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Hitler! Hitler! (or 2034.wav)

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Wounded Germans say this all of the time in CM. To me, it doesn't ring true. I don't believe that regular landsers were crying out to the Fuhrer when hit. They might swear, they might cry out to their buddies, or yell for momma, but I doubt they often invoked Hitler's name as a dying pledge. Not only does it strike me as ahistorical, I see it as an (unconscious?) form of German/Nazi bashing. I may be wrong.

The point of this is simply to suggest a new user-created mod for the file 2034.wav

My suggestion? - "Ohh! Sheizen!"

P.S. I do not know any German, but you pick up a word or two from an Austrian roommate in college. Hope I at least spelled that word right!


"Artillery is a terrible thing. God, I hate it."

Pvt. David Webster

101st airborne 1942-45

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I have never noticed any sound clip exclaiming Hitler's name during gameplay. If there was it would seem a bit much though! Not likely BTS would have allowed it into the game anyway.

[This message has been edited by Dilger (edited 09-16-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Dilger (edited 09-16-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Runyan99:

"Ohh! Sheizen!"<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I think Scheisse is what you're looking for, pronounced with a soft "s". "Oh" is usually "Ach" in German.

None of the above appear in CM, nor does "Hitler", as others have noted.

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2034 is "Hilfe! Hilfe!"

the one that always got me wondering what it means, was # 2033. A sound that was triggered when a german squad was hit.

I always thought it sounded like a swapped english sound cue "men behind men behind" meaning someone from the squad got hit and is lagging behind or something...I never figured what it could possibly mean.

only today did I find out (I think) that it is "Mein Bein! Mein Bein!" (my leg, my leg!).

thought someobody else who was wondering might want to know.


"Hehe nah u have some valid points mate but umm well be a bit nicer." (GAZ_NZ)

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this is the list of german and polish wav's as posted by moon on may 5. I think some things may be different, however. I still can't find anything in french.

2000 - Los, los, los! - Go, go, go!

2001 - Auf zum Sprung, los! - Ready to jump, go!

2002 - Los, bewegung, Männer! - Go, move, men!

2003 - Auf geht's! - Let's go!

2004 - Auf zum Sprung, marsch! - Ready to jump, move!

2005 - Vorwärts, marsch! - Forward, move!

2006 - Auf geht's, los! - Let's go, move!

2007 - Marsch, marsch, marsch! - Move, move, move!

2010 - Die schlachten uns ab! - They're killing all of us!

2011 - Wir werden alle sterben! - We're all gonna die!

2012 - Nichts wie raus hier! - Let's get outta here!

2013 - Volle Deckung! - Full cover!

2014 - Deckung! - Take cover!

2015 - Hilfe! - Help!

2016 - Hilfe, rettet euch! - Help, save yourself!

2017 - Hilfe, nichts wie weg hier! - Help, let's get outta here!

2020 - Nicht feuern! - Don't fire!

2021 - Feuer einstellen! - Hold fire!

2022 - Spart Munition! - Save ammo!

2023 - Feuer einstellen! - Hold fire!

2024 - Spart Munition, Männer! - Save ammo, men!

2025 - Feuern auf Befehl! - Fire on order!

2030 - Ich bin verwundet! - I'm wounded!

2031 - Hilfe, ich bin verwundet! - Help, I'm wounded!

2032 - Sanitäter, Sanitäter! - Medic, medic!

2033 - Mein Bein, mein Bein! - My leg, my leg!

2034 - Hilfe, hilfe! - Help, help!

2035 - Bin getroffen! - I'm hit!

2036 - Die haben mich erwischt! - They got me!

2037 - Bin verwundet! - I'm wounded!

2040 - Kamerad, Kamerad! - Comrade, comrade!

2041 - Nicht schießen, wir ergeben uns! - Don't shoot, we surrender!

2042 - Wir geben auf! - We're giving up!

2043 - Nicht schießen! - Don't shoot!

2050 - Ergebt euch! - Surrender!

2051 - Waffen fallenlassen, Hände hoch! - Drop your weapons, hands up!

2052 - Hände hoch! - Hands up!

2060 - Habt ihr noch Muni? - Do you have any ammo?

2061 - Meine Waffe ist leer! - My weapons is empty!

2062 - Ich brauche Munition! - I need ammo!

2070 - Nahkampf! - Close combat!

2071 - Im Nahkampf ausschalten! - Eliminate in close combat!

2080 - Jaaa! - Yesss!

2081 - Ja! - Yes!

2082 - Ja, Volltreffer! - Yes, right on target!

2083 - Den haben wir erwischt! - Nailed him!

2090 - Achtung, Minen! - Watch out, mines!

2091 - Tretminen! - Mines!

