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I guess I just aint a tanker

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No matter how hard I try or how hard I want to be...


I've tried all sides. Hell I even tried the best tanks in the game, Pantehers and Tigers, but I still can't move a damn thing without getting killed. Ive tried being patient, Ive tried being aggressive but it dont matter. Ive tried staying long with German armor and short with Allied armor AND vise versa. Ive tried move and shoot tactics, hiding behind trees, ridges houses and HAVE DIED. Ive tried sitting still, out of LOS, IN A DEEP HOLE and by the end of the turn it will HAVE DIED.

Ive played these games before. I know the tactics used. Ive worked hard, been to church, even helped that old bitty across the street start her car every other morning.


I do have just a little shred of common sense.

Please help me folks. I want to be a good tanker.


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The question is, are you taking any of the bastards with you?

Desert Storm has skewed a lot of people's notions about tank battle. In WWII, if you killed some of the other guys tanks and THEN you DIED, you were a Tanker.

Position is one key. Being where you're not supposed to be is real powerful. Massed firepower is another. The more tubes the other guy is looking up at once, the better.

Other than that, it just might be the old bitty across the street... any antennae on her roof? Thought so. I suppose she's just calling her sister in Stuttgart about the weather....

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I just had one Jpz IV kill 3 Sherman 76s and an M36 over 4 turns today. How? Position. I made THEM come to me and simply killed them one at a time ( being hull-down helped).

So, it IS possible you just must be doing something wrong ( try to use terrain better to mask you from enemy units).

P.s. And sometimes, no matter what you do, you STILL die. It's war, **** happens.

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Guest Scott Clinton


I would be happy to play you in an email game with NO FOW and give you pointers as the game progressed.

Just a thought. Drop me a line if you are interested. smile.gif


Please note: The above is solely the opinion of 'The Grumbling Grognard' and reflects no one else's views but his own.

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To put it simply we didn't lose a single M1 Abrahms to enemy fire. Considering the scale of the battle that shouldn't happen. It was more like gunnery practice than a tank battle. Ask any tanker that has been to NTC how many times they died there.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pillar:


What happened in Desert Storm?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


We cleaned their (*^%$%# clocks. The kill ratio for the Abrams vs. the T-72 and other assortments of armor was ungodly in our favor. I know of one 3 Abram squad that got 72 kills alone, and that's not political BS...some of us were actually there. smile.gif

Many thanks as always to the Marines, Army, and Airforce that watched our armored hides and sides as we advanced! biggrin.gif

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Playing war in the OPFORs back yard.....oh the pain...the pain. frown.gif

Not fair competition but sometimes you can come out on top most of the time though it's the classic:

"The Department of Defense regrets to inform you that your son is dead...because he was STUPID!" biggrin.gif

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Well greasypig, there is no short answer. There is no short list wih says 'do this and you nuke them all'. You will have to train a sixth sense on how to use armor on the battle field but sadly Yoda is booked solid until 2004 biggrin.gif.

But seriously, some simple obvious (and needles ??) tips;

1. Movement is a weapon

A tank is not a bunker. Use its mobility to get at the flanks and rear of the enemy.

2. Positioning is a weapon

Get those hulldown positions, flank shots and overwatch positions. Use 'narrow' fields of fire if possible.

3. Concentrate firepower

Don't pick one-on-one fights. Seek to outgun your opponent. For example use the Fionn method; determine the enemies path of advance and train as many guns on it as possible smile.gif.

4. Practice practice, practice

5-99 see 4 wink.gif

No doubt many tips can be added to this list. And if i were you i would take Scott's offer.

Grtz S Bakker

PS: just curious, you play with full FOW is presume ?


Visit my CM site!

The bunker: http://bunker.panzershark.com

Another proud member of the Panzershark webring. :)

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GP, are you attempting to keep your tanks facing front at all times?

I know you have said that you have tried staying still and moving, but there are certain ways of doing both.

Personally, if my tanks are stationary (which they will only be if they are waiting in ambush, and so by insinuation have a rough idea which way the tank they have spotted is going), then I always try to have as many sides as possible covered by terrain. So not only would it be hull down, but it would for examle be covered from sight to the left by some bocage, and on the other partially by some scattered trees. So even if some enemy tanks do flank you, they cannot get a shot until (hopefully) you have taken yours against their comrade.

