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Call for participants: Nordic Championships

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Nabla:

We seem to have a number of these borderline cases. Under pressure a surprising number of people seem to crack and admit some Nordic connections or sympathy for the Nordic people. ;)

We'll count you in by default. If we get more than 24 participants then we'll see what we'll do. Ok?<hr></blockquote>

Sweet. :D

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Well now, it seems Nabla has things well under control here. I'm monitoring the thread now and also writing down IN ORDER the people who posted above. We will take the first 24 people from Norway, Denmark, Sweden, and Finland who express interest. If we do not get 24 people the non-Nordic people will be admitted in the order of their posting to this thread.

The tourney will be organized into 4 sections of 6 players each. This means you will have to play 5 games. The four section winners will have a

playoff at the end using ultra-balanced, custom meeting engagements designed by me, unless Nabla wishes to create them. This is because Nabla's brilliant scoring system will not work well in the playoffs due to the limited number of games. IOW, we need accurate median scores for the system to work.

You will have 90 days from the official start of the tournament to play your five games. It's been my experience with previous tourneys that this is a reasonable amount of time for five games.

I noticed that many of you who posted above are also playing in other ongoing tournaments. This is fine, but be sure you have the time.

I'll post more later today when I get the time. I will let you know when the slots are filled and who has filled them.

Treeburst155 out.

[ 10-31-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]</p>

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We have fourteen players so far, not including the "outlanders". I'm recording the email addresses from your profiles. If this is no longer a valid address, or you do not have one listed, I need an address for you. Here's the first fourteen:

1)Heibis-jens.heiberg@jbv.no (Norway)

2)vskalex-vskalex@hotmail.com (Sweden)

3)Juha Ahoniemi-juha.ahoniemi@mail.htk.fi (Finland)

4)Joseph Porta-not listed (Norway)

5)Ari Maenpaa-ari.maenpaa@tietoenator.com (Finland)

6)Mattias-schuertzen@hotmail.com (Sweden)

7)Topi-tmikkola@cc.hut.fi (Finland)

8)A.S.-not listed

9)DrAlimantado-jeschko-edberg@home.se (Sweden?)

10)Patrik-combat_mission@kramgo.com (Sweden)

11)Tuomas-tnummela@cc.hut.fi (Finland)

12)Loke-pgkeihl@chello.no (Norway)

13)tero-not listed (Finland)

14)tss-tommi.syrjanen@hut.fi (Finland)

Treeburst155 out.

[ 10-31-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Treeburst155:

If we do not get 24 people the non-Nordic people will be admitted in the order of their posting to this thread.<hr></blockquote>


Please put me on the alternate list for non-Scandinavian players with Scandinavian nicknames.

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There are eight slots still available to Nordic commanders.

Let's talk about AARs for a minute. There will be extra points awarded to your final tournament score for AARs. To get full credit you need to write at least a couple good pages. Short AARs will receive less credit. You can submit AARs for all, some, or none of your games. It is entirely up to you. AARs alone will not win the tournament for you, but they could put you over the top in a close race. It is unlikely that the winner will be someone who does not submit AARS. You should submit all AARs and game results to me. I will forward them to Nabla and Wild Bill. The AARS will be made public when the tournament is over.

This tournament will be played under full fog of war. Do not post AARs or updates to this thread. You will spoil the scenarios for others. You will not know how your opponents are doing until the end when all is revealed.

At this point there is no prize for this tournament other than the thrill of victory over the UberFinns. (I have no umlaut) If you are an UberFinn the prize is that you get to prove, once and for all, your superiority over neighboring nations. :D

Treeburst155 out.

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My ISP bounced your email address.

>This Message was undeliverable due to the

>following reason:


>Each of the following recipients was rejected by

>a remote mail server.


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>help you determine why

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>if you feel this message to be in error.

My email is


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Originally posted by Treeburst155:

At this point there is no prize for this tournament other than the thrill of victory over the UberFinns.

