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I wanna be sedated by the Peng Challenge

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Lorak, please scribe thusly

Iskander Kebab (dull) - draw

PeterNZ (not) - draw

It is only fitting that the dullest game in existance should result in a draw. Well done Dull-boy. Next time you want to force me to watch you knit while reciting stories about how your momma used to suck eggs, invite Croda of somefink!



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PeterNZer:

Lorak, please scribe thusly

Iskander Kebab (dull) - draw

PeterNZ (not unmeaningless) - draw

It is only fitting that the dullest game in existance should result in a draw. Well done Dull-boy. Next time you want to force me to watch you knit while reciting stories about how your momma used to suck eggs, invite Croda or somefink!


I am pleased that you took the time from your oh-so-busy day to point out to all and cessesy assembled that you (of all ‘Poolers) couldn’t beat me. OK, sure: I freely admit that I more enjoyed picking lint (aka Speedbump) out of my navel than watching whatever happened after I hit “Play,” but I was the doof that picked a map that looked more like Iowa than the Cheese-Eating-Surrender-Monkey-Country; and mech forces, to boot. Hey, if I didn’t think it sucked too, why’d I adopt your observation as part of my sig?

But, it can be summed up rather perfectly – of course – by my Most Just and Gracious Lord, jd, thus: The PeterNZ principle... games that start badly, usually continue so.

PS As those that really know me will say, my “momma” didn’t suck eggs, but she certainly did hatch at least one.

On Other Matters –

StevethePlagueCarrier is still snogging with his g-friend in Scotland; no action for me, lots for him. Dickweed.

Mensch STILL can’t accept he lost on Turn 3.

Whore-aak and I are down to five men each; if I’d known he was another Protestant Irishman I’d have beaten him by now just to restore balance to the natural order of the Universe.

Traffic-circle runs his armor in doughnuts in front of Fangorn Forest in which I defend. I press “GO” without moving or thinking. Newbies suck.

That Paragon of Virtue and Genius, jd, has shot every tree on the map at least once with the MGs on his HTs. Though I did not want to, I illustrated that running armor in the open in front of a puppy-chen lacks subtlety. There is gun play in some woods. It’s all very confusing, but I am quite sure that his perfect tactical acumen will never fail! ...

... not at all like that last time ...

I’m running out of games. I must offend someone soon. Wait.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Iskander:

serious mode on

lymphoma felled joey ramone.

my wife lived through it.

if you've got "the big 'C'" keep in mind:

Sloan-Kettering (NY)

M.D. Anderson (TX)

serious mode off<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

serious mode on

I had Hodgkins lymphoma thirteen years ago and I lived through it. A year of chemotherapy and three months of radiation. Cancer isn't alway a death sentence.

serious mode off

I hate you all. No, I could care less about you. No, I hate you. No, I could care less. Man, I hate indecisiveness!.

Sod off, butt-puppets.

[ 04-17-2001: Message edited by: Leeo ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:


Coming soon (and I don't mean the two in the back bedroom), a Mace/Moriarty mixup!


Anytime. QB or scenario. AI or we pick, no matter. Gimme some cool rules and bring it on.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:

For keeerist sake, Berli! You prattle on like some old hen! Shut the feck up and gives us all a break from the persistant wind blowing out that gaping hole in your head.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Are you squeeking to me little mouse?

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wow bottom of page one.. you all suck.

and Iskamander you are a nob... your the kind of guy that likes fuzzy socks on a warm day aren't you?

well no pickles for that Girer life form and *cough* no set up in my mail box.. I think he's all wind and no farts if you take my meaning.

Seanacho you make as much sence to me as a party of 5 drunk cessers on a thursday night with only one condom and mace in a sheep suit.

OFSTRF is a moron.. a gamey Berli tatictician at the least if he hugged that map edge any closer he'll be finding Dragons do exist beyonde this pointe.

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Wow-- I go out of town for a couple days and come back to a completely new thread that's nearly on page two. How pathetic.

Have Oleeo and that squire of mine been posting reports on their battle? I haven't seen any, though they ought to be on nearly every page.

