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I wanna be sedated by the Peng Challenge

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Saw we were on page 10 and thought I would see if I could start one for a change (I'm still mourning Joeys' passing).

The following people are dieing horrible deaths at my hand: Peng, Hiram, Peng, David, Peng, chrisl, Peng, LEEON, Peng, Mace, Peng, Joanna, Peng, Lorak and Peng.

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Hesus H Lorak !!

It isn't bad enough that you are beating the snot out of me in Hamsters blood bath. But you have to go and tell the world !

Oh yea... forgot. That's the whole point.


Edited to include:

"Tribes 2 kicks arse!

[ 04-16-2001: Message edited by: Lorak ]

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Ah ... pity then, a new thread I see. Seems just when one of MY threads is going good, as indeed all of MY threads do, we get it filled and some low life loser up and starts a pale imitation. Oh well, be it ever so humble ... and with Elvis being the author it is EVER so humble. But see here Elvis, where's the mandatory statement regarding scum sucking newbies? We'll be flooding with the worthless little pipsqueaks ... see if we aren't.


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Ok, since Elvis can be bothered with the required public service announcement...

Here's da rules for da newbies:

1) Single someone out... group challenges just add to the proof that you are a moron.

2) Be creative... if not its just more proof that you are a moron


So, as you can see, if you post, you are likely to prove beyond a doubt that you are a moron

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back from a 5 day holiday.. nice not to read your crap in this cess. Also nice to see Steve woke up and changed the colours to this damn place.. now I don't need those fecking sunglasses... and I have no energy to read the old thread.. did I miss anything? aah who cares.

Berli a punk rocker.. hahahahahaha.. damn I wet myself, berli is a beatnik.. he listens to Niel Diamond and that funny hippy music. If I am not mistaken he is a flower child, right gramps?

just look at his pic at the cess, imagine a dye washed shirt a few love necklaces and a flower in his hair.. damn hippies.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch:

Berli a punk rocker.. hahahahahaha.. damn I wet myself, berli is a beatnik.. he listens to Niel Diamond and that funny hippy music. If I am not mistaken he is a flower child, right gramps?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Look sonny, I hate Neil Diamond. Jimi Hendrix, Jefferson Airplane and The Stones, on the other hand, are damn near as good as it gets. And, if I'm a flower child, what the feck was I doing in the Marines?

Jesus! Kids these days. children should be seen and not heard, so shut the f_ck up Mensch

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Marines.. that explains it then Meat heads, just hippies in cammo suits. ya well that prooves nothing, they let in women in anyhow then in the marines and I think people with flat feet then too. At least you were in the branch where they sent them in first up the middle moron tactics to die lots, much like how your going to do in our PBEM.

don't get me wrong I like marines they take the bullet first for the rest of the guys who just need to set up base afterward.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch:

At least you were in the branch where they sent them in first up the middle moron tactics to die lots, much like how your going to do in our PBEM.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

We are playing a game? I probably forgot because you haven't sent me a file!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch:

Hurra!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>And people say I have a coherency problem. Ahem.

Ba-pa-pa-pa pa-pa-pa-pa-pa

I wanna be a jarhead

Ba-pa-pa-pa pa-pa-pa-pa-pa

(Yes Berli, that is a challenge. If you have time for it, I understand you're busy.)

Mark IVlost 2 Panthers, 3 Armored Cars, 1 Light Tank? and his dachshound, all in the space of ten seconds. I am either very good or he is very bad.

PeterNZer is beginning to get the idea and wants me to surrender. He'll start begging for it real soon I imagine.

Moriarty what can I say but "Ouch, that gotta hurt."

Peng what can I say but "Hah! I'm more disoriented than you are."

Hugs all around,

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Geir you could not insult anyone more better then show your ugly mug on the internet. jarhead.. ya your a jarhead, only problem its like a empty jar of pickles.. just that juice and floatie bits swishing around.

buck up little buddy, some where out there is a pickle for your jar...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

jesus on a stick! Chuppy and mensch on the same page/

*sniff* This is so...retro. I think I'm gonna cr...cr.cr.

No, all better now.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hmmm... Stuka, old boy, have you considered changing your username? I think Dufus is open

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Geier:

I wanna be a jarhead<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Actually I was going to write "I wanna be Jeff Heidman" since it had a great rhythm but I just couldn't remember who he is or if he is bearable. In all likelihood he isn't.

A setup of some sort is forthcoming (go ahead bauhaus, see if I care) Herr Whirly-Berli. I trust that you haven't played all of Rune pak 7 yet?

mensch, I wasn't insulting you. You would have to be either coherent or interesting for me to insult you. You are neither.

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My, this is a touchy feely type of thread, isn't it? I'm waiting to see which two cesspoolers end up slinking off to the back bedroom to consumate their passion.

And while on the subject of being screwed (in a metaphysical sense of course), a quick up date:

Armornut: My squire's got Jabos and is not afraid to use them...if this continues I'll have to dig up the real cruddy jobs for him to do (it's called revenge). I do however have possession of some of the VLs.

Dukefentle: Has blown up my jeeps but I have most of the VLs. Why do I use Jeeps? ---> very cheap recon.

Stuka: The Mace steamroller continues...just as well these lads of mine are from the 12th SS Panzer Division, they like taking casualties.

Speedy: Two massive tank battles now underway, both in Fog. He chose the setup, what a sick puppy he is!

Mensch: almost over and a draw methinks. Although it was nice to knock out 2 Stugs. Oh and he's run out of artillery so Muahahahahahahhahahahahahahahah!

Elvis: Contrary to his post, it's not me getting the backside kicked.

Lorak: Just as well we're having a pleasant conversation, 'cause not much happening in the game.

Sir OGPU: Och aye, he's a rrrroit bahstud, an a gamey 'un oot thut!

Peng:I must admit, I enjoy the variety of topics discussed to date (and if a censor got hold of them we'd probably be arrested for bad taste or something). As for the game, some exchange of small arms fire as his attack builds up momentum.

Coming soon (and I don't mean the two in the back bedroom), a Mace/Moriarty mixup!

btw what ever happened to Chuck6, and who cares?


[ 04-17-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]

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