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Jeeps...Theres gotta be a better way....

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I've been playing this game for about a month now, and am starting to get a good feel for the tactics and methods of playing, (at least against the A.I for now.)down pretty pat. I only wish that I could find better uses for the jeep\kubelwagon\jeep MG.

Usually, a hypothetical situation runs like this.

Platoon o' Sherms, Company o' Troops, a jeep. Attack and control these towns \crossroads\bridges.

Now comes my dillema, should I use the jeep as a Scout, light(and I mean LIGHT)backup for the infantry,or should I just shoot him down the most obvious spot for an ambush, so it takes out 1 jeep and not two,3, 4 or somtimes 5 (depending on my "Luck" algorythm)Sherman tanks and a handfull of infantry(read,Scout at the top)?

Yesterday, I ran a jeep MG up the flank of a German held town I was assaulting, and it took out two halftracks from the rear, before exploding when a 'Shrek popped him.

I was so amazed at the little bugger I almost shed a tear.

Anywhoo,This is NOT the typical situation, I can see the Jeep MGs as usefull, but the unarmed jeeps are almost completely useless.OK OK, before someone with a huge love in thier hearts for jeeps flames me, they are good for zippin around quick, but thats about all Ive found. I mostly just drive these cans around the flanks of any main push to prematurly( sp?) spring ambushes, although this probably wont work against a human player.

Kubelwagons are the funniest things to see, maybe, if they could go as fast as the jeep offroad, I wouldnt laugh so hard when I get them. But I almost enjoy sending these critters out to that crossroads, all by his lonesome, and see if he makes it. I do make him reverse out, once he probes the area, to increse survivability. This, unfourtunatley, doesnt always work out real good for the guy in the kubelwagon.

This is probably considered 'gamey'( I always think of deer for some reason)and I can see why, but against the A.I. where honor is a bit looser, I will do it.

Does anyone have constructive critizism on better ways to use these?

:eek: :D :eek: :D

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IIRC they can move a 6 pdr gun or an FO to a position you are being counter attacked or attacked on and need reinforcement. That is what I use them for, and before you discount that wait until you really need something to sway the tide. This kind of see-saw fighting usually only comes when you face a human opponent so you might not have experienced it yet.

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Kepp them alive and a use will come for them.

As mentioned they can tow light guns and are great for moving FO's.

Using them as scouts is acceptable in my book, aslong as they are not 1,000 meters in front of you main line of attack or somefink.

I would consider it very wise to use a Jeep to scout a crossroad rather than a Sherman.

They are not battle winners but they do fit into the grand scheme of "Combined Arms".

Don't waste them foolishly and use them when you need them.

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You'll often see people claiming using jeeps for "suicide" scouting missions is gamey, yet the history books I read are full of incidents where jeeps run into ambushes, so they must have been used in a pretty bold/reckless (depending on whether you're in it or not) manner. If the jeep in CM was costed purely according to firepower it would be a lot cheper than it is, so one assumes you are paying for their spotting ability. Unarmed jeeps? Well, I'd never pick one in a QB, but they are good for filling out forces in scenarios.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Monty's Double wrote:

one assumes you are paying for their spotting ability.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

When you buy transport you pay for exactly that: its transportation effectiveness. You don't use trucks as spotters, you use them to ferry your units around the battlefield. Your HMG or 3in mortar is no use half a mile away from the enemy without LOS, and it's jeeps and trucks that allow you to get your slow-moving units where they need to be to make a difference.

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Provided, of course, said company commander in said jeep isn't blown to bits or riddled with bullets...


| Good one. That seems to be all that happens when any of my jeeps are even put in gear. ;)

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You can also use Jeeps to clean up the battlefield after the main line has advanced. Any vehicle crews or weapons teams can be picked up and quickly transported to the rear. Another good use has already been mentioned - fast mobility for an HQ to rally troops. You can also use the Jeep to move the HQ to various guns that may not be under command. I usually place guns well back from my main line when defending. I can't always place an HQ with each gun, so having a mobile HQ lets you move the HQ to the gun where he is needed most. Obviously this has to be done behind a ridge or tree line or the Jeep is toast.

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Ive used jeeps for transporting HMGs and FOs, as well as HQ units, I guess Ill have to be sneakier about it though, becuase they seem to be high on target priority lists for the AI.

Speaking of which, is there a table for target priority? If not it would be handy at times.The AI does seem to have common sense most of the time, but it is a bummer when a pillbox 88 decides to shoot up an inf. squad and not the sherman right next to it!

These are minor gripes tho, this is by far the best game Ive played.After the first mission, I deleted all the other games on my hard drive, and havent looked back. Well, OK, once to a strip poker game, but thats it.

Thanks for the input, Ill give it a go! :D

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I've found the .50cal armed Jeeps make a nice addition to supporting an infantry assault. The are way faster to get into position than a .50cal crew served weapon and can kill quite a number of thin skinned German vehicles. Their survivability is lower than the crew served .50cal but the speed and flexibilty make up for it. In a QB playing the Germans agaist the AI one time, I had a Jeep kill 2 PSW251/1s, wipe out a mortar team and wreak havoc on my troops until my sniper was able to cap his @ss smile.gif

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