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why are the allies such crap?

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I never sausage a place!

Now, kraut might be an offensive term if you left off the sauer. Like for example placing an order at Denney's thusly; "Hey toots, gimme some kraut on dat dog aready!", instead of "Excuse me Miss, may I please have some sauerkraut on my hotdog? Oh, and thank you very much."

One must be sensitive these days, compassionate, tolerant and understanding. There are no stupid people any more, they are the perusal retention disabled. smile.gif


"Gentlemen, you may be sure that of the three courses

open to the enemy, he will always choose the fourth."

-Field Marshal Count Helmuth von Moltke, (1848-1916)

[This message has been edited by Bruno Weiss (edited 02-25-2001).]

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QB's dont take place in 2000m landscapes. they take place in small grids and if you ever have a long range fight, its usually at the start when you got a clear LOS across the map

by the way, Im not new (been playing since september, check profile), and germans are so superior its incredible you people could babble about how they're not. I can beat just about any one with germans. thats how I win in CM

[This message has been edited by securityguard (edited 02-25-2001).]

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Wow a Troll that actually responded to his original post! Me thinks you may not be a Troll after all, just misguided.

I am not knowledgable enough, nor have the patience to argue. All I have to say is play more PBEM or TCP/IP and I'm sure you will see that fast turret speeds and ambushes more than make up for German heavy armor.

You are aware of Hellcats, aren't you?

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Originally posted by securityguard:

QB's dont take place in 2000m landscapes. they take place in small grids and if you ever have a long range fight, its usually at the start when you got a clear LOS across the map

What's your point? smg's aren't any good over about a hundred meters anyway. At 2k meters the Germans still have an advantage with that high powered gunnery. Good idea to keep those US and Brits masked and move into good positions to hit German armor up close.

Oh, and you're still new player. I wasn't very good after 6 months either... I was just scratchiong the surface. Now after a year and a half I'm starting to feel pretty good about my skill set.

by the way, Im not new (been playing since september, check profile), and germans are so superior its incredible you people could babble about how they're not. I can beat just about any one with germans. thats how I win in CM

Since people can with with the Allies, I'm fininshing up a 5000pt Assault and a 2000pt meeting engagement with Americans and they seem to be winning both battles, I hardly think it's babbleing just becasue you aren't good enough. Didn't take Jumbos on either one by the way, and my opponents are not bad players and have both beaten me before.

edits for UBB errors

[This message has been edited by Compassion (edited 02-25-2001).]

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Gosh, securityguy, I really really REALLY wish my computer would be working properly so I could prove how wrong you are!

Then again, Im sure many others could do the same, perhaps even better then I!

Listen, Ive beaten Germans many a time, and Ive won with Germans many a time as well. They are not superior. They have disadvantages and the Allies advantages. I know because Ive seen it.

Maybe you need to fight some easier opponents? If the ones you are currently facing are making you think such silly things, try picking on someone new or on your own level.


"...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..."

- Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"

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Guest Germanboy

Originally posted by securityguard:

germans are so superior its incredible you people could babble about how they're not. I can beat just about any one with germans. thats how I win in CM

Between your no doubt valuable opinion and the evidence to the contrary, I feel it very easy to disregard the former.

Have a nice day.



Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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Originally posted by securityguard:

any way you could possibly make the rifle teams 20 points cheaper? I swear to god, every time I play CM (im always forced allies, because I always get stuck with a asshole who has a name like "SS_LEADER_COGERMANPANZERDIVISION_HERZ" that wants to be german side) multiplayer all they ever do is buy 5 SMG squads and the best tanks and whatever else they can buy with points alotted left.

if you havent noticed, rifles do compared to SMG's. SMG's are good at almost any range, and it doesnt really matter if rifles can shoot across the map, because you're not going to hit anything anyways. plus the damage associated with the rifles is outrageous, you can spend your entire 'ammo' shooting at a squad and only kill maybe 2 per squad, if your lucky. While american squads get ripped up so easily. I also cant stand the fact that if your squad gets routed \ panicked \ whatever.. the entire squad moves. I know i know, it doesnt model each soldier, but its absolutely insane when you have 11 guys pinned. I mean, all 11 guys pinned down? Couldnt some at least panic fire???

of course, im going to get a lot of "LAUGH OUT LOUD OYU JUST NEED TO BE BETTER AND LEARN HOW TO USE THE ALLIES" - unless friggin lucky charms him self kisses my ass, I wont be any better. the game is total luck, and some tactical involvement when you try to figure out when to rush the flags on certain turns. thats just about it. Tank battles are merely who can get hit first.

so please, kill some points off allied infantry



One question have you been sleeping to much as of late...just the other day I had a green American squad and it wiped out 4 German SMG units in one turn...so don't give me this bull!

[This message has been edited by Rob/1 (edited 02-25-2001).]

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Guest *Captain Foobar*

Either way you chose to take it, wild outbursts - although serving their purpose in releasing anger - dont get you very popular with the others.


