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BTS location

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BTS is located in a vast underground bunker complex deep under the Ural Mountains in Russia. I know this is true because one night I was abducted by strange beings and taken there. The beings then performed a series of hideous experiments on me and forced me to perform unnatural sexual acts with a mammal of my choice. I later discovered, by psychic means, that these beings were in fact Steve and Charles of BTS. Without their customary human-fooling disguises Steve and Charles are actually both quite short (about 3 feet in height), are completely hairless and have no external genitalia whatsoever. I have since come to the belief that I was but the latest in long list of abductions perpetrated by this so-called BTS - it may have happened to other posters on this board. However this time, in their complecency, they omitted to administer the drug of forgetfulness.

So I know I tell you I know. eek.gif

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You guys should just accept your desire for 300+ beard toting women, it would save you from making up these elaborate stories as to how you were forced into it wink.gif

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Heretics! Blasphemers! BTS is actually located in the Garden of Earthly Delights. There your harem of scantily clad houris attends your every need, bringing you unlimited supplies of beer and munchies, while you do nothing but play the latest version of CM all day biggrin.gif


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wrong-wrong WRONG!

they are in a basement of a high profile university...even UNknown to the university security! tey slave away with bare necessities...the toilet is in the corner, exposed, salvaged from a janitor's throw away. many years after graduation Steve met charles (already in hiding) and upon learning of a secret place decided it would be cool to design the best WWII sim ever!

after stocking up on a 2 year supply of nutriants (they KNEW thats all they would need) they began. now not having seen the sun (except thru the small crack in the masonry) in oh too long, they can see the end of the food suppy and are tired of turing their backs when the other needs to relieve himself.

women? they've forgotten what they look like (the reason there are no nurses in CM) and so with *warnings* first will they only emerge from their refuge....i think.

actually this is OnLY my opinion of course as Steve wanted me to sign a letter of non-disclosure...but i lost it...and if i could figure out how to delete this message i would <insert smily face here>

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Guest Madmatt

You may be right about Charles and Steve never seeing the Sun anymore!

Notice that in CM there is never a SUN????

I was playing Riesburg last night and this squad of Panzer Grenadiers came walking single file out of a building and one was barefoot and in the background you could see that a Flak '88 had etched into the barrel

the letters "CM2000IF" I also heard a soundclip that I have never heard since, it was in a husky German accent and it sounded like it asked the question: "Why don't we Assualt it in the road?"

Strange things indeed my friends...

Madmatt eek.gif


If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!


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That's why there will never be a Pacific War CM wink.gif.. The subject is STILL too painful for them to discuss wink.gif

Steve, Charles, the war is over dudes wink.gif



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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