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I wanna be sedated by the Peng Challenge

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Phillies Phan:

I think this is the appropriate place to post my odd victory.....The final score was 85-15.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

A tip o' the hat to Hiram, you are making me proud. Congratulations....Lorak make it so!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Iskander:

Lorak and I are down to five men each; if I’d known he was another Protestant Irishman I’d have beaten him by now just to restore balance to the natural order of the Universe.


Pat. “Will you shut up. As I was saying, he had every class of comfort until one day he discovered he was an Irishman.”

Meg. “Aren’t you after telling me he was an Englishman?”

Pat. “He was an Anglo-Irishman.”

Meg. “In the name of God, what’s that?”

Pat. “A Protestant with a horse.”

Ropeen. “Leadbetter.”

Pat. “No, no, an ordinary Protestant like Leadbetter, the plumber in the back parlour next door, won’t do, nor a Belfast orangeman, not if he was as black as your boot.”

Meg. “Why not?”

Pat. “Because they work. An Anglo-Irishman only works at riding horses, drinking whisky and reading double-meaning books in Irish at Trinity College.”

“The Hostage”

—Brendan Behan

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Phillies Phan:

I think this is the appropriate place to post my odd victory. I just had a TCPIP game vs Elvis (King of South Philly). I won with Canadians.

I sincerely hope that my Uncle Seanachaiwould be proud of me on this day of triumph.

Good night.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Indeed, Hiram...alright sigh PhPh (apparently you're not going to let go of this, so we shall just have to humour you)...I am proud of you. I only achieved a draw against the King (remember, PhPh, a cat may look upon a king), and he was horrible, and awful, and disgusting, and any amount of vile in the process.

And as for your looks, Hiram...er, PhPh. Here in the Peng Challenge Thread, we judge a man or woman by their soul, or rather, the depths to which it will descend, and the heights of taunting that it might achieve. The physical shell is so much dross. Witness Stuka. Or look at Shandorf. Many do not realize this, but Shandorf is...well, disturbingly and unappealingly tall. It's hard to believe a woman would go anywhere near him. Or Mensch, for that matter. He looks the well setup young man in his picture in Lorak's "Cesspool", but mad dogs howl in recognition of a kindred soul whenever he posts.

Judge not the book by its cover, lest, upon reading, you find it to be a badly printed copy of "Waste Disposal Management: A Primer With Exclusive Action Photos For the Smart Set".

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Lorak a minor scrive if you please. Ser Peng and I have concluded our affair with his surrender arriving this evening. As mentioned previously a nice double envelope actually worked. Therefore note that I have avoided the dreaded asterisk Record truly...

jd - win

Peng - loss

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>The physical shell is so much dross. Witness Stuka.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>No Stuka I think he's saying you're dross ... or maybe he's just been at the Guiness too long and meant to say gross ... that would fit too. But it's best not to delve too deeply into the thinking of Seanachai, much like getting too deeply into a study of black magic ... strange things can happen.


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Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!

HAROOG CESSPOOLIANOS! Update commences herein....

Mensh hardly ever sends back turns so we have yet to make contact in our ME *yawn*

Leeois making a valiant effort to cross a bloody nasty mess of a heavily defended bridge. As if that weren't ooogly enuff...Sir Knight of the First Order chrisl saw fit to give me reinforcements of the armored variety coming in on the back door of the hapless American poltroons. they are now to be found floundering between the proverbial rock and the proverbial harder rock.

Stuka has spent the whole game so far hiding behind a rock while hurling large calibre shells and small calibre insults as to my troops' French heritage. All this despite my very cordially inviting the Germans to a select tea party with sour-kraut

and crumpets waiting in the main square just for them. Ah well....no accounting for German etiquette.

Meeks is so whipped by his gf that he's let her into our role-playing game...she has powerful magic!

BTW Stuka, Meeks' record is squeaky clean like a hamster's. I'm the one with the record for holding ganja...just like a good hippy oughta. I have a medical prescription now and no worries, but I gave it up anyway....or it gave me up or something...85 days w/o and not missing it one little bit!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Leeo:

yap yap yap yap I'm a little yappy dog<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I'm glad to see that you're enjoying yourself, and that you're playing exactly as expected. Just keep playing--that was just the prelude.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gyrene:

And Bauhaus, I'm sorry …


x-cuse me? parnon MOI?? did someone say SORRY here in the pool.. ick.. no no no this will not do. get out little boy come back when you start getting hair one between your legs....

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gyrene:

"However you seem to be missing one important element of the Challenge ... specifically ... THE CHALLENGE!"

I'm not clear on the proper protocol, my file or yours? smile.gif

I'd be honored to have my Low-res texture wearing mob schooled in the ways of the Force by your cripsly rendered warriors.


some one get a towel this boys heeaad is so brown I'm afraid he stuck it to far up elvis backside...MACE!!! he needs your brown nosing cleaning soap!!

