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You have finally, truely, prooven how big of a looser you are. You had to MAKE UP something to insult with, being as creative as the rest of the unusual brown substances floating in this pool. Let alone that what you wrote didn't even have substance and wasn't worth the peices still stuck to your ass, but it wasn't even FUNNY. It was pathetic, uncreative, and BORING. I never thought I'd be bored with a peng thread post, congratulations for prooving me wrong.

Now Croda on the other hand, he knows how to entertain. OF COURSE I'm up to the verbal abuse suffered by the worthless chronicly challenged beligerants of this worthless thread. If it means kicking a few asses here and there, I could not care LESS what sort of childish insults and crafty self-envy you attention seekers throw out!

Now, make up for your poor bruised little egos with more pathetic insults and taunts, for there is nothing more than that which you will ever be capable of offering! You want so desperately to be part of the 'group' don't you all? You need approval from others, and that is why you write in this godforsaken evil peng thread. It's all just smoke and mirrors to help you evade the fact that you couldn't beat Hiram with a JadgTiger Battalion.

Good day!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pillar:


Blah, Blah, Blah … my shorts are to tight, its cutting off circulation to my brain … Blah Blah …

Good day!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

My dear Pileous Pile of bleeding Piles,

Of course I made something up; your pathetic ramblings didn't warrant anything more strenuous. However, now that you have posted your cute little Attempt-a-taunt, I will take a few minutes out of my valuable time to respond to your longwinded, scatological blathering. BTW, your repeated Poo-Poo references in the absence of anything more substantial would do any kindergartner proud. But, since you made an attempt, regardless of how wanting, I will actually address you this one time:

Pillar you ignorant Groggy bastard,

You so lacking in dimension and character that you make a kiddie pool look deep. Your constant recitation of inane facts is of no use to you here in the pool. Your groggy memorization of the frontal armor thickness of a KingTiger and other useless information is one giant blur. In fact it is increasingly difficult to differentiate any of the lonely thoughts sprouting out of the grey matter leaking from your head as you slide quickly toward dementia. You are so feking one dimensional that you feel some compulsion to pollute the Schloss Peng with your presence as a crutch to step outside of the narrow confines of your groggyness. You sad sorry little troll. I hope all of your little nitpicky details fills up your swollen head, and cause your beady little rat eyes to shoot from your head like small hot BBs

I foresee your eventual end. As the combined mass of the armor penetration figures, scouting techniques and turret rotation statistics, as well as the rest of the fecal matter that takes the place of brains in your thick skull approaches astronomical proportions, a long and drawn out collapse will begin. Finally the combined weight of the **** accumulated in your head will cause a collapse below an event horizon, and you will be sucked into a dark place where you will be seen no more. The Cesspooligans will then build a massive shrine around the sucking hole that you have become, and will sacrifice to it the assorted dirt eaters that occasionally foul the pool waters. Since not even light will escape from the singularity of your collapsed crap, you will be doomed to spend an intellectually bereft eternity with the likes of Rob/1, USERNAME, and Master Bates.

Oh, and I almost forgot: you are now cordially invited to GET THE HELL OUT


This message brought to you by

Marlow's Salvage and Wrecking Service,

Proud Sponsor of The Cesspool

aka The 'Meeks currently exists as Polar Bear excrement' Memorial Thread

[This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 12-28-2000).]

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It seems Pillocks is lonely....... found this in the "tips and techniques" forum

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>If anyone is interested in discussion, I'd like a few email chat partners.Feel free to email me!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ahh the lonely heart is a sad and pathetic thing. And to think he chose to come to the 'pool like some 2 bit 42nd street peep show to satisfy those urges. I feel so cheap, dirty and used.


If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

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I'm certainly not of a mind to defend Pilloried at this point (newbie scum that he is), and this post should not be taken as evidence of such defense.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I feel so cheap, dirty and used.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> YOU'RE A LAWYER! YOU'RE USED TO IT!

Joe (yeah I edited it, wanna make something of it?)

[This message has been edited by Joe Shaw (edited 12-28-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I'm certainly not of a mind to defend Pilloried at this point (newbie scum that he is), and this post should not be taken as evidence of such defense.

I feel so cheap, dirty and used.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> YOU'RE A LAWYER! YOU'RE USED TO IT!

Joe (yeah I edited it, wanna make something of it?)

[This message has been edited by Joe Shaw (edited 12-28-2000).]

It seems that someone reminds JDHorseface that he's a lawyer about once a month. Is he suprised yet?

Hey Joe, where ya going with that spellchecker in your hand?


Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

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A number of months ago you ducked my challenge, pleading that your phelebitis and gout were acting up. Now, here, in front of the 'pool. Are ye man or gerbil/muskrat/'roo? You decide. Play or get out of Dodge........


