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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Speedbump:

Thank you good sir. Spoken from experience, I am sure...after all, what else is there to do in Michigan or Minnesota?


If I had both hands free I could type this faster, but I emphatically deny whatever it is you're implying, and will endeavor to never do it again for at least 15 minutes, not that I was doing anything anyway.

[ 10-02-2001: Message edited by: dalem ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

As you have no doubt said many times Dalem, its not the size or the amount that matters, it's what you do with it that counts.

In this case though it is not just an excuse made by a you to cover up embarressment, it is reality. Quality over quantity, even on the Peng Challeng Thread.

Ronin Squire Slapdragon<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

SlappyD, you are moving perilously close to a 'thingie reference', I can sense it. Ahh, it reminds me of the heady days of Stalin's Organ, when the 'thingie references' rained down on the Pool like the detritus of a low orbit weenie roast.

But much like what probably gets gacked up in the back seat of your patrol car on late Saturday nights, we don't much like that kind of thing around here.

<real world>reminds me of one of favorite COPS scenes: Whiney Skeeve protesting to officer who's car he was just in, upon being confronted with baggie of junk just found in same back seat - "But why would I drop it your car, officer?!?" Officer says "Because you're probably pretty damned stupid, that's why!" - ahhhh, gotta love skeeves.</real world>

Billy don't be a hero and SlappyD don't be a thingie-referencer.

Joe, why am I doing your job?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Speedbump:

Quantity has a quality all it's own...


By 'quantity' do you mean as in fat?

Wrt that, here is some choice recent outerboardspeak:

My hetzer was in a perfect hull down position behind a hill dueling it out with a Jumbo.

That's the picture I want on my harddrive. Especially with Slapper as the hetzer (referencing his thingie)

[ 10-02-2001: Message edited by: CMplayer ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

117 years ago, Martinis were really sweet. In fact, I like mine with a big dollop of sugar syrup, garnished with blue cotton candy (the pink kind is for sissies!).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Slizappy-Dee, you forty-swilling ignoramus, as booze progressed beyond the alcohol-tinged kerosene of the turn-of-the-century into ever-purer forms, it no longer needed such sugary flummery to dress up a palatable cocktail. It's been a one-way progression toward dryness ever since the original (which, I'll grant you, was about as dry as a Sloe Gin Slurpee--it even starts with sweetened gin). Hell, Martinis weren't even clear until the '30s, when someone finally figured out how to filter the vermouth to get rid of the yellowish cast. The progression to the modern dry Martini represents progress (duh!), and it may be the crowning achievement of the 20th century. Attempts to redefine it with vodka or boysenberry jam or cloud the issue with Martini-derived cocktails like Manhattans or Cosmopolitans or whatever (fine cocktails in their own context, but not Martinis) is no less than the worst sort of cocktail-Luddism. Just as Croda is the enemy of scientific progress, you are the enemy of cocktail progress! Martini-denier! You would spurn the spare, ascetic perfection of the Mother of Cocktails (although technically a Martini is a mixed drink, not a cocktail, since it has only two ingredients--but who am I to profane Motherhood? unless it's your mother, of course, since, as we all know, your mother wears Army boots and they look quite unflattering on her)! Shall we stand for this? Shall we stand me a drink? Are we not Cocktail Men? We are Cocktail Devo!

Agua Perdido

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Billy don't be a hero and SlappyD don't be a thingie-referencer. Joe, why am I doing your job?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> It's a matter of degree you see. The greater the offense, the greater the judgement (and by definition, the punishment, the Justicariate has no time for INNOCENTS). In the case of SlopDraggin' the "size" of the offense doesn't warrant our notice.

By the by Seanachai, looks like your BOY is using the Ronin Squire tag again ... now it's up to you of course, but none of MY Squires would refer to ME as NON-EXISTANT without a liberal application of the ***BOOT*** at the very least. But ... different methods for different folks I suppose.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Agua Perdido:

Endless plastic is better than wood I love the 2001 Mustang over the 1968 booze driven delerium.

Agua Perdido<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Listen up perdumbo, I don't care if you do swill modern filtered, hermetically sealed, freeze dried martini's from squeeze pouches, the Martini changed because booze sucked in the 20s and 30, just like beer changed, and then after prohibition you were left with the dry Martini and the Budwiesser. Of course it gets worse, as booze has in the past 50 years. Bud Dry, Busch Light, flavored beer!!!

So, neopud, leave your progressive talk away from me. I will swill my bottom brewed ale, drink my bourbon toddies and scotch straights, and enjoy dark bread and big steaks, while you slurp down your James Bond worshiping techno drinks with a bunch of birkenstock wearing, leg hair growing new agers. I bet you also like (shudder) wine coolers, or maybe (bigger shudder) wine spritzers!

I say bring back the booze from the past. Down with johnny-come-lately new agers and their idiot clear martini's. If there is not a metal aftertaste to my beer from the solder on the tank, I don't want it.

Ronin Squire Slapdragon.

