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Help, they're all Tom Hanks!!!

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Everyone is Tom Hanks!

I mean, I know he's a great actor and all but he can't play ALL the allied roles in CM. Or at least change his picture, give him a mustache.

That, or explain why, when I unzipped the new portraits on CMHQ, everyone on the allied side uses the Tom Hanks captain picture, other than my Platoon HQs being Eastwood, that is.

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"Everyone is Tom Hanks!" -- "all of my Brits are Sean Connerey" -- "I also get a 'BOGUS' flag from time to time after downloading the flag mods."

Well, that's why they're called "Mods"... They're unsupported modifications put together by well-intentioned players. If you want a trouble-free product then stay with the base game. OTOH, Mods often/usually become the way to play after a while. I judge the current ones too "young" right now, but look forward to when they "mature" (due to comments like all of yours).

Patient Regards and Thanks,


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If all your infantry units are Cpt. Miller, then you must have Tom Hanks as your U.S. Infantry portrait. All of the U.S. infantry should have had the same face before the mod, you probably just didn't notice it because it was a generic portrait. If you want a different portrait chose the one you want in the bmp folder and rename it to replace the Tom Hanks one.


Ow, my leg!

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See, these are the responses people get angry about. I'm not a moron, I understand how mods work, I was asking for specific help, not generic, "Hey, this is how the game works, kid" advice. I didn't approach this problem in a snide way, rather I made a joke about it and stated my problem. The last two responses, however, served no purpose but to pad egos (I know more than you).

These mods came off of CMHQ and Madmatt noted that some renaming was necessary but said instructions were missing. If you can give a solution, please do, but don't post basic game concepts and act superior in doing so.

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"See, these are the responses people get angry about. [...] The last two responses, however, served no purpose but to pad egos (I know more than you)."

Eek! eek.gif Sorry, but that really wasn't my intent. I truly wasn't "lording" any superior knowledge over you. I tried a few mods a while back - they only partially worked - and so I went back to the base game, so that's what I suggested. I apologize if I sounded "superior."

Sorry, I don't know the specifics of what is wrong with your mods - I doubt anyone on planet Earth does except for the guy who compiled them, and maybe even not then... smile.gif

Really, I am sorry that the Mod didn't work for you, and I don't think you're a "moron". However, all I can offer is to uninstall the Mod that's giving you trouble(that's what I did), then hunker down like the rest of us waiting for a better one to come along.

Most of us here really do try to be helpful (that was my true intent). I apologize if it sounded heavy-handed (and I can see how your took it that way) - that wasn't my aim.

Sorry if my post came off as "snide" (not my intent),


[This message has been edited by WendellM (edited 08-15-2000).]

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Well gee, "thank you" but I stated the case pretty "clearly" and you were the one that "jumped" to a "conclusion" giving what sure looks like a "superior" tone.

As to the actual issue of mods, I've got every one on CMHQ, excepting some special interest ones, and they make the game great. Normally when they need some added effort, its explained. This time it wasn't.

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Jeez, Elijah

I've done my best to give you an honest apology. I realize that my earlier post might have seemed a bit "over the top" though it wasn't meant that way.

I have *nothing* to do with the Mods on CMHQ. I was just tryimg to help (even from my first post, though I admit that it could have been perceived as "non-friendly").

Maybe you don't realize it, but I'm practically bending over backwards here to make amends. I've said that I'm sorry, and have intimated that I'd like to "shake hands." Believe me, I've learned that quoting phrases and taking an injured tone won't win sympathy on this forum. Actions count more than words. I'm offering you an honest hand of friendship here, by admitting that my previous post sounded like it attacked you, when I state that it wasn't meant to. So far, you've made two posts attacking me, but I'm willing to overlook them since you're a newcomer to our friendly realm. Please accept my handshake for what it is. I really don't mean you any harm, OK?


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Elijah it sure looks to me as though your question was answered and then you jumped on the answerer.

Face facts, you didn't understand the way the game worked with respect to unit portraits and when this was pointed out you jumped on the person explaining it.

Just take a chill pill ok? I know WendellM and I'm quite sure he didn't intend to appear snide etc. Don't let your own emotions lead you to see something that isn't there k?


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OK --- in the interests of diplomacy and continued world peace (even tho this is a forum about war), here's my ad-hoc, ad-lib, totally-off-the-cuff, instructions on using the Portrait mods:

1. Open up zip file into a seperate folder (I named mine "Faces"), as this will make it easier to look through them all. A program that allows you to view a "proof sheet" of thumb-nail pics would also help.

2. The first thing you should notice is that they are all 4 digit .bmp files. Multiple versions of the same file are differentiated by the addition of a further digit (ie; -1, -2, -3, etc.).

