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The Cesspool

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Originally posted in other Peng wannabe threads:

Just got the news...

The Horror, The horror!

'Just this morning, they let me know you were gone,

Cesspool the post chrisl made put a end to you.

I logged in this morning, and I thought up a taunt,

I just can't remember who to send it to...

Oh, I've seen Peng, and I've seen Meeks.

Seen tons of taunts, been reading them for weeks.

I've read taunts from men when the future of their game was bleak...

But the Cesspool now's nothing more than a Cess-creek.'

Let us restart the pool with lovely name-calling, beautiful references to obscure works of literature, jokes about how French people actually get cleaner by bathing in cess-water, and public exposure of Meeks' sister's Topplements. A grand party worthy of Bilbo Baggins eleventy-first birthday!



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Don't check the board for a few days and what happens? Somebody kills the pool. Well, I for one am glad. It was out of control and had grown to a size just slightly smaller than Berlickedabigone's massive ego. That being said, a few moments of silence.................and now for

The Cesspool 2-Revenge of the Turds (the sequel)

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What's going on, I get busy with work for a few days, I come back and my home is gone!! I feel so lost, like I've lost my anchor in this sea of niceness. I may be forced to wander the threads, randomly hurling taunts and insults. I tried to visit the archived file, to see what triggered the death of the thread, but all I got was an error message, so I guess I'll never know what flushed out the pool.

However, this new thread is growing quit nicely, and the stench is starting to build again. I like it, I think I will pitch my tent here for a while.

Silly moderators, you cannot kill the cesspool, just temporarily displace it, then it just finds another crevass to collect in.

Long live the cesspool!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

You killed it?! You little wank, it died in my arms!


Bah-- you got the newborn little puddle of a cesspool. I put in the last post, and had just pressed "submit" on another post when it came up with the now infamous "1:51" when it returned me to the thread. I dealt the deathblows, but the post that killed it is in fact missing. You, Seen-a-choo-choo, merely attended it's rebirth, the way you spawned it initially.

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So Seanachai managed to cart ol’ Peng out, and, lo and behold, Peng supports Seanachai’s claim that the other thread is the True Peng Thread. Well, I agree. But I tell you now, that thread is not the Cesspool and I will never again post to it, nay, it may have approval of the elders but it is not the Cesspool. Read some of the posts in there, in between Seanachai saying, “Everyone calm down,” and Peng, mumbling like Don Corleone in Godfather III, telling everyone to put it to rest and let him get some sleep, you can’t stay awake over there. For god’s sake, they’ve got Shaw, have you ever met a more boring person? The man’s idea of fun is to hunt for Mormon wives and play badminton.

I don’t besmirch them their little Peng Thread, it is a nice place if you like watered down beer along with your insults but I will stay here, in the Pool, where men try to find new ways to cut off the naughty bits of others and make deviled eggs out of them. I will stay here in the fetor, where no moray is safe and aardvarks are feared.

So where stand ye, men of the Old Cesspool? Are ye men? Lustful and angry! Or are ye mormon wives? Tired, pathetic and totally devoid of wit?


Barad-Dur, the Dark Tower, which suffered no rival, and laughed at flattery, biding its time, secure in its pride and its immeasurable strength.

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I want nothing to do with your incestuous Brotherhood and I renounce it myself! Gone, Chup, gone are the days of the Illuminati and the self-serving Elders!!!


Barad-Dur, the Dark Tower, which suffered no rival, and laughed at flattery, biding its time, secure in its pride and its immeasurable strength.

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Hamsters/Meeks(!) you are all very silly. There is no Cesspool anymore. It is gone. It can never come back. Fool. Now stop this moronical, infantile tantrum and get thee to the thread with my name - MY NAME - in it, where you are appreciated for your complete lack of morals, scruples, impulse control or empathy for other beings. There can be only one thread for the likes of us, and this, my little furry things, is not it.

