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exit light, enter night (time warfare)

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Just another of my little thoughts but don't you think you can see too far at night. I don't mean LOS but you can see objects 1000's of metres away. I think it would be cool if BTS added a fog style effect to night where everything fades into darkness. It wouldn't be hard to code, just make the fog black and then make that appear every time night falls. Fighting in in fog and at night would be pretty scary stuff, sounds comign out of nowhere etc. Buildings and soldiers would appear out of the shadows making the game that bit more realistic. What do ya think?


What signal? I see no signal!

Horatio Nelson (Rear Admiral, Royal Navy)

Battle of Copenhagen (1801)

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Guest Mirage2k

Take my hand... smile.gif

I think this would be good if it were possible to switch between "super-fog" and the current model. IIRC, fog and darkness are modeled accurately with respect to LOS and spotting, but the visuals are toned down. The problem with your suggestion is that it opens up the possibility for situations where a unit sees something, but the player did not due to the effects of "super-fog." Which, I think, is kind of a cheap trick to play on the player, because he should see exactly what his units are able to report.



"No, it's not that kind of relationship. We're just friends. We are together all the time, but I never touch her porcelain skin, her soft, red lips, like rose petals from the emperor's bathwater! Bathwater, I tell you, bathwateeeeeeer!"

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Splinty:

We're off to never,never land.

It would be cool if burning buildings and vehicles would light the area around them.


Come on Splinty, it would not be difficult to add a night effect similar to fog, dont get pedantic. Its not beyond comprehension, fanciful or anything.

On your comment Mirage, It would also be easy to code a night time fade that fades with LOS. Obviously you wouldn't design it to be so overwhelming that it prohibits you seeing your units maximum line of sight.

If anyone agrees this might be a good idea make yourselves known please.

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I agree with the idea, Lordfluffers. I would also add a sunset effect where it would start out light but end up dark by the end of the game played.


An another thing...Ah've go' ten gams on at the moment, boot Ah've sain more mooves out o' a geriatric Japanese peasant lassie! If'n mah opponent's nae climbin' Ben Everest, they're gaddin' aboot some tank museum in Moscow! Yoo that are laift, send mae a bloody turrrn, ye cowerring swine! - OGSF

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Guest Lord General MB


I would like to see 3 things changed. 1) I would love to have the option of having dust (kinda like fog). This would make a nice effect on the battle field. 2) Deep wheat fields (Just like bocage.... execpt covering more space). 3) Rain starting and stopping, the same for snow (it's raining, then after a few turns the rain stops. A little later it starts again.... that kind of thing).



Lord General Mr. Bill

Supreme Commander

1st Army

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lord General MB:


I would like to see 3 things changed.

3) Rain starting and stopping, the same for snow (it's raining, then after a few turns the rain stops. A little later it starts again.... that kind of thing).


Ahh, another Lord. Anyway doesn't it do that, rain does start and stop or am I thinking of something else... oh yes... Shogun Total War... sorry, good game BTW.

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Guest captain,ro

ive played lots of nighttime games. sometimes i can see185M sometimes its 245M and sometimes its 50M and you cant see anything till its ontop of you. if you want to see fog at nite, set it that way when you start the game. i find that useing the random setting of the time and weather that you never know what your going to get. ok just my .02 worth

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Guest Lord General MB


Get back in line private!

I have a war to run...



Lord General Mr. Bill

Supreme Commander

1st Army

[This message has been edited by Lord General MB (edited 11-25-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by captain,ro:

ive played lots of nighttime games. sometimes i can see185M sometimes its 245M and sometimes its 50M and you cant see anything till its ontop of you. if you want to see fog at nite, set it that way when you start the game. i find that useing the random setting of the time and weather that you never know what your going to get. ok just my .02 worth<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Cpt Ro you're missing the point, I'm not talking about changing the game engine, just the appearance, nor am I asking for fog all the time, just a visual effect of making everything fade into darkness. Understand??

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Guest captain,ro

lordfluffers let me get this straight, you dont want to see past LOS on the map, or you just want to be able to hit a switch for when you do and dont want to see everything.

you could do this with just using level 2 all the time. but then if you could not see past LOS how would you be able to spot sound contacs if the rest of the map was not there?

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I agree with Lord MB. I too would like to see the wheat fashioned like Bocage , with depth, short in height yet wide as the tile. I think this would look great when troops are moving through it.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by captain,ro:

lordfluffers let me get this straight, you dont want to see past LOS on the map, or you just want to be able to hit a switch for when you do and dont want to see everything.

you could do this with just using level 2 all the time. but then if you could not see past LOS how would you be able to spot sound contacs if the rest of the map was not there?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Cpt Ro, its really not that hard. Code in at night an effect like fog that works very similar to fog. It doesn't affect the game engine you can still see just as far etc., you can still get sound contacts etc. Think of the fog effect but black and at night. You can turn weater options off if you dont like it. I just think that it would make night more convincing if things faded into the darkness instead of being able to see for miles and then having units come out of seemingly nowhere. normal fog isn't that inhibiting anyway for the player, and I dont mean a heavy effect, just a light fade into darkness.

