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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jack Arilliac:

It's clear that part of the purpose is to impress others with intelligence, cleverness and knowledge, which provides the individuals with self-satisfaction.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Of course you are entirely wrong but in an almost correct way.

The purpose has never been to show how clever one is but clearly to rub in the others their own lack of wit and cleverness.

As Sacha Guitry said: It's of no importance to me that I should be happy if I have no knowledge that others aren't.

The Peng Thread are all about Panache.

Cyrano of Bergerac being quoted now and then when we are not too deep into Pratchett's quotes...

My favorite quote from Edmond Rostand's Cyrano of Bergerac is not the classical duelling one.

It's the last scene of the play you'll find there:

CYRANO (shivering violently, then suddenly rising):

Not there! what, seated?--no!

(They spring toward him):

Let no one hold me up--

(He props himself against the tree):

Only the tree!


It comes. E'en now my feet have turned to stone,

My hands are gloved with lead!

(He stands erect):

But since Death comes,

I meet him still afoot,

(He draws his sword):

And sword in hand!



ROXANE (half fainting):


(All shrink back in terror.)


Why, I well believe

He dares to mock my nose? Ho! insolent!

(He raises his sword):

What say you? It is useless? Ay, I know

But who fights ever hoping for success?

I fought for lost cause, and for fruitless quest!

You there, who are you!--You are thousands!


I know you now, old enemies of mine!


(He strikes in air with his sword):

Have at you! Ha! and Compromise!

Prejudice, Treachery!. . .

(He strikes):

Surrender, I?

Parley? No, never! You too, Folly,--you?

I know that you will lay me low at last;

Let be! Yet I fall fighting, fighting still!

(He makes passes in the air, and stops, breathless):

You strip from me the laurel and the rose!

Take all! Despite you there is yet one thing

I hold against you all, and when, to-night,

I enter Christ's fair courts, and, lowly bowed,

Sweep with doffed casque the heavens' threshold blue,

One thing is left, that, void of stain or smutch,

I bear away despite you.

(He springs forward, his sword raised; it falls from his hand; he staggers,

falls back into the arms of Le Bret and Ragueneau.)

ROXANE (bending and kissing his forehead):

'Tis?. . .

CYRANO (opening his eyes, recognizing her, and smiling):


Most of us old Poolers still believes it's only that.

Playing, NO Compromise, Style and Panache.

And since I'm so full of quoting Frogs, here comes a last Guitry that should help #176:

You can pretend to be serious; you can't pretend to be witty.

[ 05-06-2001: Message edited by: PawBroon ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jack Arilliac:

blah blah social behavior blah rant oook ook<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

One of the more important purposes that the thread serves is to provide a reliable supply of opponents who will finish games, even when they are on the wrong side of a grossly unbalanced match, and preferably finish them with quality play or an honest surrender. It's valued more to play well (or even a little badly (yeah, jd, I'm talking to you)) and lose in a hopeless scenario or QB than to play the same set of parameters over and over just to get another victory on the ladder.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jack Arilliac:

Anybody notice....this thread started with the question "What's the Peng?" and rapidly mutated into.....something resembling the Peng! That seems to happen quite a bit.

Here's what I think: notices rumblings....who cares what you think, newbie.....whatever.....who are you?.....shut up, rookie. I, veteran poster, have something brilliant to say.....etc

Woah, maybe I better not. I'm afraid! What if I don't measure up?