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Harpoonler.. you nob.. I work for a living unlike you jobless socialservice supported bums!!! live with it that your opponent squeezes off a turn a day.. jeez kids today.


Geirer you have a real email account.. something that does not bounce like maybe your rubber checks you sign off??

heres what I have gotten 5 fecking times!!!

Hi. This is the mailer-daemon. I'm afraid I wasn't able to

deliver your message to the following addresses. This is a

permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.

<geier@swipnet.se>: does not like recipient.

Remote host said: 550 you are not allowed to send mail to <geier@swipnet.se>

Giving up.

--- Below this line is a copy of the message.

Return-Path: <gregory.mudry@mailcity.com>

Received: from Unknown/Local ([?.?.?.?]) by mailcity.com; Thu Apr

19 01:13:34 2001

To: geier@swipnet.se

Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 09:13:34 +0100

From: "Gregory Mudry" <gregory.mudry@lycos.com>

Message-ID: <PJHIDPPJHFNINAAA@mailcity.com>

Mime-Version: 1.0

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Subject: round one


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Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="=_-=_-EOHBAPPJHFNINAAA"

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You need a MIME compliant mail reader to completely decode it.


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nope have not played this one.. oh oh.. damn.. it looks.. difficult.

btw.. can you zip or stuff the txt file it makes dl faster for me

at home on me 33.6 modem =) danke. hehe


right you Dickes Ei, gibt mir was ich wirklich arbeiten kann. manno.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by harpooner:

BTW Stuka, Meeks' record is squeaky clean like a hamster's. I'm the one with the record for holding ganja...just like a good hippy oughta. I have a medical prescription now and no worries, but I gave it up anyway....or it gave me up or something...85 days w/o and not missing it one little bit![/QB]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Why should I care about your steeenky, feeelthy drug habits?

Someone who has counted the days off the smoke is someone who can't wait to get back on it. Stop counting and look forward little one.

On another note, who else is lobbing large calibre shells at that poxy french town hum?

It takes two to tango and the luverly Berlickatincan has given us a virtual ammo dump each to play with. And only 25 turns to take the town......better start back on that wakky bakky duuuuude, this is gonna be trippy!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch:

Geirer you have a real email account.. something that does not bounce like maybe your rubber checks you sign off.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Haven't got the foggiest what's up old chap. several members of this here thread (including some sicko with access to really annoying porn spam lists) can attest to its validity and normally it even works. Gotcha on the zip thing and one day us 33.6ers will rule... no, that's not it. Someday us 33.6ers will go away. And stay there.

Tell you what then old chap, try the one I'm sending you in two minutes, roighto? Hals und Beinbruch and yes, that scenario looks like a nightmare. Trust Andreas and his evil deutsche mind.

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Lorak, please note:

Mace Draw

Mensch Draw

Of course, being the French, I was fighting for the side of goodness and niceness *stubs cigarette out in skull of dead German*, and I think that must count for something.

Mensch, he's just evil and thus should be given demerit points just for living!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

Mensch, he's just evil and thus should be given demerit points just for living!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You leave my Menschy alone! He's not evil, hes just misunderstood!

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it was a nasty fight in waist deep snow in a blizzard.. feck..I never seen so many immobiled tanks or bogging in my life! with maces heavy right flank (his) attack he ate a platoon of germanys finest Falschirmjägers.. fat french bastard. but luckly for me I took the important larg VF locations on a strong right flank.

it ended in a slug fest which he (mace the git) showed more balls could have won since most of my crap was wallowing in slush and snow. But luckly for me he showed true French tactics.. scared and sloooooow. I think I finaly made contact with the git halfway through the game.

anyhow here is the true results of da battle.

Mensch (master and the better Manouverist)

94 casulties (24 KIA)

2 vehicles KO

Men OK 90

VP: 51

Mace (French shroom and slug eater and Slugouverist)

106 Casulties (33 KIA)

2 vehicles KO

Men OK 97

VP: lousy 44

yup a draw.. let it be known I am on a draw streak aside for this wonderful one sided battle I am having with berli. One sided you ask.. well let me say I have taken out 2/3 of his armour in turn 2 and routed a bunch of krauts yelling as the run

"nicht schießen, bei Helgas BH nicht schießen!!!" wanker changed tactics.. I was expecting a map hugging gameymanouverist type game but!! he went straight up the middle... like me ha foo!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

My world is complete!!

Big Time Software wrote:

David, you are hereby dubbed "Keeper of the kipper" and charged with smacking anyone participating in a PC vs. Mac thread over the head with a reeking kipper.

Deputy Moderator<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

And who better than a Scotsman that already reeks of spoilt fish, stale whisky and warm piss to hold a kipper...?