Besides most sound contacts you will hear in limited visibility are from tanks which are very close by.

Let me reiterate by saying that this would be a cool visual addition, making night more convincing. It would Not interfere with the game engine.

[This message has been edited by Lordfluffers (edited 11-26-2000).]

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lordfluffers:

Nobody else have an opinion?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

If you want to play that realistic, just play camera level 1 (and maybe 2) and just circle through units using +/- all the time. So-called 'Ironman' mode. Voila, no seeing beyond anyone's LOS. Otherwise what you want is a 'realistic' feeling in a view that is in itself highly unrealistic, IMO.

Wheat and dynamic lighting and flares have been discussed at length. I believe that most of it came down to the 4MB graphics memory and processor speed minimum level requirements placed on the engine during development. If you want to know more, I suggest doing a search, I am certain that there are official BTS answers in the relevant threads.



<a href="http://www.geocities.com/greg_mudry/sturm.html">Der Kessel</a >

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

[This message has been edited by Germanboy (edited 11-27-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lordfluffers:

Nobody else have an opinion?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

ya.. but its not worth saying in fear of getting flamed. frown.gif ok.. I'll say it anyhow..

Night flares! you know those beautiful 500,000 candle power flares that light up the field of battle.. come to think of it did they have tripflares in WWII?? those would be funny.. at night.. and then *pffsssshhh* a section of the forest lights up exposing maybe troops hehe..

whats up with those infrared lamps the Germans used durring the war.. I know some arguments from the players will say.. they didn't build enough and were rare.. yes I know but so were some tanks..like King Tigers, they had them but because of mechanical problems and fuel problems most sat or were abandoned by the crew.. still does not stop some one to buy two or three in a armour battle QB.


Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

If you want to play that realistic, just play camera level 1 (and maybe 2) and just circle through units using +/- all the time. So-called 'Ironman' mode. Voila, no seeing beyond anyone's LOS. Otherwise what you want is a 'realistic' feeling in a view that is in itself highly unrealistic, IMO.


Gernamnboy, even at camera level 1 + 2 you can still see detail, trees, buildings 100's of metres away etc. across the whole of the battlefield and then units 'appear' in front of you, in reality, a lot of detail would be lost in the darkness, all Im suggesting is to create a fog like effect to mimic this. An effect to make it more 'night-timey' when fighting at night. It wouldn't be that heavy on graphics as fog isn't (I presume), and if it was you could take it off with the weather options 'Shift-W.

It would'nt be hard to recode the fog appearance to be black instead of gray and always appears with night.

What's your opinion BTS?

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Well, I can't answer for Charles and Steve and crew, but I can tell you this was discussed before the game was released. There is NO way this can be a patch, as this is a lot of coding to do. Charles and I discussed T&L, which is what would be required. Will he do it for CM2? Don't know...once tcp/ip is finished, then work on CM2 is supposed to start. Kind of hard to guess on something that hasn't even beet started to be coded.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by rune:

Well, I can't answer for Charles and Steve and crew, but I can tell you this was discussed before the game was released. There is NO way this can be a patch, as this is a lot of coding to do. Charles and I discussed T&L, which is what would be required. Will he do it for CM2? Don't know...once tcp/ip is finished, then work on CM2 is supposed to start. Kind of hard to guess on something that hasn't even beet started to be coded.


Rune are you sure? It seems more a cut and paste kinda coding, simply take fog, make pixels black, and then code for that to occur whens its night. I don't know if thats right because I cant code but that's how I'd imagine it would be done.

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I'd like to second Splinty: please add dynamic lighting for fire, explosions, weapons fire, and headlights in CM2. It would greatly enhance the visual realism and immersion.


Hope you got your things together,

Hope you are quite prepared to die. --CCR

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For everyone who forgot since the last time BTS said it: It is not easy to patch CM. It is also not easy to change the graphics beyond the .bmp's that mod makers are already tinkering with.

That said I hope they add flares to CM 2. They would be infinitely useful in night time conflicts. I'd also like to see a general upgrade on the graphics. Nothing too out there but some more detailed fire effects etc. would be nice.

As for the original suggestion, it sounds like you want a Warcraft/Starcraft uncovering the terrain type effect? I can't figure out exactly what you want coded. Thicker fog so that units appear indistinct? You could just turn the bright and contrast way down on your monitor. That'll give you about the effect you're looking for.

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