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Which is better Comet, Pershing or Panther?

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yeah but you can't argue with the Comets 90mm gun, a lot of people seem to think that the Pershing was on a par with the Tiger (although maybe not armour wise) but it was quicker.

[This message has been edited by Owen (edited 03-08-2000).]

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Guest Big Time Software

I haven't tried out the Comet yet, but I think I would probably pick the Pershing over the Panther. Just barely though. Although it was called a "Heavy Tank" it was, by German standards at the very least, a Medium Tank. It could do some damage against a Tiger, but not to a comfortable degree. Pershings can plink Panthers and survive direct hits. Try that with a Sherman smile.gif


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Challenger had the 17lbr.. it was basically a Cromwell with a humungous turret and, IIRC, an extra road wheel. Sadly, only one turret remains. (It's in Bovington) They saw service primarily with the British reconaissance squadrons, but sometimes in place of Fireflies in the TO&E. Apparently they weren't massively successful, but did 'OK'

Comet's gun was a modification of the 17lbr, which had two problems. One was that it had a little bit too much kick, and required a large, strong turret and ring, with accompanying effects on hull size and weight. The other was that it was somewhat inaccurate. By reducing the strength of the gun a little bit, an acceptable compromise was reached resulting in a more usable vehicle with increased accuracy at a small cost in penetrative capabilities.

As for British 90mm equivalents, I'm not sure if that accolade would fall to the 20lbr or the 32lbr. The latter was converted from an anti-air gun, much like the US 90 and the German 88, but might have been a bit too big for comparison, and was only mounted on the Tortoise TD (A massive vehicle, never saw service). To be honest, I'm really not sure about the size or history of the 20lbr. Anyone care to fill me in?

Take care..

Manic Moran

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Comet definitely comes third.. I'd say the Pershing beats the Panther out but only barely. I've had AI Pershings do a LOT of damage to a force of Tigers.. Killed about 5 of my Tigers and only lost 2 or 3 Pershings and I've used Pershings to wipe out hordes of Tigers and Panthers. Given that evidence I'd have to opt for the Pershing.

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A British late-comer to WW2 that didn't get the chance to see combat was the first of the Centurion series. I don't recall exactly, but I THINK that the first Centurions mounted a 20-lbr cannon. Those would've been interesting for the Germans to face also if the war dragged on much longer.

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Since the Comet is quite a bit lighter than the competitors the comparison limps a bit from the outset.

What the Comet was in any case was a well rounded medium tank. The gun is inferior to the 75L70 and the 90 mm but is still a good gun by W.W.II standards.

The 17 pounder "light" carried by the Comet had a calibre of 76.2 mm to be exact, just as the big brother. The designation "77mm" was given in order to prevent any mix-up between the ammo for this gun and that used in the "real" 17 pounder. The reasons behind the development of the weapon has already been explained above by Trooper.

The first Centurions (A4I) mounted the 17 pounder, the 20 gun came later. The calibre of the latter gun was 84mm.

In the Panther vs. Pershing battle Id put my vote on the Panther, again by a thin margin.

The advanced 90mm ammo seems nasty, at least on paper, but the power to weight ratio of the Pershing looks a bit on the low side considering the relatively equal level of armour protection.


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Guest KwazyDog

Hmmmmmmmm, Ill take a King Tiger wink.gif

Seriously though, those Pershings are tough little buggers from the front. I have a very similiar situation Fionn (suprise suprise smile.gif), but I didnt kill one of the buggers, only damaged a gun. Hehe, the other player then decided to a bit over eager and drove then though a forest path and started loosing them to side Panzerfaust shots.

The bottom line is that the Pershing is one the Germans really need to pay attention to, she aint no Sherman like Steve said smile.gif

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Some British tank troops had a challenger as lead tank to fireflys, both had a 17 pounder gun, the comet had a 17 pounder in a model i have so id assume it does in real life too.


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As designed in 1943, the Centurion was supposed to carry the 17lbr gun, so in this, Spook is correct. By the time it was ready in 1945, the 20lbr was about available, so I'm not actually sure how many Mk1s with the 17lbr were produced.

That said, you are correct in that Black Prince was in effect a Churchill with a 17lbr. IIRC they didn't make as much as a half dozen of 'em,

Manic Moran

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The 20 pounder gun was finally fitted into a cromwell chassis(Challenger version)in 52 designated "charioteer"

The Us had tried to produce a 90mm super hellcat to stem the panzers.


This is my rifle,

this is my gun.

This ones for killing, this ones a tasty alternative to turkey at christmas.....

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