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Why is CM so good?

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Hello all. I've been playing CM for a little over a year now and up until recently I coludn't decide what I like most about the game. For a while I thought it must be map and battle editor, but that was back when I was running CM on a P233 with a 2 meg video card. Needless to say the frame rate was horrid and the textures, if you could call them that, were just plain bad. Then I got a new system with a 16 meg card and I was instantly taken aback by the beauty that is CM. smile.gif

So for a while I had decided it must be how realistic the game could look. however, I have yet again changed my outlook on this subject. IMO if a game can take a person who has no intrest in war and or wargames, and turn them into an addict, that's amazing.

Case in point, my girlfriend.

After a year of putting up with my rants about CM, she decided to play me in a hotseat

game. Now keep in mind she knows nothing about the units or the tactics of the game,

so I had to help her out a bit with the setup

and showed her how I would tackle the situation.

I won't go into the details of the game, but in the end I had a total victory. She did put up quite a fight though (Knocked out one of my Tigers and cut up 2 of my PZgrenadier platoons).


Now she's a CM junkie :D and is already preparing for our next match.

That, I think, is why CM is such a good game.

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You my friend are in a lot of trouble. There is no easy way out for you. If you win she will no doubt ask for a rematch creating even more tension if you win or, god forbid a 2nd win and more ammo for her.

If you lose the second game outright she will never let you live it down and always be on the new computer and you Sir,will be back to 2 megs of choppieness.

My advise;

Feign headache.

von shrad

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congrats on victory, but dont get cocky(see above link)...

the thing i like most about the game was hard to describe but steve himself said it off hand once: craft

the game is well done, from interface to graphic detail, to historical interest and fun, from type of play, customizability, and sound too.

no huge bugs, mostly needing only tweaks. i am so used to programs crashing that i didnt think it was possible to have a game not do it.

a work of art.

[ 06-25-2001: Message edited by: russellmz ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by tiborhead:


... Now keep in mind she knows nothing about the units or the tactics of the game,

so I had to help her out a bit with the setup

and showed her how I would tackle the situation.

I won't go into the details of the game, but in the end I had a total victory. She did put up quite a fight though (Knocked out one of my Tigers and cut up 2 of my PZgrenadier platoons)...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

A true gentleman would have let the lady have the uberpanzers and taken the ronsons for himself...she might have kicked your ass then and really thrilled herself!

Then again, you might not ever get her off your PC afterwards...


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tiborhead you gamey bastard! Using Tigers against your girlfriend?? What is wrong with you man? No sense of sport. You probably like to play dodgeball with third graders as well. Do you go Quail hunting with a 40mm Bofors gun? Seriously though, I don't think my wife has even considered playing with me (Combat Mission that is). She has started to show a bit more interest in what is taking up all my time these days. Perhaps, I'll eventually convince her to try it out.

As for what I like best, I think it is the game engine and realism factor. My opinion is that this is the best wargame I've played. The game play itself is very addicting and games can be quite tense at times. Quite a bit of fun all said.

[ 06-25-2001: Message edited by: Enoch ]

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The second match is set for tomarrow. We finished purchasing and setting up our units.

Last time she played as the Brits, this time I think she took the Americans. Not that matters too much, but I think U.S. infantry is a little better though. It's a ME battle and she has 25% extra points in an 1000 point battle. I took a vet PZ grenadier company, a Stug, and a marder i think, can't remember now.

The VLs are all located along a road in the center of the map with a few houses scattered along the length of the road.

The terrain gives me a slight advantage as there is excellent cover from patches of trees all the way to the VLs. Her side of the map is quite open. Still I can't help but feel anxious about the upcomming game.

I think she's learned alot in one game, and she is sure to have purchased some armor this time (last game she just had AT guns).

All this combined with the fact that I stink in Tank vs. Tank engagements leads me bo believe this will be a much tougher fight.

Oh well, I'll keep you all posted on the outcome of this clash of the almost married couple. ;)

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As I'm new here and don't know how to quote,

Gunnergoz said

"A true gentleman would have let the lady have the uberpanzers and taken the ronsons for himself...she might have kicked your ass then and really thrilled herself!

Then again, you might not ever get her off your PC afterwards..."

I wanted to let her play as the germans but she wanted to play as the British. And yes in retrospect it was kinda gamey using tigers

but oh well. :rolleyes:

And as for terrorizing infants and todlers'

well that has no place in this forum, and I am undergoing therapy for this. :D

And yeah, the game engine and realism are up there on the list, but a game I can enjoy with my better half...

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In all fairness you should let her get on this forum for advice on her setup forces. Being as she knows nothing about equipment, troops, vehicles or nothing, just seems more fair to me. I know it's all in fun but hey give the lady a fighting chance. I'll help her if you want, well better not be me, I'm wanting her to win. :D At least you picked fairly this time as far as the tanks you choose. Damn, I wish my wife would play. Tell her I'm pulling for her and do let us know what happens. I'd love to watch.

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OK, I don't intend to start a war of the sexes or anything here, but I do have one question for you guys. How many times have you had to sit through some 2 1/2 hour chick flick, or spend an afternoon shopping for a new spring wardrobe? I quess the point I'm trying to make is relationships are all about sacrafice. Thus I spend a Sunday afternoon watching Sence and Sensibility, and she spends the evening watching the Simpsons and Futurama. It's a tradeoff. I say if your wives/girlfriends and in some cases husbands and boyfriends can't sacrafice 2-3 hours on a measly little QB then this is clearly a one sided relationship.

But I digress. Maybe I'll Introduce her to the forum so she may pick up some outside advice. I never thought of that, sounds like a good idea.

As an added note, this post is in noway a shot at the female gender. (Note I included

husband/boyfriend) So for the ladies out there, I will ad spending a Saturday watching

the Jean-Claude Van Damme marathon on TNT or something as a fair trade for a game of CM.


[ 06-26-2001: Message edited by: tiborhead ]

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Occasionally, my wife and I play in computer games (She just got interested in CM). IOn our games, the loser is required to perform a forfeit, which is usually obscenely biological.

I generally play to lose.


In memory of Douglas Adams

[ 06-26-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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