Let this serve as the last attempt at bringing all of you Hamsters/Meeks(!) back into the fold. There will be no more efforts made, no niceties. Come with me now or you will be flogged, flayed, filletted, fouled, pharted upon and other unspeakably painful things with malice aforethought and great pointy sharp annoying utensils. Last Chance you rotten vile horrid rodents with your munchy bits of lettuce and your beady little black hollow eyes that stare blankly at me...stop now! close them CLOSE YOUR EYES DAMN YOU!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng in The Peng Thread:

Well, after rubbing my two functioning neurons together for several seconds this morning I can think of no reason why there should be another Peng Thread. In reading some of the post mortem comments of 'pool denizens one stood out in particular, in that the original cesspool was of a spontaneous nature. To try to force it into being again would be similar to putting your old dead cat in the pet cemetary in hopes of it rising again. Yeah the flesh and bone are reanimated, but it acts a bit cross and not like its old self. Its just not the same.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

First of all, I am the one which Peng qoutes. Let's give credit where credit is due.

Second, there are a few of the Old Guard that are going against their nature staying in the Peng Thread. I call them out!

OGSF - You crazy bastard, this is your home and you know it. And bring back my ass!

Croda - How, praytell, will you get along with a bunch of senior citizens and their prescription drugs? I know the truth and the truth is, you also are a crazy bastard.

PawBroom - Seanachai and I will have a tug of war over this one but, dammit, he's French, and the French are a hard-smoking, hard-drinking, hard-smelling people. They have no place among Mormon househusbands like Shaw.

Berlichtengin - Oh, he'll probably choose the Peng Thread but his heart will tell him that you cannot perform pure evil in Munchkinland. After the house falls on him, he'll come over here.

Peng Himself - The most insane, rambling and incoherent of them all! What does he have in common with that windbag Seanachai? They aren't even in the same phylum!!!

Lorak - Come on man, how can you have knights and glory with a bunch of toothless old biddies?

There are more but I leave it for them to confront their own black hearts.


Barad-Dur, the Dark Tower, which suffered no rival, and laughed at flattery, biding its time, secure in its pride and its immeasurable strength.

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This is the Heretical thread, I knew it all along. I'm just waiting for a crazed German to nail something to a door declaring open season on hamster anuses or something, bah! you're all evil! You're evil in the same way late pizza delivery boys are evil, shaken cans of beer are evil and socks that don't quite fit well are evil!

Heretics shall be punished, burned, beaten, sold for cheap suits and cheaper women. Return to the One True Peng thread or face His firey wrath (with an O sound), yea, verily did peng smiteth and kicketh the booty of the Heretics, saying unto them "Now you die".



[This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 10-12-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jdmorse:

Ahem, Hiram I believe a turn, or even a response to my soliticitious inquiry would be an appropriately polite gesture


JPMorgan, I am Politeness Personified. I checked my email for said inquiry and saw nothing. I did send an email explaining that I am incapable of sending turns during the week for my various excuses. I also explained that I will end our battle with a surrender on my part if need be. If that offended you, please let me know so I can send an email that grovels even more. I'm wasting entirely too much time posting when I should be working, so let me close by saying thank you, and have a nice day.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hamsters:

First of all, I am the one which Peng qoutes. Let's give credit where credit is due.


And yet, Hamsters/Meeks(!), here you all are trying to force another Peng Thread without even My NAME in the Title where it belongs. You call this spontineity? HOGWASH! This is a patent heretical attempt to lead the vile and low away from the one true path to Hell. Well, MrCedarShavings, It ain't gonna work. I am going back to the other thread to invoke "Blood Hamster" on all who continue to post here.

Peng - The One, the Only, the Original

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:

And yet, Hamsters/Meeks(!), here you all are trying to force another Peng Thread without even My NAME in the Title where it belongs. You call this spontineity? HOGWASH! This is a patent heretical attempt to lead the vile and low away from the one true path to Hell. Well, MrCedarShavings, It ain't gonna work. I am going back to the other thread to invoke "Blood Hamster" on all who continue to post here.

Peng - The One, the Only, the Original<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Bah, Peng, your sorcerous ways don't frighten me. Your time is past, old man, and you have come to late! Look to the future and weep, for your dessicated corpse shall hang from your own gibbet. Your blood hamster only worked in the Old Pool because of the powers of your conviction but even now you doubt and as your skin gains the pallor of death ours gains the rosy complexion of young life. I will feast upon your cochels!!!


Barad-Dur, the Dark Tower, which suffered no rival, and laughed at flattery, biding its time, secure in its pride and its immeasurable strength.

[This message has been edited by Hamsters (edited 10-12-2000).]

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We owe you an apology really Meeks.

