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PBEM Game Length

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Hey all,

I'm new to the board, so "hello". I've recently started playing PBEM and I had a question for the old timers about game length.

A game I'm involved in right now (no, this isn't a dig erazor!) is set to 50 turns for an Attack QB. This struck me as severely favoring the attacker (who already has more points). So it got me thinking about the average length of time/size of game ratio.

Is there a "standard" for game length/size (10 turns per 1000 points) or something similar to use as a rule of thumb for QBs? I ask because I would like to avoid any accusations of gamesmanship that are unfounded. I like to think of myself as the direct opposite of a "gamey" player, but my experience in this area is lacking.

If there is some sort of formula, are there adjustments to make for the type of game (Attack, Meeting Engagement, etc.)? Is adding weather and ground condiditions considered gamey in QBs? I could see things like Damp favoring the defender in an attack, whereas Clear and Dry seems to favor the attacker.

I did search the archives on this subject but didn't turn up anything particularly relevant.

And as a final note I would like to congratulate BTS on an excellent game (I've brought 3 friends into the fold already when they saw me playing!).

Thanks for any insights or advice.



"We're in business, definitely!"

Mike, Saving Private Ryan

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You're right that more time favors the attacker. Ten turns is barely enough time to move to contact, though, regardless of force size, unless you're just charging pell-mell for the enemy. Bad weather probably helps the defender, at least insofar as damp or wet ground restricts mobility. Poor visibility could help the attacker more, depending. Type of force also plays a large role - I'm developing the opinion that taking a combined-arms force on the defense is a mug's game. An infantry-type force is probably a much better bet. I don't think there are any good rules of thumb for what makes a balanced QB (not yet, anyway).


Leland J. Tankersley

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I've never heard of a set-in-stone length that QBs must be. Most of my PBEMs are between 1000-2000 pts, and 30 turns is a pretty good length, I've found. Bigger maps are probably going to call for more time, but it's really up to you. For an attack against a well dug-in enemy, 50 turns may well be what it takes.

Before I chatter on - your gut feeling is probably right. If you think a parameter severely favors one side over the other, say something. Unless you *want* one side to have the advantage, which can be fun in its own way...


Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.

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IMHO, I think that an attack or assault against an established defence would take some time, and I think 50 turns is justified for larger battles.

However, a randomly generated length of turn may be fun (as long as the duration is somehow tied to number of points available).

General: 'See that bridge'

Commander:'The one with mines, well entrenched infantry, and bristling with 88mm A/T'?

General: That's the one! Clear it in 15 minutes!

Commander: 'Ulp'!


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We are in a 2000 point battle, so 50 turns just seems to give the attacker excessive time to overwhelm the defenders at leisure.

The other issue is that you never know what your map will look like. I've yet to see a QB with a river in it. I am only talking about QBs here, and I can definitely see having very long games in set scenarios, such as taking a bridge.

What about the size of the map? Do most of you use small, medium, etc...

Once again, thanks for any insights.



"We're in business, definitely!"

Mike, Saving Private Ryan

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