An added interest is the fact that most of the Nordics will have served in the military as IIRC all of the Nordic countries have national service. smile.gif

(I have no umlaut)

Sure you have. You may not just know you have them in your machine. smile.gif

ASCII codes

ü ALT+0252

Ü ALT+0220

If you are an UberFinn the prize is that you get to prove, once and for all, your superiority over neighboring nations. :D

Will there be separate scoring for national teams and individuals ? smile.gif

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by tero:

Will there be separate scoring for national teams and individuals ? smile.gif <hr></blockquote>

An excellent idea! Although the final winner will be an individual, I think we will also announce the winning team based on the results of the first round.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Treeburst155:

The four section winners will have a playoff at the end using ultra-balanced, custom meeting engagements designed by me, unless Nabla wishes to create them. This is because Nabla's brilliant scoring system will not work well in the playoffs due to the limited number of games. IOW, we need accurate median scores for the system to work.<hr></blockquote>

This is something we'll have to think about later on. In theory, we could use the highly competitive rule in the playoffs. That is, for four players and three scenarios, in each scenario you get one point if you play better than the other guy playing for the same side.

But we have a lot of time to consider what is the best way to arrange the playoffs.

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In each first round section should contain a participant from every participating country. So in ideal case I can play agains guys from all other countries.

What do You think? Of course it seems that Finns are the most bloodthirsty nation so far (most of those who signed up are Finns)...

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Juha Ahoniemi:


In each first round section should contain a participant from every participating country. So in ideal case I can play agains guys from all other countries.

What do You think? Of course it seems that Finns are the most bloodthirsty nation so far (most of those who signed up are Finns)...<hr></blockquote>

Yes, this is what I had in mind as well. It is also essential if we are to announce a winning team after the first round.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Nabla:

This is something we'll have to think about later on. In theory, we could use the highly competitive rule in the playoffs. That is, for four players and three scenarios, in each scenario you get one point if you play better than the other guy playing for the same side.

But we have a lot of time to consider what is the best way to arrange the playoffs.<hr></blockquote>

I like this idea a lot. The scenarios do not have to be balanced. Each scenario will be played twice (4 people, 3 scenarios, 6 games, two instances of each side). If you outscore the one participant who played a scenario from the same side you did you get a point. Good thinking Nabla. Very good thinking, actually.

As far as playing people from other countries,all we have to do is make sure the 4 sections contain an even distribution of the nationalities as far as is possible.

Here is the updated list of players:

1)Heibis-jens.heiberg@jbv.no (Norway)

2)vskalex-vskalex@hotmail.com (Sweden) HOTMAIL

3)Juha Ahoniemi-juha.ahoniemi@mail.htk.fi (Finland)

4)Joseph Porta-not listed (Norway)

5)Ari Maenpaa-ari.maenpaa@tietoenator.com (Finland)

6)Mattias-schuertzen@hotmail.com (Sweden) HOTMAIL

7)Topi-tmikkola@cc.hut.fi (Finland)

8)A.S.-not listed

9)DrAlimantado-jeschko-edberg@home.se (Sweden?)

10)Patrik-patrik@kramgo.com (Sweden)

11)Tuomas-tnummela@cc.hut.fi (Finland)

12)Loke-pgkeihl@chello.no (Norway)

13)tero-not listed (Finland)

14)tss-tommi.syrjanen@hut.fi (Finland)

15)Juha Keratar-: lunael@hotmail.com (Finland)

16)Sesam-matti_vesanen@hotmail.com (Finland)

17)Ghost Dog-ted.malmquist@telia.com (Sweden)

18)Pixie-not listed (Finland)


I think my email is down.


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Another event I simply can not pass. :D

I have about a dozen games going on, and I think only one is "normal". All others are from campaigns, tournaments or some other special events.

One more überfinn to join the fray! smile.gif

BTW, use my "jarmo.laakso@tintti.net" address.

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