Now, is this kipper regular or Yom?

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Lorak! Raise yourself from the depths of loathing (and Cess) under which you (and we) forcibly hold your head and record the following bloody topplement:

Agua Perdido: Another victory for the hallowed principles of life, liberty, violence, sleek hairstyles, poppy-seed bagels, the implied threat of Mormon Wives and justice for me.

Seanachai: Thoroughly bashed with the constitution stick, then debrained by the heels.

The Final Score

Handsome American defenders of Liberty (me)

55 casualties (17 KIA)

Men OK: 86

Score: 84

Horrible, bent, nasty Hunnish oppressors (him)

92 casualties (30 KIA)

1 mortar destroyed

2 vehicles knocked out

Men OK: 70

Score: 16

Allied Total Victory

The game was actually much closer than the score would make it appear, mostly due to that cheating swine Seanachai's use of such blatantly-gamey tactics as:

A). Hugging the center edge of the map

3). Retreating the crews of knocked-out vehicles and heavy weapons (forcing me to hold back extra reserves in anticipation of their last-turn flag rush)

+). Using an LMG42

That said, at least he moves faster than that semi-animate lump Croda.

Agua Perdido

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Another victory for the hallowed principles of life, liberty, violence, sleek hairstyles, poppy-seed bagels, the implied threat of Mormon Wives and justice for me. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Nothing IMPLIED about it, old boy, I'd say the threat was IMPLICIT! That being said, may I congratuate you upon your victory and {sniff} upon your {sob} ... I'm sorry, I'm just so ... {sniff} so damned proud of the work you've done under my tutelage (sit down Bauhaus it's not what you think). Therefore ... {heavy sigh} ... LORAK be it known that the squire Agua Perdido, having completed the course of study required by ... well ... me I guess, and having shown commendable wit and having, most importantly, stayed here for a bit and while, is hereby recommended to your good offices for promotion to the rank of KNIGHT OF THE ONE THE TRUE CESSPOOL! I would mention his record of 4/0/0 but he has been well trained by me and is indifferent to such trivialities.

I must say that his time in my service has been trying but rewarding. He has grown and learned and we can ask for no more than that. Let the Knights of the CessPool note the success achieved in this case and applaud Agua Perdido as I do.

Sir Joe Shaw, Knight of The One The True Cesspool.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

LORAK be it known that the squire Agua Perdido, having completed the course of study required by ... well ... me I guess, and having shown commendable wit and having, most importantly, stayed here for a bit and while, is hereby recommended to your good offices for promotion to the rank of KNIGHT OF THE ONE THE TRUE CESSPOOL! I would mention his record of 4/0/0 but he has been well trained by me and is indifferent to such trivialities.

I must say that his time in my service has been trying but rewarding. He has grown and learned and we can ask for no more than that. Let the Knights of the CessPool note the success achieved in this case and applaud Agua Perdido as I do.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ok, make the little git a knight, but Joe, quit bolding his name until its official

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I thought I'd beat Abbott to the Post of the Day... from the Capt's Darwin thread...

"PIPPU is screaming "Today we are Gods!!!!"

btw, Mr "I want to be a part of Moby Dick's fan club" Harpooner... If you got time to post here, then send me the next turn, so I can continue whipping you. :D

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Ok, make the little git a knight, but Joe, quit bolding his name until its official <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Actually Berli I've been bolding the names of both Knights AND squires for some time now. It's my feeling that squires, while lowlife of the most noisome variety, are still part of the CessPool and therefore vastly more important than anything that populates the Outer Board. Since they MAY ... MAY, Berli someday aspire to Knighthood (and who has proven this more than the estimable Auga Perdido, by your own admission) we should acknowledge that they ARE official members of the CessPool. I will never, of course, stoop to bolding the names of scum sucking newbies or serfs.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

What a sorry little toad you are jshandorf. You are hardly worth the effort to step on you, but if I must... send a setup<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


Perhaps our little Berli forgot about the ass stomping I gave him in our last encounter? Hmmm?

Yes, and to get revenge you had that evil little PeterNZer, or was it Gerbilboy, create some lopsided farce of a scenario for us to play so that you could pad your score! I think not! Every now and then I load it up and take a look just to laugh at you.

You ask for a setup? Well then...considering I pasted you like a cheap butter on rye the last time we played, and it was a setup I sent you, why don't you send me something?

If I recall correctly I attacked last time so it is your turn to attack doughnut boy.


[ 04-19-2001: Message edited by: jshandorf ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jd:

Originally posted by Phillies Phan:

[qb]I think this is the appropriate place to post my odd victory.....The final score was 85-15.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

A tip o' the hat to Hiram, you are making me proud. Congratulations....Lorak make it so![/QB]

And how you can even stand the humiliation is beyond me...


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