Ps: And you didn't even say thanks for the groggy history lesson you blathering ingrate. Shame.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>slaghappy spewed:

Ronin Squire<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You sir are either a liar, a cad or both. Clearly you are incompetent (down Bauhaus, I said INCOMPETENT, not IMPO . . . oh never mind!).

Let's review this, shall we:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Wordsmyth says:

ronin / noun/ ro-nihn. A feudal Japanese soldier, no longer in the service of a lord but operating independently, often as a wandering bandit. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Now, let me see, where to start.


1. You ARE NOT a feudal Japanese soldier -- fantasies acted out in the pornographic wedding photos you were mentioning earlier don't count.

2. You ARE still in the service of a knigget -- unless you are trying to tell us something about Seanachai taking a leave of absence or something (and I know that isn't possible because my luck is not THAT good at the moment).

3. You ARE NOT operating independently -- not only are we all around listening to your drivel with the same rapt attention we paid to the eighty year old matron who taught second grade math, but also your lack of intelligence and ongoing thingie references, both here and on the outer board imply that your mental and emotional development are not yet sufficient to allow you the freedom of independent living. Someone has to be helping you with those difficult things in life, like trying to figure out your left sock from your right.

3. You ARE NOT a wandering bandit. The closest you ever came to banditry was that time you accidentally walked in on your great-aunt Martha getting it on with your Uncle in the bathroom at the family Christmas party, then stealing a peek as you pretended to cover your face with your hands.

Squire, you remind me of nothing so much as a Coors Light. You are devoid of flavor, lacking in body, watered down, with no punch or verve of which to speak.

Pull your head out, squire, and recognize your place.

Seanachai: Steal back your bottle from Peng and get back here -- your latest 'squire' (and I use that term LOOSELY) needs a good **BOOT** or two **BOOT** **BOOT**.

{edited to add an extra **BOOT**}

[ 10-02-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch:

PS. and I'm not coming back in here anymore.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That's understandable Mensch, Puberty is a difficult and traumatic time for those going through it.


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Well, I'm glad to see the cocktail police are on the job. It looks like I deputized the right fellows.

Splatwaggin, a good drink in 1884 would be completely evaporated today. Think about that.

The fact that it took 30+ years to get it right, does not detract from the fact that it HAS been right for 70 years. Using your logic, the first land animals still had gills, so by darwin, we should all still have gills, and here's my rusty kitchen knife if you really have the courage of your convictions.

If it were up to people like you, we would still have guys running along side a 747 on takeoff holding the wingtips, just like Wilbur and Orville. The Abrams tank would have a riveted turret and would chuck spears instead of sabotted darts.

This is why you are a Rundown squire, or whatever that it is, and not a kanigget. You are at once not progressive, and yet fail to perceive perfection once it is attained.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Sean, when you find the time (and it had better be soon), would you be so kind as to put your Squire in a burlap bag and toss him in the river? I'd be ever so grateful if you would take care of this.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Now by GAWD that's one of those never-ending outerboard "surveys" I could get behind:

SlopDraggin': Drop him in a river in a burlap bag, Yea or Nay?

I vote YEA!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Liar! NOBODY drinks Zima.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Rather a bit like saying "Nobody voted for Nixon!" isn't it?

Kudos to Mk4 for stating the blindingly obvious... Squires need that sort of thing.

Even Berli is making sense... GOOD LORD! I must be drunk again!





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My goal in life has almost been attained. My mere presence in the Peng Challenge thread is so controversial that it is like a pile of fire ants whose mound has been stepped in by a Bull's hoove. Lots of toing and froing and not much sense to it all.

But heck, I have people lining up to flame me on the main board just for saying "prove it" a little to loudly for the sensitive ears of the gentle moron. No doubt this fear of my super human powers is what has caused this line up on the Peng Challenge Thread to denounce me. I just wish is was a might more wittier of a read.

Really guys, ya need some work on the insults and booze arguments. My Freshman, or heck, that drunk who yacked up in my car this weekend, could do better. I am highly dissapointed, and hope it gets much better.

And Sean never said he would be my Knight, which is why I am a Ronin Squire. Just wait untril I become a Knight.

Ronin Squire Slapdragon

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Sir Seanachi & Sir Joe Shaw,

I feel I must point out something of great or minor import. Schism...not schism regarding the sublime nature of CM...not schism due to the nature of gamey play...not schism related to file numbering...not even schism related to whether an AT gun should have transport in an ME.

No, reading the last several pages, I fear schism in the pool. Two distinct camps seem to be emerging. I hope these camps are not mutually exclusive, I hope these camps do not solidify into armies of fanatics who will not read, let alone consider, the opinions of others. Yes, I am speaking of the drinkers vs. the pornsters.

Good Sirs, I beseech you to investigate this growing {insert obligatory Bauhaus reference} divide. While the pool has not always been consistent, and often many voices are heard, I fear that the current version of the MBT is becoming


Thank you for hearing me,

Your most humble servant,


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