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BTS must take all the Blame

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from Killmore

I have to ask, what possible reason did you have to post that topic. If you have a beef with BTS why didn't you e-mail them directly, rather than using this forum to vent?

Good point! I should have done just that. But I'm holding email till Friday, and like a fool, complained on the board. Oh well, next time...

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Guest Big Time Software

Thanks Garry,

As I said above, the faster shipping option wouldn't have solved the delay problem. In fact, the more I think about it, it would have caused a whole host of really bad problems for us.

Imagine paying $20 or so for an overnight shipment (that is roughly what it would have cost). The shipping delays meant that your order wasn't processed until Day 4. That means you would have received your extra expensive game on Day 5, roughly 3 days after many other folks who only paid $8 for S&H. Would you be upset and demand money back? Yup, and I would actually agree with your logic to a large degree. The only way around this would be to have all overnight shipments go out on the first day. Fine except that means someone placing their order the day before we shipped, overnight option, would have received it on the same day as yours and days ahead of someone else who had placed an order a year ago. Now we would have those people complaining about people "buying favortisim".

Like I said, we really can't win with this one. The only possible way things could have come out better is if our shipping folks managed to get all out the door when they originally thought they would. But that didn't happen and, although not happy with the reality of it, I know the details and can't really yell at them too much (I did a little though smile.gif).


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That's okay Kump. I posted a lengthy reply to BTS about setting expectations, then upon reading the flamewar that erupted, I chickened out and deleted it smile.gif THEN BTS posts a reply that refers to my deleted post.

I think I'll go home and do a Capt. Minieri (or however he spells his name) ... though I won't be driving. I sure wish Shogun was as exciting as CM will be, I need something to do tonight.

Joe (the cowardly lion) Shaw

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Thanks Steve,

On reading your explanation, I realized more delivery options just may have caused more problems. It convinced me the error of my ways.

Now I just got to go find some water to put out some of my smoldering clothes...

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Don't feel to bad Joe, I started writing my post when there were only 4 posts in this thread. After a phone call, I submitted my post only to see that I was now at the bottom of the page and my content was outdated (Outminuted in this case).



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Steve I hope it felt GOOD when you yelled that the fullfillment house...

I've dealt with an organization like this in Toronto when we sold Archival Image Collection CD's (Nice Ten Volume) via mail order.

They never fullifilled their promises and they were a pain to deal with.

We used S & P Data (i'm sure you used some other kind of fullfillment place) and because they were so useless at getting our orders out we refered to them as "Stunned and Perplexed" Data because they never had any straight answers for us. (Go ahead, they can sue me now for defamation of character if they can find me smile.gif )

I do really appreciate your situation.

I'm glad everything is running smoothly now though.

thanks for the daily updates they do mean alot to all of us.

-tom w


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> "Have you thanked BTS by buying your SECOND copy of CM yet?" <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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It's good to see you calmed down and came around, but there is one more thing you need to do to set things right again.

Edit your post and take out the negative things. Maybe you can start it off with "BTS must take all the blame...for making me lose sleep over such a great game" or whatever, you think it up.

My point is right now there are dozens of new CM fans opening up this site and we (the CM sales force) need to make sure they don't get the wrong impression. Afterall they are going to be the deciding factor in whether we all see CM2,3, or CM4. And you do want to see those games, don't you?


The dead know only one thing - it is better to be alive

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That's a great idea Kingfish..

very nicely put

It wouldbe nice to be able to edit the title of that Thread...

can the user edit the title of their thread?

I don't think so, maybe with Kumps permission Steve could edit it to something more user (new user smile.gif ) friendly.?

-tom w


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> "Have you thanked BTS by buying your SECOND copy of CM yet?" <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kingfish:

Edit your post and take out the negative things. Maybe you can start it off with "BTS must take all the blame...for making me lose sleep over such a great game" or whatever, you think it up.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hehehe - rewriting history! Great, let's have a discussion on the fleeting nature of the internet. As you can tell, I am bored and have not got the game yet.



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Well, I would like to change the initial text, but then no one will understand why people started flaming? It would make those jumping in look unjustified. Wouldn't that be unfair for me to do?

I would love to change the topic title!!! That would please me. But how does one do that? I would not mind if a moderator would change it, or even better yet, just delete the entire thread. I've tried deleting, but it refuses.

My blessing to any changes or deletion of this topic from this board.


Garry Kump

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Although I am also frustrated that I have not received the game, I don't really blame BTS, the fulfillment company, or the USPS. Sh_t happens, and sometimes we just have to learn to deal with it.

Hopefully, my recent posts about not getting the game have contained at least a modicum of humor, demonstrating that while I am frustrated and dissappointed that others (lucky bastards) are playing what I KNOW is probably the best war/strategy game of all time (thanks again BTS), I am not really angry--YET! wink.gif


Pfalz_XII, sitting on a veritable powder-keg of frustration and self-pity. HEY! Watch that match!

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Well Gary I would not worry too much about that..

some of us who jumped (I did too) have retracted our posts. see retracted post

I think Most folks here would be happy to undo as much as we can in the interest of selling more games (and we are ALL very interested in selling more CM CD's).

Just a thought....

-tom w

Warning read quickly this post and this thread is set to retract in the next 30 secs smile.gif


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> "Have you thanked BTS by buying your SECOND copy of CM yet?" <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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Actually as a newcomer jumping into the flames (so to speak), threads like this is not a turn off. I've been in the software industry for many years, even ran a computer game company for a couple of years. With so many complexities in developing and distributing software products, a lot can go wrong. When you have more things go right than wrong, that is a very, very good thing.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Steve Clark:

I'm wondering how many would be willing to pay $20 extra for shipping and handling for FexEx? That is a typical alternative shipping method and cost, provided they can get timely pick ups.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I would. But then I always try to order everything with FedEx as the courier if possible.

I'm not complaining mind you, I'll get the game when it shows up and that's fine with me. But some of the USPS folks in my town seem to be unconcerned with how they 'stuff' my mail in the mail box and I've had more than one item damaged because of their carelesness. (Or they leave it on my unprotected doorstep and it either gets stolen, rained or snowed on!)

But I figure as long as it shows up undamaged, that's fine with me.

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