Seriously....the Peng is interesting to me. I'm interested in social behavior of all kinds, and internet message boards/communities are a unique study all their own. The Peng Challenge (and other pools) is a phenomenon within a phenomenon. It's a group of similar individuals that naturally come together for a particular purpose. What their true purpose is, I'm never sure. It's clear that part of the purpose is to impress others with intelligence, cleverness, knowledge, etc., which provides the individuals with self-satisfaction. That's a little sad, but hey, we all want that, right? There's also the sense of "belonging", which is a valuable commodity offered by any group. I've been (mostly) lurking for some time now--I even participate sometimes, but usually only regarding CM itself--and I keep coming back because they're interesting. As an observer, I find The Peng itself riciculous, entertaining, funny (for awhile), intelligent (in a particular way), and mostly worthless. Is it "valid"? Yes. Is it "productive"? Probably not at all. But, like all the other parts of the CM community, it obviously serves the purpose of those involved, or it wouldn't be here. It doesn't hurt anyone (who doesn't ask for it, i.e., participants), and even though I pay relatively little attention to it (I'm more interested in more game-related stuff), I like that it's there. Why? I guess because it's unique, and I like that.

Are you done yet, doofus?......what are you, Freud?......shaddup already......nice stream-of-consciousness (snore) do you have a point?!....Hi mom!.....

Um...no, not really. I'm just searching for some personal validation. Sorry.

Here's one for ya: I was nearly goaded into a flame war on my fantasy baseball league message board recently! I almost couldn't stand leaving it alone! Being one-upped by someone that (and I say this with a heart-full-o-love) was clearly an utter moron. I said....HI MOM! Actually, it was the thought of him believing that he'd one-upped me that I couldn't leave alone. It was tough, but I suddenly realized that the whole thing was over a fantasy baseball league! Yikes!

God, I hope nobody reads this.....

Viva Peng! Viva CM Forum! Viva CM!

Ok, now I'm done. thank GOD!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

ROTF! Great post, Jack. Hehe...I know better than to ask which team you were rooting for ;)

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jack Arilliac:

Anybody notice.... *snip* <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The apposite word that you took soooo long to not get to, is koinonia... and if you don't know, go look it up.

MrPeng, in all his podernity, is alive (after a fashion) and well (well...) and currently losing to me... no, wait, I'm loosing to him... er....

Oh bugger, they've found us out: Fred, Dunnee (?) you're quite right... we are nothing but bandwidth-eating homonecrozoopedophiliacs, and MadMatt loves (in a strictly Platonic -- no, not the "universal absolute" kind, the other kind -- manner) us!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fred:


I never entered one of those rediculous Peng threads, so please, after 20 years of wargaming, I still like to discuss game topics (even about one or two inch more of armor on any tank), and not be a member of wannabee stand-up comedians.

Poolers are def not the 'elite' of CM fans, and they should live with it; when it all started (you saw my number?), there was no PENG pool, there were just 'boring' grogs that commented on the game...and it worked.

So, stay in your 'pools' and let us discuss game topics...and all will be good.


Fred, ol' buddy, no one in the pool ever claimed to be among the CM elite. We're not so pretentious and full of ourselves.

Oh, and nobody gives a damn about your friggin' number. (OK, that was a bit harsh. Maybe somebody does care, but I doubt it.)

Edited to edit my own presumptuousness.

[ 05-06-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]

[ 05-06-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Iskander:

koinonia... and if you don't know, go look it up.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Okay, I give up. I couldn't find it in any of my dictionaries. (Well, to be honest, I didn't actually look in the OED because it's such a drag to haul that monster off the shelf and then put it back when I'm finished.) So anyway, what's 'koinonia' mean?



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Guest Babra

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

So anyway, what's 'koinonia' mean?



The nearest English translation is "Fellowship". Koinos was the common dialect among the ancient greeks, the lingua franca of its day, so to speak, thus, the bond between the city states was "koinonia".

This public service provided by your local cesspool. We will now joing our regular armour thickness debate already in progress...

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I sat down and spoke with Peng today and we did not speak about the thread because it really does not matter. Creating a thread about the Peng thread is simply silly and you have fallen into a trap that so many others have created for you. We create these online personalities for your amusement and we keep ourselves and each other amused. Perhaps Russellmz will be nice enough to explain the Peng thread in his FAQ and I believe that Moriarty could provide a defination that we would all agree upon.