2100 - Volle Deckung! - Full cover!

2101 - Granatbeschuß! - Mortar fire!

2102 - Granatfeuer, in Deckung! - Mortar fire, take cover!

2103 - Volle Deckung! - Full cover!

2110 - Feindliche Jäger! - Enemy fighters!

2111 - Achtung, Flugzeuge! - Watch out, planes!

2120 - Ausschwärmen! - Spread out!

2121 - Nach den Seiten sichern! - Secure the flanks!

2122 - Jawohl, Herr Unteroffizier! - Yes, Sergeant!

2123 - Ausschwärmen! - Spread out!

2130 - Panzer! - Tanks!

2131 - Da, feindliche Panzer! - There, enemy tanks!

2140 - Fürs Vaterland! - For the fatherland!

2141 - Steht auf und kämpft! - Get up and fight!

2142 - Steht auf und kämpft! - Get up and fight!

3000 - Dalej, dalej, nie stawac! - Go, go, don't stop!

3001 - Do ataku! - Assault!

3002 - Szybciej, szybciej! - Faster, faster!

3003 - Naprzod, naprzod! - Forward, forward!

3004 - Naprzod, naprzod! - Forward, forward!

3005 - Dalej, dalej! - Go, go!

3006 - Do ataku! - Assault!

3007 - Do ataku! - Assault!

3010 - Oni nas wykoncza! - They will kill us all!

3011 - Ratuj sie, uciekac! - Save yourself, run for it!

3012 - Zwiewamy z tant! - We're getting outta here!

3013 - Oni nas wykoncza! - They will kill us all!

3014 - Ratuj sie kto morze, uciekajcie! - Run if you can, run for it!

3020 - Wztrzymac ogien! - Hold fire!

3021 - Oszczendzac amunicje! - Save ammo!

3022 - Strzelac tylko na rozkaz! - Fire on order!

3023 - Wztrzymac ogien! - Hold fire!

3024 - Nie strzelac! - Dont' fire!

3030 - Dostalem! - I'm hit!

3031 - Jestem ranny! - I'm wounded!

3032 - O borze, moja noga! - Oh god, my leg!

3033 - Sanitariusz! - Medic!

3034 - Dostalem! - I'm hit!

3035 - O borze! - Oh god!

3036 - O borze, moja noga! - Oh god, my leg!

3037 - Jestem ranny! - I'm wounded!

3040 - Poddajemy sie! - We surrender!

3041 - Nie strzelac, my sie poddajemy! - Don't shoot, we surrender!

3042 - Zucamy bron, poddajemy sie! - Drop weapons, we surrender!

3043 - Nie strzelac, my sie poddajemy! - Don't shoot, we surrender!

3044 - Zucamy bron, poddajemy sie! - Drop weapons, we surrender!

3050 - Poddajce sie, zuc bron! - Surrende, drop your weaponr!

3051 - Wstawaj, rence do gory! - Get up, hands up!

3052 - Zuc bron, poddaj sie! - Drop your weapon, surrender!

3053 - Rence do gory! - Hands up!

3060 - Amunicja sie skonczyla! - Ammo is finished!

3061 - Niemam wiencej naboji! - I don't have bullets!

3062 - Niemam czym strzelac! - I don't have anything to shoot with!

3063 - Amunicja sie konczy! - Ammo is up!

3070 - Walka wrencz! - Hand-to-hand combat!

3071 - Bagnet na bron! Fix bajonets!

3080 - Dostal w dyche! - Right on target!

3081 - Trafilem go! - Nailed him!

3082 - Mam go! - Got him!

3090 - Uwaga, teren zaminowany! - Watch out, mined terrain!

3091 - Miny! - Mines!

3100 - Kryc sie! - Take cover!

3101 - Mozdzerze! - Mortars!

3102 - Padnij! - Down!

3103 - Artilerja! - Artillery!

3110 - Nalot, chowajcie sie! - Fighter attack, take cover!

3111 - Bombowce! - Bombers!

3120 - Na rozkaz, panie sierzancie! - Yes, Sergeant!

3121 - Zabezpieczac! - Secure!

3122 - Ostrorznie, ostrorznie! - Careful, careful!

3123 - Ostrorznie, ostrorznie! - Careful, careful!

3124 - Na rozkaz, panie sierzancie! - Yes, Sergeant!

3125 - Zabezpieczac skrzydlo! - Secure the flanks!

3130 - Jada czagi! - Tanks are approaching!

3140 - Rodacy, do boju! - Landsmen, to the arms!

3141 - Za Polske! - For Poland!

3142 - Do broni, wstawac i walczyc! - To the arms, get up and fight!


"Well then private, it must be sh*t. Good thing we didn't step in it."

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