS has said NO WAY!! Here are the threads where they said it xxxxxxx".

or even

Panzerman thinks "Man what a dumb question..been asked a thousand times. Well not worth typing a response to...moving on..oh look the Bi-Monthly Lurker is out again..Down in a minute Mom...no one understands me....etc"

Thus endeth the lesson

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OK, OK, lets all just calm down here. I have an excellent way to solve all of this!


I have recebtly been appointed BTS' manager and director of all monetary investments in their humble business. Since you are well aware of their excellent performance, I would highly recommend that you put up a large sum to invest. No less then at least $2,000 would do.

If you are willing to accept such a low-risk opportunity to not only make money but to also better a fantastic gaming company, contact me and I will give you the shipping adress from which I will transfer your money to the BTS money-holding thing, otherwise known as my wallet.

Please note that you should not worry about how your investment is doing, and should simply wait for progress reports from yours truly. Don't call me, I'll call you.


Take a chill pill, dude. If you just say "Yah, whatever" right now and stop posting to this thread neither your rep or your dignity will be lost.

The rest of you people,

Uhh...you're welcome to send money too, I guess.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The_Capt:

I guess the answer is no...to bad good way to raise money for the warchest when Microsoft makes 20 clones and ups the bar. Oh well if they change their mind I am in.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I think that for now, at least, you are correct in your surmise -- no stock options.

Having worked at an internet company (now sadly out of business)in my experience, IPOs and the attendant issues of investment banks and underwriting are HUGE and complicated issues.

They usually require the involvement of a CFO -- or someone with those qualifications-- and a couple other people as well.

Preparing a company for an IPO can be a full time job, and since BTS only has four people working for it, preparing for and executing an IPO would probably put a huge kink in their plans to make games.

Which would make me sob bitter tears of loss.

And there is the question of scale as well-- how much money does BTS need right now? I have no idea, but an IPO is only one way to raise cash.

With demonstrated cash flow from one game already and another one only months away from release, a simple bank loan or small business loan would be pretty easy to get.

And guess what? The fed may drop interest rates again soon. Which means that any loan will be easier to pay off.

But, what I think you were really saying is: "What a great company with solid achievements and a commitment to great products and first rate customer relations --if they sold stock, I'd buy some."

To which I would reply. Yeah, me too.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The_Capt:

OK, I think I am starting to get this..Panzerman I think the last three letters of your handle are stretching reality. Judging by your listed occupation, I think I am conversing with a young person here. And being a youth of the modern age, Schools, society and life in general has left you without the gift of common courtesy. So for your benifit I offer the following:

The_Capt: "Hey guys when is BTS going to offer stocks publicly so I can get rich and start a serious alcohol slide into an early but fun grave?"

Panzerman answer #1: " Hey doood, I am wit you on dat one but I think they have said that that is a big no-go-show. I think I saw dat on a thread somewhere..why don;t you try the search engine."

or if we really want to impress..

Pazerman answer #2: "Rightious!!! But the downer is that BTS has said NO WAY!! Here are the threads where they said it xxxxxxx".

or even

Panzerman thinks "Man what a dumb question..been asked a thousand times. Well not worth typing a response to...moving on..oh look the Bi-Monthly Lurker is out again..Down in a minute Mom...no one understands me....etc"

Thus endeth the lesson<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Um its not the 60s and more... yes I am young persion of 16 years. But that dosen't mean I will let a bunch of old people to get on my nerves.

And just to let you know I am the only persion my age.. at lest at my school that dosn't laugh at War vets. In fact scene I was ten I had a huge intrest in WW2. Ever scene then I have been learning more. I am no gorog nore do I want to be one. I just think that learning about the past is important. And just because I don't say that under my occupations dose it matter no. Anther thing I have never had a drink in my life... not an alcoholic one that is. So no I don't want to get drunk. Why is that you all think that just because we arn't 40 yet that we love to drink 10 what evers a night.

[ 06-22-2001: Message edited by: Panzerman ]

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OK a couple of points and then I let it go cause I am getting the "I am kicking a puppy" itch in that dark black closet I call a conscience.