3. Here's what each number refers to:

1100 -- Waffen SS Officer

1101 -- Heer Soldier

1102 -- Wehrmacht Tanker

1103 -- Heer Officer

1104 -- Fallschirmjaeger Soldier

1105 -- Wehrmacht Arty Observer

1106 -- Waffen SS Soldier

1107 -- Volksturm

1108 -- US Soldier

1109 -- US Officer

1110 -- US Tanker

1111 -- US Arty Obs.

1112 -- British Officer

1113 -- British Soldier

1114 -- UK / Polish Airborne

1115 -- British Tanker

1116 -- Volksgrenadier/Gebirgsjaeger Soldier

1117 -- French Officer

1118 -- French Soldier

1119 -- Gebirgsjaeger Officer

1120 -- Fallschirmjaeger Officer

1121 -- Canadian Soldier

1122 -- French Tanker

1123 -- French Arty Obs.

1124 -- British Arty Obs.

1125 -- Canadian Tanker

1126 -- Polish Soldier

4. Before you replace the original .bmps, it is strongly recomended that you save the originals in a seperate file in case you want them back.

5. Simply choose the .bmp you want to use, make sure it's re-numbered to match the above list, move it into your CM directory and place it in the BMP file, where you will probably be prompted to over-write the existing file.

6. Fire up CM, and gaze at all the new replacements...

NOTES: You may notice that there are only 4 basic .bmps for the Allies: Soldier, Officer, Arty Observer, and Tanker. The Germans, by reason of the greater number of Wehrmacht branches in use, have slightly more variety. All Polish .bmps are shared with the British, except for the basic Soldier. Canadians share the Officer and Arty Obs with the Brits. Light Armor units (HT's & Scout Cars) use the basic Soldier .bmp for their commander, not the Tanker.

Now, if you are seeing Cpt Miller as all of yr US portraits, it's prolly because you overwrote all the US .bmps with his face. Pick some new ones, and go again. (Personally, I prefer Sgt Saunders and Lt Hanley...).

FYI, as all the Mods in use right now are nothing more than simple .bmps (graphics files), there is no way they are going to mess with how CM runs --- they'll just change the way it looks.

Now everybody hold hands and sing "Kumbaya" or some ****...

[This message has been edited by von Lucke (edited 08-15-2000).]

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by von Lucke:

Now everybody hold hands and sing "Kumbaya" or some ****...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Von Lucke, that cracked me up. I just imagine our tank crews doing that together, while my sharpshooter is handing out fags to your lot. Afterwards they could mix G-Ts in the mortar tube. Peace, man.

As always, too much coffee, not enough Prozac in the world.



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Guest Madmatt

Thanks Van Lucke, I hope you don't mind if I steal your message line by line and add as directions on CMHQ! wink.gif

Elijah, I see where the problem is. I think the default number of the Tom Hanks picture is also the DEFAULT number for American infantry (it should have been the one for the Hq's). You are saying you get Clint as Hq's and Tom as the infantry. This is reversed.

Just rename each file as the other and that should resolve the problem.



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[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 08-15-2000).]

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Wow...we posted an issue and got an answer, I guess someone on this earth did know the answer.

Thanks von Lucke...your answer seems to have done the trick.

Good hunting.

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To clarify and make amends, I was snappy with those first two responses because, to me, the first posts by Wendell and Pvt Ryan both merely stated the basic mechanics of the bmps, which I understand, and stated it in a relatively heavy-handed way.

I didn't mean to turn around and be nasty but I was a little offended. Wendell, I'm sorry I was rude to you after you were trying to patch things up.

As to the portraits what had thrown me off is that everyone was Tom Hanks, from the M1919 gunners to the 60mm teams to the RI squads. I had never paid that much attention to the portraits and thought each of these guys had seperate ones. I realize now that they must not, rather they just share all the same portrait. I hate to say it, but this ruins the entire basis for my argument, as had I noticed that they all shared the same portrait, I would not have been inclined to think it was more than just two files being switched (ie I thought that I had replaced some Default Allied Portrait with ol' Tom Hanks). So, uh, chide away guys.

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You say you haven't installed the mods and yet you have the red "BOGUS" flag.

That is interesting, in my conversations with others, Wild Bill and a couple more, they said they do not see the flags. I therefore chalked it up to the flag mod.

Have you loaded any mods?

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Elijah, I was simply trying to answer your question. Based on your initial post I thought maybe you didn't know how mods work, so I tried to give you some very basic advice. As it turns out, I identified the problem precisely when I stated that you probably didn't notice that all US infantry (other than officers) shared the same portrait because it was a generic face before the mod. I have only been following this forum for a few weeks, but I don't think I have ever run into a nicer and more helpful bunch of people in my life. Please don't be so quick to attack those that are trying to help you. If you get advice that does not solve your problem try rephrasing the question.


Ow, my leg!

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