If by some chance they do flank you then REVERSE out of the firing position to the nearest hard cover (i.e a hill). Even if they don't flank you REVERSE out of your firing position after taking the shot, and HUNT to the next firing position.

When on the move, never advance so far so that your tanks are left uncovered by a friendly tank or AT gun, and do not move long distances over open or even partially open terrain.

When moving, move in bounds under cover of freindly support. If you only have one tank, then let the terrain be you wingman. Advance in short hops from cover to cover without EVER exposing your sides to any enemy tanks or POSSIBLE positions for enemy tanks. If you get a whiff of an enemy tank, WAIT and see what he does. Hopefully he won't see you and you can get the first shot off. If he does see you, then turn to face him (or face off at 45 degrees to him if your in a Tiger I), and take a shot or two before REVERSING out of your position..

Anyway, that scratches the surface. I'll now move aside for some of the many other learned people on the forum to convey their experiences.




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Greasypig: Don't get too down about it; I AM a tanker and it took me a while to get the hang of putting what I know (from reading and experience) into play in CM. It takes a lot of practice to use the terrain to your benefit, but that's the key. Take heed of Paul Gardner's posting (as well as the others here) - they speak the word of the tanker gods!

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Thanks for the help folks,

Its easy to say I've tried just about all thats been suggested here. I have. But I must be lacking the "attention to detail" that all of you can achieve. I guess it'll take practice. As it is I am very successful against the computer with infantry tactics, In fact I usually have to carry the battle with my grunts without the support of armor.

Its funny the Desert Storm analogy was used because I could actually USE that analogy. Ive lost a Panther, jadpanther, and a half dozen amored cars to just a few armored cars and 1 light AT gun.

A common senario I find myself in:

I start the game with what I beleive is superior armor. As the game proceeds I get a few kills and take a few acceptable losses. The emeny is usually very successful in preserving its remaining vehicles. Then gets them into a position to put pressure on my infantry while out of view of my guns. So I plan a route to give me cover and a fireing position that will not only provide LOS to my intended target but shield me from view on my flanks. Then its time to SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND, MISTER PANTHER. I move my tank into my PLANNED position with the HUNT move. BAM I get nocked out by my target whose is usually nothing more than an armored car sporting a 37mm gun at a range of about 600-650 meters.

If I had a dime for each tank Ive lost that way I could have paid for CM a week ago.

I find I fare better with the Americans. I know my armor is weak. So Im not really confrontational. I just keep my boys pushing until I can put a satchel or bazooka on the enemy vehicle, using my armor only in a support role. BUT I HATE THIS. I wish I could say I have a distinct armor and weapon advantage (which I do often) and FORCE the confrontation with my enemy because I know I can go toe to toe If I have to. Unfortunatly FOR ME the armor ratings dont seem to give much an advantage. Its just who can but the bead on who the fastest. I doesnt matter how big the barrel is under that bead or how much armor protects it.

Now realize, I don't expect a predictable outcome "I win" all the time. And my comments above is not a complaint of the game, that would be VERY near sighted on my part. I know BTS and others raked this masterpiece over the realism coals over and over and MANY people who actually know what the hell theyre talking about contributed.

So it comes down to my misinterpratation of armor and weapon strengh and a lack of paying attension to detail.

I wonder also If I should start playing with fewer BIG armor pieces. The ranges I assume that were typically used in a prefered engagement of the big German Armor were longer than a QUICK BATTLE seems to allow. Am I wrong? Its easy to make excuses so again this is NOT an attack on the game.

Thanks again guys.

Keep the sugestions coming


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Which brings up a point I tried to make earlier, in order to play CM, you have know the attributes and capabilities of the various units. For someone like who knows very little about WW2 tactics, I wouldn't have a clue as to what to effectively do with a tank. Others have said just go in there and try things out but as a squad commander (?), you do have a good idea as to how to maneuver and when to fire or not. All goes to show that, unless you're already are familiar with such units, you better at least have the fundamentals down.

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