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Gamey cheating AI

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Would you believe it? Whilst I was waiting for my PBEM turn to materialise, I decided to have a quick bash at the AI. I picked QB, Allies attacking, 500pts, Allies select units manually, March 1945 (almost entirely standard settings) and rural, moderate hills, moderate trees.

For my part, I picked a Regular US company and a Regular Sherman (677 pts out of 750 - didn't use them all).

As I hoped, the AI got his arse handed to him. No surprises on THAT front - but check out what he picked!

2 75mm AT guns

2 platoons Volksgrenadier SMG

1 Wespe

1 PSW 234/1

1 wooden MG bunker

(487/500 pts)

I mean, people complain about gamey players, but look at that! The AI is the biggest cheatin' so and so in the world! Where's the historical wossname? I mean, sure, not many regular companies had a sherman backing them up, but at least it wasn't a Jumbo or something. I'm going to blacklist him from MY games from now on. smile.gif

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From a historical POV, the force mix seems about right.

As for the Sherman with a company of US Infantry, that also is about right.

I would of bought 3 M-8 HMCs myself, an excellent infantry killer and about as survuvable as a Sherman at ranges of 200m or more.

I mean, how many times have you seen a German MBT bounce a shell off of a regular Sherman?

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Soddball...You're a CHEATER!!!! The canteens your troops used held 3 quarts of water and not 1 quart, like the ones used at the time.

Shame on you! No wonder the AI beat the snot out of you!!!!!

Wait...You won the game. Nevermind. ;)


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The VG with guns and bunker is fine. The armor and armored car support isn't. But that is a result of the "combined arms" force type, which gives the 'puter armor points and vehicle points.

A more realistic defense would be an infantry force type, which would not have those goodies (wespe and armored car), but might have an FO, or the rest of the infantry company, or minefields, or HMG&schreck teams, etc.

In general, the combined arms force type is unrealistic for the Germans under about 1500 points. Panzer forces would have the "armor" force type and infantry forces the "infantry" force type.

Combined arms produces single vehicles supporting infantry when the force size is small, and in reality they rarely had that. Once the battle is big enough, around 1500-2000, it becomes more realistic - as e.g. a StuG platoon supporting an infantry attack, or Panzergrenadiers with some armor and halftracks.

The Allies on the other hand should use combined arms often, sometimes armor, with the infantry force type rare, especially attacking. The size of the fight doesn't matter very much. Even small forces had some sort of vehicle support quite often.

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