If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

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Bah! Speedy has beaten mah fair an' square. Ah'll be surrenderin' next turrrn. He kin pronounce the results when thy're known. Ah am noo falled wi' a terrible rrresolve......

By tha way...Pillock, ya sad little thing....ye knoo gettin' tha drift, are ye? Firrrst thing....sod off. Second thing....af'n ye cannae taunt, sod off. Third thing, af'n ye taken any o' this seriously, sod off. Finally, sod off. Oh, an' sod off. Ya boring twat.

Hiram is usin' tha terrain tae good effect...Ah really want tae rip him a new one noo.

Nijis He's dyin' by tha numbers.

Stuka Also dyin' by the numbers, but not as cleanly as Nijis.

Bastables Are ye gwinnae send mah a setup, or noo?

Seanachai Ah'm keen tae see wha' happens in the next turn....maybe Ah'll get a file tanight!

Lorak Ah'm obviously off mah game, but Ah think everythin' will be alright....Ah've played aggressively an' noo it's tam tae sit back an' hold mah advantage.

Mace Early days, but Ah'm confident as always...

Pillock Sod off...


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Hiram you misbegotten little slime, I remember when you whined and begged your way into the 'pool with your nicey-nice and hand wringing ways so don't get uppity with me Kids these days ... young whippersnappers ... (sit down Blousehouse). And I'd be looking at my OWN posts for spelling and UBB errors before I criticize my betters were I you ... {shudder}, there's an ugly thought.

JD, what are ya gonna do ... file suit? But fine, I find that I have a bit more time on my hands now ... stand by one ... Ughhh, urhhhhh, ahhhhgggg ... there ... I now have one hand tied behind my back so it should be a fair fight ... Opps sorry, forgot I was talking to a lawyer. See a fair fight is one in which ... never mind, it would be like trying to explain black holes (in an astronomical sense) to the Spanish Inquisition NO ONE EXPECTS the Spanish ... STOP THAT!

Where was I ... right. How about a small to medium QB of your choice? Need I mention that I EXPECT NO ONE EXPECTS ... I SAID Stop that nonsense right now, it's silly. Anyway I will want a JPG of the setup screen so that you don't FORGET to mention that it's heavily wooded, dense fog with rain and you have all infantry while I get armor ... not that YOU'D do that of course.

In short ... HAVE AT YOU SIR!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pillar:

Like I'd come to the CESSPOOL for tactical discussion, don't flatter yourself.


Oh God! Now he's using smilies...have you noethics boy?

Oh and OGSF, I'm dying by the numbers am I? Why is it that someone (you) is crying for my arty to end? Hmm? ...*tap tap*...I'm still waiting......No answer hmm?.....Go comb your sporren you effeminet git!


Torture you? That...That's a good idea.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

Oh and Sir OGSF, I'm dying by the numbers am I? Why is it that someone (you) is crying for my arty to end? Hmm? ...*tap tap*...I'm still waiting......No answer hmm?.....Go comb your sporren you effeminet git!


Ah were just idly wonderin' cos tha noise upsets Colin. At's nuthin' tae me, ye understand. After all, it's not lak ye hittin' anythin' wi' it.


[This message has been edited by OGSF (edited 12-28-2000).]

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OK, I'll hang my dirty linen out as well!

Slow Bore

has, I believe, run out of AFVs and Half Tracks, and is tucked in very nicely in one corner of the map...this gives my still untouched panzer troopen with very little to shoot at. I would amuse myself by running over his remaining infantry with my AFVs, but those chunky bits are so ...hard... to remove from the tracks afterwards.


keeps trying to turn my flanks, and has had the audacity once to try and storm the one and only VL with a platoon of his *chortle* best. Given that it's nightime, this is a very brave thing to do, and I appreciate the thought as the Americans were wanting for the lack of something to hang from the Chrissy Tree. Yep, German dead make fine ornaments.


Too early to call...but running over this white stuff while going "oi", "oi" or "ou est le bureau de poste?" fills me with some dread. I would gladly welcome some of Munchy's favorite Rickets <tm> to rid me of this monkey on my back!

Jaded Horse

It is a joy to see so many immobilised or even destroyed King Tigers. It is not so joyful to realise it took the decimation of some 50 Chaffees to do that! Curse you, Rune, and curse you JDMorse for not driving the King Tigers through those marshy areas!


Looks like a draw, people. I've knocked out all his AFVs and my one remaining Jagdpanzer is going hither and yon trying to put out fires. He is firmly entrenched at one VL, me at another, and both of us without the resources to gain control of the other. Well, I'll amuse myself by trying to blow up those annoying brengun carriers of his.


A lovely little fight over two pubs in a lovely little village. Spudy's grabbed the two bars and I hope is setting up the drinks for we Germans when we arrive.