In game updates, despite being a lying cheat it looks like Jake might actually lose in our current battle. In our first battle be gives me a probe with me attacking. In this one he's attacking but he gave himself an attack, and set the parameters to : Jake-armor, me- no AT weapons with a range greater than 30 m, except for a lone KT, a 88 pb, and a 105 mm howitzer. I also got a bunch of HTs armed with 20 mm popguns-- worthless even against a lousy sherman. Now my KT has been immobilized, so I have no mobile AT any more, but Jake still manages to squander Sherman after Sherman.

Against elvis-- he's just starting to really attack, so it's uncertain, though I did finally pop his evil priest.

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All right, you limeys, I haven't been returning any files and I won't be for a little while so bear with me and, dammit, stop resending me files! Jefe, my extreme apologies go out to you, whom I owe a surrender to, Lorak can scribe it thus, though it is not yet official.

In the immortal words of some Austrian chap, I'll be back.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Phillies Phan:

I have nothing important to say, so just disregard this wordy bump.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I think of all of your posts as that.


Thanks for the information MEeks, I thought you were killed by that last turn I sent you. :D

[ 04-18-2001: Message edited by: armornut ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Are you squeeking to me little mouse?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Gee... I don't know. Is there some other weak-kneed, lantern jawed whelp that answers to the name Berli?

I hope not.


[ 04-18-2001: Message edited by: jshandorf ]

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...Maybe I can sneak in here an start posting with the big boys...I might even get in a message or two before they spot me...I'm not even sure what the f*** a Peng is but I'll play along, and once I'm in I too can start to berate newbies with rest of the bitter old men here...f***ing member numbers, it was easier to sneak around in the old style forum, thanks to my mass posting of stupid topics I achieved member status in record time...But I will infiltrate this thread...AND BACKSTAB MY WAY TO THE TOP!!!


****! Am I typing my thoughts out loud on the thread?????


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch:

well no pickles for that Girer life form and *cough* no set up in my mail box.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well since you couldn't be yanked out of your stupor to acknowledge whether or no you had played the damn scenario before I couldn't be bothered last night. But I digress, since A. the file is sent and B. they are coming to take you away haha.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

All right, you limeys, I haven't been returning any files and I won't be for a little while <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Your probation officer knocked back your appeal again huh?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Maybe I can sneak in here an start posting with the big boys...I might even get in a message or two before they spot me...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Right then, what have we here eh? Any identification, Sir? Thought not, Scum Sucking Newbie are we Sir? Right then, here's the drill ...

1. We are NOT a Fecking Social Club Boyo!

2. Your presence here is NOT encouraged nor even desired.

3. Should you continue in such behavior you WILL be required to post some form of abuse directed to a specific individual who normally resides here.

4. We are quite certain that there is no hope that said abuse will be witty or even clever, but do make the attempt.

5. Finally and most importantly ...

Sound Off Like You Got A Pair! ... we shouldn't have to explain this to someone with a name like Gyrene, but doubtless you're some 14 year-old wannabe who thinks it would be Kewl to be a real life United States Marine and wanders around saying Hooorah.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gyrene:

...Maybe I can sneak in here an start posting with the big boys...I might even get in a message or two before they spot me...I'm not even sure what the f*** a Peng is but I'll play along, and once I'm in I too can start to berate newbies with rest of the bitter old men here...f***ing member numbers, it was easier to sneak around in the old style forum, thanks to my mass posting of stupid topics I achieved member status in record time...But I will infiltrate this thread...AND BACKSTAB MY WAY TO THE TOP!!!


****! Am I typing my thoughts out loud on the thread?????


Maybe you can try to call us bitter old men out without cussing.

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Sound Off Like You Got A Pair! ... we shouldn't have to explain this to someone with a name like Gyrene, but doubtless you're some 14 year-old wannabe who thinks it would be Kewl to be a real life United States Marine and wanders around saying Hooorah.

Hey now, I'm not going to have some shower-shoe Desk Commando put my Jar Headiness in to doubt! I might not be of retirement age as most of you 4F people in here but I'm not some wet behind the ears Eurowarrior type.

And Bauhaus, I'm sorry if my language offended you, for you only I will now also post my replies in a PG only version, complete with cute bunny pictures.


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