Commissar, I disagree. This has been my 2nd favorite post of the weekend. (1st place goes to boru). I know how this guy feels, as I have been run over by tight packed smg formations before.

Security guard. My suggestion to you is that you play DESIGNED scenarios against reasonable people, who want to have the same kind of battle you do.

If you want some well designed, balanced scenarios to play, drop me an email...

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I myself prefer to play Axis, not because

they rule the battlefeild though. My Nemisis

in "Combat Mission" likes to take full advantage of the allied artilery,( dam him

anyways ; )- ) and when i'm defending i can't

even use desirable buildings for cover. He

levels the one's he feels are good defence

points before he even thinks of coming close

to me.. I feel I need to start a support group for Axis who take a constant barrage

of things falling from the sky.hehe. I know

your fustartion with gettin yer ass kicked,

cause half the time i can't sit down myself,

from pain of the spankin i've recieved. smile.gif-

But i win some and loose some more,, and hopefully i do my homework to help me in the

battlefield... Anyways "Security Guard" Sir

Chin up cause in war somebody's gotta lose..


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Where the German TO&E has the advantage is the huge and flexible choice of infantry - SMG squads for close range, squads with 2 LMG for long range. The Allies are much more "plain vanilla", with only 8 varieties of infantry compared to the German 26 or so.

This means a German player can more easily pick forces to suit their tactics, rather than picking tactics to suit their forces.

A "heavy tank & SMG rush" is easy to learn and effective (just wait for CM2 with Soviet IS tanks with Guards SMG squads riding them to see it done properly...) Therefore you will meet it often playing QBs.

So, either play scenarios or rule of 75/76, to avoid meeting it, ask for random weather/ time of day/ ground conditions. But you'll have to develop tactics to cope with this when facing Soviets in 44/45 anyway.

To use a boxing analogy, try footwork and jabbing until he is worn down enough. (I'm assuming you are playing ME).

And if your opponents insist on always 20 turn games, overcast, dry, day then either find new opponents, or go ahistorical yourself. Swarm him with uber allied vehicles (a HMC 8/ Wasp combo is fun, or Hellcats/ Churchills) Use UK airbourne troops with US 155mm spotters. Whatever floats your boat and you know how to use. My present "VFM", gamey unrestricted purchase is:

UK airborne Co

3" spotter

2 x Comets

2 x Sexton

2 x Hellcat

1 x HMC 8

3 x Humber

1350 pts when regular. Completely gamey, far too light on infantry, but damn good fun.

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Securityblanket- send me a PBEM. You take Germans, of course. I'd prefer about a 1500 point attack. I'll attack or defend, doesn't matter. Looking forward to hearing from you.


Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

The Last Defense- Mods, Scenarios, and more!

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Originally posted by securityguard:

by the way, Im not new (been playing since september, check profile), and germans are so superior its incredible you people could babble about how they're not. I can beat just about any one with germans. thats how I win in CM

As we might say in the 'pool' these days...

You're rockin' the ganj', mon

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Haha I find this a bit amusing since Strat has handed me not my ass but the flashlight and map I need to find my ass when I play Germans against him. I would tell you that with some practice and a little thought before you play a turn and you might find yourself doing OK. The thing is Strat and I are on our 4th or 5th game (like I said he won every one playing Allied) and I still love this game! He can beat me every time, but sooner or later he will have allowed me to make good on my mistakes and he will start paying for it smile.gif Practice practice practice!


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Security Guard i will play you as Allies. You pick. Setting, Terrain, Points, etc. Whatever it does not matter. In fact pick big points so you can buy all those "UBER" tanks and SMG infantry. The only thing I ask is that you either give me armor (yes allied armor) or the new unrestricted class. Hey you might win i might win who knows? The reason being is that except for the rare (and realistic) occurence of dumb luck the game is perfectly balanced. If the Germans are sooooo much better then why is it that I have a winning record and use mostly Allied. Why not post to some of the German players in CPX and see what they think about me and my "inferior" Allied equipment? For a person using basic tactics and playing uninspired games it is easy to believe that the German side may give the impression as being superior but this is really due to the fact that some German equipment is more idiot proof than Allied equipment. Oh and if you get into good SMG range in anything other than a city or heavy woods against me then you deserve to win. Same goes for you if you let you opponent get that close than you deserve to lose. Next time actually put up a fight and see what happens. I usually do not flame and the above offer is very valid but I do so tire of folks making somewhat ignorant (as in they do not know but not they cannot know, there is a HUGE difference) comments. So if you are up to it then I will be happy to play you and lets hope you leave your "Protoss is better in StarCraft" logic behind.

Riggs Out


Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb


[This message has been edited by Priest (edited 02-26-2001).]

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Guest KwazyDog

Hi Guys,

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, even if it is one not many agree with wink.gif I think this conversation has pretty much reached the point where all that could be useful has come out of it though, so Im going to lock it up.


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