For all that brick bashing had taken its toll and you are clearly a victim.

You are now under the delusion that you are someone else which would then automatically makes you important.

But you're still our lowly Geeks.

Why should we care then?

Every one needs to go through the Freudian process of killing once father.

Go on Napster, you moronic eater of the deads.

Take a sweep at your idols and bath in the searchlight of your rebellious atitude.

But rest assured that you are ultimately flawed for you are still one of us and that rejection of yours is far more entertaining than it is anoying.

You are even failing that...


Your sister would never have done something like that.


Will you trade your Peng for a box of Seanachai?

[This message has been edited by PawBroon (edited 10-12-2000).]

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Oyez, Oyez, Oyez

Gather ye all and hear the pronouncement of The One The True Cesspool upon the fate of the heretic and splitter known as Hamster, a.k.a. Meeks, a.k.a. Geeks. Hear and tremble for the judgement of the True Knights of The One The True Cesspool, the Original and the New and Improved Peng Thread is as follows:

Upon the head (or whatever the body part sticking up above his shoulders actually IS) of the foul traitor, heretic and splitter has been called down Jihad! and Blood Hamster. Upon the head of the squeaking little sycophant Hiram is called down ... nothing, he is beneath our contempt.

The True Knights of The One The True Cesspool have spoken. Let the warning to any others who would besmirch the name of The One The True Cesspool go forth with this ruling ... hear us ... and tremble.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Blah Blah Blah


Hey Joe, where ya going with that gun in your hand? hehe Joe, you are welcome to plant kisses on my furry hindquarters. In fact, beat the Christmas rush, do it now. On the long list of people who can kiss my hirsute heiney, you may find your name.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dittohead:

Just wanted to post here before this thread dies out. {Smiley Killed)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Don't worry about the Cesspool being surpassed by the Peng Thread, if you read it carefully it consists of the same three twits posting short and stupid replies back and forth to each other. I understand they're lobbying to change the name from The Peng Thread to The Peng Tea Party. If you look closely at any of the waning periods of the Old Pool, you'll notice posting habits exactly like those. It is quality, sir, with a dash of insanity and a pinch of bloodthirsty singlemindedness, that you must look for in your posts, not, as the Mormon Househusband thinks, quantity of posts nor, as King Windbag thinks, the quantity of words in a post.


Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less.

-David Edelstein

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-sniff sniff-

just comparing scents...

so how many people are on this side of the ball? 2? hmmm....who's to taunt? Let's stop the charade and get everyone together in the same pool like we had before. Kumbaya my lord, Kumbaya. The insanity of 2 cesspools is beyond me. Cesspoolnarock was hard on everyone, but if we all keep our cool, we can show topplement to this ordeal.

now the reason that the other thread doesn't stink enough, is that there is one large hamster who typically orally defecates in the water, who hasn't appeared yet. If we can add that, we may be in business and have all of our topplements in order. The rest of the forum is chuckling and guffawing at our lack of cess-cohesion. 2 threads? Do you recall "Croda, you little sissyboy?" How we all disbanded that wonderful taunting thread for the legitimate cesspool? Should we change now and go with a 2 thread system? I think not. Let us choose a thread, and let the majority rule and get along with our lives.

I vote a 24-hour window with closed windows. Whichever thread has the worst stench by this time tomorrow, becomes home. So let us muddy the waters with the bile and gall of our posts, and the venom dripping from out tongues, and may only the stankest survive.



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Gee Croda. You sure like hopping the fence. Which one did you pick? You can tell me, just whisper it in my ear. Just a little closer. Come on boy, I won't hurt ya (much) I've got a snack for ya.


Did someone compare this to the Peng thread? I've apologized for less.


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Hiram, Hiram, Hiram.

Meeks I can understand. After all, Meeks is just plain bat**** hopping crazy. But you had such promise! You were such a subservient little squire, it warmed the heart.

You used to be beautiful, man.

Make your choice carefully, lad. The Time of Forgiveness is short. After the Time of Forgiveness will be the Time of RED HOT GODDAMN POKERS ON YOUR DANGLY BITS!!!! AAAAAARGH!!!!!

I adjure you, cast aside this false god, this Meeks. Come into the light, my child. Repent, and all is forgiven. Remain aloof, and it's the pokers on the bits. Your decision.


Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.

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