So, I chortle at your infatuation with idiocy. I enjoy seeing a new thread pop up once a month asking "what the peng thread is"

Have fun and Go Phillies!!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fred:

when it all started (you saw my number?), there was no PENG pool, there were just 'boring' grogs that commented on the game...and it worked.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

First of all, your member number is meaningless.

Second, IIRC, the Of Cabbages And Kings thread (the first 'Peng' thread) was posted back in the beta demo days

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it all comes down to this: not my kind of humor.

I do not like it, and obviously, the poolers are very thin-skinned if someone states a different opinion from theirs. BTW, this 'bandwith' discussion is not from me.

But that is exactly what I have expected from this club of people that try to proof to each other how smart they are, without even noticing that they suffer from some kind of hybris.

So go your way, I go mine.

With all due respect.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by caralampio:

...is or was there a forum member known as Peng? If yes, what did he do to become so famous?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yes there is... MrPeng, and he started a thread called Of Cabbages And Kings which made him famous

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fred:


it all comes down to this: not my kind of humor.

I do not like it, and obviously, the poolers are very thin-skinned if someone states a different opinion from theirs. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Who's thin-skinned? No one ever said you had to like it, we just tried to answer the 'what is it' question.

And yes, it was Jumbo, I believe, who brought 'bandwidth' into it this time. I'm still waiting for someone to educate me there.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by caralampio:

...What's up with these huge threads that say nothing useful and only slow down the loading of the web page?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


as you see, it was not only a question about 'what is it', but a critical remark.

I gave the answer to 'ignore it' and was jumped by hordes of 'poolers'. That is what I call 'thin-skinned'.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fred:


as you see, it was not only a question about 'what is it', but a critical remark.

I gave the answer to 'ignore it' and was jumped by hordes of 'poolers'. That is what I call 'thin-skinned'.


Ahh, but your full post was

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>These 'Peng' threads are pure nonsense, but liked by BTS (for whatever reason).

It has nothing to do with CMBO, and is obviously for people who think that they share some certain type of 'humour'.

It adds nothing to the game, but, even if off-topic, is obviously tolerated.

Just ignore it.


So it was a little more detailed than a simple 'ignore it'. You don't need a real 'thin skin' to take notice of a post like yours.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fred:

agreed. But this was only the opinion of a single man.

And I will state my opinion, even if some people do not like to hear it.

Anyway, have fun.


Fred, I doubt seriously that any in the pool would deny you your opinion, whether they personally agree with it or not.

What does tend to raise one's hackles is the contention that the only "true gamers" are the grogs -- specifically those who favor games devoid of repartee -- who have been around since the beginning of CM time. The gamers in the pool are as active as any others around. And most enjoy the quality of the fight, the tactics and the strategy as much or more than whether they win or lose. Further, the banter in the pool is not an attempt to prove that one is smarter than another, it's merely a form of entertainment and camaraderie associated with a truly great game.

And, while we poke fun at grognardian threads .... and the flame wars that occasionally develop in them ... we also realize that this game we both enjoy would not be what it is without the contributions of the grogs and their hard-fought battles over the mantel thickness of this and that AFV and myriad other topics.

It seems that perhaps much of this is based on on the choice of words moreso than the intended meaning.

So, if we agree to disagree about our respective approaches to CM, that would be good. Someday, perchance, we may meet on the CM battlefield, and I believe that would be good, too.

[ 05-07-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]

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I really find all of these threads funny. The sad fact is... a lot of the poolers are grogs. They just don't like to admit it. In fact most of the interesting grog topics brought up on the main board usually get hashed over between us anyway. We just tend to discuss them in a less dry manor.

For me being a pooler is really simple. I have a steady stream of games from a lot of good gamers.

The biggest plus is the ease at which games start. Just a small chalenge and the points involed. No need for rule disscussions, no need for land, equipment and units to be decided. Because all of us (requardless of how we bash each other) know that the person we are playing will provide a good and fair game with a mind towards historical detail. Unlike most groups, although I do keep track, wins and loses mean nothing. The playing of the game is all that matters.