Another early call here, but the great scottish haggis keeps mentioning doom & gloom. This is understandable because it's a very cold wind that blows in the Scottish highlands, and certain parts of his extremities are now cowering somewhere up in his abdomen to escape the cold. That would make anyone grumpy, especially if you wear a dress.

btw, I loathe you all...But Piller I particularly hate.


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After all, it's not lak ye hittin' anythin' wi' it.


Perhaps I'm not hitting anything but with this new expolsion graphic, it sure looks purdy....

As for Macey gray, I'm afraid it's all true, I've probed both flanks and assaulted his center, all that remains to try is his rear and I'm not that sort of boy so its 'thinking caps on' now for this little black duck.

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Holy fecking cesspool, what a mess, as usual, I've stumbled on in here.

Firstly, let me say my defeat at the hands of jdmorsel was complete and I was obviously overcome by his lawerly knowledge of cheating that he's accumulated here in the CM world. Had the gamey bastidge not cheated, I could have won easily.

There. Now that that's over with, on with the post.

Due to current ass kickings by my esteemed, non cesspool opponents (that's why they are esteemed as none of you in here are) in the RD tournament, I will be free for some games. I haven't seen Croda nor PeterNzer around whom I both had run ins a few pages back and wanted to play.

So, it's time that Tom's Combat Wombats find themselves some fresh meat. My former dealings here in the pool are limited to morse the cheating bastard (1-1), Joe Flaw the whiner(2-0), chuppy the foreigner(1-0) and that fecking flameboy Berli(0-1). By the way, it's been a while for me to mention that Berli is a pecker. Wow, I'm really beginning to feel better now. I knew this place was good for something.

SETUP! I must have SETUP!! Your all no good, sniveling, whining, whore mongers. You must be crushed by the forces of good (that's me) so this cesspoolian world is safe from the forces of evil (that's you).

Oh, and by the way, I happen to be a TCP/IP virgin too. So, if you want to go that route, I'm sure I could setup a time to utterly crush you at a rapid rate versus a slower PBEM rate. Unfortunately for you, I'm also utterly stupid, and don't know how to set one of those up, so you will have to host as it would take me until Cesspool VII, Peng Changes His Underwear, to find my IP address.

So, with that said, I'm off, the pool may now carry on as my speaking here is done.

GI Tom


To a New Yorker like you, a hero is some type of weird sandwich.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

Oh and Macey, guess who's going home early again today?

hehe, life is just too easy sometimes......<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I'm still at my post - the blood of a fine, conscientious, upstanding public servant flowing through my veins!

Of course this is mainly because my next train home doesn't go until 3.30pm, otherwise I would have left at 12 noon! biggrin.gif

Crappy new years to you's all!!!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I'm still at my post - the blood of a fine, conscientious, upstanding public servant flowing through my veins!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Damnit Mace, WHEN will you stop the vampirism ... all right, which one of your co-workers did you ambush and drain THIS time?


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Have you still failed to understand the power you are dealing with in the LORAK ?!

Don't you think it is odd that every time you try to slander me, a foot of snow falls on your home?

Damn it I am king of the elves! Now if you keep this up I will be forced to grab my drum and perform another pagan dance. Now I can keep this up all winter.... and if you aren't careful you may literaly find your living hell froze over. You filthy sasenach twit.

Lorak the loathed

Omnipresent authority figure


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


[This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 12-28-2000).]

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Rune asked me the test his evil "Highway to Hell", this in direct battle with him!

I won!

Well, what did you expect? "Highway to hell" was a fine Aussie song, done by a fine Aussie band (AC/DC), fronted by a fine Aussie singer (Bon Scott), with an excellent HM guitarist (Angus Young)!

I mean, come on! It was kismet that an Aussie should win this!

Lorak, please record on that etch-a-sketch of yours:

Mace 1 win

Rune 1 loss


[This message has been edited by Mace (edited 12-29-2000).]

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The wind chill is a modest -30 today, so it should be a pleasant hour's walk to work. With every crunchy footstep I shall revel in your topplements, past and future.

Mace Slogging it out point blank. Too many Cromwells and Pz IVs are aflame to make much sense of it. Fortunately the jabos haven't been responsible for any blue on blue incidents to date.

Herr Oberst The degree to which he sucks has not yet become apparent. His men are hidden so deep in the woods, only squirrels and elf-kings can see them. This game moves so slow, I have to devise a new plan every turn, having forgotten the last one.

David Aitken Foolishly, under the impression that BTS had remembered "everything", I purchased no mortars for this one, knowing quite well they don't work properly in the rain. David, conversely, took advantage of a blue light special in aisle five and purchased a family pack of the blasted things. (primal shrug) -- Sometimes ya count the meat, and sometimes the meat counts you...

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