First of all you seem like a decent enough lad and I am always heartened to see a young man taking an interest in war. May I suggest you join the Reserves, there are quite a few good units in Vancouver and they are taking 16 yr olds now...try 6 Field Engineer Squadron and make an ols Sapper happy. I would caution you to be a little more careful in the tone of your posts. This is an imperfect medium and sometimes things are lost and picked up in transmission. As I said a newbie would feel pretty small right now, like he really screwed up and may be pushed into a state of permanent "Lurkerdom".

Second, my sweet Lord! Just what in the hell are my taxes paying for?!! I mean I am an old grunt with Science degree and no perfect speler but son just what in the hell was that last post? I will give you a small peice of advice, which you will ignore, but someday you may throw at your kids (and judging by the way things are going they will be grunting and whistling) someday. Get a dictionary and a thesaurus, people will take you much more seriously if you can express thoughts clearly. And here is another hot tip, women love a man who can write like a hot-damn, makes em wonder what else you can do really well Har har har!

Lastly for Terence;

You diplomatic sweet talking son-of-a-gun. You keep talkin like that and I am going to get a serious crush on you!!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The_Capt:

Lastly for Terence;

You diplomatic sweet talking son-of-a-gun. You keep talkin like that and I am going to get a serious crush on you!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You say the sweetest things.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The_Capt:


OK a couple of points and then I let it go cause I am getting the "I am kicking a puppy" itch in that dark black closet I call a conscience.

First of all you seem like a decent enough lad and I am always heartened to see a young man taking an interest in war. May I suggest you join the Reserves, there are quite a few good units in Vancouver and they are taking 16 yr olds now...try 6 Field Engineer Squadron and make an ols Sapper happy. I would caution you to be a little more careful in the tone of your posts. This is an imperfect medium and sometimes things are lost and picked up in transmission. As I said a newbie would feel pretty small right now, like he really screwed up and may be pushed into a state of permanent "Lurkerdom".

Second, my sweet Lord! Just what in the hell are my taxes paying for?!! I mean I am an old grunt with Science degree and no perfect speler but son just what in the hell was that last post? I will give you a small peice of advice, which you will ignore, but someday you may throw at your kids (and judging by the way things are going they will be grunting and whistling) someday. Get a dictionary and a thesaurus, people will take you much more seriously if you can express thoughts clearly. And here is another hot tip, women love a man who can write like a hot-damn, makes em wonder what else you can do really well Har har har!

Lastly for Terence;

You diplomatic sweet talking son-of-a-gun. You keep talkin like that and I am going to get a serious crush on you!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

For one ting Canada doen't have an army... we do but I don't call it one. Also what on Earth did you get so riled up about. People need to stop take post so personally. I used to do that but, why. ALl you do is lose your mind. Its not worth it. So Cap... if you didn't like my apology thats your problem not mine. It was 6:00am I wasn't even awake yet when I posted that question. If you can't look the other way then why should I?

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Let me semi-delurk for a second and say that you should be commended (imo) for having an interest in WWII and (I would guess) military history, strategy and tactics in general. Equally commendable is that you don't "laugh" at war vets like you say other teens do (although they'd be laughing out the other side of their pierced eyebrows if (somehow) a WW2 vet could be zapped back to their age and then kick the snot outta them... but I digress).

However, if you want your opinions to be respected around here, I would humbly suggest that you (and you aren't the only one) take an earlier poster's advice and buy a dictionary or, the 21st century equivalent: use spell check on your posts (i.e. paste them into "Word" or some other program and do a spell check on it and then repaste as your new improved post). While it's fine to ICQ and email your buds with misspellings etc, you'll have an uphill battle trying to be taken seriously and with respect on this board (or wherever you eventually get employed, for that matter) if your spelling sucks.

I'd bet that virtually everyone here is very much in favor of any young person that shows an interest in WW2 and in CM. Your initial post wasn't quite as out-of-line as the flood of replies would indicate in my opinion (I've seen lots of responses elsewhere, suggesting someone use the 'search' feature), but I did grimace a few times over the sadistic mutilation of the English language (spelling) demonstrated here (and again - not just by you). Typos are one thing, and everyone has a few "pet" spelling mistakes that their brain just can't get over, but an obvious disregard for correct spelling is something else and makes your comments less regarded than they might otherwise be.

Just my 2 cents; take it for what it's worth... and seeing as how the 2 cents is in Canadian currency, that may not be much. <G>



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