I believe this is the main reason BTS allows us to continue. We are playing the game and more inportant, we have a lot of fun doing it. This I believe is the goal of any good game, reguardless of type.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fred:

I gave the answer to 'ignore it' and was jumped by hordes of 'poolers'. That is what I call 'thin-skinned'.


Here, you lot, bugger off a bit, and leave the man alone. Is it any wonder he's after thinking we're a thin-skinned lot when he makes a simple statement and he's snarled at like he'd come out in favour of prohibition?

Now, and to quote him:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fred:

As I said before,


No, it does not waste bandwidth...but it wastes time.

Ignore it,... true-blue grogs do not taunt, they play...


It strikes me that this has all been approached the wrong way. The Lord doesn't desire the destruction of the infidel, but rather his enlightenment. The man's an obvious player of the game, a lover of the game, a discusser of the game. He's just not a taunter, a banterer, a gentle jester over the playing of the game.

On the Peng Challenge Thread we are not merely about the calumny, we are not merely about the satire, we are also about the sharing of humour.

I propose that Fred and I (here, fella me lad, may I call you Fred? 'Cause I don't know what else to call you, as Mr. #176 sounds bloody daft) play a PBEM. Not, I may bloody well add, to 'resolve' anything. There's no rights nor wrongs here, just a different approach. But I simply cannot believe that the man wouldnae enjoy a wee bit o' jibe (as our own much abused OGSF might say).

Come, Fred. Folk will tell you that I am amongst the chummiest of the Cesspoolers (as well as the most Senile), an honourable opponent, and, if we get right down to it, the actual instigator of the Peng Challenge Threads. Share with me a game, wherein I might show you the joys of badinage with an opponent. No 'your momma and other inappropriate gibberish' from me, sir, but taunting, jesting, and a true 'Peng Challenge Thread' experience, as it lies within my humble power to deliver.

As I said, this is in no way aimed at proving some ultimate point. For the sake of the game, for the joy of the challenge, for the laughter at our own expense, what say you?

[ 05-08-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Ah wantae knoo wha' thas as all aboot, thas "Ping Thing". As at short fer "pinguin" as at? At's a load o' rrrrubbish an' trrripe, Af'n ye ask mae. "Cusspool"? "Cowslippiddle" ad be more like at. :rolleyes: Mah advice tae anymon as tae ne'er bother tae read at - at's full o' sun spoiled haggis ain a bucket o' boiled Dalem ears. An' whas up wi' tha thraid aboot tha muzzle velocity o' tha 88mm gun then? Wha's tha all aboot, Ah'd lak tae knoo......

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What I object to is you automatically treat me like an inferior.

I've met a lot of people and I'm convinced that the vast majority of wrong-thinking people are right.

Fred, if that is indeed your real name, are quite the jolly fellow there, aren't you? It is truly a pleasure to meet you at long last. I have been cyber-stalking you lo these many years and posts, and have finally decided to declare my undying love for you.

I was there when you sided with BTS on the penetraion value for the .50 cal mg. I said "woot!" out loud when your side won the day on that argument, I tell you. And remember the time you contributed to one of the thousands of threads about the shape of HE blast patterns? That was great. I really liked that.

Golly I'm just all flushed with hormones over here thinking that I have finally gotten to meet you. I have such a HIGH member number, and yours is nearly as low as Berli's (who by the way is rumoured among some who post to the Peng threads to be the actual DEVIL himself), I am certainly not worthy of your notice, but well ya see, I just can't hold it in any more. I want to have your babies, Fred. Please? Pretty please with tungsten on top?

I have for months been complaining to BTS to fix or do somefink about the Peng threads, but my prayers go unanswered. Maybe you, with your exceedingly low member number, wisdom, power, grace and fluent grog-speak can convince them to kill the Peng threads once and for all.

I would really appreciate it, and if you have a chance, send a sample in a refrigerated box, I'll take care of the fertilizing and implantation.

Love ya lots, freddybaby


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