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Church steeples and other things.

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Questions and comments

1) Is it going to be possible in the final version to put infantry teams (snipers, observers, mg's etc.) into church steeples? I searched but didn't come up with the answer.

2) Last I heard two-storey buildings were as tall as buildings were planned to be. Any change on this?

3) I don't really need detailed casualty information, but I *would* like to know when I lose casualties as a result of panic or shellshock. When under an artillery barrage for example, I need to know if a squad is cracking under the strain or just losing men to shrapnel, especially when the unit is Green or Conscript. I can't tell in the beta.

4) Are there graphics for the French vineyards in the game? I haven't seen any yet.

5) Are dud tank and artillery rounds modeled?

6) There was some discussion earlier on White Phosphorous. I was reading a unit history of the US 70th tank battalion and according to them WP use was restriced on both sides as the Germans thought it a chemical agent and therefore banned under the Geneva convention. In the whole time the unit was in the ETO I didn't find one account of WP shells.

7) Saw the new smoke graphics in some screenshots. Looks pretty good!

8) How do you adjust a fire mission without cancelling the target and then designating a new one? I then have to wait 60-180 seconds for the new barrage. Am I doing something wrong?

All for now. This is gonna be a great game!


"Never mind what Clausewitz thought! What do YOU think?"

Erwin Rommel as a young instructor at the Potsdam school of infantry.

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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

1) Church steeples? I don't know, but I hope this is implemented at some time or another.

2)Higher buildings than two stories? That's the last I've heard too.

3)Detailed casualty reports? Hey that sounds like a little better idea than I had! wink.gif

4)French vinyards? No clue.

5)Dud projectiles? Good question.

6)White Phosperous? It is NOT being modelled, that was mentioned earlier by BTS itself.

7)New smoke graphics? Yes, CoolCol's reworking of those do look good.

8)Adjusting fire? I can't figure that out either.

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Oh yeah, a couple more things.

9) How detailed are the victory conditions going to be? Can I create scenarios that award points for exiting units? Can I adjust the number of points awarded for casualties from scenario to scenario?

10) Last I heard was no motorcycle or bicycle units, right?

11) It would be nice if somewhere you could display the unit designations for each unit (9th Infantry Regiment, Elements of 21st Panzer, etc) when the unit is selected. This info is only in the scenario briefing, right? How about putting it on the unit info page? This is mostly extra information, but in a situation where I might have elements of two different battalions intermixed, it might be nice. I think it would add a little bit of flavor.

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9a Yes.

9b No but ratios feed into victory levels.

10. Correct..

11 Not in. Not likely to be in for Cm1.

1. No

2. No

3. You can already tell this by looking at their "status".. Alerted, shocked, pinned etc. Alerted= under a bit of fire. Pinned= under serious fire. Broken = "****, let's get the hell out of here"

Panic = they are useless forever.

4. No

5. no except insofar as variability of roudn effect may result in such a low number that it might be almost as useless as a dud.

6. WP is NOT in.

7. Yes, look MUCH better in reality.. You'll see more of them soon on CMHQ I think.

8. Simply hit T and move the target area... If the new target area is close to the old the shelling might only be delayed an additional 5 or 10 seconds. Extra delay is related to distance target is shifted.

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1) A SEARCH should answer this

2) Ditto

3) Why? If they're out of the battle, they're out of the battle. As it is, the unit-status tag will show you if the unit is getting close to the edge of their mental endurance.

4) See 1) and 2)

5) That's a good question, tho I'm pretty sure the % of dud-rounds is so small as to be insignificant.

6) Good information.

7) Yeah, the game looks good

8) To re-target an arty mission you have to use the TARGET command. As you move the aim point from the original spot, it will be first green, indicating a slight retarget, which will add only a minute or so to the delay time for the arty mission. When the line turns blue, that means it's treated as a whole new arty mission, with appropriately longer delay. Fire adjustment is done automatically; better FOs will decrease the time needed to get the spot round on target, and will help increase the arty pattern density. Madmatt's site has a multi-screenshot explanation of this.

9) I believe scenario designers can change the VP weight for things like casualties, exiting units off the enemy's map edge, etc.

10) Never were, never will be. AFAIK it was decided they weren't a major enough player, often enough, in frontline combat.

11) No opinion on this.


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10) Last I heard was no motorcycle or bicycle units, right?

I think that it would be pretty difficult to model bicycle units realistically using the CM engine. The bicycle units fought from foot and the only occasion when they'd be on bikes would be a meeting-encounter type of scenario. The problem is that the distances between men are much larger when riding bicycle than when walking. Here in Finland the common practice was 50 meters between the point man and the second man and 30-50 meters between the rest of men. With a 8+1 men squad that is well over 250 meters, way too dispersed for CM.

BTW, in covered terrain the bicycle units are surprisingly resistant to ambushes. If the spacing is correct, the first fire gets at most one man. Then, all the rest men turn their bikes and ride a couple of dozen meters into forest before jumping off.

- Tommi

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Runyan99:

Questions and comments

2) Last I heard two-storey buildings were as tall as buildings were planned to be. Any change on this?


Ok Maybe I missed something but those enhancement pictures on cmhq show what looks like a three story building next to the church which is slightly taller although that may be from the perspective of the camera shot.

Teutonic Jr

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Guest Madmatt

The building s can LOOK really tall but the game only models two seperate heighth levels for buildings. Thats an important distinction. The grapics could show a 4 story building but the game will only allow a unit to be on either the lower level (maybe ground floor to 1st story) or Upper level (possibly 2nd/3rd story to highest floor). So if you put a sniper team into a Upper Level of a Church than go ahead and imagine that he is way up in the Bell Tower,and I might add where he is going to get wasted by every guy with a gun within range! But you will NOT see it onscreen as such.

Perhaps is CM2 they will add the individual floor destinction but it is not that big of an issue currently. Since you only see 3 figures to represent a squad anyway it makes sense to assume that when a unit is in a tall building and it says Upper Level, they may really be spread out on more than a single floor.

So short version:

2 levels of buildings ONLY, regardless of what the graphics show.



If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!


[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 02-11-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>8) How do you adjust a fire mission without cancelling the target and then designating a new one? I then have to wait 60-180 seconds for the new barrage. Am I doing something wrong?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Just target without canceling. If the new point is close to the old one, the response time is much shorter.

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Guest Madmatt

Another point about the buildings is that people keep talking about stores and floors. Nowhere in the game does it say ANYTHING about floor or story. It says Lower Level and Upper Level. If I has in a building that had 10 floors (I know Europeans consider the 1st floor the one ABOVE the ground floor right?) and I wanted to reference any floor way above me I might use the term Upper Level without neccesarily stating the exact floor. Alternatively I may be sitting on the 8th floor and consider anyone below me on floors 1-4 as the Lower Level. In fact where I work we have two Buildings called Tower North and Tower East (the twin towers of P&G for those in the Cincinnati Ohio area!) and we even refer to floors 1-5 as lower level and 6-16 as Upper level. Why is it not even? There are some elevators that only go as high as the 6th floor and another group which go from 6th-top floor so hence the odd division. Its all really subjective and the game has to abstract the floors somewhat for gamplay reasons. As it is having the two level system is easy, simple to use effectively and doesnt restrict ANY tactical choices the player may have.

Like I said, maybe they will make it more complex with CM2 to handle the closer internal building fighting in sieges such as Stalingrad but I can't say for sure. For now IMO the system works fine as is.



If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!


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